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49315392 No.49315392 [Reply] [Original]

Why do these jungle niggers always use "sir" in every fucking sentence?

>> No.49315417

They just have a regional equivalent that suits them. Same reason why Japanese always call me Mr. Anon cause relating it to the same usage as -san is a helpful handle for them.

>> No.49315421
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good morning sir

>> No.49315447

Don't make fun of me sir.

>> No.49315452
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>> No.49315489

Subservient colonials

>> No.49315520

In these places they're taught a very condensed and formal business-oriented version of the English language. Can also be said about much of the developing world

>> No.49315557

Same way burger niggers use fuck in every sentence. Ex : burger niggers are fucking poop eaters

>> No.49315579

in their languages they use sort of equivalent honorifics, sir

>> No.49315616

stop me then

>> No.49315969

i like the nepalese version of sir: its honored personality
i am assuming this is some sort of literal translation thing but you get emails with heading honored personality anon, its refreshing from the same old corpo standards

>> No.49316092

goodmorning sers

>> No.49316102

Well, what IS the literal equivalent to "sir" in hindi? No actual street shitters here?

>> No.49316111


And why does this bother you bachord basterd, sir?

>> No.49316377

It's janab

>> No.49316386

In India, It's unironically a legacy from British Raj

>> No.49316397

Pajeets are natural born bum lickers. Dumb white people enjoy getting their bums licked so they get a big ego while the pajeets rob them blind.

>> No.49316430

It's called basic etiquette bastard chutya

>> No.49316434

They're subhuman slaves

>> No.49316468

> No you can't be polite to other people, nooo it hurts my feelies
I thought you were not a nigger

>> No.49316483

>also 1pbtid

>> No.49316494

they were colonized by gentlemen anglos, why are you surprised
they see these tall smart anglos talking in their usual way, of course they're going to imitate to faint class
it's why around me in Brussels i see sandniggers in expensive cars all the time, even though they're poor af

>> No.49316559

Goodmorning janabs
Bong masters used to make them call them sirs

>> No.49316588

i think they only do it in english, do not forget they think of thenselves as native speakers

>> No.49316590

Honor system, something modern westoids lack.

>> No.49316603

that's Persian

>> No.49316625

I actually think it's "Shri"

>> No.49316659

Kek, social media induced suicide in the making

>> No.49316675

respectful decorum
something we lost decades ago

>> No.49316710
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>tall smart anglos


>> No.49316808

are you insane? they're the tallest on earth, certainly at the time. let alone the colonizers themselves, which is like selecting only college students
they were by far the most successful race of them all at the time hence they were venerated by plenty, including Hitler

>> No.49316843


Yes ser, very smart ser. Very smart and tall. Maybe ser is interested in an investment opportunity? It is only for tall smart sers like you. Surely it will make you very rich!

>> No.49316848
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>> No.49316878


>> No.49316901

The Indian man at my corner store calls me boss or bro

>> No.49316918

Please respect cultural differences sire

>> No.49316972

i'm flemish, i just told you i'm from brussels
i just know how well-respected anglos were due to the way my parents / grandparents thought of them

>> No.49316990

Flips always say boss

>> No.49317007

gaand mein kida

>> No.49317221

Sir please kindly do not make run of our speech or writing.

>> No.49317285


>> No.49317370
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go to toilet you bloody bitch i put your mother against a group my good ser

>> No.49317388


>> No.49317404



>> No.49317432

I am Filipino. I don't call you sir. I call you putang ina mo. Same way Duterte called Obama putang ina. Its a shame people like me get outnumbered 100000:1 there's still a lot of peenoise worshipping Whites like they're Gods. So fucking cringe.

>> No.49317492

Baby jirl
Will you show your bob
Kindly sir
Can I touch your cloth
What I mean
Show vagene
(Do the needful)

>> No.49317506

>Live in tourist town
>Everytime when there white tourists come half of them is beg packer and selling some random junk to fund their travel
No other race tourists does this.

>> No.49317602

You can use same sentences in front of a junior and senior in English. But in Hindi we have to rephrase so that it doesn't look rude to superiors. That is why we put sir in every sentence.

>> No.49317675

Call me putang and I'll bash your skull cartel style

>> No.49317704

Fucking running like lady eh?

>> No.49317764
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anglos were once some of the tallest on earth, until they threw away their best bloodlines fighting the good guys in 2 world wars

>> No.49317770

>gets scammed all the time
>including that one time in history where some midget retard jewish puppet who calls himself "the fuhrer" and ordered them to their deaths

>> No.49317793
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>> No.49317905

This guy fucks white girls.

>> No.49318471
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Good morning Sars.