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File: 372 KB, 1440x3200, FC0B124E-2AE0-4783-B1C2-57FD66FC0D43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49332720 No.49332720 [Reply] [Original]

Do women really think the average guy is ugly?

>> No.49332738

Women have no fucking clue about anything. Why do you care at all what she says?

>> No.49332751

Blame the jews who portait these kind of men bad in films

>> No.49332780

Sage goes in all fields

>> No.49332805

You faggots complain about women so much, maybe you should all cut your dicks off, and become them.

No? Then quit whining all the time, and be a man. Women age like milk. They are in a huge bubble pre 30, and finally start deflating at 30.

>> No.49332820


Bad haircuts. Copy JFK'S haircut for great financial success. It's called the Ivy League.

>> No.49332861

Get the fuck back to /r9k/ you filthy fucking incel. You aren't welcome here.

>> No.49332916

guarantee you this woman would fuck at least some of those dudes if she was drunk enough. women's standards are a meme

>> No.49332947
File: 121 KB, 591x1280, 4F755D5B-A50D-41F4-B416-3FE4FFD7F056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently this is her average jfl

>> No.49333011

What’s your problem? What you want us to say? You want to post your pic so we can rate/help you or something? What we doin here bud.

>> No.49333033

Women are mostly shitposters

>> No.49333086

seems like a pretty average zoomer kid desu. you forget that attraction isn't all about looks, women are attracted to money and power as well. if you don't have the looks, you either improve your standing in the social hierarchy or settle for a hambeast.

>> No.49333113
File: 77 KB, 1170x930, 78.3pc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to Tinder where even ugly dumb bitches get dozens of retards simping for them which leads to them becoming arrogant and way overvalueing themselves.

Also fuck chat. Fuck pictures. In 2 seconds of me seeing a girl irl I can assess her actual looks 100 times better than with any amount of pictures on Tinder and 10 seconds of chat will give do the same for assessing her personality.

So fuck Tinder, the odds are stacked against men for the most part.

Also, buy BSV faggots, it does 50k tps, is programmable and so is able o replace basically all of crypto, Visa and Mastercard today.

>> No.49333132

Women don't even see sub-7 guys. That's why they genuinely think men have it easy.