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File: 372 KB, 1440x3200, 443A0D0A-D690-4EA6-B342-2EB9ADFE180E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49339079 No.49339079 [Reply] [Original]

Do women really think the average guy is ugly? This is very concerning…

>> No.49339114
File: 773 KB, 333x358, 5284489587.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP looks in mirror

>> No.49339131

um idk like yeah haha idk

>> No.49339169

>Do women really think
Let me stop you right there dumbass.

>> No.49339182

most women are too
the difference is guys don't give a fuck, they're just looking for one

>> No.49339339
File: 42 KB, 530x526, 2CAE2276-3CC9-462E-B16D-6D5B06B6CE58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually here’s a pic of me irl

>> No.49339348

she's low-key saying she thinks slavs are ugly

>> No.49339391

What a fucking chinlet. I would kms if I were him

>> No.49339396

>Its another incel thread on 4chan
This place is unironically worse than Reddit

>> No.49339408
File: 39 KB, 500x750, sean_opry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was kinda well known at this point? Women have an incredibly inaccurate perception of what the average is. When the girl in the OP refers to the "average white boy standard look", pic related is what she's thinking of.

>> No.49339414

Post a picture of your side profile.
They rate over 80% of men below average, this is objective data from all studies ever conducted on this subject, but there will still be some literal retard who replies in denial.

>> No.49339420

she's just some anti-white whore

>> No.49339424

they don't. just b urself.

>> No.49339436
File: 121 KB, 591x1280, FC6542D7-7D63-469B-B904-0007E5E8EF6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She legit sent this when I asked her for an “average” guy she meets on tinder jfl

>> No.49339461


>> No.49339512

i look like this but lighter hair and i dress better and i dont dont tuck my shirt int2 my pant

>> No.49339520


you are the worst of all, the problem started with you and you don't even know it
you know this website used to not be like this? There was always that undertone of virgin, nerd angst but it was more of a camaraderie around being socially awkward and not being able to talk to girls.
then pol exploded and you fucking faggots from reddit came in and all of a sudden 80% of the fucking website is frogs and posts about jews and schizo shit and the 'I know that feel' guy is being posted a million fucking times, do you know before your kind ruined this board (one of many) the frog was just feelsbadman/feelsgoodman and incel was not even a word??

>> No.49339531

See you are talking this as a bad sign but not understanding. His face isnt average. She is so dumb she doesn't understand that or alternatively is just shallow. What she means is average is his dress/style/and probably his basic profile info.

Look at how he is dressed. Its not form fitting or flatting at all. Most men look like that. He is average. Its amazing how much style changes a dude's attractiveness even regardless of his facial attractiveness prior.

>> No.49339545

Fucking hell go touch some gras incel its not because you simply look average that you cant get any girls its because your character is repulsing. I can tell from those few sentences that noone would want to hang out with you because you suck as a human being

Spoiler you will die alone if you dont spot putting the blame on others

>> No.49339556

That couple of words is enough to drop the chat with her. She's obviously standard 50 IQ social media bitch.

>> No.49339564

Post a timestamped picture of your side profile and face, I guarantee you're sub 5.

>> No.49339571

So now you're starting to understand a little better then? Women have shit intuition when it comes to what the average person looks like because they only tend to notice guys who are traditionally on the high end of the scale.

IMO it doesn't help that their social media feeds are often clagged up with male celebrities and models. It tends to influence them into thinking that the "average" person should look like that. I sound like a luddite of course, but... social media bad. It's killing healthy society.

>> No.49339581

Post yours

>> No.49339582

tell this bich show bobs or mother fuck kick rocks ,, we have designated street to shitting on stupid bhanchod

>> No.49339591

Thing is I probably am a "sub 5" (even thinking in those terms is utterly retarded) yet I have no problem getting my dick wet funny isnt it. Its your fault get a grip before its to late

>> No.49339594

I'm not the one attacking people for being "incels", I am a 4.5-5 at best and that is not good enough for tinder in 2022. I don't need to post my face because I already know I'm average at best.

>> No.49339602

Any guy can get 400 pound landwhales if they swipe for weeks, getting your dick wet isn't an accomplishment at all.

>> No.49339606

she would say every one of those guys was attractive if they were wearing designer clothes and standing next to a luxury car or smelled like some kind of expensive cologne.

>> No.49339628

Never used tinder because I am not socially retarded

>> No.49339635

I couldn't agree more
True patheticism on display when there's no accountability. But I actually like reading others despair every now and then. Kinda refreshing knowing there's some truly pathetic "people" out there. You don't get that on other social media

>> No.49339641

What are you like 40? Almost everyone meets with tinder or dating sites now, it's not the 1990s anymore boomer.

>> No.49339653

Kek sure thing. Tinder is for faggots who dont have the balls to get rejected irl

>> No.49339654
File: 39 KB, 503x644, how women rate men dating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80/20 is real

>> No.49339663

you realize tinder isnt the only way to make connections and meet people, right? you stupid zoomer faggot
protip: the more you blame your problems on anything besides yourself, the less likely you are to get pussy

>> No.49339664

In person has an even lower success rate than online, even good looking guys can struggle with that.

>> No.49339674

>another boomer retard
That study is a bit old now, it's around 95/5 now lmao.

>> No.49339676

one in the middle looks chinese or something.

>> No.49339692

> the more you blame your problems on anything besides yourself, the less likely you are to get pussy

Thats exactly it but faggots like him cant help themself
>Muh its my looks
>Muh i am not rich enough
>Muh Girls are whores and shallow

Its simply an excuse not to look at the painful fact that they suck to be around

>> No.49339694

Depends massively on the vibe

Nightclub or college bar full of chads? Over.

But I’ve been to a lot of low key lounges and bars where it’s a great vibe to approach women

>> No.49339696

strong men eat dogs, acquire their savage souls

>> No.49339698

you are literally still in high school aren't you? jesus christ dude
your problems literally dont exist lmao

>> No.49339714

You sound like you're 40, it was easy to get women as late as 2010, the massive "incel" shit didn't really become a thing till Tinder came out. You don't realize what it's like to be a zoomer and never will.

>> No.49339721

That's what people who invest in dog coins say before committing suicide because their shit dumped.

>> No.49339724

Your sucess rate is 0 because you suck. Stop blaming stuff on outside sources and things outoff your control

>> No.49339733

>just pull yourself up by your bootstraps
>they can tell you're bad to be around within 5 seconds of asking them out!
>looks don't matter bro! I'm a 40 year old boomer from an era where any 3/10 could get women!

>> No.49339739

i am 29 you retard nigger, and i have more than enough interaction with zoomers to know that you're just a huge pathetic faggot that can't take personal accountability for their own unhappiness
it's not that the world hates you, it's that it simply does not give a fuck about you. i sincerely hope you learn that sooner than later

>> No.49339750

they are still slow and expensive shit if you really want fast cash, use Vinu if you are so excited about shitcoins lmao

>> No.49339758

Why are you so angry about zoomers struggling to get women? Are you projecting your own insecurity, or just really fucking ugly? You won't concede that looks is the most important factor by far, so probably just incredibly ugly.

>> No.49339772

I can tell that you suck from Reading few senteces on an anonymous image Board looking at you would be a glaring neon sign probably. Whatever dont listen to me and go on blaming everything but yourself I am sure it will work out

>> No.49339777

How are all you faggots this dumb? The average woman is ugly too. do you want to fuck a 5/10? because that is average. idiots

>> No.49339783
File: 57 KB, 976x850, pepestare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck are you even on about at this point dude lmao
>era where any 3/10 could get women
you have no clue what you're talking about. things have ///LITERALLY/// always been this way. throughout the entire history of mankind. your brain on /pol/ and incel forums has gaslit yourself into believing otherwise

>> No.49339788

Women can't tell what my personality is when swiping on tinder, you need to pass the initial looks test to reach the personality filter.
>want to fuck a 5/10
Ya that would be nice, I only get like 2 tinder matches per week and they are either bots or literally 400 pounds.

>> No.49339798

Nice shitty attempt at gaslightning, women's standards are based on the total pool of potential men they can reach. Pre online dating and tinder ugly manlet males got married, not so much anymore when women have a massive pool of males to select from.

>> No.49339801

>The average woman is ugly too. do you want to fuck a 5/10?
A 5/10 gf would literally be my dream. Almost had a 4/10 gf but she was also a huge slut and fucked other dudes on the side, and then dumped me eventually.

t. 5,5/10, 6 on good days

>> No.49339819

Pro tip be a chill dude stop using tinder actually socialice and have a good time. I met my current girl during rockclimbing. Go outside and Touch some gras

>> No.49339825

I have a 0% success rate cold approaching in person with over 500 total attempts, any more advice gramps?

>> No.49339840

the best part about this all that you aren't understanding: girls swipe left on you because they are (((incompatible))) with you
even if they swiped right and went on a date with you, nothing would fucking happen because all the spaghetti would fall out of your pockets before even sitting down at the table

women dont want you because you are undesirable. you are undesirable because you haven't taken any steps to make yourself desirable. charisma alone goes a really long fucking way, but clearly you rolled a negative 10 in that department
also stop using tinder. your entire world view is shaped by an online bubble of a predatory algorithm entirely designed to profit off of you

>> No.49339842

Kek I am sure you have never aproached anyone yet alone 500. Have to go now going for a hike. Enjoy your basement and rape fantasies