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49344861 No.49344861 [Reply] [Original]

Hes so old, it seems a waste to sell his country out for 10 more years of wealth

This man rules like a daimyo

>> No.49344907
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Jill destroyed this man

>> No.49344921

He's a psychopath, ruling among other psychopaths, who all believe they are smarter than everybody else even in face of the reality they created one of the worst environments for westerners ever.

>> No.49344968

The elite are punishing the western world for daring to push back on their NWO agenda by destroying their livelihoods and tearing down the moral fabric of society. Joe's incompetence is not an accident, they want your hope gone and your spirit squashed

>> No.49345037

He's just a puppet who does what he's told to do nothing else

>> No.49345080
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he doesn't even call any of the shots

>> No.49345111

an illegitimate and blackmailed president. what could possibly go wrong

>> No.49345117
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>> No.49345465

biden’s on TV right now. the markets are tanking harder since this senile goofball started speaking. give this fuck the gaffel hook before he fucks up even more than he already has. dude’s supposed to be calming the market, he’s doing the opposite
> let’s kill brandon

>> No.49345494
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50% of Americans unironically think the economy is doing great and that prices are actually low.
Fuck the left.

>> No.49345859

America is a shithole not worth having any pride in. Patriot and bootlicker mean the same thing.

>> No.49345880

this, people still think its trumps fault too. does the gaslighting ever end?

>> No.49345894

Seethe tranny
Everyone knows he never won the election, it was a blatant theft by those who should be hanged immediately, and he is corrupt as hell.

I just never understood why. This decrepit ruling class still thinks Europe is cool kek. Faggots. Imagine suplicating to European nwo elites. Like seriously how pathetically gay can someone be? Clearly the gay man Obama is behind this all. Pathetic.

>> No.49345911

The same thing would be happening if Trump won. The macroeconomic situation has been shadowing over us for a while now. Smoothbrains can't think more than just the present.

>> No.49345987

>b-but it woulda happened under Trump too
>he would’ve canceled gas leases
>he would’ve destroyed his own tax program
>he would’ve prioritized a massive green spending bill
>he woulda fucked up Afghanistan
This list goes on.

Just fucking kys glowie. Your imminent demise is inevitable. The charade is over. Can’t BELIEVE they were so desperate they installed Biden. Fucking hilarious
“Never underestimate joe Biden’s ability to fuck things up” - gay tranny fucker. Never have those words been more true.

>> No.49346261

No position or come back possible. There is no rebuttle. Also; im fucking hot, im not offended by your shitty cartoon. /biz users get pussy, they make money, they know or atleast want to know how things work. I understand this is most likely bait but it really comes off as sad and autistic. Depraved or depressed but defeatist all the same

>> No.49346270


>> No.49346342

I believe the goal is:
consolidation of executive and senate and house through immigration and illegal votes
Leading to no republican defense against court packing
Leading to repelation of 22nd
Leading to reinstallation of obama

Its would be 2042 before obama is bidens current age. He still has lots of time to play.

>> No.49346401

I think at this point they are afraid to admit they treated their loved ones terribly for no reason. Its like their souls have been bought and paid for and they cant cancel the deal. Its like the democrats have bought spiritual real-estate in the brains and souls of the polezniye duraki class

>> No.49346459

Hes not a puppet, hes taking bribes and blatantly allowing corruption. Its not the same as being a puppet. Its called selling out the people. Its what he has done since his first wife died

>> No.49346603

According to all leftoids, the economy [which they think is doing great] is doing bad because of Putin, not Biden.
I can't possibly imagine what it's like to be a Democrat and have multiple conflicting beliefs in my brain. They argue everything is doing great, but when you point out proof of the contrary, they blame Putin/Trump/racism – whilst still simultaneously arguing that everything is fine and we've recovered.
They say gas and food prices aren't really that high, but if they are high, it's not Biden's fault.

>> No.49346661

This is a really hot take and you should take your medication.

Literally every politician, Trump included, is paid to play. Everything is the swamp, even the one claiming to drain it.

Biden is not using executive power quite enough.

>> No.49346826

>can't even fathom words
weak af

>> No.49346913

That second part is not even kind of true

>> No.49346956

This. Why would a catholic support abortion and fag rights? He's just a satanic psycho like all the others.

>> No.49347002

“Literally every politician is pay to play even trump”
This is a really hot take and you should take your medication

If you think trump profited at all from the preidency and if you see all authority figures as a monolith thats actually a sincere symptom of schizophrenia and you actually should get help

Look, the biden regime has been VERY blatant that these are their goals, its not even reading between the lines, its literally blatantly obvious.

Youre showing actual signs of mebtal decline if you cant tell the difference between trump and biden. I know its hard to admit youve been lied to, but youre not the main charecter in real life, and no the political parties are not the same. Politics attracts the corrupt, but the leaders are individuals, as frail and confused and scared to be found out as you.

Nancy pelosi and kamala harris have hardcore imposter syndrome

>> No.49347077

The WEF and Co. have to speed up the dismay all around the world to catch up on time lost during the Trump years. Agenda 21 became their 2030 plan and they literally had to steal a US election, start a pandemic, inject AIDS into vaxxers and are now firebombing and kamikaze-ing food storage facilities.

>> No.49347206

it's ironic because it really should be a glow nigger telling us to buy jeet coins

>> No.49347316
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>> No.49347358
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>> No.49347373

It was literally in the fucking zelesnki call. They literally impeached trump in 2020 for dicsovering it and said he used his executive power to depose a political opponent

>> No.49347401

Because he and his handlers hate Americans

>> No.49347417

They literally want to mass brainwash people into cutting off cocks and that you're somehow evil if you're born with a specific skin color (hey weren't we supposed to stop racism??). They're actual civilization ending demons.

>> No.49347453

Pretty much this and we’re only 1 year in. Gonna be lots of suicides and drug use. I wish we could still get oxy. Now it’s all deadly chink fentanyl.

>> No.49347457

For a second there I thought he wasn't going to say it but then 3 times in a row
>Putin's Price Hike

>> No.49347517

The antisemitism thing is more or less well-poisoning. Yes they are a powerful faction and some of them (reformed jews specifically) can be attrocious; but judaism as a whole isnt a monolith. Likud is more or less good guys and being anti israel when bibi was in charge really requires that you be a commie or a muslim commie

>> No.49347549

This >>49345987 is accurate. It's analogous to the Afghanistan withdrawal - all things considered, a turn for the worse was inevitable, but the Biden regime is proactively making it even worse with every single decision that it makes.

>> No.49347636

Whoa this must be a euro nwo glownigger. We will destroy and rip down all that has been corrupted. The constitution will be preserved and America will grow back stronger. Kys dumbfuck. How did you not see this inevitability? Did you really think we’d lose faith in our govt and then just accept the faggy nwo? Top fucking kek. Hhahahah. These jews and obama cronies are creating their worst nightmare.

>> No.49347641
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Press & dents are fronts and nothing else whatsoever now and for some time.
This front is utterly predictable.
Trump at least was a lot of fun.

>> No.49347781

Kek this. It's insane how the libshits are walking hypocrisies. It's double think from 1984 in real time

>> No.49347784

Yeah, I get that Americans get shit on a lot, and rightfully so, but I have no idea how they believe they're going to convince Americans to accept foreign bureaucrats lording over them when their own "domestic" bureaucrats are shitting on them every chance they get. Once the guns come out, they stay out.

>> No.49347816

Schizo. You just believe whatever mommy tv says

Youre like the cable guy

>> No.49347855

Hes actually demented. He doesnt decide anything.

>> No.49347931

Holy cope thread

>> No.49348038

America is 30% spic and growing. Americans have been replaced with dumb 80 IQ savages that will vote for socialism every year until the end of voting.

>> No.49348094

Oh fuck off. They're awful. They may not act as one mind but they are so nepotistic and single-minded that they may as well be a hive-mind. A hive-mind of leftist thought spewing, immigrant-welcome, 'hi fellow white people', faggots.

>> No.49348153

Spic guys are pretty libertarian/conservatives. They like guns and don't care for the sissy shit that liberals promote.

Also, the girls are hot, brown, and tend to have big bubble butts.

I am entitled to a latina gf. This is my only political position.

>> No.49349078

That retard isn’t in charge of Jack Shit, and Jack left town.