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49354914 No.49354914 [Reply] [Original]

Why do normies literally stop processing information the moment they realize you have money but don't work a job? It's like their entire world view is shattered

>> No.49354970
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Why do normies not process information, period?

How many times have you told someone something about economics, only for them to ask you again next week and the week after that, etc.?

It's basically impossible to get someone to remember something if they have no interest in it.

>> No.49355089
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>forgot for a moment I talk to a normalfag
>mention I have a 400k trading position open
>they look at me like I'm from a distant planet

>> No.49355179

long or short

>> No.49355264

>How many times have you told someone something about economics, only for them to ask you again next week and the week after that, etc.?
All the fucking time
Explained to the same NPC how minimum wage is a completely asinine concept at least 8 times and you can be sure that he will make the same retarded arguments again in 2 months

>> No.49355390
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Same thing happens at my workplace all the time. The forklift driver is obsessed with politics and is a "hardcore 1990's style" Democrat.

He'll ask me questions about economics sometimes and I already know what I'm telling him goes in one ear and right out the other. I've probably explained to him like 6 times that bond yields and bond prices are reverse correlated. In fact, I still don't think he understands what bonds are.

Then he'll bitch about the government and how all politicians and bureaucrats are corrupt liars and theives, then want the government to solve all of his problems. The cognitive dissonance is completely mental, but I'm used to it.

>> No.49355459

It's an American thing. Many far east Asians are like that. A good part of Europeans, the only ones who understand le savoir vivre, don't ask that many questions about jobs. It's fucking boring and we don't care

>> No.49355543

Normalism, by definition, is maintained by the comparison of self to other. Specifically the comparison of self to a presumed majority.
Almost everyone has some sort of comparative eye which assesses appropriateness according to their own principles and purposes.
For some this eye is normally large and for others, abnormally small.
Normies use their normally large comparitive eye to compare themselves, and others, to their definition and perception of the normal majority and then regulate their own behaviors according to these perceptions.
Thus they are able to consider themselves normal.
And because they can consider themselves normal they can then compare others to themselves to assess the normalcy of others.
In finding that another lacks the same normalcy as them they can consider them abnormal.
When perceiving someone as abnormal the comparitive eye turns upon them and reveals itself as all the previous perceptions are compared to the abnormal to verify the abnormality.
>tl;dr they are thinking about what is the normal thing to do with x amount of money, the normal thing being whatever they want to do as they themselves are normal

>> No.49355570

I was at a christmas party and a memorial day party and yes... They instantly blankly stare and have no idea what to say. You can sense they want to ask more about how you have enough money, but none of them dare to. You can see their eyes judging, their brains going "does not commute". It's sickening. They really are Americattle.

>> No.49355628



>> No.49355647

>hen he'll bitch about the government and how all politicians and bureaucrats are corrupt liars and theives, then want the government to solve all of his problems.
Classic, as if the problem are the people in charge, not the whole rotten incentive structure that is a government

>> No.49355666

This happened to me so much, I just tell people that I'm an investor. It's as if their matrix program doesn't have any pre programmed responses to my answer.

>> No.49355710

I know ye, devil

>> No.49355731

does not commute is also true.

>> No.49355736

Lolspergs are the biggest midwit subhumans on earth

>> No.49355766

The best thing to say is that you're a consultant or a WFH contractor.

You don't want to attract attention to yourself by saying you have money. Better to make them think you're living paycheck to paycheck just like them.

>> No.49355861

Oh but don't worry anon that happen no matter the subject of interest.
The normalfag without any obligation especially in a casual setting will always "small talk" only, the only thing stimulated there is the lymbic system.
However when you talk to someone with a functioning brain you actually exchange information and often learn new things

>> No.49356331

Kys lolsperg

>> No.49356726

Ive noticed every time I give good advice out, normies literally never remember it.
Told everyone to buy BTC when it was 3k, told my cousin and he kept insisting there was no need for BTC because we already have digital payments while he talked over me, now he doesn’t remember the conversation

>> No.49357297

>speak to normie who makes same as me
>I dump 90% of my money into investments
>piss the rest away on vacations and fun stuff
>I bought a kayak and a shit load of gear
>normie: Phew haha, I'm broke, I'll wait till next paycheck for that 300 dollar expense

>> No.49357370

Idiot to even mention that shit to a normie my dude