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49313685 No.49313685 [Reply] [Original]

How do I short the western society?

>> No.49313704

Take the Islam pill, the Androcentrism pill, and finally, the Cartel pill.

Let the disfigurement begin

>> No.49313713

they’re being rejected and sent their own way, stop coping

>> No.49313731

the only people dropping out of society are rejects who aren't wanted, the vast majority of guys are doing just fine

>> No.49313753


>> No.49313757

Perhaps that's why it's an r/UnpopularOpinion

>> No.49313760

can't wait to see your face over the next decade

>> No.49313771
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Realize that your race and gender matter to even more than your skills.
Management is pushed hard to hire more minorities.
Being slightly better skilled than your minority peers and seeing them courted for jobs you want is very depressing.

>> No.49313774

Unironically only applies to white men, the rest of us are doing fine. You lot unironically need to read Jordan Peterson

>> No.49313796

Install Minecraft. Boot up Minecraft. KYS yourself in Minecraft. Exit Minecraft.

>> No.49313811

This is the Incel decade

And not coincidentally, this is the commodity bull run decade.

I just hope there is a lot more dead leftists in the coming years

>> No.49313824

i unironically am waiting for the moment rule of law breaks down to kill jeets and niggers

>> No.49313828

Fear not, more people will die.

And there will be nothing you can do about it.

>> No.49313833

>the vast majority of guys are doing just fine
They're doing "fine" in the sense that they're running on the fumes of a dying society and turning a blind eye to the fact that they're trying to maintain a standard of living that is no longer sustainable in the current world. I'm not saying this as some loner NEET or anything like that. I'm 28, I come from generational wealth, I have a master's degree in comp sci (paid for with daddy's money), a kushy 6 figure wfh developer job, a trust fund, and I'm getting married within the next year. Still, my primary focus is getting the fuck out of this irreparably fucked society and setting up my homestead to be able to sustain my family without depending on modern society to the greatest extent possible.

>> No.49313842

The majority of incels are not white. Blackcels, currycels, etc dominate the incel community

>> No.49313848

dropping young men is the only way to keep things stable at this point

>> No.49313858

>And not coincidentally, this is the commodity bull run decade.
Explain why this is not a coincidence

>> No.49313867

focus on community somehow too.. pointless having a self-sufficient homestead if your child have no one to marry and you have no one to trade with ect.
I honestly think 'cults' are the way to go like branch dividands and aryan brotherhood or whatever they're called.

>> No.49313881

symptoms of a declining society.

That, and the "losers" (virgins, gold/oil bulls) will finally be vindicated when everyone was making fun of them.

>> No.49313973

>and I'm getting married

>> No.49314020

Virgin gold bulls will never be right.

>> No.49314028


>> No.49314050

we're massively overpopulated with browns anyway. the world has never run off the backs of browns, only whites, it only takes a small percentage of whites deciding to stop subsidizing browns to cause a complete systemic collapse.

>> No.49314074
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Friendly Reminder

>> No.49314075

this, my bloodlines will survive in many mennoite closed societies, albeit not directly..
maybe i can return to them somehow.

>> No.49314135

problem with this application is
>we technically have lots of space, indeed some of the most poor and depressing places (highest suicide rates) are in open, country like places, if newyork feels crowded you can always leave
>Many don't have all that's provided, imagine some of the mice needing to work very hard all day on a wheel to get alittle food and other mice having it served to them
>we arn't fucking mice, we have the ability to provide for both the soul and the body of the human but choose to give like one mouse 99.9 percent of the food and wealth and treat the rest like golems

>> No.49314136

We need brown gfs tho

>> No.49314151

>focus on community somehow too
Yes you're absolutely correct. I have a large family and some good friends who are interested in homesteading as well so I'm trying to lead them down the same path. Already convinced both my brothers (with anti-gun wives) to buy some guns. Just bought some land last year too so I've been trying to network with the neighbors and locals as the fiance and I settle in and we've been getting on pretty well so far. They've given me some good advice about the area and what works well for them. Trying to get back into the church-going habit too so that should help.
Shit man I'm trying to pump out some white children who won't be raised by a single mother so you gotta start with that, right?

>> No.49314159

Worst is you guys basically need us the most to help dig the labor intensive repair process this country desperately needs. We are going to grow to absolutely hate all you old fucks once this is all over.

>> No.49314173

there is nothing more immoral than creating a brown child, though

>> No.49314176
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>They're doing "fine" in the sense that they're running on the fumes of a dying society and turning a blind eye to the fact that they're trying to maintain a standard of living that is no longer sustainable in the current world. I'm not saying this as some loner NEET or anything like that. I'm 28, I come from generational wealth, I have a master's degree in comp sci (paid for with daddy's money), a kushy 6 figure wfh developer job, a trust fund, and I'm getting married within the next year. Still, my primary focus is getting the fuck out of this irreparably fucked society and setting up my homestead to be able to sustain my family without depending on modern society to the greatest extent possible.

>> No.49314201

what do you mean? the roads or something? infracture as invisioned thus far, solely by the automotive industry is part of the slow infaltion/bunkrupting of the economy. The roads and infrastructure as it has manifested so far does not pay for itself.
society is going to collapse you can't repair shit and more browns from the south or east will only quicken it

>> No.49314209

we know you hate yourself
poster id 5swfOroa is a chad

>> No.49314219

There is nothing more immoral than denying me a a brown gf with a giant bubble butt

We are gonna have so much fun killing you all, in minecraft of course

>> No.49314236

Godspeed, chadon, I was so close to gen wealth but my boomer parents and uncles sold the family car dealerships, farmland and even a burger joint and grocery store, t
hey did this the late 80's early 90's so not even a good return, no businesses now, I'm' desperately trying to start one

>> No.49314247

I'll pump out some nonwhite kids. The fumes of the dead society are fuel for those of us who saw worse

>> No.49314259
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>Let's buy some farm, guns and have good christian wives
Generational wealth my ass you retards are walking flyover state stereotypes

>> No.49314319

I think it’s more about the breakdown of social roles, and how that leaves social creatures feeling helpless and confused.

>> No.49314327

bruh, no one said chadon is, or i almost was, a rothschild.
owning a few businesses WAS and can still be generational wealth for 'flyover' states.. yes.. someone has to live in middle of the landmasses, you think the ranchers and farmers who built this country along with big dynasties were retarded or trying to front as illumnati or nobles? fucking retard

>> No.49314335


>> No.49314383

Sounds more like blue state people idealizing the red state lifestyle. I say that because working in Silicon Valley, the few other redpilled people I talk to all sound like this too. I also have the same dreams and hope that if I do ever achieve them they live up to expectations.

>> No.49314390

Sorry to hear that, fellow chadanon, but you can be the one who sets it right for your bloodline. Work hard and build something for yourself.
You do understand how your kind lived before whites started "oppressing" you, right?
Not a flyover state, but flyover states are generally pretty based. Have fun getting assraped in the cities by Jamal and his booty bandits when they run out of jordans to loot and get bored. See you in ten years, faggot. Or probably not...

>> No.49314411

Give me a roof over my head and a traditional wife then I'll participate in society

>> No.49314419

By forming a strong, sustainable community within it and being selective about which refugees you choose to take in.

>> No.49314448

>How do I short the western society?

>> No.49314463
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All my friends are either fucking men in the ass, dating a severely overweight girl or have just recently been divorced.
I have two friends that fuck guys on grindr now, no indication of homosexuality before 2019. 3 of my friends paired up with fat girls and use the excuse that they have "always been a chubby chaser" when that isnt true at all and one guy who just came out of an 8 year marriage who is still sharing a mortgage with his now ex wife if you can believe it.
I don't see people doing fine at all. Me? Well Last time I was in a relationship was march 2019 and I've struggled ever since. Having to learn shit online to get decent qualifications because I can't go back to college since I cant get a job (no decent jobs).
Idk where you are but maybe I should get a plane over there.

>> No.49314484

if hard work had a degree of certainty in providing that I'm sure there would be no articles or stats about men dropping out of the workforce and society.
I'd work hard to start my own biz and grow it, anything else is a fool's errand, worse then serfdom

>> No.49314495

Oh it's a cohencidence alright.

>> No.49314499

You and your children will be forcibly removed or killed. Go back.

>> No.49314501

really is that why all these edgelord black and brown guys go on spree killings shooting up little kids? lmfao

>> No.49314512

It seems like 2018-19 are the years where most people lost it at least in my circle.

>> No.49314541

This requires taking away women's "rights"

We are going to have to kill a lot of white knights to get what we want.

As long as men defend women having rights and sexual autonomy, then they are completely responsible for their own suffering.

Take the androcentrism pill

>> No.49314560

lol yes.

Its just that the media doesn't report on it because they don't want to stoke up racism.

White guys are the perfect perps.

>> No.49314564

>Phase 1
>Phase 2
>Phase 3
>(YOU are here)
>Phase 4

>> No.49314570
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In my circle the cracks were appearing in 2019 specifically. But 2020 was the real tipping point because of everything that happened. It's like it was peoples excuse to openly admit a bunch of things about themselves, how they view the world and how they view others which coincidentally turns out to be incredibly shallow and self obsessed.
They pretend that they are doing alright now and have almost developed this boomer-like mentality which is also something ive noticed. If you'll allow me to go on a bit of a tangent, ive noticed that the "pulling up your bootstraps" mentality has actually bled into the young generation but the worlding is different. It's more along the lines of "chasing a bag" or something like that. I don't hear those words where I am from (UK) but the mentality is deffo there. I think its one last spark of cope before the well runs dry and people really start breaking down. Their lives are so fucking shallow.

>> No.49314581

>i want to get rid of white people because i saw worse in places with almost no white people
this is why i'm an accelerationist - because i know that most first world countries will go the way of liberia at worst, or miserable chinese slave colonies at best
you'd be begging for us to come back by the time you realize this, but no one will answer

>> No.49314588

It's the lowest 15% being culled right now, your seed will be next.

>> No.49314597

As long as men support women's rights, things will continue to get worse for them

>> No.49314632

Also it's not just about nobody caring about them, if only that were the case. They are actively discriminated against every step of the way, gatekeeped out of every profitable circle, slapped around for personal gain and often for literally fun by women and Karen types and the odd nasty and dumb man. Young - and not-so-young - men can be tremendously resourceful and successful but every time they try to rise they're pushed back down by society unless of they meet certain generally nonsense criteria.

>> No.49314638

I think the majority of men in western countries will always support the right of women to do whatever they want. It's been engrained in them to do so and they still have this fantasy view of women. I can sort of relate to it because in my head I do like to put women in this pedistal because it's a comforting thought that women are the fairer sex, that they are nice, decent, cute, shy, honest people. But I obviously know that isn't true.
I guess it's a nice cope for men to believe this which is why it has perpetuated itself for so long (since the medieval age really). Men want to save women from evil because they automatically view them as innocent. That is, until the civilisation enters enough advancement to where ironically, humanity goes back to a primordial state socially. Same thing happened with all great civilisations reaching its peak, they didnt relinquish womens rights and save themselves, i dont think we will either. Cat is out of the bag once again.

>> No.49314649

Retarded incel take, go back to your discord and groom some children. We get it you were born ugly and socially retarded either rope or do something about it.

Yeah the grind mentality is definetly there it's either that or maximising parasitic tendencies by leeching off parents, government and markets. There's just no real reason for men to work anymore. I make more than most people will in their lives and i think about quitting most days because i have nothing to spend money on. I just work to buy assets for no reason because i don't consume. Economy wide rent seeking behaviour.

>> No.49314691

Yeah I'm exactly the same. I now leech off the state because when I was working I had all this money that I didn't spend on anything. I have no reason to buy anything except necessities or the occasional random thing on amazon that I need (key word: need). Something breaks so I try to fix it, if that doesnt work I just buy a new one. I don't mindlessly spend on crap I don't use and I don't find enjoyment in shopping either. It's a fucking chore, idk how people find it entertaining.
A person living in a materially abundant society that doesn't want to mindlessly spend money is problematic I think. People think its really odd that you can just enjoy small things and not need to spend money on everything all the time.

>> No.49314695

The only solution, if we want one, is to kill the vast majority of men who hold this gynocentric system in place.

There is a reason we admire cartels. They have no problem delivering extreme violence against women. We could learn a thing or two from them.

>> No.49314698

I don't admire cartels lmao. Horrible life.

>> No.49314706

thanks for proving my point.

Continue to clutch your pearls

>> No.49314720

Killing women is a sport in Latin American countries. That is what true freedom looks like.

>> No.49314751

This is also why I laugh at the idea of a post-scarcity world like communism. I wouldn't even enjoy that. A post scarcity society is only appealing to people who have grown up with absolutely nothing most of the time. If you are anything like me, I wanted for nothing my entire life (materially) and so I don't actualyl value material wealth in excess. It had the opposite effect on me to where now I am grown up, I live in absolute bare minimum because I grew up not needing to strive for anything. Communist philosophers of the 1800s would be baffled at something like that.

>> No.49314767
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>the vast majority of guys are doing just fine

>> No.49314807

>glownigger: the post

>> No.49314810

The probablility of them eventually being right is literally 1. Every empire ends at some point and gold is historically the only reliable wealth transfer to a new system.

>> No.49314829

They like killing feds too.

Spics are pretty based desu. Their women are hot too.

>> No.49314862

>and then in 2033, for no reason at all, Mecha-Hitler was elected to power