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49316872 No.49316872 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.49316881

how much does she pay me for that service

>> No.49316904
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I would happily pay to give women for oral sex.

>> No.49316906

Women owe me sex. It seems like we are both destined to be disappointed.

>> No.49316909

Only if I receive a 30 minute massage while I complain about the color of my office furniture and am guaranteed at least an hour of oral sex in exchange

I will hang any part of this implied contract over your head for all eternity if not completed upon receipt of said oral sex

>> No.49316915

Enjoy your throat cancer

>> No.49316975

Is this real?

>> No.49316997

why don't you ask Val Kilmer

>> No.49317025

>t. forever virgin

>> No.49317088


>> No.49317117

if you give a woman(man) oral sex she will forever lose respect for you subconsciously.

>> No.49317126

Every Hollywood actor who got throat cancer got HPV from a Thai ladyboy

>> No.49317170

The alphabet is my magic trick. It will basically turn any woman into a sex slave

>> No.49317239

Cruel Intentions meme. Going in with a predetermined playbook sounds cool in a movie but in reality not all bodies respond the same way to the same things. And then if your little 'lifehack' stops working mid session you freak out and Panic and get angry. You have to listen to and feel the responses of the body in the moment and pay attention to what works.

>> No.49317789


Not joking when I was 22 my friends took me to this asain house party full of chick's hardly any dudes. Long story short about 4 o clock in the morning party start to die down, been also chating with this cute 4'8 little 7/10. She waste and keeps touching me off and on. So drunk ass me just open my mouth and straight up said to her hey I just want to eat you out and tongue your butt hole. She laughs an ask if I'm joking. I tell her no I'm dead serious. I get this blank stare from her which feel like forever..... then all of a sudden she grabs my arm and pull me to the side of the house and tell me to get on my knees like a good boy and start licking. I drop to my knees and do the deed for the young lady. We end up fucking like rabbits on the side of the house until morning shit was fun I end up blowing a fat load inside her, we talk for a bit and part are ways once people started to wake up and leave.

Few days later I'm working at a grocery store stocking milk. I end up seeing her with a dude. Guy has his arm all around her and looks like they been going out for sometime.

Start thinking to myself Did I just taste another man spunk. Has he tasted my spanking too.

Worlds wild man if a lady ask you to do the deed you best bet you honor the bruh code and go for it. Never leave a cute girl horny.

>> No.49317812
File: 81 KB, 450x350, 1643307380730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oral sex on a woman

>> No.49317882


> Fantasies you wish happened but didn't

Another sad, delusional larp.

>> No.49317912

I will definitely leave a 'cute' girl horny unless she services me first. Imagine being such a beta cuck faggot that you give oral sex to a female. You're a LARPING beta cuck faggot, women owe me sex I'm not doing any favors for them and I'm not about to be seen as a gigantic pussy for putting my mouth near that dank, disgusting, damp bacterial cesspool between her legs. Pathetic low end male.

>> No.49318098


You both sound like some christ fag that probably still leave in a basement. It's not even your parents it's some tyranny priest larping as a man who serve God.

Glad I don't have any of your guys mindset. Sound like you live a boring life full of shit you wish you could have done.

Not me I been on my own since 20 went into the army got a good education for free. Also got to spend your hard earned tax money on drug and woman when I served so lol no need to larp but meh get btfo for all I care.

Fuck sake 4chan has become pure hater. Can't even share a bruh story.

>> No.49318170
File: 16 KB, 512x512, 1627029680325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT seething BTFO "dudebro" zoomer faggot upset that he got called a beta low end subservient male for putting his face near a females disgusting, putrid, bacteria filled cesspool of stank

Just unironically rope already. It's because of low t faggot beta males like you that females have become highly oversold and overvalued as both an asset and an investment. Fucking faggot zoomer.