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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 544 KB, 1153x800, billgates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49356381 No.49356381 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.49356414

Apologize to the same guy who said mobile phones weren't a feasible project venture? Lol

>> No.49356448
File: 100 KB, 625x726, 1653722482680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gates knows a lot about market manipulation.

>> No.49356491

bill gates is scotch irish and as a fellow scotch irish american I have to agree with my kin. The dutch african nigger known as elon doesn't know what he is talking about.

>> No.49356981
File: 325 KB, 1000x1926, muskambertexts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're 100% right

>> No.49357036
File: 22 KB, 500x586, giga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the soulless billionaire I like is based
>the soulless billionaire I don't like is cringe

>> No.49357938

Fuck. I just got given a free holiday from oneguy, a thousand quid from another and Amber has the worlds richest man simping after her.

I fucking wish i had those skills. I dont think I'll ever become a millionaire :(

>> No.49358007

I'm of royal blood of that line and you are both idiots. Now bow to me.

>> No.49358027

ah.. the top 1% are at each other's throats, seems this era of division is starting to reach them

>> No.49358048

lmao this image is complete bullshit
why do leftists constantly lie

>> No.49358075
File: 3.28 MB, 498x280, elondance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could always try to disprove it

>> No.49358090

btw, did he make profit with his short on Tesla considering Tesla is in free fall.

>> No.49358118

Elon never got any funding from his dad's mine.
He had to work himself through college. He started paypal with almost nothing.

Bill Gates took a risk and worked his ass off to build Microsoft.

Many individuals get seed money to start firms but very very few are successful.
80% of businesses fail.

>> No.49358125

literally nothing with generational wealth and helping your kids succeed, maybe you fags should try that instead of having kids just to feed your ego and kicking them out at 18.

>> No.49358127
File: 1.70 MB, 400x201, 1654018583734.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what part is bullshit.

>> No.49358193

>literally nothing with generational wealth and helping your kids succeed
absolutely, however it is dishonest to act like you're self made

>> No.49358216

So what, it's part of the grift. You never lied in your life?

>> No.49358469

>he started paypal
thats a lie. look into paypal you stupid inbred mongoloid. Musk is only accounted for on paypal due to a fusion with his own company that went nowhere. Musk was out of the picture when the fusioned companies renamed to paypal

>> No.49358486

so what? he was still part of the company and made money with it
he then took that money and invested it in new companies that made money
what have you ever done with your life?

>> No.49358489

They all got a ton more help than the image shows. You are the most naive faggot in the world

>> No.49358501

btw, kys. ignorant brainless faggot. go suck off mollusks crooked horn

>> No.49358505

he didnt start paypal at all, and he didnt have ¨almost nothing¨. he already sat on 300million before paypal became a thing

>> No.49358520

he wasn't ¨part¨ of the company, he scammed his way through legal loopholes due to the fusion with his X company.

>> No.49358541

>They all got a ton more help than the image shows.
Lots of people got help. Why aren't those people billionaires?
Most kids get college paid for by their parents. Why aren't they are billionaires?
It's incredible how much musk makes leftists seethe. Musk isn't perfect but he's good at this.
>he already sat on 300million
He didnt get this money for free lmao
what a chad

>> No.49358567

and gates grandfather started a fucking bank for god's sake. these individuals are already ultra fucking rich

>> No.49358569

what does he mean by "watch out"

>> No.49358609
File: 68 KB, 1440x1080, imgs_touch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol this boomer retard actually believes there's a whale market manipulation conspiracy with BTC. this is the same dufus who also believes that climate change is lmao mostly man-made. There is no manipulation, just lots of leveraging idiots causing widespread panic-selling. I swear the more shade he throws at elon, the dumber he makes his piss-drinking ass look

>> No.49358652

the vast majority of people who get inheritances end up losing the money

The majority of billionaires are unironically self made and got no help.

>> No.49358703

that is just blatantly false. almost every single fucking billionaire comes from rich families

>> No.49358752

>almost every single fucking billionaire comes from rich families
You people live in a fantasy world and base your view of the world off of memes and marvel movies.
>This year, only 118 people on The Forbes 400 scored a 1 through 5, which means that 70.5% of the list is self-made.

>> No.49358787

That publication you quoted admitted that the 2020 US election was rigged.

>> No.49358897


>> No.49358965
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>> No.49358978

You are a retard OP.

>> No.49359127

No, you live in a fantasy world where these rags post reliable material. Those meme lists are just new-money glossaries for fresh social climbers to vie for position on, and specifically exclude most of the old money in the world. Selecting specifically for new money and then acting like you've proved something when new money is "self-made" is retarded.

>> No.49359225

>he didnt chose investments based on whether they would appreciate in value
So what he invests to lose money?

>> No.49359250

>No, you live in a fantasy world where these rags post reliable material.
It's the literal forbes 500 list lmao
This is the go-to source for finding out about the richest people on earth.
This is publicly available information, they're just documenting it.
What kind of cope is this?
>Selecting specifically for new money
It includes old fucks that have old money, retard.
Also if new money is mostly self made, doesn't this also prove my point?

>> No.49359617

Read the methodology notes, you brainlet subhuman.

>> No.49359713

>Read the methodology notes,
what methodology? They literally include anyone in the world who has over 1 billion.

>> No.49359977

No, they do not. These lists ALL explicitly exclude "sovereigns" (anything from a rich dictator, to the queen of england, to even the most loosely technically-"noble" family like the Rothschilds), exclude "dispersed family fortunes" (aka the M.O. of old money families, with finances more complicated than just "one guy owns the shares of a pumped company lmao"). And in the case of the 400 specifically, the list is restricted to "Americans" - as if rootless cosmopolitan old-money would allow themselves to get caught up in categories like "American" to end up in a magazine. And that's the craziest part of all this - your worldview literally came out of a fucking magazine article, and you're saying other people live fantasies. Just lmao.

>> No.49360150

>These lists ALL explicitly exclude "sovereigns" (anything from a rich dictator, to the queen of england, to even the most loosely technically-"noble" family like the Rothschilds),
Okay, so a very tiny portion of people, most of which got their money from state power, not capitalism.
How is this relevant?

>Just lmao.
LMAO the absolute fucking cope of you
Even if we limit ourselves to just Americans, 70% of billionaires are still SELF MADE