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49351950 No.49351950 [Reply] [Original]

>18k in savings
>no job
>no credit
>no car
>mom is kicking me out
Well bros. It was a pleasure. But my road ends here

>> No.49351965

just get a job, incel

>> No.49352016

what stopping you from getting a job, car, and a place to stay temporarily

>> No.49352062

You have 18 grand go and do something with your life. There are serious poor fags and even homeless lads trying to get by.
Grow up

>> No.49352200

>airplane ticket to south east European country of choice - $1000
>year long rent for an apartment in the capital city - $6000
Then blow the rest on food, drinks, coke and hookers.

>> No.49352797

can you rent from your mom? get a wagie job stat to salvage your comfy life at home bro and start investing

>> No.49352930

>can you rent from your mom?
not an option

>> No.49352989

then it's time to wage bro

>> No.49353129
File: 29 KB, 499x481, 6ebf1e1de2dfaec4761a0234ba166f65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a condition which makes me pull out my hair

I love how people will do everything no matter how retarded it sounds just to cope and avoid responsibility.
Just say you are a fucking retard who pulls out his hair, there is no condition, fucking victim complex pieces of shit.
It's like me saying "I have a condition which makes me shitpost on 4chan several hours a day"

>> No.49353154

Woah I have that one

>> No.49353185


>> No.49353203

Don't forget to gain attention and post in internet.

>> No.49353206

>south east European
>year long rent for an apartment in the capital city - $6000
Just to be clear, you're talking about Ukraine right

>> No.49353245

Give me more details
When is your mom kicking you out?
Are there jobs within walking distance?
If you don't have a car, where are you going to live? Just be homeless?

I'm 25, no job, no degree, no skills and I'm gonna need to pay this month's utilities soon so I also gotta come up with something fast

>> No.49353261

just rent a room temporarily in somebody’s house. buy a shitbox car so you can get a job, then you should be ok

>> No.49353403
File: 364 KB, 646x595, 077[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hypothetically if someone had that "4chan" condition, is there a cure?

>> No.49353441

You are here forever

>> No.49353476

>that pic
no matter how much my mind wants to make me suffer, it could always be worse i guess

>> No.49353499

Pption A:
try to find a used car for no more then $6k.
get a gym membership to shower lol.
live in your car until you can land a job.
then after you first paystub, hope it's enough to rent an apartment (probably need a roomate but pretty hard to find a good one, likely they'll just cuck you on rent).
Option B:
look online for English teacher jobs in China or Vietnam.
get a one way ticket to either country.
and that's pretty much your life forever.
Option C:
enlist in the military

>> No.49353567

You deserve it. You know you deserve it. You are lying to us to make yourself seem like a victim.

>> No.49353795

Wow, it's going to be so cool when your mother's crying over your grave. I bet you'll be in hell looking up and laughing, won't you?

>> No.49353841

and then you guys wonder why you can't get laid, the absolute state of men

>> No.49353845 [DELETED] 
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transition gender

>> No.49353849

Triple that rent cost

>> No.49353958

Just remember this when shes an old worn out slut who needs people to help her take a shit and not die everyday.
Then kick her ass out to the street and laugh.

The only point of families is to support eachother against the world. If you cannot even do this, your family is as shit as mine.

>> No.49353975

>Eastern Europe
>Cheap rent in 2022
Not sure you have ever been there?

>> No.49353980

Option C fag here.
It’s pretty cozy bros. I’m not in a combat arms trade so I get to live in a big city, I make more than the average income for where I live, it’s also in medical field so women think it’s sexy.

>> No.49354069

you can look for a car first off and honestly that's enough for you to start work. literally uber or something will get you some income if you dont mind driving. if not that you can always use your car as a place to live. if you go down that route get a gym membership to shower and to have a resting place. gl anon

>> No.49354148

$500 per month especially in a lump sum of $6k for the year can get you an apartment in any south east Euro capital city.
Its not Amsterdam.

>> No.49354369

I wish amerisharts would stop talking about shit they know nothing about. Our rents are not an insane kikery like yours, mister I-give-2k-per-month-to-my-landlord-Shekelberg.

>> No.49354440

dude 18k is more than enough to go somewhere and rent month to month until you get a job by rapid firing apps off indeed.
just get a secured credit card and lie about your income on online applications
>no car
you honestly don't need a car

>> No.49354731

Shave your head you fucking retard.
Jfc Chink IQ on math : 300, Chink IQ on creativity and problem solving - australopithecus tier

>> No.49354775

Multiply rent by 2,5x
And consider, you are paying to live in Eastern Europe. Definition of insanity

>> No.49355709

if I am starting from scratch in a new location with no help no matter what what state should I head to?

>> No.49355774

Glad you can move onto someplace happier anon. I hope it is peaceful and quick

>> No.49355783
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He'd need a visa that lets him stay long term plus the reason people don't stay in eastern europe is because they spend all their money on vodka instead of developing real industries. Romania is a wasteland outside of the capital and the Hungarian areas.

>> No.49356274

Are you faggots retarded.
$1250 per month can rent out a building floor in Macedonia or Bulgaria

>> No.49356303

Probably Americans.

>> No.49356313

>post says rent apartment in the capital

>> No.49356444
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Expecting me to read the whole post is foolish, I don't have time for more than skimming.

>> No.49357471

unironically go in the army and pick a decent mos. If recession hits hard itll lock up quick.

>inb4 dying for israhell

Not all jobs are combat arms

>bbbbb-but muh zog

Yeah ok, you can pay full tax as a civilian or do some bullshit milfag job and not worry about getting fired for arbitrary reasons like usual during a recession

>> No.49358410
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>> No.49358461

>I have a condition which makes me shitpost on 4chan several hours a day

Its called Obsessive Compulsive Behaviour

>> No.49358992

Don’t do it anon, but if you do send what you’re holding my way. You won’t be needing it where you’re going


>> No.49359122

This is what I’ve been saying, God just talks to me through the walls and I have to kill my neighbors before they kill me

>> No.49359383

id go with c
free college afterward and 4 years of getting investment capital w/ no expenses.
also its very easy to make friends there. girls are tough to come by but you can look forward to that in college

>> No.49361435

You should be looking at entrepreneurship, even just selling apps.

>> No.49361555

>$1250 per month can rent out a building floor in Macedonia or Bulgaria
How much is rent in a white South European country like Turkiye?

>> No.49361821

>unironically go in the army and pick a decent mos. If recession hits hard itll lock up quick.
This. But go Air Force. It'll build your lazy ass back up, train you, allow you to travel, and hook you up with a nice well-paying stable job in aviation/defense. Nigga' just pick something and DO it.

>> No.49362668

i had this condition when i was at school. had huge patches of scalp showing on my head from compulsively pulling my hair out. it was pretty bad plus i was small too so i looked like a golem i try not to remember those days

>> No.49362688

get a flight to venice beach, buy a tent a backpack and sleep on the beach during the day. go to the bars at night drink water and try to fuck women. use your cash to buy peanut butter and you can let that last for 10 years at least

>> No.49362691

T*rkshitstan, lel why go from brown ameritrash to islamic inbred browntrash?

>> No.49362736

I think you mean South East ASIA.

>> No.49362739

Get a job you lazy little fucking shit

>> No.49362744

its called trichotillomania and its just the bodies way of reacting to stress. some people probably do it to get attention like cutting wrists. when i started doing it i didnt understand why just felt natural but now im older i know it was because i was being bullied alot at the time and it was just my bodies way of dealing with the situation

>> No.49362777

i'm doing this for my dad as we speak. you run your mouth in a cavalier fashion. what have you done for your family? i suspect that you are young. not really an excuse, but you'll probably improve with age.

>> No.49362800

If we are going to dodge responsibility, we need spirits and gods again. 'An evil spirit cursed me' is just so much more damn kino than 'I have a condition'.

>> No.49362811

You are
a ) Awesome
b) Based
c) Pathetic

>> No.49362888
File: 23 KB, 616x498, 36803BD9-BDA8-48E0-A1E8-A7FB61F2E129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only $400k NW
I should probably just off myself right? What should I do with the money? Does it even matter?

>> No.49362919

Ask the Lord what you should do anon. Jesus loves and truly does care about this sort of thing. Given your savings, until inflation truly does its thing, you seem to be okay. Just find a place

>> No.49363175
File: 37 KB, 514x963, 1654328603461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5k in savings
>junior software job
>NEET-tier credit
>parents gave me a small warehouse to renovate into a house
It pays off being a good boy and not an ungrateful brat. Too bad it never landed me a gf and am still khv

>> No.49363248

send it to me bro, we can play video games together

>> No.49363280 [DELETED] 

Ok peep, it's time say some words about Streeth NFT Bomb!

>Mints & auctions iconic Street Art NFTs
>KYC Doxxed Team and Audit by CoinScope
>Fully secured personal Vault

>> No.49363312

hey i am a very real sufferer of that condition and my disability shouldn’t be just a joke to you

>> No.49363690

The cheapest one.

>> No.49363767
File: 2 KB, 125x124, FROG MIDDLE FINGER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>18k in savings
Get a job at McDonald's and invest part of that savings in getting KOL and you won't be crying here like a faggot. kek

>> No.49363780

You should give her 20 Links

>> No.49363810

I have the a level of trichotillomania and it's uncontrollable, I don't know how to get rid of it.
Because of this I cannot have my hair longer than a certain length, otherwise I just keep touching it, it's nothing as bad as the real hair pulling but it is debilitating in some sense as it gives me headaches.

>> No.49364515

Just stop touching it dude.

>> No.49364555

If you're american you live in easy mode, dude. You can literally go to a fast food place and they will give you a job. Try that in a low tier Euro country kek

>> No.49364590
File: 784 KB, 670x504, 1611829056090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meme thread but for anons that are 26 and feel lost... You have no fucking idea how young you are. You could still fuck up until your early 30s and turn it around. There's 3 different careers I can think of that you can jump into within a few months and won't be automated for the next 2 decades. There's so many ways to make it that it's hard to feel sympathy for fuck ups. You choose to be a fuck up, nothing else to it. If you have the grace to admit that you're a loser because you consciously made that choice, that's the first step to unfucking everything. There's no way around it, put in the work and be rewarded, or be lazy and cry how it's your parents fault or your brothers fault. Blaming anyone, but yourself is just embarrassing.

>> No.49364675

You got nearly 20k....
Why are you whining you massive little faggot.

>> No.49364775

>I have a condition which makes me shitpost on 4chan several hours a day

Same man

>> No.49365394

based wizard
good luck with software dev career

>> No.49365616

Go work at McDonald's. Pay is starts at $16 almost everywhere and they hire anyone.

>> No.49365636

based believer

>> No.49365666

great take
I have a literal demon

>> No.49365697

a man of outside the box thinking and culture i see. nice

>> No.49366022

with their rate of inflation the landlord will soon pay you to live there
downside goatsemen is about all their currency still buys

not sure where you get this from but you can rent in western europe for 7k a year with a little search and not directly in the city centre

>> No.49366027

>It's like me saying "I have a condition which makes me shitpost on 4chan several hours a day"
it's called being a loser anon.

like a little shit you are

>> No.49366104

what the fuck can 20k even get you nowadays? unless you blow it all on one thing then 20k to live off of is barely anything

>> No.49366884
File: 8 KB, 225x225, future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way
You have all it takes to make a better life with a little investment
Why not invest $5k in good crypto projects like spool and xpress while you sit back to earn passive income from staking?

>> No.49367008

Get a job and stop whining you fucking faggot

>> No.49367088

I have a condition that makes me tell you to kill yourself

>> No.49367378

> "I have a condition which makes me shitpost on 4chan several hours a day"

The first step is admitting you have a problem

>> No.49368251
File: 305 KB, 447x684, gpyp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys will literally rip the hair out of their head instead of going to therapy.