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49319687 No.49319687 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a point in living in an european country instead of america if:
You are healthy (I don't use healthcare)
You don't have children (don't care about kindergarten costs)
You already have a degree (school costs lmfao)

The salary there is so much higher that I feel like I'm wasting my time when all the taxes I pay go towards shit that dont benefit me in the slightest

>> No.49319750

no. in fact you're better off slaving for fagman companies in SF till your h1b visa expires and retrieving in your home country after

>> No.49319832

thats why america doesn't bother to attract talent is because other countries are still crazier. where can I go to live and let live? own property without a tax? have babies without the government telling me how to raise them, including child support laws? the only correct way to live in our current clown world is to minimize income intentionally to not contribute to the clownry and live on extreme budgeting and preferrably even diy. I have a bee hive in my condo window the neighbors love them pollinating their flowers!

>> No.49319845

It depends on wether or not you can find a job with your degree.
Then, it depends on if you have to move to a city or not and if the housing costs eat your ass or not.
Then, you have to care about moving your ass around from your home to your place of employment, which necessitates either a car, or, god forbid, public transport.

Those are the things I imagine cost the most. Other than that, if you find a cheap place to live and a good job, either close by or where you work from home, the only thing left to adapt to is the culture

>> No.49320949
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>salary is higher
yes but also the women are 50lb fatter on average, men are chronically low T, average life expectancy is lower, everyone is retarded, Jews have convinced everyone to hate you because you're white, and you have to sit in traffic on your way to walgreens to buy milk, and don't go to the wrong part of town or some crackhead will stab you

>> No.49321544

No, you're supposed to get an education in Europe, fuck off to the US to get paid higher wages, then retire somewhere like Spain with cheap land and free healthcare.

>> No.49321646

Some of these are memes. Any decent, non retard job in this country provides cheap health insurance that covers everything major. Childcare is cheaper here and we get child tax credits. Finally, the gains in lower taxes and higher salaries far outweigh the (((generous welfare system))) Euro nations offer you in return for being a tax/wage slave until the day you die because there's basically no other out. There are tons of outs here.