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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4932010 No.4932010 [Reply] [Original]

I have 14 bitcoins. The wife wants me to sell everything.

Should I listen to her?

>> No.4932027

is the wife hot or nah? If yes, sell. If no, sell.

>> No.4932029


>> No.4932038

Wait at least 12 months

>> No.4932040

Who earned the money to buy it? If it was all you tell her to fuck off. If it was 50/50 sell half.

>> No.4932041

no. mine convinced me to trade 11 btc all in for bitcoin cash. would have made me filthy rich actually but i failed to sell the top now i have 8 btc worth of coins but 0 btc

>> No.4932053

how cucked can one person be?

>> No.4932063


I've already kept it for 5 years

>> No.4932068

Tell her the selling machine isnt working right now, I guarantee she has no idea how it works.

>> No.4932082

Nah. Tell her you'll sell one but she has to do anal.

You'll sell them all but if BTC is worth more in one year you get a threesome with her sister.

>> No.4932108
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by 2022 every btc will be worth somewhere around $4914286 USD.

Gentlemen, we are currently seeing the largest relocation of wealth in history. Owning even a single btc and holding it until at least 2025 will allow you to retire.
If you can take out a loan to acquire a entire btc I HIGHLY suggest you do so.

If you want to cash out of btc, leave at LEAST 1 btc until it reaches a 5 million USD per coin cost.

By that time btc cost will only grow with the growth gross world product.

>> No.4932119

>implying you can cash out

>> No.4932127 [DELETED] 

OP I know you don't know me, but I got a gut feeling you should hold on. And if she doesn't feel like you should, tell her to piss off while you collect huge gains and create a better future for the two of you. This is LITERALLY the beginning of Bitcoin's run-up.

If you found this advice helpful, feel free to help out a lad that is down on his luck.


>> No.4932129

You're the boss of the household, why the fuck would you do what your wife says?

>> No.4932130

Keep that common sense of yours out of /biz/!

>> No.4932146

do your own thing man.

>> No.4932178

>telling your wife you own crypto
>having a wife in $currentYear

>> No.4932200

Kill her if she keeps starting shit, go your own way.

You don't need wife any more ,

You have Bitcoins.

>> No.4932256

It’s gonna be fun to see how the state will enforces giving her half of the coins as part of the divorce package.

>> No.4932278

Buy a Blocknet masternode.
Sell the rest.

>> No.4932296

Divorce and be billionaire in a decade or give up and be a cuck foe life.

>> No.4932308

Divorce her and buy a new one when BTC hits 100 k.

>> No.4932318

Tell that hoe to sell her vag on the street

>> No.4932333

Never listen to wife regarding anything financial, unless she has more money than you.

>> No.4932342

no. YOU have 14 bitcoins, not she. it's your call, not hers.

>> No.4932345

Tell her sure for some anal.

Then tell her the selling machine is down.

Repeat with wife's sister

>> No.4932358

sell she, and buy Bitcoin

>> No.4932418
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sell ur wife to me for 1 bitcoin instead, i'll even throw in some ethereum

>> No.4932453


You people have clearly never been married, or if you are it's failing and you can't figure out why.

A marriage is a partnership, I make the money and my wife keeps the home in order, tutors the kids, makes me food and keeps my balls empty. Getting married made me 10x happier and more productive at work which made me more money.

Bottom line: You play your part and she plays hers in what I would call a 60M-40F partnership.

>> No.4932490

Sell your wife and buy more BTC

>> No.4932504

Pump and dump your wife my man.

>> No.4932515

never listen to women; they don't understand money

>> No.4932526

>sell all btc
>wife leaves you when the money runs out
>no btc,wife, or money

>> No.4932531

It's never a good idea to listen to a woman, about anything really.

>> No.4932536

Yeah. Go ahead. Your life is already over anyway.

>> No.4932537


What you describe is the ideal scenario. But that only works if you have the right partner and both partners stick to the agreement.

It falls apart if suddenly she thinks you should be doing her work too and starts to develop a claim on all things financial.

>> No.4932591

It's probably going to crash hard anyway.

Make a compromise and say I will sell but if it crashes I get to buy 14 BTC at the crash price.

>> No.4932602

Say you lost the private key.

>> No.4932605

Ask your wifes son while you are at it
every opinion matters

>> No.4932613

Say that you will, but if the price is doubled in 6 months then you'll want a divorce

>> No.4932617

Furthermore you are 2/3 the way to 21. You actually need more bitcoin.

>> No.4932632

You know like over 90% of bitcoins sit in 3% of the wallets?

>> No.4932644

> what are exchanges

>> No.4932668
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>There are people still holding BTC

Holy fuck, why didn't you sell a couple days ago?

>> No.4932694

Tell her the system got hacked and you lost your key. This is your btc and is bigger than reality itself

>> No.4932732

sell it all, the ship is sinking. but only if she if hot

>> No.4933131

No say you will leave if she pressures you and move to a second world country and be a crpyto milionaire on your lonesome

>> No.4933155

>listening to a woman about finances

>> No.4933157

>telling your wife about your holdings

>> No.4933181

Number 1 rule of cryptocurrency:

Don't listen to old people, normies, and women.

The last to categories are redundant.

>> No.4933186

Less than 1% of the world has that life, so not sure how it is relevant. You might as well tell pajeets "just be a brain surgeon, bro".

>> No.4933260

>what I would call a 60M-40F partnership.

I would call that cuckoldry.

>> No.4933270

Divorce her anon.

>> No.4933287

Youve never been in a functional relationship in your life, what would you know?

>> No.4933292

Uhh fuck no.

You can sell some I guess, but DO NOT sell it all unless you're a maniac.

>> No.4933307
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Tell her that's why the price is so high too

>> No.4933320

>tfw gf (living together) encourages me to invest in cryptos
>totally trusts me to handle any and all financial matters in the house

>> No.4933329

You told your wife you hold bitcoins? Jesus, cuck much?

>> No.4933331
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Nice LARP, faggot

>> No.4933349


>> No.4933384

>keeps my balls empty

It's disgusting to think about your puny little balls and what your fat wife does with them. Fuck off you redditor

>> No.4933584

Don't panic sell Anon

>> No.4933676

explain to her what a FUD is
show her a chart that is not with 1-15m candles
have you had experiences where you went against her judgement and were successful
>yfw you realize you'll never forgive her if this keeps you both from getting really comfy once and for all with the investment

she wouldn't care, you know, she has a comfy life at home, anyway... you could potentially stop working...
in this case: your priorities > hers
if you're too under her thumb... your fucking loss...
also: don't come for fucking relationship advice to 4chan lol... recipe for disaster

>> No.4933731

> cuck detected

>> No.4933765

60% you working your ass off
40bbc in your wife a week

And she still tells you how to do your job

>> No.4933775
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>> No.4933842

Lmao go ahead and sell your bitcoin so your wife can steal half your shit while she leaves you to go fuck Laytrone retard

>> No.4933898

sell half
It's the easiest thing to do and she can't disagree in any way.

>> No.4934093

Lol obv you need to divorce

>> No.4934102

>Being this jealous.
What's the matter? Your regular escort tell you to fuck off after your 10th attempt to tell her you love her and that you're going to take her away from all this?

>> No.4934170
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Nice LARP, faggot. If you really had 14 btc you wouldn't ask a bunch of poorfag NEET retards for advice.

>> No.4934201

sell everything and buy her designer shoes, designer bags and nice holidays. shoes and bags are real, your digital tulips are not

>> No.4934210

kek she wants you to cash out so that when she divorces you in the very near future she'll get half of that you cuck

>> No.4934339

No probably not, she wants to cash out because she is panicking it will keep dropping forever. A common mistake. Protip: the bigger the fear you are feeling (and the bigger the desire to sell) the closer you are to the end of the bear market. Crypto has brutal corrections of 30% or more after a moon so of course that is nerve wrecking. But you should hold and wait. Tell your wife to hold on a few more weeks.

>> No.4934394

you shouldn't sell because she tells you to, women are retarded.

but you should probably sell before it tanks down to $7k.

>> No.4934396

OP keep us informed of what she says so we all do the exact opposite thing.

>> No.4934401

>No probably not
You don't know women. They'll do everything to rape you in a divorce.

>> No.4934439

Damn you're slow. You should have sold them already.

>> No.4934459

sell her organs for more btc

>> No.4934657
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It's not a bad LARP. Yes, we need more smart people like you.

>> No.4934873


Ask her son

>> No.4934885

Sell half.

>> No.4934890

Sell 10 you retard

>> No.4934899

Do it, women's intuition. Shes right, you know, BTC is going to crash, and crash hard. Walk away from the table while you still can.

>> No.4934924

What this anon says. To keep the peace you compromise. Plus it’s smart investing to take some profit. If it tanks and you don’t sell, she’ll always hate you for it. When it eventually goes to 50k per BTC, the 7 you kept will make you comfy and you’ll always be able to hold it over her head how much more money you would have had if she had only listened to you. You can’t lose in this scenario. Maybe to be more of a Chad just sell 5 and buy her something nice and that you don’t want to talk about it again.

>> No.4934937

If this statement would be correct more then half of all millionaires would be women.
Thus, this statement is incorrect. Women's intuition means jack shit.

>> No.4934947

sell half hodl half

>> No.4934966

This, you don't deserve your btc to begin with

>> No.4935068
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My wife is mostly terrible with money, so she just wants me to run the finances for both of us. Pretty cash, senpai.

>> No.4935086

Well you know that the only direction is up. Sell 50% @50k

>> No.4935177
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>> No.4935352

Exactly this.

>> No.4935358

She wants you to sell bitcoins because Bitcoin not covered in alimony. She wants YOUR money to be completely under her control.

>> No.4935375
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>> No.4935680

If you sell you might as well cut off your balls and give them to her because sh's the man now.

>> No.4935727

Wrong, it's 100-100

>> No.4935730

if you're for real this may be the first time a woman has been right
sell that shit now
unironically consider using some of it to short it if you're really wanna go balls deep

>> No.4935752

Do you want to get cucked?

>> No.4935790

This is the right answer.

I don't have as much as you but close. What's the point in selling if you have to keep working? The only thing I want out of life is to stop working, if I can't have that I'll just keep them.

It doesn't affect her.

>> No.4935903
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Don't let your wife ruin your life

>> No.4935995
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>Should I listen to her?

>> No.4936040

Found the reddit cuckold

>> No.4936074

i dunno.
btc is exactly the coin you should fomo into and panic sell always

>> No.4936258
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>Listening to what women say
>Taking advice for women

Women are for impregnation, childbearing not for advice and rational train of thought

>> No.4936305

Engaged so I'm taking notes lmao

>> No.4936721

>I make the money
>my wife keeps the home in order, tutors the kids, makes me food and keeps my balls empty

So why is she in charge of making the financial decisions now? I thought your job was making money?

>> No.4937233

you’re a cuck in denial

>> No.4937253

>transfer them to hardware wallet
>pretend you lost it
>trade crypto and fuck bitches

>> No.4937255

Sell half and be comfy, don't be too greedy

>> No.4937265

>crypto markets

>> No.4937269

>taking orders from a woman

go get your testicles excised and placed in a jar for her to keep

>> No.4937283


>> No.4937294


>> No.4937367

Sell 10%
Tell her every dollar you do not make because of that sale over the next 3 months she owns you a BJ.
and every $100 you don't make she has to lose 1 lb.
Until she is down to her 19 year old girlish figure
That last part is important.
A safety catch
She would starve to death without it

>> No.4937388

They are more rational than a womans train of thought. You can at least make somewhat decent predictions on them.

>> No.4937467

It's not rational like a woman, and only a man can handle a woman
