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49357971 No.49357971 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.49357997

>became a multimillionaire before kissing

>> No.49358045
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Unironically this. I hit mid 6 figs this year and have not been with a girl, kissed, loved, or even touched in the last 13 years.

>> No.49358062

>The Rationale Male
>The Game
>Become redpilled on women and lurk /pol/
The increase in beta virgins on this board is too damn high!

>> No.49358070
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Idk why guys put pussy on such a pedestal. You can literally buy an escort anywhere. Most gfs are annoying and clingy as shit anyway not to mention personally invasive

>> No.49358079

Reminder that population decline is policy and you are being gaslit to believe that its a personal failing.


>> No.49358112

Take ur meds

>> No.49358141

This post is brought to you by the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States Government. Funded in part by anons like you!

>> No.49358154
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Not all of us want STDs

>> No.49358161

i'll trade you

>> No.49358171

Even if you are redpilled on women it still is difficult to get them if you are not chad

>> No.49358184
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It's easier to make 1 girlfriend than it is to find a million dollars these days

>> No.49358201

I hit high 6 fig (Now high 5 kek) and never kissed a girl

i'm 26

>> No.49358213

>Become a chad
Let's hear your excuses.

>> No.49358233
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>6 figure hell plebian thinks he will ever touch the sweet multimillion
Newsflash faggot, you are just a richer retard and whales will siphon your money too. Just as easily and probably even easier than you think. You are a retard walmart shopping slave at heart, yet your bank account has a couple of big digits huh? Good luck turning that into a van next to the river after this bear market is done with you.

>> No.49358234

Also not even true. You just need to convince a dumb women you are a chad. They are gullible and easily manipulated. Anyone can. You never read the books. You never out in any effort. You jumped straight to failure and blamed the world around you. You're a typical beta faggot loser.

>> No.49358250

You mean blackpilled

>> No.49358253


>> No.49358255

>reading books to become a man

Jesus Christ, just hit the gym and stop fapping.
If you're short or ugly there's no other way around than lower your standards. Sucks but life is that.

If your problem is social anxiety one drop of Lugol 2% everyday will fix that.

>> No.49358270

There is no gym for your face its over

>> No.49358309

Just manipulate women bro

Go back to plebdit nigger

>> No.49358330

They charge the same price for all customers.

>> No.49358334

Only if you're a loser.

>> No.49358378
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In places like Nevada where prostitutes are legal, they are required to take routine STD tests. Im sure its same in places where its legal like Germany. If you're still a virgin you're just retarded

>> No.49358383

you first, simp

>> No.49358391

These people need self help and a self help books is where they should start.
Just look at this poor loser >>49358309
They are dedicating their time to drag everyone down to their level of depression and hopelessness.
You think that guy doesn't need to read some books and get a more enlightened view?
What you say is correct but most people here are intj autists who need every reference of theory and to build the whole idea in their head before they act upon it.
A better life awaits anyone who seeks.

>> No.49358403
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>beta virgin
>The game was happening inside the ballpark yesterday afternoon
>The outside count was yellow 45 one thousand and thirty two
And the next day after I bought the token it was revealed to me through 4channel dot org that Trump's stimulus trumped the demonrats and served a biological purpose to survive not only the apocalypse Now! but also the next dimension over inside.
I am out.

>> No.49358419
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>> No.49358445

There is a difference between paying and being wanted (not money or other betabuxxing)

>> No.49358475

Bots? Discord trannies? Idk. Idc. Those whole thread is probably more demoralisation bait. Any real anons who are in the dumps, it can and will get better. Everything is mental including getting women.

>> No.49358482

If you have sex with a prost you have to understand that you have committed a sin and you will burn in hell if you do not repent for that in some manner. Let's say you fuck 40 whores in the butt and catch a couple of STDs along the way. You're still gonna be redeemable in the eyes of Christ but you're going to have to make some major changes in your personal lifestyle to truly make it.

>> No.49358492

Go back to church christiancuck

>> No.49358499

Bullshit. We already live in Hell.

>> No.49358502

Holy shit, if only that was true. I really want money more than having gfs.

>> No.49358534
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You do realize that you can get a gf quick once you make a million right? I mean if you're so sure you can get it (either trough scalping or staking or whatever) then go ahead, nobody is stopping you. And ladies will like you a hell of a lot more once you have money.
If you want a recommendation then lovelace in cardano is as good a place as any to start, staking is an easier way to not lose money anyway

>> No.49358537

There's nothing worth more of a punishment than being born as a human. I'd rather be born as a bird or an underground earthworm.

>> No.49358539

ask me how I know your a shitskin

>> No.49358556

He doesn’t want to be a betabuxxers like u scumbags cucks

>> No.49358572

You're all retards and I haven't read a single word of what you just said. I know that I am right because of the divine revelation that is God's creation. Maybe you should touch grass sometime and stop beating it to furry anime porn all day in your racecar bed. Stop being degenerates and living in bad faith you turd mongs. Fuck you

>> No.49358588

I bet im more white than u nigger manlet stay mad being a genetic inferior man

>> No.49358592

Growing muscles and stopping your porn addiction delusion already fixes all the issues you pointed out.
Books have the only utility to give you new ideas, and that's it. Unfortunately ideas don't do jack shit in the real world. Attitude does.

Actually books can even worse the situation as their ideas can make said poor souls to become permanently doomed or nihilistic.

>> No.49358613

Framecels shoud build muscle but no manlet should do it they look like mini fridges

>> No.49358616

>haven't read
>read all

Schizo brain already damaged.

>> No.49358617

some motherfucker promised me ill become a millionaire if i invested in BitDAO
$20k later and im still not a millionaire. should i kms?

>> No.49358646

Why not? It's the natural state for most men. I want a bitch with a hot body. I don't care if she's with me for money. Easy.

>> No.49358655

Ur the degenerate genetically inferior manlet coping with religion for muh hell

>> No.49358656

>ideas don't do jack shit in the real world
Every single thing in the real world started with an idea.

>> No.49358671

Good luck sharing your foid with me or other chads when you go wage cucking

>> No.49358675

Including the idea to change your attitude.

>> No.49358676

I am entitled to sex from a woman with a big bubble butt

>> No.49358681
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You sound extremely upset, newfag. I made this money in a red market, you think I care what a subhuman deranged fat fucking cheetos finger faggot like you has to say? kys

>> No.49358689

You're not a chad.
You're not a Christian.

>> No.49358696

Oh she's not exclusive to me? Well I'm dropping her and getting another bitch for money. Lol so easy if you don't base your retarded life around feelings and relationships.

>> No.49358702

>redpill bs
Yeah, try to run "game" as a non-chad on tinder, see where that gets you

Sex is now Chad only

>why do humans who need human contact value human contact so much?

>> No.49358714
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>> No.49358749

women are pretty vocal nowadays that they only want tall men with big dicks.

dumb women still know that they want tall men with big dicks.

hang leftists

>> No.49358771

So its over

>> No.49358779

Every loser already has the idea to change. Guess what, they continue losers.
People need to realize that some stuff depends way more on physical than over the mental. Self-esteem is one of them. They have low self-esteem because they look the mirror and see a fucking despicable faggot. They have low self-esteem because they are addicted to dozens of different modernities that fuck up their grasp of reality. Ideas on a book cannot do anything to help with that.

>> No.49358855

Absolute beta faggots, never tried, never got fit, never changed their attitude, never stopped believing their own excuses.
>Believing women
You're doomed.
So what if they do not know where to start? What to do? They are shooting blind and will go no where. Weird you're so against people reading and learning. Especially to better themselves.
You have many ideas about why they are low self esteem, none original, you read those somewhere too, no?

>> No.49358894
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Cringe. Someone's jealous kek

>> No.49358921

>lower your standards bro
You know that ugly girls want hot guys, right?


Yeah, its pretty ingrained in Western men that sex must be with enthusiastic consent. Or else it is rape. Prostitution is rape since the woman doesn't actually want to fuck you.

Which is why we need to have rape legalization

There is no gym for your dick

Money is absolutely about mindset.

Women just want to fuck hot guys with big dicks. No amount of "game" will change that.

stop following /biz/ and reddit, and learn about value investing, and how to sell options. Making money is easy

>investing in imaginary internet money
>surprised he lost money

That was true historically when men had legal authority over women. Men paid to have a woman who is bound to them.

Modern women can divorce rape you and accuse you of rape to ruin your life. Why pay for that?

basically this

Screw having to pay for what Chad gets for free

>> No.49358947

I dont t try none of your retarded coonsumer shit and still get laid while u gymcope and sleep on your empty bed

Just skip the steps and kys

>> No.49358963

>Absolute beta faggots, never tried, never got fit, never changed their attitude, never stopped believing their own excuses.
Yeah, we can just try to be tall and grow our dicks a few extra inches.

>Believing women
As long as women can accuse you of rape, and it is considered a serious crime, believing women is necessary.

Legalize rape, and sure, who cares what women thinks then

>> No.49359016

So you have a small dick? Guess what, All those years of quickscoping are about to pay off.
You had to learn that money is about mindset then confirm the idea to yourself via success. I am telling you the exact same is with women. You don't believe me now and probably won't until you confirm it for yourself. But the option is there to do so. There is a million ugly devoted midwit retard faggots with a girl, you can do it too.

>> No.49359048

>coonsumer shit
>self improvement
Glownigger demoralisation agent

>> No.49359086
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Shitskin believes he can get a foid with “mindset” only to be cheated a week later by a genetically superior man

Skip the steps and jump off your building

>> No.49359095
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>> No.49359098

Cope harder walletcels you will never make it
I am currently lounging on my personal dock in front of a mansion getting drinks and cocaine served to me on a silver platter. Stay poor mad fags

>> No.49359109

Straight spanish American man stop coping when it never began for you shitskin manlet

>> No.49359114

Teach me how to make money and I’ll teach you how to get a gf. Deal?

>> No.49359133

Pays for sex when i can get it from a tinder match

Keep cucking wagie

>> No.49359166

Seething tranny

>> No.49359196

Dont compare me to those nigger lovers self deprecating sub humans with traumatic disorders

Keep seething shit skin pablito

>> No.49359234
File: 68 KB, 720x406, depvvh2u-720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're obviously poor as fuck sitting in a small room made out of mud in somalia cope posting about muh 6 figures!!!!! WOW dude so much money. Your tiny african brain is so respectable and your culture is very wise. Please continue larping as faggot with "6 figs" who is somehow still an antisocial retard. Your brown skin reeks through my screen benchode modafoka
1pbtid sadfaggot loser with no life and no argument. lurk more for 2 more years at least before posting again.

>> No.49359283

Im a 26 year old millionaire and never even kissed a girl because im 5'7 and started balding at 20. I've been thinking about starting my own incel where I'd make videos about copes like drugs and weighted blankets that can help with being unlovable

>> No.49359286

What caused you to stop defending your ideas and start attacking me with baseless nonsense? Sounds like perhaps what I said rung too true. Good to know I got through to you anon. You'll probably dwell on these ideas, maybe it'll be years before you change. But when you do, I'll be smiling out there in the world knowing I helped save another soul.
Godspeed lost son.

>> No.49359293

I already said what they need to do: hit the gym and stop fapping.
How many of them will do that before is too late? Less than 0,0001%
How many will keep reading books about self improvement their entire lives? All of them.

>> No.49359321

Personally I had to learn how to talk to women and even what signs of interest were. I was full blown clueless autist. Reading closed the gap and I learnt how to navigate getting pussy. Those things you mentioned helped but we're not the full picture.

>> No.49359347

its a numbers game bro just ask girls out in real life over and over again until one says yes

>> No.49359362

you'll never have your wealth stolen in divorce courts. you are the winner at the end of the day.

>> No.49359403

How retarded are you bro youre more lost than biden

>> No.49359409

Based Corbett Report poster and Odysee linker. Keep up the fight for alternative media

>> No.49359421
File: 88 KB, 636x471, 5801e61cab01dcc303a7c553097f8b36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a no shit way how to get women and it works 100 percent of the time.
Step one) Get good at something physical
This can be literally anything but it can't be video games and it can't be watching your fav hentai character and shooting load over chainlink charts all day long. Go practice playing a sport out in the real world that is either free or super cheap. 300 dollars can buy you so much fucking gear its unbelievable you could play tennis for 8 months straight with 300 dollars and a few hours a day. Engage with the game of life and play with its physics and master them. Play games with reality like swimming and lifting weights and running and hiking and softball and sailing. The internet is a bridge into the third world and all the poorfags here will drag you down to their village living standards. Would the real Slim Shady please stand up?

>> No.49359452
File: 56 KB, 1079x667, IMG_20220528_180040_874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not fucking wrong

>> No.49359459

30 year old khhv never had a gf never been on a date never even seen a vagina irl
I made $1.7 million off the last bullrun and literally have no idea how to talk to girls
I kinda just avoid them now unless I need something from them at work
Probably gonna die alone but at least I'll die rich I guess

>> No.49359475

I though bullshit but I'll be a millionaire in a few years and yet still no gf.
I guess I'll be able to afford the highest quality sexbot

>> No.49359486

Pretty based. Women equate talent with leadership qualities. They just want a man they feel they can rely upon and follow.

>> No.49359517

there are other countries out there. even ones where the average guy is 5'7

>> No.49359553

I'm not going to leave my family and friends to live in a third world shithole that I have no interest in or connection to culturally just to maybe get a girlfriend

>> No.49359580
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Would you?

>> No.49359611

>literally have no idea how to talk to girls
There is no set way. Be your(best)self bro meme is true. Women deserve no special attention and are repulsed by men who bend to their will. They want to be able to look upto you. So embody the you that they should look upto. This is why self confidence so important. You should believe you're someone women should look upto.
Now if we are honest, men > women. Therefore you automatically are someone they should look upto. If you don't believe so you need to redpill yourself on the nature of women and why you are in fact so much more superior. It's not even up for debate.

>> No.49359660

Women want to produce genetically superior men in Attractiveness not a retard playing a sport unless they are going to college sports aka be good at it

Retards like him are the reason virginity is increasing year by year

>> No.49359702

my gf left me for an asian guy and i just stopped giving a shit about anything

>> No.49359708

Just go away nigger with your jewpill coping mechanisms

Virgin and still giving other dumbass false of ascending when their problem is just their looks not “personality”

>> No.49359722
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>> No.49359734

Your "autism" is clearly linked to addictions and poor body health. I dont have anything else to say.

You just dont believe me. Well so fuck it.

>> No.49359762

You are simply dumb nigger. You do not have to compete with A-tier college athletes to get pussy if you regularly play at a club and visit their local restaurant afterwards where you can literally just talk about the game and not worry about being a social retard. Just get good at something physical and other people will recognize your effort and you will be more likely to get pussy. It's a fact.

>> No.49359765

First you call me shitskin and now virgin. I invoke the law of whoever smelt it dealt it. Thus propose I am dealing with a shitskin virgin. Your seething blackpilled worldview fits the mould perfectly. My conclusion is final.

>> No.49359785

Maybe what you say had a bigger effect than I gave credit. I did a lot to turn my life around but I'm open to it.