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File: 767 KB, 1200x1800, kevin murcko creator of xcm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49309624 No.49309624 [Reply] [Original]

>make an exchange token
>set a price floor
>literally disallowing people from selling below that price
>naturally your exchange has 99% of its volume
>you have effectively forced a 50% pump
>also claim to be on the safe side of regulation
someone care to explain this?

>> No.49311615

I don't get it either. Is this actually legal?

>> No.49312311

he can't keep getting away with it

>> No.49312331

Kevin is literally replying to all questions with detailed responses. Ask him yourself.

>> No.49312384

Why did he betray DNA?
Because David is jewish?
Kevin is an antisemite and you still support him arbitrary price fixing like a Venezuelan president

>> No.49312794

if this is true i will make some calls and no bank will ever transfer to this goy's exchange again

>> No.49312947

what's stopping other exchanges from listing it and not having a price floor?

>> No.49314378

Exchanges don't list assets that refuse to pay them listing and market maker fees. You are welcome to provide liquidity on the Uniswap pair.

>> No.49314700

The uniswap pair exists but there's no liquidity. For now the only place to dump is on the exchange itself, but if the buy side dries out everyone is left bagholding unsellable XCM, which didn't need to be a token in the first place since it's so centralized

>> No.49315051
File: 89 KB, 1312x628, price floor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isn't the first time people had this discussion and the problem was more dire back when CM had 3 digit daily volume, no revenue and no investors
and of course the token isn't needed but that means jack shit in crypto and it has meant jack shit for xcm, cm could technically function without xcm but it's there and there's clearly demand for it and cm values it
you can philosophize about xcm not being needed but at the end of the day that's not what matters

>> No.49315158

i assume he's allowed to do this because CoinMetro is based on Jersey or Isle of Man or one of those tax haven islands

>> No.49315180

Estonia nigger. The only country in the EU with clear crypto regulation hence Coinbase and Kraken being based there too.

>> No.49316179

>Coinbase and Kraken being based there too.
Excuse me?

>> No.49316191

>Why did he betray DNA
What happened? I have a small bag of dna

>> No.49316244

Fine their European headquarters are based there. I forget non European countries exist sometimes.

>> No.49316317

I think they only use estonian lhv bank. Might be wrong tho

>> No.49316341
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The price floor makes XCM a stablecoin.
Guess that's good if you're looking for reliable passive income.

>> No.49316394
File: 2.18 MB, 322x430, job for me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kevin is an antisemite
is he hiring?

>> No.49316534

Kevin wants to work with promising projects. He generally doesn't just list small/mid cap projects out of nowhere. As such, Kevin's support for projects is based on reciprocity. He sets them up. If they then back him when he needs it - as PRQ, KDA have done - then Kevin goes out of his way to support them.

If they fuck him off - as per QNT - then Kevin fucks them off in turn. I'm guessing that Encrypgen just stopped bothering with Kevin when they were bought out, hence the utter ambivalence.

Kevin understands the concept of patronage in a way that few now do.

>> No.49316861 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, astarotte_no_omocha_ep9_37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>xcmies will be regulated as a stablecoin
i-its ower

>> No.49316976

David repeatedly says they had never worked with an exchange that didn't screw them until they found Coinmetro.

>> No.49317631


>> No.49318543 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 268x268, 000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p-price floor is foolish
tokens will be directly dumped at the expense of company treasury instead of other investors who wouldve a fairer entry price otherwise, for the sake of higher meaningless numbers which cant even be perpetually reinvested due to the inorganically low buy pressure
o-only upside of such mechanism is wen floor is fixed from very beginning to mitigate whaling on goverance tokes but this isnt the case

>> No.49318621
File: 99 KB, 660x630, how to buy xcm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It costs cm money to give people trading discounts, that's why it's now at 0.6
it is what it is!

>> No.49319447

Oh, and where's your token?

>> No.49319592
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>> No.49319631

If he's an actual antisemite I'll buy 100k

>> No.49320388

He's also an antivax

>> No.49320904

every time I short ICP is goes up.
anyway is Claymore woth watching?

>> No.49320916


>> No.49321006

>Better liquidity?
>Nah just throw them a warning

>> No.49321096

>caring about users
>nah just don't let them know they lost money
you should apply for a job at kucoin

>> No.49321137

Very cool

>> No.49321162

aaand the same shit again
shut up already and BUY

>> No.49321293

the exchange literally buys XCM to keep it at that price

>> No.49321362 [DELETED] 
File: 1.53 MB, 248x248, taiga666.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-where are permissionless namespaces

>> No.49324107


>> No.49326128


>> No.49326544 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 514x652, 1651361029938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to stop deleting comments, when you're at the €1 party with us you won't be able to unsay anything.

>> No.49327510

how dat nigga got like 10 foreheads lmao

>> No.49327604
File: 42 KB, 720x540, IMG_1706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's mentioned it before and basically because it's their token they set the terms.

I think it's a little loosey goosey but it's not really that big of a deal.

>> No.49328308

>when you're at the €1 party with us you won't be able to unsay anything.
this is true

>> No.49328342

Brehs, when 1 eur?
Also, you guys think the evaluation is gonna be more than 500 mil in autumn?

>> No.49328408

So basically a semi-honeypot. I was thinking of making a shitcoin that works like that so that it can't crash too much.

>> No.49330008
File: 92 KB, 1200x900, 1633371714476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I sell all my xcm I can buy 1 entire Bitcoin
alternatively I could buy 15k Babenas
decisions decisions...

>> No.49330047

Which one of these do you think is more likely to 10x? Also you would be selling the actual literal hard coded xcm bottom.

>> No.49330111
File: 355 KB, 903x677, kevon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you even think about buying a bitcoin?
27k xcm with cro mkt cap = Potential worth: €634.0k
15k kda with eth mkt cap = Potential worth: €16.7M
1 btc with 10TRILLION mkt cap = Potential worth: €524.8k

>> No.49330467
File: 70 KB, 850x601, sample-99712a1d9b1f7cd1caffbe65e1dc9be8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

xcm is going to limbo and do nothing as a useless exchange 'utility' reflection token, stable 4% APY but definitely won't mega moon within the same time frame. Expect a 2x within the next year and a half
Kadena I feel will 20x within the next 6 months if they get an actual ecosystem, if not then i'm boned
>why would you event think about buying a bitcoin
unchegged desu
Bitcoin is THE crypto, irreplaceable, battle-tested, unparalleled tech, most importantly secure. It is the end-game hodl and I can finally afford 1 to get into the kewl kids klub
Xcm won't hit cro's marketcap for most likely 10 years, if ever, unless they do some exceptionally shady shit
It's unreasonable to think in moonboy terms, rather than the actual valuation of it now relative to what it can be in the near future / long term. xcm presently isn't worth what their giving it, very evidently as people weren't willing to pay more than 30c for it a few days ago
I feel foolish hodling xcm rn, and as each day passes kadena is looking to be like the best play short term and I can just siphon back more xcm

>> No.49330588
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>Xcm won't hit cro's marketcap for most likely 10 years
Remember when I said kda would go from 0.4 to 23 in 4 years but then it happened after 4 months?
Yeah that's whats going to happen here, crypto moves fast and once hype starts it's like a snowball

>> No.49330694

did you sell any kda between $5 - $28 ?
any prq @ $2 ?

>> No.49331415
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>> No.49331672

Best kot
Also i've got 5k kda
I want to get to 10k, but i like my hard earned fiat
Is there a chance of them failing completely? I didn't like that kaddex sale shenanigans not one bit

>> No.49331727
File: 2.63 MB, 960x1308, 1637712843102.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for kda and xcm to fail, crypto itself would have to fail, I don't see any projects as solid. There are always ups and downs and problems, if you don't see any, someone is lying. But always diversify

>> No.49331794

Expect a 5x yearly on XCM because of raised price floors kek

>> No.49331837

>Bitcoin is THE crypto, irreplaceable, battle-tested, unparalleled tech, most importantly secure. It is the end-game hodl and I can finally afford 1 to get into the kewl kids klub
Lmao imagine believing this bullshit

>> No.49332722

4 hands worth of volume

>> No.49332858
File: 1.65 MB, 1947x2663, 1646849269002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol they could only afford the price floor due to recent influx of vc investors, notably UAE
expecting xcm to 5x every year is autism
An exchange without liquidity is a useless exchange, there are many useless exchanges that exist rn most of them having artificial liquidity. not to mention xcm's nonexistent utility, equity is a more reasonable investment
>institutions can securely transfer billions risk-free, for a fraction of the cost they would normally, even avoiding tax jew should they chose
A lot of shitchoins can do the same sure, but for some reason you still cannot comprehend how crucial first mover advantage is and bitcoins role in crypto and why institutions will always remain with btc
imajin smugly saying nothing

>> No.49334065

Bitcoin has failed as a currency. You brought up institutional investors because there is no use for Bitcoin besides speculation.