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493116 No.493116 [Reply] [Original]

>people who spend all their savings on some shitty 1-2 weeks vacations every year

>> No.493179
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>tfw people complain about how you never go out and do things
>get called a greedy asshole more times than I can count
>people generally like me, but get disgusted once they see how I value money more than getting drunk with friends and having a one night stand

>tfw about to be a millionaire from all my investments while everyone else wastes their money on alcohol

Feels good man. At this rate, I'm gonna be able to retire before 30 while those suckers will be wage slaves for the rest of their lives because they can't into basic economics.

>> No.493182
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>>tfw people complain about how you never go out and do things
>>people generally like me, but get disgusted once they see how I value money more than getting drunk with friends and having a one night stand


>When you get a job or a career, you can buy whatever the fuck you want
>Why are you so greedy? Why don't you help others?

>> No.493184


It's like people don't understand that the economy is going down the shitter and that relying on your employer to not fire you is like asking for future bankruptcy.

>> No.493186


I wonder how everything will burn down. I just want to know what spark will cause that.

Fuck, it'd be a miracle to get a job. only possible way to get money is probably Let's Plays on YouTube.

>> No.493189

Are you seriously suggesting it's impossible to get a job right now?

If you're an American, kill yourself you lazy slob because it's not hard to get a job right now. You probably don't want to work or blame the world for all your failures if you honestly believe that.

>> No.493191
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My mom was 50 when she lost her job due to being laid off. She went to college but couldn't afford to complete it. She was out of work for two years before a job came along, she had some temp jobs but those weren't a steady job. She then found work at a hearing aid company and rose up pretty quickly.

However, her being a 50 year old woman without a degree didn't help, but her life is her life and she did the best she could to raise me during those years alone. Don't knock anyone just because you assume they're lazy. She applied to at least 10 jobs weekly.

And yes, we received government assistance, we got $400 for the two of us for six months, and when you get assistance you have to show that you're applying for a job actively otherwise it gets taken away. Our rent was $1500 a month...

Without my grandparents, we would've been on the street. Now I took all that and value money more than almost anything else, and am nearing $100,000 savings at 18.

>> No.493193

This. There are a lot of jobs. People are lazy or just want a "dream job".

On topic: I don't get it why people do this and then complain how poor they are.

>> No.493194

>and am nearing $100,000 savings at 18.

Aw shit son. That's bretty damn good for an 18 year old.

>> No.493196

>rent was over $1500

I found your problem

>> No.493197

>Are you seriously suggesting it's impossible to get a job right now?

It's not impossible, but it's fucking hard when nobody wants to help you at all.

>> No.493198

I disagree. Travelling is one expense that is worth it. Of course I mean really travelling, and not to some shithole like Florida

>> No.493199
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>Be at college
>Weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed weed

>> No.493201

We live on Long Island and couldn't afford to move off the Island.

>> No.493208

How have you nearly saved $100 000 by 18?

Have you been working full time?

I'm 19 and have about $20 000 saved. Though I only started working at about 16-17, and only full-time a few weeks ago

>> No.493213
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Do you honestly think there are any 50 y/o's on /biz/ right now? I get everyone has different situations, and it can be tough, but it is not "impossible" to find work.

While this is debatable imo, I can understand. My first thought is you shouldn't have been living in Jew York. There are jobs that do pay to relocate you though.











There, I just helped you. You don't any education or training to be making 50k+/yr at some of these jobs I posted. It's the Midwest, $50k will take pretty far.

I could've linked many more jobs, but what exactly would that prove?

I think I should be a recruiter for people

>> No.493215

You don't need* any education beyond a HS diploma or GED. Just don't fucking smoke weed, and you're good to go.

>> No.493339

>have a good job, good salary, good career opportunities, good company
>friends/family don't know
>they don't know I got promoted twice in the last two years
>they don't know how much I earn and the bonuses I receive
>still driving my old car, still living in the same apartment
>frugal lifestyle

I'm just humble I guess. I don't plan to become a millionaire and retire by 30. I'll work until I die. I love my work and I guess that's why I'm good at it.

Working on my passive income. I guess in the next five years I'll be able to live on it, if I maintain my lifestyle. I'm going to ask my employer to send me to Asia for a few months/years, just for the experience. Don't know how to handle my small real estate business as soon as I'm gone. I guess I'll have to hire somebody. My family could take care of it, but I don't want them to know.
As soon as people realise that you're more successful than they are, they are going to resent you. Your own family and friends will start to hate you. Why did you not tell us? You think you are better than us? They'll start ask for money and if you decline they'll hate you even more. Drama is inevitable.

So stay humble and lay low. My spending habits are perceived as normal in my situation, if they would know how much I earn they would probably call me a greedy motherfucker too.
It is like the vegans who try to convince you, they're just a pain in the ass.
So if nobody asks keep your advice, frugal lifestyle and investments private.

>> No.493348

Good on yo9u mate, but how much does it really cost to have a good night out with your mates?

Bottle of booze 15-20$
You drink 1/3-1/2 of that as a pregame, and youre good for the night. Maybe youll grab another drink or two at the bar/club. Most bars/clubs don't have covers unless they're super posh or have someone/something special going on that night. Don't bring more than $40 cash on you, a metro ride is 2.50 and there's a good chance you'll get some poon at the end of the night and have awesome stories with your friends and something to look back upon when youre older. Life isn't all about money

I used to have a friend, not so much anymore, who was a stingy jew like that in college. He hardly ever went out unless someone spotted him, and if I was at his place, and I asked for a bottle of water or something, he'd ask for a dollar. Fuck off cunt.

But anyway, you go out once a month, spend $50 in total and you had good times. I dont think this is unreasonable. There's a lot lot more to life than cash...and when are you planning to spending that cash on pleasure? When you're 70? You gotta look out for your #1 and your #1 is yourself so treat your #1 well. Peace

>> No.493361

What are you gonna do when you retire? Sit around shitposting on 4chan for the next 50 years? Or do you think deciding to finally start spending your money and going out is going to be anywhere near as fun when you are fucking 30 as it would have been if you'd started at 18?

Really what is money worth to you, if you're antisocial as fuck and never want to spend it, just becoming some kind of turbo-NEET who never does anything but gets to have a semi decent standard of living due to ample savings?

Same goes to OP as well. Some people really enjoy traveling and seeing the world is one of the most important things they will do in their lives, if they work some shitty job most of the year to be able to live out their dream it's better than anything you're doing with your money.

>> No.493367

>if I was at his place, and I asked for a bottle of water or something, he'd ask for a dollar

holy shit lel

>> No.493369

I understand where you are getting at, and if people want to spend their money to live life and work that's up to them, but trust me when I say that it's not uncommon for people to go out every night and grab weed all the time then complain about their lack of money and how they will never achieve their goals.
This is just a vent thread against those kinds of people.

>> No.493382

Do you live with your parents or something?

>> No.493387

No. I live in a one bedroom apartment. Friends have bigger living rooms than my apartment although they earn less. The apartments I rent out are bigger than my own. The rent is cheap, I'm cool with the landlord, it's only ten minutes away from work.

>> No.493388
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On one end of the spectrum, you have those who go out every night and are financially distressed.

On the other end, there are those who horde their money and are too jewish to spend $50 once or twice a month and have a good time. They may not be financially distressed but they are in one way or another, deprived psychologically. They're missing out on adventures, experiences, and good times that you won't ever get back no matter how rich you become because you cannot buy time.
You cannot reverse the clock.
This is something you may convince yourself you're better off without for a certain amount of time, but eventually you'll see what a terrible mistake it was.

That's why I pity those who value money over life.
If you're so smart to save your money and make your money work well, then you should be smart enough to figure out how to budget/balance your social interactions.

100% honest

>> No.493390

I work hard and spend all my money drinking.

just hung out with jimmy kimmel two weeks ago. Im literally a nobody... me and jimmy just hangin' at the bar.

>> No.493395
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>People who have children before at least owning their house

>> No.493406

Owning a house is for most people a waste of money.
Especially if people do not rent out.

This is what society/people do not realize.
Take a loan, buy a house, live in it.
This is how you waste money.

I'm sure some of you guys have a different opinion to this.
But if you consider all the factors and risks you'll notice that most people will lose money on their homes.

>> No.493488

What am I supposed to do for moving out?

>> No.493493

Depends on the situation. The only practical alternative (if we're lumping in owning condos / townhouses with houses) is renting, which is also "wasting" money. There are pros and cons to each, but if you're living in one area for an extended period (as in, years / decades), it usually makes more sense to buy than to rent.

>> No.493499

>Owning a house is for most people a waste of money.
>Especially if people do not rent out.

Kek no. A house is an investment. You buy it, it increases in value and you sell it. Compared to just renting for 20+ years where you're just giving money away and not getting to keep anything or make any sort of profit.

>> No.493504

Inflation + maintenance + taxes pretty much always beats appreciation, except in bubbles. Individual results may vary but buy and hold housing "investors" historically have lots 1-2% per year in real terms.

>> No.493505

Also average holding period is 5-7 years where almost all of the payments go to taxes + interest so very little equity building, even after leverage.

>> No.493520

I'm not saying you should never buy a house.
I'm saying if you can't afford it, don't buy one.
If you can afford one, pay the price it is worth and consider all factors and risks. Like buying stocks. So if you profit more by buying stocks, why buy a house?

In my opinion it makes also sense to rent something even if you plan to stay in that area for over a decade. In Germany you have some pretty nice rights as a renter.


There are more factors. For example, in the last decade some laws have changed here in Germany and you have to comply to new ecological standards. So many homeowners are forced to change all of their windows or change their insulation.

On the other hand you have many factors that could devalue your house. A new flight path. A company goes bancrupt in your area and the demand in your area crashes. This happened to my uncle, a big company moved and the city lost a big tax payer. The whole city went south in the last decade. Not like Detroit, but similar.

>> No.493734

That pic is going to be you but instead of hot dogs it will be money.

>> No.493742

This guy gets it.

I just hope my girlfriend doesn't start spending like an engineer once she IS an engineer. I'd prefer that everyone think I'm just straight of the line middle class, with nothing to give them and nothing to need.

That is, until I get to where I don't worry at all about money. Then I'll be a little more spendthrift.

>> No.493745

yeah inflation + maintenance + taxes pretty much always beats appreciation

but inflation + maintenance + taxes does not beat appreciation + 30 years of fucking rent payments

yes if you are purely trying to min/max with your finances you are better off living in a shithole $700/mo studio apartment for 20-25 years saving up money and then buy a house with cash but you are assuming you don't have a family, you probably don't have a girlfriend or anything, you don't have a lot of shit that takes up space and you aren't going to get any extra utility out of living in a fucking house rather than a shithole studio apartment, it's fucking absurd.

>> No.493747

>let's say for the sake of simplicity your rent is $1000/mo over 10 years
>that's $120,000 you've spent for one decade
>you've lived month to month and have nothing to show for it
>now let's say your mortgage is $1000/mo over 10 years (again, simplicity; in my area a mortgage is about the same or cheaper than renting)
>that's $120,000 you've spent for one decade
>you now own a house, it has probably appreciated, and if you aren't a retard you've done upgrades which will significantly increase the value of the home

>you now have a wife and daughter with a son on the way
>you'd like to buy a bigger place
>if you rented, you now owe $200,000 for this decent single family home
>if you were paying a mortgage, you can sell your current house for $150,000 and move into the new place, maybe even without needing a mortgage

The only reason to rent is if you plan on moving in less than a few years, or if real estate prices are *significantly* higher than rent (think, New York, San Francisco, etc).

>> No.493771

This guy gets it. I'm only renting because I'm not sure how long I'm going to be in my current situation

>> No.493807

And this is the calculation I'm talking about. You don't see the bigger picture and opportunities.
You just assume all factors will stay the same.
Like I said before, if you can't afford a house don't buy one.
What happens if you lose your job, or an accident and you have to pay for your medical bills. Your company offers you a promotion but you need to move to another state. You give up flexibility.
If you need a mortgage you don't have the money to buy a house.

>> No.493813

10/10 post my friend.

>> No.493817


>Lol m8 I don't need to show muh money cuz I'm better than everyone else, I'm way moar intelligent, I love my job as a slave to some shitass company, the sole purpose of my life is to be frugal and leave nothing behind but muh shitty real estate business.

Gtfo /biz/, fucking fags.

>> No.493820

You're a pretty cool guy.

>> No.493825

Are you neet scum?

>> No.493839

>omg he doesn't like us, that must be because he's some neet fag who's jelly of our frugal wisdom !!11!!

No, I'm not neet, I just hate hypocrits.

>> No.493840

>while everyone else wastes their money on alcohol

True story, I went on a 6-week internship in southeast asia a few years ago. During the trip some of my fellow college students spent literally $1500 to $2000 solely on alcohol, in only 6 weeks.

It made me weep for humanity.

>> No.493845

life is about experiences.

good job blowing your 20s.

in your 30s, everyone is married, slaves to their job, and having kids. the party ends after college years and everyone gets careers, but once you hit 30 it is completely fucking over.

>> No.493848

how much do you make an hour?

>> No.493849

I'm 26 and just started a job as an engineer for a public transportation authority. It's alright pay, I can live on my own and save some.

But I really have no idea what to spend money on. I have no friends whatsoever, no social life, no interests, no hobbies. I have such a hollow life, and no matter how much money I squirrel away it'll never make me happy. I really don't know why I haven't killed myself yet, I think about it every day for at least the last 12 years.

>> No.493850

Thanks Anon.
Just some points I would like to make:
1. You can show your money or you can use your money to make more money. Instead of a new car I bought a small apartment and rented it out. A year later I bought two others. Instead of paying 300 Euros more a month for a bigger apartment I invest it stocks. All this generates passive income I can reinvest or spend on some nice things. I prefer to reinvest because I just have all the things I need.
2. My frugal lifestyle is probably my personality. I was raised like that.
3. I'm low key also to avoid drama.
4. The purpose of my life is spending my time like I want to spend it. I love my job. If this was not the case I would start my own business/company to do the things I love. Even if I would earn less.

>> No.493851

find a bar
go there to have a drink every single night for a month
>instantly a dozen + friends

you're welcome

>> No.493855

Nah your just a shitposter. If you don't like the way this poster >>493339 lives, don't just insult the guy. Maybe you could explain how his way of life offends you or give advice on how he can improve himself. And I only insinuated your were neet scum because of the, "I love my job as a slave to some shitass company" jabe.

>> No.493859

>Instead of a new car I bought a small apartment.
>Instead of buying a lambo I bought a small apartment
>Implying you can buy decent and rentable real estate with 10k
>inb4 "more like 50k"

>> No.493860


I don't drink and I've never been to a bar, I bet I'd fuck up somehow.

I've been so depressed lately because all the other new hires at my job are bonding and moving forward in their relationships and I'm being left behind. I'm just not capable of forming meaningful connections with people, besides that rare breed of person that comes along and gets along with me no matter what I do or say.

>> No.493864

just have a pepsi and order dinner or something. you have to go out to places like that, where even an introvert will get some interaction whether you like it or not. otherwise nothing will change.

>> No.493865

>get shit for living at home after college
>have almost 100k saved up
>no debt
>paid cash for my car

Life sure is good when you are t caught in the rat race

>> No.493869

With my savings and my first promotion I bought one for 20.000 Euro. I rent it to students, right now the rent is 350 Euro a month.

>> No.493876

>>what is interest
>>what are property taxes
>>what are natural disasters
>>what is mobility
>>what are underwater morgages
>>what are demographics

>> No.493880

Just FYI, "upgrades" do not necessarily increase the value of your home, ask an appraiser

>> No.493896

>still driving my old car, still living in the same apartment

Same here, everybody at my job makes around $50-125k per year and drives the usual suspects of luxury cars while I'm still pushing a 2001 Nissan Xterra.

No fucks given.

>> No.493898
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>not being part of the coke master race
You disgust me.

>> No.493899


There are risks with any investment. Mortgage will be cheaper in the long run though. Rent always goes up every year and is higher than what you pay in a mortgage.

>> No.494052

What is your career? I am interested because you said you really enjoyed it.

>> No.494071

^ what this guy says. 20s are for chasing pussy, save but don't be a jew.

>> No.494109

Shit, a fellow LI /biz/raeli.

No wonder your rent's so high. It's fucking ridiculously expensive to live here. Can't afford to relocate either, but like other anons have said, there are jobs that would pay to do so.

I rather like living here aside from the people and the ridiculous costs, but it looks like I'm gonna have to get out of here sooner or later.

>> No.494132

>If you're an American, kill yourself you lazy slob because it's not hard to get a job right now.
When I read statements such as this, I tend to forget for a few seconds that not everyone else in America is stuck in rural PA without their own vehicle.

>> No.494132,1 [INTERNAL] 

Good Day Everyone.

Am Megan Krista from (USA), Am here to introduce anybody looking for a loan in (USA) or any part of the world to contact this company where I got my loan worth over ($450,000) from. Am referring interested person or organization to this lender because they are real/legit and I got a loan from them and I have also introduced some other friends and family members to this company who have also gotten a loan from them. I will advise you to contact this company with the amount you need if you are seriously in need of a loan. Please be careful because there are a lot of scams out there, If you must contact any firm with reference in securing a loan with low interest rate of 2% and better repayment schedule, please contact Mr David West Via email (west.services@outlook.com) to get your loan today.

Megan Krista.

>> No.494237

It is not always the case.
What about the people still paying the interest rates before the crisis?

I don't know how it is in the US, but in Germany you have some pretty good rights as a renter. And now our government fixed prices. I think it is a similar approach like in Singapur.

>> No.494268

I work for a small consulting firm.
My boss started on his own almost 35 years ago. Right know we have 213 employees. Most of them are engineers. We could be bigger, but my boss wants a steady and healthy growth to keep the quality of our work. That's why we can decline project we are not interested in, we are not dependent on full order books to survive.

We specialized in the manufacturing industry. So most of the times I work with a manufacturer on new projects. Outsource production to China, improve the efficiency of a factory or the whole supply chain, coordinate big projects with several companies or find a new foreign supplier with guranteed quality. Every task is different. Since I started I've worked in Russia, China, India, Brazil and some European countries. It never gets boring. The team I work with runs like a clockwork. No drama. You would guess we work like a Trojan, but because we are such a good team it's almost like a 9-5 job. I have time for sightseeing and leisure activities in those countries. Sometimes it is also possible to stay a few days longer and travel around.

I'm really lucky with my company and my boss is on the same page. He loves the work and could already retire as a multi-millionaire (he's already millionaire), he declined countless offers to acquire the firm. He's said to me ones, the day he stops working is the day he dies. Even on his vacation he's working in his backyard, building tree-houses for his grandchildren, dig a pit for a pool or working on his classic car. He's almost 70 and started working and providing for his family since he was 12. No college, not even high-school. But he's one of the most intelligent people I've ever met. Speaks four languages and reads at least one book per week.

>> No.494279


Bunk is the embodiment of cool.

>> No.494311


>not destroying your brain with alcohol
>going to regret it

>> No.494314

Life lesson /biz/. It's much easier to achieve your goals when you surround yourself with people who have the same ones. Hard to get fit when all your friends are always going out drinking and eating shit food. Hard to save money when all your friends want to go blow money on vegas vacations.

>> No.494343

not sure if sarcasm m8

>> No.494352

If only i could find guys like your boss in France.
Everyone like's lazy slugs all day. I'm still a CS student but most of the time i'm just coding / writing stuff outside of the college. Reading stuff like two books per month and like coding most shit in project. But it seems the more groups i try to make, the more lazy slugs i find.

Its like finding the good guys in an ocean of lazy welfare slugs.

>> No.494390

Property prices went up like 200% in the last 20 years in my country.

>> No.494394

Thats the human condition my friend.

>> No.494398

This is bullshit. It's all in your head
I look at all my buddies like unmotivated fucks who blow money like crazy. Yet I manage to be fit and constantly pursue education and wealth. Best part is they love buying me drinks and having me tag along because personality is key.
You can do whatever you want no matter who you associate with

>> No.494416

In my opinion one of the best things for your personal development is a mentor.
Surround yourself with succesful people, work with them and learn from them. This also means to leave your comfort zone. Maybe move to another city, applying for a position you're probably not qualified enough or simply approach a succesful person on a fair or after a lecture and ask questions. Let people know you exist. Networking is vital.

>> No.494423

Thats exactly what i tried.
I failed ingeniering in Paris. went into depression for like 3/4 month, worked shitty jobs for 2 years; stacked enough money to move in Le Havre, away from family/parents.

But thanks, i'll keep looking in the meantime, it will happen eventually.

>> No.494438

that's really cool. this is pretty much where i want to be. no idea what you're doing on 4chan though, but life is forgiving.

>> No.494445

i generally get rid off all the people in my life who are constantly cheap and stingy fucks even when we are going out. we all make enough money and i invest and save about the same amount of money as they do but they always deny themselves the fun things in life because muh savings. theyre typical jews and usually leech off other people too, despite having so much money. i have a particular percentage of my income that i leave for going out and just fun activities and its more than enough so i never actually need to worry about it. i cant enjoy myself, when i constantly force myself to watch the money and limit myself. "oh, today i can only spend 50 bucks and when i hit that limit im going home". these guys are really like that.

>> No.494452

just ease up, man. some people know what they want but have zero work ethic to achieve it. turn it around and we have you.

you're 26. that's more than enough time for you to have realized something about yourself. watch chinese cartoons or go to /fit/. just be honest to yourself when you feel something, anything, and it'll take you where you wanna be.

>> No.494458

So much this.

Children are an investment. People too stupid to understand that lose at the game of life.

>> No.494475

>once you hit 30 it is completely fucking over.

Uh uh uh, that's only if you're poor. This is why I'll be "wasting" my 20s earning a ton of money and not uselessly spending it on things I don't actually enjoy.

Drinking and partying do not make good stories, unless you just want to have the same stories as 90% of everyone you'll ever meet. I'd prefer to be different, and not only be able to tell people "yeah bruh I got super fucked up in college and then some funny things happened but they also happened for everyone else who got super fucked up too"

>> No.494479

Okay I'm interested, How could having a remodeled, upper-mid end kitchen in a house not increase the value of a house?

>> No.494492

Do you plan on having a wife and kids?
If you do and you think the party still goes on after 30, you're honestly delusional If you dont, then you may be right

And people arent only talking about spending their money when they're young on booze and condoms.

When you're in you're 20s, you have a lot more access to stuff that you really won't when you're older? Traveling? OK, I'm 24 and I'll take a trip to Amsterdam. I'll sight-see, flirt with locals, drink, party, do this do that. You're 35? Gotta take your wife and kids, can't drink, gotta change your kids' diaper every half hour, can't go on long hikes, can't go here or there because the kids or some other reason, can't go clubbing and take good Dutch MDMA---you're just a lot more limited than the 25year old.

I'm giving crude examples, not to be taken literally, but you're crippled from a lot of experiences where you'll be forgiven as a younger person.

The asterisk to most of this is if you do not plan on having wife and kids, but that's relatively rare for many.

>> No.494502

You sound like a bag of fun...
Enjoy wasting your life

>> No.494506

>not spending your money
why live?

>> No.494508

> pay 100 dollars a year in rent or in mortgage.
> lose 100 dollars (100%) in rent per month or lose 1-2 percent per month.


>> No.494512

>Everyone else wastes their money
I know that feeling, I don't like alcohol and enjoy doing something worthwhile than forgetting what I did the previous night.

>> No.494520

>Earn a shit ton from job and rent from property
>Give my fair share to my parents and charities I support
>Oh look at him, I heard he's so money-hungry
>Look at his new car and large house, he only cares about himself
Some people these days

>> No.494527

>rent control

Enjoy your economic stagnation and anti-gentrifying. And here I thought Germany had it figured out.

>> No.494531

bit of both too out of the picture?

>> No.494536

>That feel when early retirement
Feels good man

>> No.494538

It increases value, but not at the same value as you wish.
You can spent 10.000 Dollars on a new kitchen, but it wont increase the value of your house by 10.000 Dollar.

The same thing with a new car. Even if you drove just a few miles with it, the value loss is "unreasonably" high.

>> No.494552

The price is fixed at 10%.
This means as soon as somebody moves out, the increase in rent is limited at 10% for the new renter. I don't know the details about this law, because it was released just a few days ago. I know that price fixing works in some major cities worldwide. I'm not a fan of this law, but I have to deal with it.

This is a big difference between the USA and Germany. We focus is on the rights of the customer. For example this shit with Time Warner and Comcast you've to deal right know is not possible here in Germany. There are pros and cons.

>> No.494792

>shit breaks
>as an apartment owner, I could fix it, or I'll fix my other building where I charge market price for tenants
>rent controlled building slowly declines in value until rent control is no longer needed.

It's like the government is subsidizing project development to the tenants by placing costs on the building owners.

>> No.495327

>you don't drink and party
>you must not be fun

You're the kind of person no one wants to hang around because you think anything that isn't getting wasted and hooking up with the 5s you call "hot chicks" and partying is lame or boring. Why the fuck are you even on /biz/, get back to /b/ or your shitty frat's party

>> No.495328

I'm not sure what you're getting at, because if that were right then the business model of flipping houses wouldn't be possible.

>> No.495333
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>Dad works 26 years now at the same place
>Never took day off

>> No.495344
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But it definitely helps.

Being around successful people can give you good insight and learn from them.

If you're the smartest in the room, you're in the wrong room.

>> No.495347


>Government subsidizing project development
>moar like projects development

am i rite guize?

>> No.495382
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>> No.495441

If your opinion is not unfounded and perverted I must have a mental illness.

>> No.495505

Oh I see what you mean.
I was thinking about decent apartments. Your own house/apartment.
You dont' flip houses that are already in good condition, because you won't get them for cheap.
House flipping is profitable if you get the necessary repair works done for a really low price. I know people doing this. They buy a big apartment complex and renovate every apartment. They buy new windows, kitchen, bathrooms and so on in bulk to save expenses. They apply for tax benefits and money support from the local administration. House flipping like in the US is in Germany probably not profitable.

If you know how the real estate business works and what deals most people close with their banks, real estate agents and handyman you'll see that they are losing money.

It is common in the M&A business to do a Due Diligence, calculate risks and possible future future earnings or compare them to alternative investments. What happens if people buy a house? They talk to the bank (who profits of this deal) and real estate agents (who also profits). What do they say? Oh it is a great investment, just look at this chart. After 20 years you'll own your own house. Your mortgage will be cheaper than rent. Consider infaltion. Think of the future of your family.

You are limitng yourself for over a decade if you sign a mortgage. This capital lockup could break your neck, but nobody is going to tell you this because they profit of this deal. Even if it all goes well and you own your own house after a decade, you've probably paid way more than you assumed in the first place. People assume an increase in value because their bank showed them a graph of the trend of the real estate market in the city they live in. Ignoring the specific area. Ignoring the planned investments of the city and other big players for example in infrastructure. What happens to your are if they just relocate a police station? People are stupid if they believe this is some kind of a win-win-deal.

>> No.495515

God, I would never trade in my travel experience for anything. Then again, I don't spend all my savings.. I usually try to ease the burden.. (ie Study Abroad Scholarships) I'll have to pay out of pocket for my first trip in two years...(Been abroad twice, and a couple states)

>> No.495559

All I see in this thread is
>you have to drink and get pissed to have fun

No you don't. Football with the lads, out and about whenever wherever, travelling, /fit/ are all fun. You could do all of the above and still save some dosh for yourself.

Just chill out.

>> No.495563

Some people are so poor, all they have is money

>> No.495565

>drinking to have fun

No, I drink to forget. Completely different.

>> No.495573
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>mfw people are investing into money instead of skills
>mfw when everything inflates 10 fold
>mfw I am ready for it due correctly allocating my efforts into being a crafty person rather than a "rich" one

>> No.495582

Yea its easy to get a job, however its damn near impossible to get a DECENT job. Part time work or temp work is easy to find. But a decent job paying a liveable wage is almost impossible.

>> No.495587
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You bring up a good point about moderation.

Though I'm by no means a huge Platonist or Aristotelian, the Greeks managed to figure this sort of thing out 2000 years ago.

If we are to say the primary goal of life is happiness, that is to say a full, well rounded flourishing life, then one is indeed inherently bound to set out to fulfill that goal. Aristotle's prescription was to act virtuously in accordance with reason. That is to say understand and calibrate yourself to live within extremes.

And this is applied to all aspects of life.

Just something your post brought to mind.

>> No.495597
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>I value money more than people

>> No.495679


Only if you work a farm or are planning a dynasty.

>> No.495710


Hugely disagree on your opinion on housing If you're just renting it for a long term, the money is gone. You're still to a large degree at the mercy of your landlord even with good rights and your ownership has accrued zero returns.

If you buy a home and own it for a long time, even if your house is a shithole, the land which its own is still of significant value and increases in value with inflation; you get back what you put in less taxes, interest, and upkeep. Operating under the assumption that you take good enough care of your home that it ISN'T a shithole, your home can be worth significantly more than the price you bought it at. If you bought a home when prices were low and sell when they are high, yes, a home can be a valid investment.

>> No.495732


"Min vän, då du arbetade för morgondagen, var du en självbedragare, ty du kunde redan innan aftonen ha legat på bår. Då du uppoffrade din ungdom för din ålderdom var du en slösare, som köpte kiselstenar för diamanter.”

Werner von Heidenstam

Loosely translated:

"My friend, while working for tomorrow, you decieved yourself, for you could be on a stretcher before nightfall. When you sacrificed your youth for your old age, you were a spend-thrift, who bought pebbles with diamonds."

>> No.495754

Question for all you frugal guys:

How much do you spend on clothes per year and how much per item usually?

I'm stuck on whether to buy quality clothes that last longer, but which are expensive, or buy cheap clothes which deteriorate aesthetically pretty fast.

Every time I buy expensive clothes I just get so damn depressed.

>> No.495759

anywhere from £10 to £200 for stuff like jeans, pants/trousers, shoes, sweaters/jumpers etc

t shirts usually from £5 to £50

formal wear, jackets, suits, coats, in the range from £100 to £500
but I shop maybe two or three times a year so it not that bad.

>> No.495774

I shop 2-3 times a year also, but damn I could never stomach going beyond £20 for anything expect maybe a suit or shoes.

>> No.495778

where do you shop? gap has good quality stuff, but if you want to look presentable and respectable, and impress other people you have to spend money, there is no way around it.

>> No.495780

Okay. I'll try to explain some of the major issues.

Concetration of capital
At the end you own a house. But in those 20 years you paid for your house you could have invest your money stocks, gold, fonds and other financial products. Diversification.
If something goes wrong the risk of a total loss is far greater.

Nowadays people are mobile
You lose your job, or you find a better position in another city or state. Divorce. New girlfriend. Your company gets acquired and relocated. You can't predict the next 20 years. If you are forced to sell your home quickly it is hard to get the price you aim for.

The price development is also unpredictable.
Especially the long-term price risk, for example if a highway is build near your home. I mentioned some other risks above. Maintenance is expensive. A new roof after 25 years, a new floor, kitchen, athroom after 10-15 years.

Again, owning a house is for most people wasting money. People are stupid with money.
If you treat it like an investment, you would consider the location, infaltion, infrastructure, condition of the house and so on. How can I make profit with this house?
But people dreaming of their own house focus on things like: is it big enough, what about the backyard for BBQs. Financial questions are present, but people tend to make it work so they can live their dream. How can I afford this dream?

I'm talking about the real estate market in my country. I'm sure there are major differences compared to the US regarding tax and construction laws.

>> No.495781
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Why are anime characters so malformed?

>> No.495785

Primark for most things. Sports Direct for shoes. I always spend ages shopping though, so my wardrobe isn't noticeably cheap to others, though still far off from places like gap.
Recently though I've tried Debenhams, pretty impressed and its not too expensive, most things half the price of gap.

>> No.495794

most stupid comment ever, if you gonna plan to have a million you had a dream in the first place.

So he's probaly gonna spend the million on his dream(s)

>> No.495801

yeah primark, next, debenhams are not bad and offer good deals
but how old are you? buying shoes from sports direct indicates that you might be an edgy teenager
>inb4 b&

>> No.495807

A lot of people here complaining about living in liberal areas

>> No.495811

I'm 20. I buy shoes there because they're cheaper than most places, and there's loads of variety. Can't think of many other places better in that sense though.

>> No.495815

no offence but are you a chav/yob?

>> No.495817

nope, why do you ask.

>> No.495822

Clothes should fit.
Expensive clothes do not last longer. I'm pretty sure there is almost no difference between a middle-priced shirt and an expensive one. You are just paying for the brand name. Cheap clothes on the other hand are somehow unpredictable.

What I realised is that your physical appearance plays a major role. A healthy athletic body looks good in a plain shirt. Now imagine a real skinny or fat guy in a designer shirt next to him. With the right physical appearance you'll look great in basics.

I buy clothes maybe ones a year. I have a few pair of jeans that are almost 7 years old. They still look great. People are paying big money for this used look.

>> No.495836

partied my whole teens n twentys away so far chasing pussy and whatnot doing substances

i envy the teetotalling guys who have large bank accounts at a young age. 30s are the same as 20s and these guys are set up for both fun times and security in their late 20's and 30's while ill be working and struggling. fuck off with your partying shit, it's stupid as fuck.

1-2x a year max

>> No.495868

>being over 18
>smoking weed

How sedated and plebian can you even be?

>> No.495996


This. Me and two of my friends decided to trek and see a castle and back which came in total about 14 miles.

We enjoy it so much we trek long distances at least once a week now.

>> No.496117

>some colleague i have does this shit.
>goes to chicago with all his friends for gay-pride week
>likes to stay in a business class hotel
>telling me about his gay ass ttrip
>tells me how he is broke now b/c he spent too much on the trip
>tells me while he is on vacation that money is no object.
>tell him i'm sorry that money is no object only while he is on "vacation"..

>> No.496130

I like your boss, sounds awesome

>> No.496136


>> No.496138

> that face

what the fuck is going on

>> No.496270

here comes another fat faggot with no job fantasizing about how hes going to lose weight and become a millionaire

>> No.496349

>partied my whole

Being that you misunderstood my post, fuck, even my very first word that I typed in that post, coupled with all the contents in your post, leads me to believe you're one dumb motherfucker who got what he deserved.

Best of luck to you though

>> No.496382

Calm down dude. And realistically people in /b/ wouldnt go out at all.

>> No.497706
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>She applied to at least 10 jobs weekly.
>7 days
>168 hours
>Only applying to 10 jobs

>> No.497720

>Drinking to get wasted, and not to enjoy the drink

>> No.497823


That said, not everyone has the same values.

>> No.498628

This might be my favourite quote of the year so far. Any native speaker care to expand on it?

>> No.498631
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>> No.498637

>26 years old
>My vacation usually is a friend last minute telling me "lets go on a cruise tomorrow"
>Last minute booking means we pay next to nothing. Last cruise was on the Norwegian Liberty of the Seas 5 day cruise for $179/person and with free upgrades thanks in part to American Express we got upgraded to balcony rooms.
>Make a nice salary
>Drive an old 01' dodge
>Own two houses both of which I rent out full time
>Rent a small place with 2 friends and we split the rent so about $200 a month per person
>Never talk numbers with friends or family because I don't want to hear people beg for money

>> No.498743

got any for Dallas Texas friend?

>> No.498749


this is literally how i want my life to be in 5 years when im 26. just not the 01 dodge. my 87 bmw e30 should suffice nicely

>> No.499054

I'm taking Econ 1101 at my university, I thought rent control was shit?

>> No.499058

Post a fit? You probably don't look that great in your clothes, most normal people think they do, but they don't.

>> No.499129


>he doesn't realize literally more than half of online job listings are actually a marketing technique

>> No.499134


>when he was 12

Guess the average age for first jobs? If we would bring back days where kids could actually work when they were kids, they probably would learn good work ethics because peer pressure.

>> No.499135

Depends, in some places (the example that jumps to mind is Santa Monica), rent controls can be a legitimate democratic effort to preserve the culture and spirit of an area and keep it as a nice livable middle class place instead of turning into some shitty ultra exclusive overpriced neighborhood for rich people. After all, it's not like rent controls are being applied on a national or even regional level, just for the specific area, it creates a shortage of housing in that particular area, so it's not creating a general housing shortage or forcing anybody into homelessness, and in essence the economic value of turning the area over to the rich is sacrificed for preserving the culture and rights of those who live there.

Unfortunately most of the time when rent control is applied in practice, it isn't nice white middle class neighborhoods avoiding a takeover by the ultra rich, it is an awful ghetto ass nigger shithole essentially forcing investors, productive citizens and economic growth to stay out of the area, because the local government are ghetto nigs and they are dependent on the votes of all the local nigs to stay in office.

So, on the whole, yeah, it's usually pretty shit.

>> No.499228

I see,thank you.

>> No.499313
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>>people who save up their vacation time until boss tells them they have to use it or else.

>> No.499927


Glad you liked it

Heidenstam was a swede that travelled through the near-east and fell in love with it.

He felt that the muslims and easterners in general lived a joyous life while swedes toiled for no purpose than existing through the day.
He loathed the french and english for what he considered to be the destruction of the eastern spirit throught their involvement in the region.

That paragraph is from his in my opinion greatest work "Dikter" (Poems) which is a collection of unrelated poems.

Some rhyme, some don't.

This particular one is from a chapter titled "A theme with two variations", which is my favourite become it also has the first piece of this:


Unfortunately I'm neither proficient enough in english or language in general to do it justice, put if you like poetry please head over to /lit/ or /int/ and see if they can give a better translation.

It's a story about two angels who keep protocol of the deeds of men and are used and even indifferent to the most vile crimes, but become disgusted with a man who prides himself with having lived life without frivolity

>> No.500103

Public image vs. self image. I know what you are saying.
I get compliments, and that's how I know I'm doing something right.
Some of them are subtle compliments, but it shows me my public image and reinforces my self image. One woman fixed the collar of my shirt, stepped back, looked at me from head to toe and smiled. This was last week, before we gave a presentation in front of 50 people. Another mentioned that the color of my shoes matches my belt and her purse. I'm pretty sure both were attracted to me.

Look at some Men's Basics in /fa/. If you don't look good in them you physical appearance probably lacks.
Bad haircut. Overweight/Skinny. Your posture. Skin.

>> No.500149

>tfw living in Canada
>tfw small townhomes start at 200k
>tfw 5k yearly in property taxes
>government takes 40% of my paycheck
>lose another 12% when I buy things

>> No.500897

Drinking = Networking.
Getting laid = Networking

Its a fucking investment

People want to work with normal people. Not with greedy autists.