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49354793 No.49354793 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven’t you moved to Thailand yet?

It costs $450 a month for a luxury condo on the beach

>> No.49354917

I hate SEA monkey people, they are ugly and stupid and rude pieces of shit and I hope China genocides them.

>> No.49354933

Imagine the Disgusting curry smell of the air

>> No.49354936

'Cus Asian women are ugly as shit and Thai is the ugliest language in the world. And I don't want to get killed on the beach

>> No.49354941

I'm unvaccinated and cannot take a boat or plane to leave Canada

>> No.49354988

id rather take one of those free houses in detroit than live in pedoland

>> No.49355188

I'll tell you what to do anon:
>get some cash by working
>buy some MATIC with the earned cash
>stake that MATIC
there you go, now you can afford that condo in Thailand

>> No.49355566

When I can earn more online, or after crypto takes over, I will.

>> No.49355669
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Lil castro has really fucked you guys up

>> No.49355683

I already have a paid off house, $450 a month is more than I pay now.

>> No.49355693
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I'm here right now lol.

It's 10/10.

>> No.49355701

Because I'm very racist against Asians!

>> No.49355716

I hate the weather there and find Thai women disgusting. I'll still probably end up there though, the cost of living in nice areas in the west is a joke at this point

>> No.49355745

expand on this pls buddy

>> No.49355912

Because im a shitskin

>> No.49355918

No. also fuck off, we're full

>> No.49355937

Drive across the border to the US and take a plane from there.

>> No.49355959

Too bad faggot, I'm about to get my passport and travel out there, maybe even relocate. I figure it must be comfy trading from there as well since the US markets open at 9:30 pm in Thailand which is great for me since I'm a horrible morning person.

>> No.49355960
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I can’t afford it

>> No.49356128

Do they ask if you're vaccinated when you cross? I don't want to get caught in a lie and get banned permanently

>> No.49356182

I don't like warm weather and don't want to be surrounded by shitskins with a low IQ.

>> No.49356206


Is the land border even open right now? I can't fly or take the train either.

>> No.49356215

Because I don't want to see bug people everywhere I go.

>> No.49356834

can one of you try to claim asylum at the border?

>> No.49356907
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It's simple, OP:

>> No.49356918

I live in Brazil

>> No.49356933
File: 1.91 MB, 640x1138, getthevax.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then take the vaccine.

>> No.49356969

this, I don't care if it costs $3 a month to live in a """"luxury"""" condo, it won't beat a little of chicken fried, or cold beer on a friday night, or blue jeans that fit just right, or a radio that is on. Simple, really.

>> No.49357039

I am literally moving from the Philippines to Thailand in 3 weeks. Fuck the Philippines. Overcrowded uncultured noisy shithole. Thailand feels like Europe in comparison. And Bangkok is somehow cheaper than Manila even though it's more civilized and condos are nicer for the same price.

>> No.49357046

I don't want hapas

>> No.49357074

I don't want to learn the language, live in a warm place with high humidity, and live with shitskins...
Do you have an alternative?

>> No.49357111

I wonder if I could get a golden visa and fly out since I'd be considered a foreign national, I can't find any rules about that though so idk if it would work. Maybe I'd have to renounce my citizenship
I've heard people getting across unvaccinated because the border agent didn't bother asking, and I've heard people getting turned away, so it seems like mileage may vary.
Doubt that would work, it seems like only in leaf country where people walking across roxham road can claim asylum
no thanks

>> No.49357137


Because Im not a loser who thinks $100k is retirement money

and the whole living in a totally different culture and not seeing family and friends thing

>> No.49357178

For anyone who made it and wants to live in Thailand and not worry about visa extensions and visa runs, they have 5-20 year visa for rich people basically. 5 year is $17000.


>> No.49357301

The Thailand ship sailed years ago.
I lived there for 13 years and it's a shadow of it's former self.
Plus it's not really cheap anymore especially if you want to live to western standards.
Still better than a lot of other countries, not been back since the coof but i wouldn't want to live there full time now.
There's only so many Thai women you can fuck before it becomes boring.

>> No.49357329

Where do you live now?

>> No.49357383

Care to elaborate how Thailand has changed and what other country would you recommend?

>> No.49357397

lol at that FWHR

>> No.49357411

what do you mean by uncultured?

>> No.49357437

True plus imagine all the bugs over there

>> No.49357508

latvia or estonia

>> No.49357528

think I'll pass thanks, EE > SEA

>> No.49357561

>people casually peeing on walls in the middle of the city while many other people are walking by
>people walking super slow and blocking the entire path without paying attention to people around them
>people watching youtube and video chatting in restaurants and elsewhere in public with the loudspeaker on full blast
>delivery drivers going to the toilet, not washing their hands and then handling your food
>ridiculously loud jeepneys (local kind of transport) and ancient motorcycles making noise and belching out smoke
>nonstop honking for no good reason at all
and this is in the nicer parts of the city (eg. Makati and BGC). Can't even imagine what it's like in the shittier parts.

>> No.49357603 [DELETED] 

I hate the beach. am I a normie? PUT SOME CLOOOOTHES OOOOON

>> No.49357645

You sound like a muslim. You can go to Malaysia or Indonesia.

>> No.49357819

I'm in the UK at the moment converting a big old house into apartments, but looking for somewhere else to settle after all the covid restrictions have finished and i can fly unhindered.
The place just stopped being fun, maybe its because it was so great before that i notice it so much now.
The people changed, they all got smartphones and became narcissistic phone zombies. Not to mention the underlying contempt they have fuelled by jealousy, materialism and greed.
I'm looking to either Vietnam or Tbilisi in Georgia for the future.

>> No.49358130

Not worth it. I would be far away from family/friends, the weather gets way too hot, and fucking women over there gets boring after 3 weeks. Visiting Pattaya and Bangkok before COVID was a hell of an experience though. It's too bad most incels here missed out.

>> No.49358552


>> No.49358679

Philippines and Vietnam

>> No.49358725

cause all my money is staked in BitDAO fuck me

>> No.49358820

Because condos are retarded and gay and beaches suck and are over rated

>> No.49358853

Philippines only if they nuke it and erase the current population of uncivilized sea monkeys. South Vietnam, maybe.

>> No.49359287

so did he end up having to pay the 5k fine or not? sounds like everyone he dealt with was new or incompetent

>> No.49359658

Youre also a fat incel/pedophile

>> No.49359700

Too many boomers and pedos there.

>> No.49359736

Manila is a true shithole. I'm currently in Angeles City. It's comfy here as a whitey

>> No.49361445

I can get you out, what's it worth it to you?

>> No.49361539

Visit them once a year like a normal person

>> No.49361727


>> No.49361769

Redpill me on Angeles City anon

>> No.49362422

>be surrounded by balding fat chuds and jungle gooks
yeah no thanks

>> No.49362473

lmao welcome to SEA nigger

>> No.49362493

If you want more comfy life I suggest Dumaguete or somewhere in Bicol if you are on a budget.

>> No.49362682

Wish I had the balls to simply up and move to another country
I am truly a rural/suburban retard

>> No.49362705

Thai beer is great, cheap and their kfc tastes way better, jeans are imported and spotify remains unchanged.

>> No.49362745
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I can't find good hoes on tinder

>> No.49362783
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My brother in Christ

all you need two stick and two diamond

>> No.49362788

I prefer to just join a vr chat room where there is a beach and pretend I'm there, that's what I mostly do in any place I want to visit.

>> No.49362830

i took the first dose on 28th feb when they removed all restrictions in my state and country
i took it because the fight had been won and also because i had promised my family i'll take it someday. these days i get heartaches sometimes lmao

>> No.49362857
File: 385 KB, 630x448, death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you better get out of there, there are mfs who want to put their shitcoins in there just to fuck you virtually

>> No.49362900

That man has no soul you can see it in his eyes.

>> No.49362907

Only walking street/balibago are coomer territory. The rest is just residential and pretty comfy

>> No.49362910

LOL at this Liberal coward rage fag. Shame he wasn't one of the ones that got vaccine injured or died from that poision.

>> No.49363097

You sound like a battered woman, just wait a couple months, the common cold psyop is already over in the us and will be soon worldwide, relax and congrats on avoiding the poison

>> No.49363163

Anyone tried Malaysia or Indonesia? I had sex with a Indonesian once and I liked cooming on the jilbab

>> No.49363204

Zis man is making ze pods

>> No.49363209

canada is a shithole. it'll be at least another year before the loosen up on the restrictions.

>> No.49363226


>> No.49363258

idk I fucked a cute hapa teen, pumped a couple loads into her
she texted me that she was pregnant though, so I threw my phone into the ocean and took the next flight outta there
probably can't go back desu

>> No.49363275

You'll be surprised how quickly they move onto the next crisis but that is shit is sad bro get out of there and dont look back

>> No.49363316

>Americuck doesn’t have a passport
Keep dreaming faggot. You’ll never leave Kansas

>> No.49363463

How can he be an incel if he just recently came inside your mother?

>> No.49363646

Matic isn't even the best rollup. And rollups aren't even close to the best place to put your money.

>> No.49363652

You are ngmi in life

>> No.49363729

i actually lived there for 2.5 years
the women have no tits, ass and hips, they dont look that great
the food sucks and is full with sugar and msg
the VISA situation is a mess you constantly have to fly in and out and check in with immigration
the language sounds like quacking ducks it started to grate on me after a while
thais in general are racist af and in their eyes you are lower than a dog
a culture of "saving face" (aka lying all the time)
thai music is god awful and they blast it 24/7 at ear splitting levels
westerners you meet are mostly degenerates or digital gonads, hard to meet good people

>> No.49363752

>it's a shadow of it's former self.
this is also very true
I went to thailand for the first time in 2004 and it felt like heaven on earth
went back to live there permanently in 2014 and it was a letdown from day one

>> No.49364069

Unironically just hop the border and go somewhere in the US where it won't be that horrible.

>> No.49364095
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Based, but I wouldn't fuck anyone there without wrapping it up.

>> No.49364166

based larp.

>> No.49364622

Wrong you're supposed to get the whole island pregnant while wearing your fake moustache. Then you skip town and leave the moustache behind after all pregnancies are confirmed.

>> No.49364671

Why are you so rude towards people who shill fresh binance chain gems on /biz/?

>> No.49364916

what happened?

>> No.49364945

probably most realistic take of thaiboyland.
you forgot its a chinese colony for sex slaves at this point.

>> No.49365521
File: 110 KB, 256x256, 8-ykPTAYYoPQHDnYJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you keep shilling Thailand? What's in it for you? Are you not getting many customers at the beer bar you run with your whore wife in Pattaya or what? Makes no economic sense to tell foreigners to flood into a country otherwise.

>> No.49365578

>no ass, no hips
Why didn't you take your nigger tastes to a nigger country like Colombia or Domincan Republic in the first place?

>thais in general are racist af and in their eyes you are lower than a dog
ohh, you are a literal nigger. that explains it

>> No.49365585


>> No.49366978

>450 for luxury condo
>150 for food
>400 for hookers
about as much as western europe, not worth it to larp as rich white nigger

>> No.49367208

Get vaxxed, >>49354988
schizo cuck

>> No.49368137

Helped create amm on the skale, got my first paycheck, went to live and work in a village about an hour's drive from Bangkok.
There's not a fucking thing to do there at all!
The only good side is the delicious and cheap food. That's it. I start drink and smoke, bought a vr, even started a blog lol, but got tired and came back after two months.

>> No.49368207

Yes, but you can't find a woman to be your bangmaid in Western Europe like you can in SEA. That's the whole point. No well adjusted person that can get laid in their home country is willingly moving to a shithole like Thailand. And I say this as someone that can't get laid regularly in my home country so I travel to Latin America. I would never fucking go there if it wasn't for the easy/cheap bangmaid pussy.

>> No.49368226

It WAS Ukraine before Vlad decided to fuck things up.

>> No.49368249

Country music has gotten gay.

>> No.49368264

>family and friends
Who? My mom worked two jobs while I was in school.

>> No.49368292

If it was a letdown in 2014 I can't imagine how it is now.

>> No.49368540

bugs and heat

>> No.49368567

the supply of thai whores in western europe is more than enough

>> No.49369143

What movie is she watching?
It must be very funny.

>> No.49369227

This is unironically my goal once I get a decent amount of money together, I'm thinking a 20k buffer or so.

Spend $1k a month and I'm currently learning to play poker (atm making about $500 a month investing 30-40 hours or so) which can pay for rent etc.

>> No.49369381


>> No.49370426

I start doing exactly the same thing as you in about 10 days