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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 67 KB, 682x544, coin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49356090 No.49356090 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of precious metal could be worth $1 trillion in the weight of a single coin?

>> No.49356106


>> No.49356116

Probably like, some kinda really expensive metal or some thing, like, the fillings of dead famous people

>> No.49356121


>> No.49356140

muh dick

>> No.49356147

The melted steel beams from the World Trade Center

>> No.49356189
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>> No.49356192

thin air

>> No.49356200

None, this is a fiat coin

>> No.49356235

Obviously nothing. It's the same as taking a piece of paper and writing "1 trillion" on it and then forcing people at gunpoint to honor it.

>> No.49356245
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Why do they actually need to mint the coin? Is there a reason or are they just having a laugh?
>What kind of precious metal could be worth $1 trillion in the weight of a single coin?
Give it time, an ounce of copper will be worth $1 trillion in a couple years

>> No.49356287

It contains meteorite material provided by the U.S. Space Force, which until a few years ago was secret for 40+ years. The tic tacs are ours, and 20 and done is a thing.

>> No.49356291

>$1 trillion coin
In other words, ADA in 10 years.

>> No.49356308
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Probably some form of antimatter. 1 gram of "anti-gold" could be worth far more than 1 trillion dollars given it takes a massive amount of energy and expensive equipment (like a particle accelerator) just to produce and contain.

>> No.49356318

this is like owning a giant stone like the island chiefs would have and passing value down over the generations. kek

>> No.49356334

imagine being this fucking dense

>> No.49356388

At the current rate of inflation, flash drive with a few million BTC

>> No.49356404


It would allow them to balance the budget through a loophole allowing for the government to spend much more money without voting to increase the debt ceiling. They could mint that coin at any amount they want.

>> No.49356428
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>What kind of precious metal could be worth $1 trillion in the weight of a single coin?
If it's worth that much to America then it's probably some alloy containing George Floyd's dried cum.

>> No.49356462

Are you retarded? It's still fiat

>> No.49356485

zimbabwe shit

>> No.49356524

It's still just fiat. I hope they do this just to expose how stupid fiat is to the whole population. It'll probably be platinum or some crap like that.

>> No.49356530

>are you retarded
Welcome to /biz/, enjoy your stay.

>> No.49356755

A 37.037 kilogram coin made of refined and pure Californium would do the trick, easy peasy desu
any anon have any better ideas of what to make the coin out of I'd be glad to hear, though I mostly expect many of you to joke around and not take this thread as seriously as I did, although I only just looked up some info that merely took a few minutes to come up with my answer and doubt you anons would put much more effort than this
Regardless, it would still be cool to here legitimate ideas instead of memes/jokes, I mostly expect jokes/memes desu

>> No.49356771

>and flown to the New York fed
You don’t say huh

>> No.49356877

If we made a coin that paid off the national debt, what would be the ramification?

More inflation?

>> No.49356927


>> No.49356954
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This is their solution to poverty, missing jobs, high oil prices, weath shortage, etc .... creating dildo coins to balance big numbers on a computer.

>> No.49356982

Antimatter ain’t worth shit that’s just how much it costs to produce.

>> No.49357020

antimatter anything on the anti-periodic table really. shit gonna be so expensive.

>> No.49357037

you have no idea what it unlocks it seems.

>> No.49357044

Checked have a (You) for effort posting, autist anon.

>> No.49357057
File: 590 KB, 600x777, unnamed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek so the money printer memes are real? I thought it was just a metaphor, I didn't realize they were actually physically printing the money

>> No.49357120

They could make it from adrenalchrome. Maybe mix it with some semen to dry it out and keep it all together.

>> No.49357130

>If we made a coin that paid off the national debt, what would be the ramification?
Many and varied. The national debt as a single figure is a gross oversimplification. You have to break it down into liability types. A revenue bond is debt that is designed to pay itself back, think of a bond for a toll bridge. The impact of paying that down is very different from the impact of paying down pension obligations that aren't even due yet. You have to go category by category here to begin to get specific ideas of the effect before trying to extrapolate that (impossibly) to a macroeconomic level. You also can't just pay off some debts all at once due to features inherent to the debt instrument.

The national debt is a bogeyman. It represents very real concerns but it's not a credit card that we want to or even could just pay off.

>> No.49357139

what would be the purpose/utility of this?

>> No.49357141

no it was literal all along
thus is the beauty of clown world

>> No.49357147


They normally don't mint trillion dollar coins, but legal scholars think that there is a loophole in the law that allows them to mint a coin of any denomination as long as it's made of platinum.

>> No.49357163

Brainlet, it is no different from a paper note with a trillion dollar face value. The coin thing is just a gimmick. USA is becoming a banana republic

>> No.49357190

What's to stop a Chinese spy from minting 1,000 of them and destroying the USD overnight?

>> No.49357230

they could do this, or just announce gold backing to their currency, and instantly turn the US into Zimbabwe

>> No.49357250

>USA is becoming a banana republic
you said it brother

>> No.49357261
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I absolutely do not understand who does this solve, at all.
care to explain?

>> No.49357286

>be on biz
>see constant memes about the reality of fiat currency
>lol i didnt think it actually worked that way
these are the people giving you advice

>> No.49357327
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>> No.49357457

(made up/fake) space asteroid metal
aka watermelonium

>> No.49357509

No, it's that I didn't think they were literally printing PHYSICAL money. I thought it wasn't just some numbers on a computer or something like my bank account. It's not like Bitcoin prints a physical Bitcoin every time I buy a Bitcoin

>> No.49357565

It solves the problem of the government being beholden to its voters! It’s really ingenious anon, you see you’re an incel nazi that’s stopping progress at every conceivable turn, and in case your little alt-right hijinks ever stall out a debt ceiling raise, we will be fortunate enough to have the treasury get around that and print money to pair our fair reperations

>> No.49357701

they fucked themselves
law was supposed to be "only US gov can create the money and coins"
then the kikery that the FED was started and "given the right to create money (but not coins)", while the gov kept the right to mint coins
now they're fucked and in a corner say "oh well I get to mint coins so here's a trillion dollar coin now lol"

>> No.49357738

>nonexistent made up substance from jewish made scy-unce fikshun
>worth anything
Kill yourself you fat necked balding manchild faggot.

>> No.49357765

I wish I could kill through the internet.
You would be long gone anon, long gone

>> No.49357766

Why not mint 8 billion of them instead and give them to everyone on the planet?

>> No.49357821

1 trillion $ coin = 1 trillion $ coin

>> No.49357930

>creating dildo coins
These are the negatives you mongoloid

>> No.49358142

US gov was never supposed to be able to create money. The constitution says it can COIN money, which is to take gold/silver and make it into a coin.

The fed was created as a "private" bank to get around this. However, the politicians at the time saw the conflict of interests that the fed could create money to infinitely monetize government debt, so they made the debt ceiling. The problem is Congress has the ability to change the debt ceiling by law, so they have just been increasing it every time they get near it, effectively making it nonexistent.

The trillion dollar coin is another gimmick to get around that if some members of congress actually do what's right and refuse to raise the debt ceiling. They "coin money" of some arbitrary value much higher than the value of the metal, and the fed buys that from them instead of buying treasury bonds.

Basically, the system of checks and balances is a joke and the government does whatever they want.

>> No.49358260

what is the endgoal?

>> No.49358495

>what is the endgoal?
hyperinflationary collapse of all fiat currencies, which the regime will allow so the people feel the pain and fear for a few weeks, and then they'll release their CBDC to "save the day" and correct the problems. the desperate public will accept this in order to save themselves from starvation. the CBDC will have "conditions of participation" though:
>adjustable interest rates, meaning the gov can make them deeply negative at a moment's notice to force people to spend
>complete visibility and tracking of all transactions
>can't purchase firearms, ammo, precious metals, land, etc.
>can't purchase more than a small amount of meat and animal products each month
>must purchase at least 10% of monthly products and services from certified minority-owned businesses
>forced redistribution of wealth if need be
>forced "charitable" donations to causes you may not support
>minorities get better interest rates or more UBI (when it comes to that)
>geofencing (your CBDC won't work past, say, 50 miles from your home, ie. must get gov approval to travel)
>wallet gets frozen unless you keep up to date on vaccines/boosters
>wallet gets frozen if you post anti-gov shit online
etc. etc. etc. that's the endgoal

>> No.49358514

Maybe increasing their own power.

Maybe they're very short sighted and just want to keep promising stupid voters more and more expensive government programs without raising taxes because it gets votes.

>> No.49358575

we could literally pay it off for ~$30k
30 1 trillion platinum coins and done
just hand that to each of the owed parties and call it a day
they wont but they could

>> No.49358626
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When you put it that way it sounds both plausible and terrifying.

>> No.49358643


>> No.49358720

Kinda like bitcoin

>> No.49358876

You literally couldn't. Bonds have terms and features determining what is paid, how and when. You can't just go pay off any old bond whenever you want and if you're talking about deliberately going around breaking the terms on which money was borrowed then you're just defaulting in an elaborate and expensive way.

>> No.49358930

You could pay it down as each bond matures rather than continually rolling them over into new debt. Most US government debt is on short term bonds.

>> No.49358945

For every dollar printed there is like $10 in bank accounts, or a similar figure. They are printing money, but you were right about most of it just being a number.

>> No.49358998

So basically if many people wanted to withdraw their money from the bank at the same time, there isn't even enough printed dollars in existence to cover your account holdings?

>> No.49359090

Basically banks are allowed to loan out more money than they actually hold, so more or less yeah.

>> No.49359121

Back to r libertarian

>> No.49359138

Post feet

>> No.49359203


>> No.49359260

<1% of dollars exist as paper currency now
in march 2020, the reserve requirement for banks was set to 0% so theoretically they dont have to have any assets to lend $, but itd ruin their reputation if someone wanted to withdraw money

>> No.49359274

Element 115

>> No.49359315

>in march 2020, the reserve requirement for banks was set to 0% so theoretically they dont have to have any assets to lend $
How is that even legal
What kind of risk analyst is going to say "yeah we have only 1% of what we've loaned out but this is fine, we can continue operations and loan more money"
I feel like this is going to cause alot of problems long term.

>> No.49359366
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hence why the system is fucked
I think its mainly democracy, people vote for who gives them the most money (fuck those who the money came from)

genuinely why a BTC standard is the solution to this--

and the good news is nobody gets to vote on it, it will just happen-- and countries who remain off the standard for the longest will lose so much of their wealth compared to those who hop on early

>> No.49359400

People don't pull much cash, except some older people. Almost no one I know even carries a traditional wallet anymore. It's just a move to a digital currency instead of a paper one.

>> No.49359471

The government still has the power to mint coins made of precious metals, and a loophole in the law doesn't limit the dollar amount they can put onto a platinum coin. In a pinch, the government itself can directly print trillions of dollars without having to borrow it from the fed.

>> No.49359473
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So now you're just printing to make coupon payments and not issuing new bonds which means you're printing to meet general spending needs as well. You're just devaluing your spending power and devastating your creditworthiness. Might as well just issue more debt.

>> No.49359560

Yes, obviously.

>> No.49359561

a nightmare existence.

>> No.49359644

The problem was that big banks buttoned up out of fear so through a combination of actions (of which the reserve requirement change was one) the fed tried to force them to keep lending.

>> No.49359689

buttoned up for genuine reason because modelling showed people couldn't pay and would default ...

fed steps in, banks start lending a bit more

*few years later*

problem is worse, wages never grew, people can afford less than ever, AND now huge inflation from previous fed actions

fuckin well done govt

>> No.49359716


just keep kicking the can down the road-- go ahead fuckwits, make it someone else's problem ...


>> No.49359773

It didn't work though. There was a congressional hearing about how they failed to fulfill their lending duties and everything. Big banks sat on their cash, consumer debt shrank and the moment dividend and buyback restrictions (to encourage lending) got lifted by the fed the big banks all went nuts with their cash piles.

>> No.49359774
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Here's to you good sir.

>> No.49359822

It's real and it's used to conjure up shit from hell.

>> No.49359891

i hope it all burns down and people wake up and start again with a decentralized value of wealth, where no faith is placed in representatives to manage money -- can't have shit in detroit

>> No.49359985

If it burns down, people will beg for more government management of finances to protect them. Normied don't want personal responsibility.

>> No.49360081

>used to conjure up shit from hell

>> No.49360117

if a btc standard actually exists (or something like it), countries won't have a choice. either compete for your bread or go broke as a nation.
once people realise they will get taxed more for these measures, they will change their vote to those who tax less.
nobody votes for 70%+ taxes
once the printing blows up, cause it's clearly unsustainable, focus will return to individual responsibility-- at least this is my opinion... thoughts?

>> No.49360131

This sounds like a heist movie script

>> No.49360331

How about this, what if we focused on paying down the debt that specifically has us paying interest to kikes solely for the pleasure of printing our money

>> No.49360523

A gold standard worked for thousands of years, but democracy always leads to break and the standard and debasement because people vote to get something from nothing. Why do you think digital tokens changes that?

After each country goes into an inflationary depression, the populace may change its preference in favor of hard money for a couple generations, but that's what it will take. There is no easy transition. People will have to get completely wiped out and it will take decades.

>> No.49360574


>> No.49360830


>> No.49360904

a digital token which cannot be altered and requires zero trusted intermediary-- there is nothing else in the world like this (closest is gold but the govt can still come take it by force)

as for the worldwide fiat system, money will always flow to the hardest assets to store value-- if a country fails to participate in the new system, money would flow out of that country into one which did (why lose 5% value of your money a year when you can keep all of it)

>> No.49361440

still the coins they're gonna use to fuck you, gay faggot

>> No.49361480

prove him wrong, retard

>> No.49361792


>> No.49362459


>> No.49362730

The might of the US military

>> No.49362926

I don't think you understand. If the coin they produced was actually worth $1 trillion then the government would have gained nothing by minting it

>> No.49362944


>> No.49362985
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"We're not creating money!!! Look we have a trillion dollar asset on our books so we can take on another trillion dollars of debt!!!"
I'm surprise people are this stupid. The trillion dollar coin is worth a couple thousand in platinum and is just a loophole to print and borrow infinite money.

>> No.49362988

>brown hands

>> No.49363013

They’d have to take the guns first

>> No.49363178
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>> No.49363260

100% crystalised liberal tears.

>> No.49363277

They're working on that

>> No.49363282

US gov liabilities are actually like $100 trillion right now

>> No.49363963

Any piece of metal with 1 trillion printed on it and then valued as such.

>> No.49363967

Didn't the Simpsons make an episode about this?

>> No.49363981
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>> No.49364005

based and sneedpilled

cringe and chuckpilled

>> No.49364040
File: 75 KB, 590x639, e70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sounds very much like the jews killing chickens to transfer their sins into it.
Or erecting wires over their neighbourhoods to fool god that they are not actually leaving their homes during Shabbath.
Why are jews so superstitious?


>> No.49364129

Thanks but shouldn't the coins have much less physical value than number imprinted on them? When india used to issue silver coins people would melt it and sell for profits

>> No.49364152

I actually suspect it could be made from Rhodium.
How did you think dollar bills come into circulation? They print digital in a larger share obviously. Also bitcoin has nothing to do with that.

>> No.49364170


>> No.49364180

Source on this? I want to read about it from a non-anon, no offence.

>> No.49364368

>falling for the most blatantly obvious bait

>> No.49364442

Coincidentally, 2 months later we were in full-ok lockdown because of (((covid)))

>> No.49364457

>nobody votes for 70%+ taxes
women exist

>> No.49364505

Based austrian economics knower
You should use the term purchasing power instead of „value of your money“ though, because value can be nominally described

>> No.49364510

Yeah or they could make is out of vibranum like captain America's shield, another made up substance.

>> No.49364524


>> No.49364535

Very antisemitic.

>> No.49364545

>I thought it was just a metaphor
A metaphore for what?

>> No.49364672

Doesn't matter, it's just a shell game. If the Fed says it's worth a trillion USD, that's what it's worth. Everything is a scam.

>> No.49364893

It would be platinum or rhodium probably. But keep in mind its not a coin the size of a quarter. It would be larger that it probably couldnt be moved by hand.

>> No.49364908

>I didn't realize they were actually physically printing the money
So far they havent actually printed more than the usual replacement of old paper. They arent adding to it via printing so far. The total supply of fiat is coming from the Fed buying bonds and treasuries off of federal reserve members and depositing it as debt to them. Printing is via the treasury deparment.

>> No.49364909

Lithuania bros??

>> No.49364917

>gold backing to their currency, and instantly turn the US into Zimbabwe
kek what? No. Gold backed Yuan does nothing to USD nor our economy. Gold backed anything isnt some magic that destroys economies. It would do nothing.

>> No.49364963

Retards like you have no idea that all world governments run off infinite inflation and would instantly collapse if they went back to the gold standard. Which is exactly why it never happens.

>> No.49365003

what if you steal it?

>> No.49365031


>> No.49365056

Derived, fromerly chuckium

>> No.49365060



>> No.49365099

this would essentially be stealing from private banks (the federal reserve and its members)

>> No.49365125

Canada just lost handguns

>> No.49365133


>> No.49365554
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They've been programming Americans for decades that they were going to be pulling this shit.

>> No.49365565
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>> No.49365591

yeah i don't understand this, normal people haven't been able to buy handguns in decades. but i've been seeing this in the news i don't know what it means. nobody has handguns anyways. i think it's just theatre.

>> No.49365659

so we have 8 years left, cool

>> No.49365671

Copper, it doesn't need to be worth more than nominal value.

>> No.49366028
File: 151 KB, 800x600, rai stone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to do the math on a solid gold Rai stone. The largest known Rai stone is 4,000 kg. At a price of $59.51/g for gold, a solid gold Rai stone of similar mass would still only be worth $238 million. A trillion dollar gold Rai stone would weigh 16.8 million kilograms.

The dimensions of the 4,000kg stone are 3.6 metres (12 ft) in diameter and 50 centimetres (20 in). Gold is 7.13x more dense than limestone, so a gold stone that same size would be 28,520 kg and worth $1.7 billion.
The trillion dollar stone would have to be 4200x as massive, but 589x the volume because of the greater density. We would scale by the cube root of that since it's 3-dimensional. The cube root of 589 is 8.38. If we scale by a factor of 8.38 in all dimensions it would scale up to 30.2 meters (100.6 feet) in diameter and 4.2 meters (14 feet) thick.

That's how big a $1 trillion solid gold Rai stone would be

>> No.49366414

My dick is worth $1 trillion.

>> No.49367362

It's not actually going to be worth $1 trillion in raw materials. It's more like a dollar bill that only represents its value.

>> No.49367800

the very ecxotic element which hasn't been created yet on earth and doesn't exist on earth but exists where stars are quadrillions of times larger than our sun and nigger holes are very close by and white holes exist which provide the universe with strange alien foreign materials with weird metaphysical supernatural properties

>> No.49367850


>> No.49367881

i wouldn't sell my dick for all the money on this world.

>> No.49368203

Germany 1866-1945 by Craig has a fantastic detailed chapter dedicated to it.

>> No.49368253

>Germany 1866-1945

Danke schön

>> No.49368504

Getting area 51 vibes here

>> No.49368773

yeah the coin is going to be made with compacted Amerimutt foreskin

>> No.49369027

Unironically Platinum but a isotope of it. Platinum-190 would be a decent candidate because it’s ultra rarity and process of separation would cost $100 million per gram.

>> No.49370566
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Maybe Rhodium, but it would still weigh tonnes.

>> No.49370622

The real answer is here >>49364672

All your "real" responses are contingent on a thing so expensiv to PRODUCE that its COST may reach 1T. This does NOT make a thing WORTH anything. Noone can afford it, noone has a use for it, therefore it is expensive AND of no value at the same time. If tech improves the cost would go down invalidating its "worth" and even if there was ANY use case at all such activities would not be done due to the cost to aquire and the greater potential value the more will be done to REDUCE production costs, which again is not tied to actual value.

The truth is literally nothing CAN be worth 1T in a coin form, the closest you can come is something that cost 1T to produce. Since this is the case a wealth theft of 1T USD from any holder of current USD is literally the mechanism which would play out. The Coin may be platinum but its worth is literally YOUR life savings being redistributed away from you. The coin material is worthless relatively, by design, because that's how free money works.

The moment you discuss bullshit of this tier you realize fiat is evil.

>> No.49372632
File: 26 KB, 476x362, F07BA5B0-56E3-48B3-8975-24E004A18DBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn’t know!

>> No.49373241

I heard 1 gram of antigold weighs something like 15 grams

>> No.49374607

>Noone can afford it
speak for yourself, poorfag

>> No.49374897

>it's a real article

>> No.49374943

If only my oppressors looked more like me

>> No.49375392

Well. Well.. Well...
This would be interesting to see... But, really, what would be the weight?? And wouldn't be a good time to watch from the bottom. Why the bears run must end my Sysco!n investment resumes its ascent ASAP

>> No.49375546

Antimatter, i guess

>> No.49375599

>what is the endgoal?
Delaying the inevitable shitstorm until long after they're dead.

>> No.49375617

post stack of any kind anywhere near 1T in value. You cant afford one either poorfag

>> No.49376336


>> No.49377319

Maybe radioactive so it requires special handling.

>> No.49377566

Screencapped, great summary. Hell is closer than what we may imagine.

>> No.49377854


>> No.49377868

Also checkem >>49377566

>> No.49377984

how do loose money with stock in hyperinflation ? they should logical preserve money since they represent real assets.

>> No.49378122

>TSL at all time highs
>real assets..
anon, I..

>> No.49378207
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banana republic incoming

>> No.49378274
File: 23 KB, 720x405, Assault-Smirk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here i am in the US having just purchased a handgun

>> No.49378355

They will fill the coin with concentrated gamer girl bath water.

>> No.49378613


>> No.49379162

115 hang with the ayyys

>> No.49379761

makes you wonder why they don't

>> No.49379932

another loophole however is they can't print money directly, only the fed reserve can and they in turn buy bonds from the US gov with the issued coin or bill

>> No.49380017

>I'm surprise people are this stupid

>> No.49380109

woah no way, i fucking love science now bros

>> No.49380145

muh6gorillionjew coin

>> No.49380854

No even that. Anything radioactive produces some antimatter. That's the cost to keep it around long enough to do experiments with it. (Including the cost of the detectors and accelerators)

>> No.49380908

this is the answer. we have a debt-based fiat system, money is created when debt is created.
this would definitely be the literal nuclear option, the dollar would implode on global markets if we did this.

>> No.49380927

What real assets do most stocks represent in a broken nonfunctional economy? Factories that cant function, office buildings furnished with empty desks. Sure, it's better than nothing, but most of the value was in the business's ability to function.

>> No.49380972

In a way literally nuclear. Economic Mutually assured destruction. Wonder if it is partly intentional?

>> No.49380977

one 555,555,555 oz gold coin should do it

>> No.49380978

not the ggp, yngmi

>> No.49381074

Dying of Money by Jens O'Parsson

>> No.49381412

I like bananas.
they are radioactive, which adds flavor.

>> No.49381920

if i can find this fucking anti-matter will you give me my own space station fitted with whatever i want and can fit on it?

>> No.49381956

based and sneedpilled

>> No.49382062

...anon if the 1% took out every dollar they had from the bank do you think the other 99% would be able to take money out of their banks if they wanted to do the same thing?

>> No.49382077

Please do the sneedful.