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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49347496 No.49347496 [Reply] [Original]

>releases CCIP and staking during worst bear market since 2008

What did he mean by this?

>> No.49347544

Link is a bear market coin anon.

>> No.49347563
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Can’t have the Great without the Reset, anonkxax8

>> No.49347566

Sergey Betray

>> No.49347622

Are these things actually confirmed this time? Feel like I've heard they were being released since 2019

>> No.49347623

His hand was forced. It was either that or a big Mac bear market for Sergey. Can't betray if there is no one to betray.

>> No.49347640

Other way around, (((they))) crashed the market to suppress the launch of steaking and CCIP.

>> No.49347695

I love white people so much. We must protect them at all cost.

>> No.49347716

Sergey announces staking Jan 1st in a video and the whole market collapses. They do not want us to make it. Coincidence?

>> No.49347773
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Cant make this shit up

>> No.49347919

>Mr Rothschild Mr Rothschild!
>"What is it?"
>Crypto and stocks are in a bear market! BTC is down 50% from ATH, SP500 is also down by 5%!
>"Fuck I guess we can no longer use oracles for our banking services. Shut it all down, maybe I will reconsider when BTC is back at 50k..."

>> No.49347983

They are confirmed for 2022. Anons are speculating one/both might be released at Consensus next week

>> No.49348010

Sergey also said institutions will start using defi this year.

>> No.49348683
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he means that when you really care about something you are willing to work on it for 10 years and he could care less about short term price action when his network secures 80 billion dollars, has been selected by SWIFT, WEF and Google execs as a kingmade project, and the only people who stand to lose from him properly growing his company are short-term minded "investors" who represent the lowest common denominator of human beings on the planet.

any other questions?

>> No.49348745

>could care less
could he care less? wouldn't that be careless? if he cares less just because he can, what does that say about the project. Does he in fact care less? It's unclear.

>> No.49348791

This, kek

>> No.49348801
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He doesn't want us to make it

>> No.49348822

No he didn't

>> No.49348849

Yes he did

>> No.49348866

Imagine you are Sergey Nazarov. The crypto clown market is wildly speculative and overvalued, with projects that quite literally secure no value and create no value(think shiba and cardano) in the top ten by mcap. Meanwhile, your company secures 10x it's mcap in value across thousands of projects. The former CEO of Google has joined your company, former top software devs and CTO's from FAANG and the White House are working either directly for you or closely to you.

Now tell me, why would Sergey be concerned with the kvetching of 4chan and twitter "link marine" bagholders?

>> No.49348976
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Nah take meds. that was actually caused by the bogs dying

>> No.49349084

The lower the link price, the more link we get for staking. The moon can wait.

>> No.49349120

just say he couldn't care less you fucking brainlet

>> No.49349198
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>> No.49349230

Sergey likes to do all at once at a really big announcement (like mainnet launch), so I dont think they will release staking at consensys but rather at Smartcon with Eric Schmidt giving a speech too.

>> No.49349454

Checked and I agree, he wouldn't. WAGMI, and soon

>> No.49349499

nice meme, i hope it helps you learn to use an idiom that has been around for decades

>> No.49349519

Sirgay wants us to make it on god

>> No.49349634 [DELETED] 

makes me sick with sadness. jews are heartless and ungrateful.

>> No.49349658

fake chart and wrong dates. conservatives are fucking obsessed with the occult and don't think twice to check fucking facts lmao

>> No.49350738

can anyone update this one?

>> No.49350779
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>> No.49350894
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>big Mac bear market for Sergey

>> No.49351078
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>> No.49351116

I am not building the future of finance on your schedule. Fuck off. And fuck you.

>> No.49351122

I would care if the coin i helped developed swung from $50 a pop to $6 a pop. Thats a lot of instability that would frigthen institutional investors

>> No.49351731

Dont you ever question his timing again.

>> No.49351840

Institutions have been using defi for years you dumb faggot

>> No.49351907

Me too brother.

>> No.49352196

Staking with a low chainlink price means higher APY rewards and allows you to grow your stack. Of course /biz/ doesn't understand this.

>> No.49352706
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Link pumps in bear market. Imagine how much it will pump in a great depression.