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49331404 No.49331404 [Reply] [Original]

its impossible to have a gf because even if u got one by pretending to be a hot shot for a few days she would eventually realize how awkward and boring and antisocial and retarded you are and try to leave asap like something that is just destined to happen no matter what her staying power would drop off dramatically each day

getting a gf is not just "getting a gf" theres also keeping her around after that consistently its a nearly impossible force to break because women have so much options and youll just be a sitting duck ready for her to leave and cheat on you with each day its working against you at all times unless youre constantly on crack and a normy on constant surveillance and top in your field its a impossible thing to hold up only a normy can do it who has committed to wagiedom and sacrifice for his 4/10 fat roast

>> No.49331499
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i kinda disagree that im self fulfilling it i actually put myself in the shoes of a girl and tried to walk through the scenario. theres a reason ive had no gf for 28 years. the same issues i face would become abundantly clear even if i took crack and xanax to manage to have energy to acquire a girlfriend initially it would break down like a drop off in a linear fashion dramaticall

>> No.49331525

Reading your dumbass post, I think it’s pretty clear why you have never had a gf

>> No.49331555
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Even with all those things you mentioned, she will still leave you for a homeless Chad if your looks are anything sub 8/10. Women unironically want only the top 20% of men{9/10 10/10 Chad Thundercock}they will only settle for less if they have hit the wall or have already had years of partying and being run through by Chad and Tyrone.

Your only hope is to find a head empty 18-20 y/o and hope she has not been on social media or subscribes to ANY form of MSM narrative, however due to obvious reasons this type of girl doesn't exist. I feel your pain, anon. I have mid 6 figures that I achieved this year and just now have I realized that no matter how much money I have, the girl im looking for either doesn't exist or will never feel the same towards me. It is what it is.

>> No.49331616

Seems the only effort you want to make is to take those medications. Don't worry anon, you could still probably attract some girls the same level as you.

>> No.49331625
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ya and my personal belief is she will even cheat on that 8/10 chad eventually women are just kinda free agents they arent supposed to have this power and freedom theyre supposed to be sold off in marriage by the father

as property

women floating around doing their own thing is dangerous for humanity they will go from one person to the next looting everything and not providing and compassion or love back to men in any regard

like i said if i could get a gf which is unlikely its almost like you need to do that every day because she will just find a new guy and leave when she realizes ur socially awkward and weird

>> No.49331700

>anon discovers how evolution happens

>> No.49331714
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im a young earth creationist i dont believe in evolution or evolutionary psychology

>> No.49331755

You will never be a Glowie,
you will always be a wannabe

>> No.49331757

but you believe that women will leave men who don’t “fit the bill” hence they are looking for a specific sort of man?

one who shows traits that entail survivability in the game of life?
This is evolution, the genetics of men who cannot “get a gf” simply do not get passed on and end, meanwhile the “Chad” genes get passed on for millennia because the men who have them show desirable traits

>> No.49331791

Darwinism is gay

>hurr natural selection
who cares nerd

>> No.49331799
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women would have been protected by their father in the past and sold off to a "beta" who is in actuality an alpha because the father makes the judgement call

women are emotional and whimsically going from place to place based on television and what their impaired judgement (as children ) tells them is right

so you would have had parents chipping away at what you think evolution would give us where all white women are coal burners for warrior africans who kill white people

>> No.49331828
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>> No.49331842

Bee yourself.
You're not going to get Lana Rhoades but you're gonna get a cutie who likes watching YouTube with you and watching you unite Europe.

>> No.49331864

just kys. problem solved. Meaning you won't need to worry about it so much.

>> No.49331871
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maybe in europe theres different dynamics and white women are still available

>youre gonna get a cutie

incels are growing in numbers im 28 and never had any gf

many men are facing conundrums in certain feminist states such as uk and usa

>> No.49331913

they are simple, I wouldn’t want them any other way

>> No.49331972
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its only hard when youre a faggot nigger

>> No.49333586

Be realistic, you'll never be able to date any true Koreans. They are based not to race mix, and the trad wife materials only marry Koreans.

Only Asians you'll get to date are South Asian sand niggers or some washed up Asian American with shitty style.

>> No.49334279

Just get a awkward gf too. It's literally that simple. T. Autistic with several gfs

>> No.49334706
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You poor Zoomers don't get it. This is not the decade for gfs. This is the decade for whipping your shit into shape and battening down the hatches to weather the storm.

A girlfriend will only hold you back right now, and that's not even cope, surprisingly. You need to stay nimble, stay flexible, and be ready to make moves when circumstances demand it. You want maximum freedom and maximum financial independence when the 2030s hit, because the world's going to be completely transformed, hopefully in a positive way, if we make it through these next eight years alive.

Don't say your Millennialbros didn't try to help you out.

>> No.49334936

That’s a whole lotta words to say you’re a loser.

>> No.49335025
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Its not hard to be top 20 percentile of men.
If you have a normal bmi, income> 70k, have your own apartment and car, regular face and not autistic, you can get a gf. Just dont expect to bang tinder stacies

>> No.49335090

The secret is to be awesome, don't pretend, and be fine whether she leaves or not.

>> No.49335110

where do you find these autist girls

>> No.49335131
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not being autistic can consist of being a movie star with a perfect personality archetype from their favorite soap opera

theres no legitimate course of action a regular dude who isnt perfect in social situations (everyone) can ever reach that women expect

your pretending to not care if she leaves is really just vulnerability and pathetic coping that the average male has to do so stacy might stick around its not true strength which is only attainable for literal billionaires who have viable staying power and orbiting power for roasts

>> No.49335163

>he fell for the black pilled incel mgtow memes
You have rotted your brain with mind poison and are manifesting your negative reality. You can either reprogram your mind or continue to suffer good luck.

>> No.49335175

worse of all, this fucktard is 28 years old. There's no saving people like him.

>> No.49335180
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>income> 70k
>regular face
Good one Anon. The first one is hard as fuck if you're <120IQ, which most people are, and the second is useless since the average woman thinks the average man is unattractive.

Meanwhile, your choices are mainly at least one of the following: fat, tattooed, slut, substance-user, single mom, daughter in a broken family, the list goes on. The numbers are so heavily weighted against faithful, devoted love that it's actually comical.

>> No.49335259


You aren't wrong. It's an arms race, but it can be won. Most people aren't trying.

>> No.49335271

put yourselves in the mind of a woman. she can breed with anyone she wants via sperm donation. Single mothers are having model looking children. Why would they want to breed with you?

Make money and buy a surrogate. In the end itll be cheaper than a wife or a gf. Stay a virgin. You will be free of stds, and being bamboozled