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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49353920 No.49353920 [Reply] [Original]

You heard it here first. We can't let the climate arson continue, it is a crime against our planet. Bitcoin WILL move to PoS, and you WILL be happy.

>> No.49353937
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I'll see it when I believe it.

>> No.49353957

>Ethereum, with basically as much funding and brainpower as anything in tech and designed to move to PoS has been delaying merge for years
>Bro just move Bitcoin to PoS lol it's the law now

>> No.49353965

Why are they even wasting time on this shit? No one fucking mines in the Jewnited States anyway. God damn I hate this country and its jewish handlers.

>> No.49353971

I will poo in ur mother's asshole and make you slurp it like a Fortnite chug jug because u r gay

>> No.49353996

>Biden will mandate BTC move to PoS
Do you even comprehend the impotence to do so

>> No.49354001

Lmao you're on a computer and too dumb and arrogant to use a search engine. Go take some time and learn where mining happens

>> No.49354017

They are scared of POW bc it’s the only protocol they cannot control. POW is an IT version of a physical phenomenon. As long as BTC stays POW, a law on BTC makes the same sense as a law on gravity would. It is our task to keep the POW protocol from governments, as it is the only thing which unleashes us. This is also what makes BTC the one and only. Everything else is more or less speculation (even if I am in some projects), but nothing THIS revolutionary. People forgot about this bc they are new and want money.

>> No.49354027

>by tyler durden
holy shit is he real?

>> No.49354028

Cry harder goy animal

>> No.49354053

if btc devs listened to a court order it would effective destroy whatever "decentralization" cope remains and solidify crypto as a meme joke market minus monero

>> No.49354061

Sectors impacting energy use and requiring regulation are as follows:
moving on...

>> No.49354068

Literally nothing.

>> No.49354128

good. we finally get rid of all the weak hands and ngu pussies they will be on the cucked pos chain.

>> No.49354250

Bitcoin cannot be governed by a country. Its bigger than that

>> No.49354325
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>cry more goy animal

>> No.49354469
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>> No.49354501

Haha Chris Larsen is putting millions into this get fucked bitcucks XRP is the standard

>> No.49354525

Based. Maybe we’ll invent something better in the future (not PoS lol) but for now PoW is really the only decentralized way to run anything public

>> No.49354557

You don’t seem to understand. Bitcoin devs don’t control the network. They could propose any bullshit court ordered garbage they want, it would be rejected and the network would continue on as normal. This isn’t the same for other networks such as eth that are pseudo decentralized. Also, your Monero dev community is full of literal fags and SJWs and has already been compromised by the feds.

>> No.49354558

have fun with trying to enforce that

>> No.49354559

Crypto was always destined to be centralized and leveraged by governments, anyone saying otherwise hasn't been paying attention for the past fucking decade.

>> No.49354575

all that could ever come out of this is a bitcoin PoS fed fork that no one with any inclining of historical knowledge on BTC would use. sounds kind of like BSV to me

>> No.49354615
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>> No.49354680
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Also, doesn't this only cucks the US? The slurper is using volcano energy to mine them, so how does that affect the environment according to americucks?

>> No.49354710

>USA mandates PoS
>BTC forks to PoS
>nobody uses it
>nobody runs a node
>people keep mining and using real BTC all around the world
>PoS BTC attracts a small amount of retards who end up like BCH bagholders

>> No.49354735

The movie was based off this guy that writes internet articles

>> No.49354747

I would love to see the governments flop around trying to enforce this.

PoW coins are the only ones worth any money.

>> No.49354768

He can do whatever the fuck he wants…bitcoin doesn’t give one fucking shit!

>> No.49354780

Adam Back and blockstream will gladly comply as BTC is already in the pocket of globohomo.

>> No.49354844

XMR is also PoW. I agree that PoW is one of the real reasons BTC has value.

>> No.49354861

>Haha Chris Larsen is putting millions into this get fucked bitcucks XRP is the standard
Funny BTC can be wrapped on Flare (XRP hodlers airdrop).
He's playing chess and /biz/ is playing checkers

>> No.49354901

>No one fucking mines in the Jewnited States anyway.
Entire power plants are being rented to mining firms in the US.

>> No.49354950
File: 219 KB, 390x391, Chris-Larsen-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks very trustworthy. He definitely doesn't look like the kind of person to sit at overpriced cafes in silicon valley and have chats with corporate attorneys about ways to keep taking my money "legally". Would be very happy to be a xrp schizo and support this kind of entrepreneur.

>> No.49354971

will they go door to door shutting down miners?

>> No.49356254

US is about to go extinct, so who cares...

>> No.49356301

they’re doing this because they know PoS is infinitely less secure, watch them forget to put a timestamp check or something and fed now owns bitcoin