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4935974 No.4935974 [Reply] [Original]

Publica (PBL)

Current market cap: $2.25 million

Publica aims to bring the publishing economy into the blockchain revolution. Publica's platform will host book crowdfunding, online marketplaces (e-commerce), apps, e-readers and writers doing double-duty as digital wallets.

The team working on this project is truly top-notch and their focus is on development. They are very transparent and actively engaging with community, giving good feedback and listening for suggestions.

Publica plans on releasing of MVP in coming two weeks and fully operational platform components at the end of Q1 2018

Currently available on: Etherdelta, Kucoin, and Cryptopia

If you want to buy PBL better use KuCoin now as Cryptopia locked all eth token wallets, and ED is clogged with kittens

>> No.4936059

Nice summary man. i have great feelings about PBL in the future! my feeling is that this is a low-cap gem. The team is focussing all their efforts on development, and listening to the community. I am very bullish on this one.

>> No.4936078
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Will they be porting to NEO since ETH is a piece of shit? Otherwise, no point in investing.

>> No.4936115

This sounds like a real promising project with real world application! Seems safe to buy some now on ED since it's not THAT reactive to BTC's shit

>> No.4936119

and NEO is vaporware, you know any usage of it? I dont, 'xept for all the rumors that China gov would be using NEO I dont see any good points in NEO. And rumors are still rumors

>> No.4936164

man this shit JUSTed me hard, might as well baghold it for the rest of eternity

>> No.4936170
File: 52 KB, 600x600, A4DB74E5-FE48-4CAB-9631-6298B2113CE2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DYOR I am not going to explain to someone who stays so ignorant. PBL should create their early project on ETH, but prepare to port to NEO eventually.

>> No.4936466

RDN is coming.

Just wait for a famous writer to back the project and it's the easiest 100x ever

>> No.4936671

also PBL working hard on lising the authors, so next thing can happen at any moment - some known author tweets that he support Publica and BOOM x10 the price

>> No.4936694

Why the fuck do you need books on a blockchain

>> No.4936765

disrupting publishing industry as it is right now, eliminating the middleman - the publisher, making accessing books easy for readers while securing the author rights for said books and profits

>> No.4936824

Just feel like this can easily be solved without using blockchain, don't see what using one provides

>> No.4936868

imagine the economy on the blockchain, for example you can buy a digital copy of a book that's available only in a limited amount of copy. there's a market for that book and you can at will sell its ownership later on a decentralised free market. same shit for vidya, music, movies.

>> No.4936914

shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, /biz/ don't need to know

>> No.4936954

>Publica aims to bring the publishing economy into the blockchain revolution.
wow, the scammers are running out of ideas

>> No.4937038

oh come on, watch this video (less then 2 min) is this how scammers look like to you?

>> No.4937110

This. A solution in search of a problem.

>> No.4937760

Buy now or stay poor anons