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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.50 MB, 1768x1968, Screenshot_20220601-175745_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49306170 No.49306170 [Reply] [Original]

Are we okay?

>> No.49306238


Yes, he's now at the BonkSquad tg, which is now staring to become the main D0b0 tg.

>> No.49306274

Damn so it really is over tehehehehhehe

>> No.49306333
File: 203 KB, 1125x812, 5DFB8367-3E36-47C5-BEF2-EF1F4329EA9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its amazing what these subhuman cattle are starting to realise what high iq people realised back in november that shitcoins never recover. once it dumps take your profit and move on to the next one. anyone still holding is a pajeet or a pol brain so good riddance

>> No.49306617

I married my bags bros...

>> No.49306670

who gives a fuck? It's still going to pump like crazy once btc recovers regardless of retard tier e-drama

>> No.49306705


>> No.49306710

More manpussy drama blabla

These fuck refused a Binance listing for $100k

Rotten team.

>> No.49306738

There are actual people creating and pumping shitcoins still? Wouldn’t this suit have been automated now I thought there were like 20,000 coins

>> No.49306744

My bags hit me over the head in December with a baseball bat, dragged me unconscious into a cellar somewhere and have been pegging me daily since.

>> No.49306745

lmao where did you pull this out of your ass, this is literally cinu tier fud

>> No.49306764

This is cherry picking OPs post is way worst autist address it.

>> No.49306878

Another fake 'screenshot' like the 'secret whale chat' that was used to fud this coin several weeks ago. Rope yourself, cinu tranny.
>1 post by this ID

>> No.49306936

its over fr this time

>> No.49307034

nah its legit, honestly justin leaving would be bullish af

>> No.49307037
File: 204 KB, 1764x968, Justin_SlowRugged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49307075

Oh no d0b0tard
Its real
>t/me bonksquad

>> No.49307087

>it's legit

Prove it. Also what's this obsession you fudders have with Justin?

Hey I was there for that thread. You still didn't provide proof the wallet belonged to Justin. Still waiting.

>> No.49307119

bro just go to the bonksquad tg im not trying to lie to you or fud lol, im a dobaggie i just hate justin

>> No.49307131
File: 111 KB, 994x943, photo_2022-06-02_00-16-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are we Okay?
No, its over for me
Because if I help pump this coin, I am helping Justin get richer, and I just fucking refuse out of spite. I heard the dude is holding bags, so he can go fuck himself and choke on them
>B-but it could still go up!
You guys do you, I am too resentful on make some piece of shit rich

>> No.49307132

It's 'real' in the sense it was set up by scammers and artificially filled with bot accounts to make it look legit. D0b0 only has the one telegram.

>> No.49307154
File: 102 KB, 795x353, FP8gdAqXoAQnfA1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bonksquad tg is fake. Try again, cinu tranny.

>> No.49307225

>1 post by this ID

>> No.49307230
File: 25 KB, 1264x232, SpoonFeed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He literally sent 10T to wallet pic related before liquidity was added retard
That wallet then sent BNB to an empty wallet that bought and hold only d0b0
Nothing else
No other altcoins
No other memecoins
Just d0b0

>> No.49307236

I have nothing else to say, whats your point?

>> No.49307276
File: 18 KB, 290x234, squad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are either:
a) justin
b) actually fucking retarded

>> No.49307287

not raeding this shit he should distribute his b*nkerinos amongst those who want buy them at a low low price if he doesnt want them

>> No.49307326

This is the wallet he used to slow rug

>> No.49307344

>can't provide proof the wallet belonged to Justin
Time to rope yourself, tranny

bonksquad isn't affiliated with d0b0 at all. it's a scam group set up to crate fake screenshots to post here,

>> No.49307400

>bonksquad isn't affiliated with d0b0 at all. it's a scam group set up to crate fake screenshots to post here,

lol, the bonksquad was made by Ghostbro and Santovi cause they got banned from main by Gayustin

>> No.49307439

Try again, cinu fag

>> No.49307463

yeah its like talking to a brick wall. either that or its justin on damage control right now kek

>> No.49307491

Anyone can go to tg and check it out for themselves, I have no idea what your issue is, if its a genuine attempt to mislead people cause you are bag holding, or you are just an insufferable faggot

I don't even know what cinufag means

>> No.49307506
File: 42 KB, 424x180, 9435243432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That wallet dumped 10T for about 80 bucks
What I am saying is that the wallet sent bnb to
This is the wallet where Justin made 200k from slowrugging d0b0

>> No.49307534

kek baggies your shitcoin based on a dead and unfunny meme wont survive a multi year bear market its over stop polluting this board with your jeet poo
>but muh shib
shib wont survive either, hell there is a strong possibility that BSC wont even exist in 3 years
cope seethe and dilate

>> No.49307567

that's all he made? disappointing

>> No.49307573

>damage control
Says the cinu fag that has to go to these lengths to fud a competitor dog coin, just because they beat them with memetools. How's memetech by the way? Left alpha yet? lmao

You know how easy it is to create a fake tg and fill them with fake bot accounts that share the same names, pics and handles as the d0b0 devs? You really think I'm that stupid?

>> No.49307603

You keep saying the wallet belonged to Justin, but provide no proof. I will keep calling you out on this, until you provide said proof.
>1 post by this ID

>> No.49307631

holy kek

>> No.49307659

>Wallet linked to the wallet that literally created d0b0 is not proof
How much is Justin paying you?

>> No.49307717
File: 61 KB, 1024x914, FR5O056XEAAp8gC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least it's not like SmugDoge where the owner left for 2 months (still missing, maybe he got fucked by the war crime tribunal and is getting anally raped in prison) after "starting work" on a smugdoge game.

It could have been much worse.

>> No.49307721

Do you know what 'show me it belongs to Justin' entails? Quit side stepping.

>> No.49307877
File: 412 KB, 866x980, GB_confirmed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A voice message of Justin confirming it's his or pic related?

>> No.49307901
File: 3.11 MB, 640x640, TROGE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

join the troge bros, we're here for you

>> No.49307914

Wtf I put 300$ in this and now its all gone. I feel sick anons. Maybe it can still come back tho?

>> No.49307931

lmfao, imagine being dev of d0b0 and only making 200k

>> No.49307968

>getting rekt by a /biz/ pajeet scamcoin

>> No.49307988

that's the wallet that dumps and buys back in
it's done that a few times now
and it's lost coins

>> No.49308025

observe $caw and quit ya chirping

>> No.49308099

Justin was swinging his entire stack
And kept losing coins everytime kek

>> No.49308115

im not selling

>> No.49308116

are civil wars bullish for a dogcoin?

>> No.49308200

So the wallet didn't cash it out and he didn't buy anything else?
He gave everyone a piece of the pie via reflections and when the market goes up and he buys back in even more reflections are distributed?
Even if it actually is Justin there's no problem here
Literally none

>> No.49308381

and it'll buy back in again when things pick up
like it's done a few times already

>> No.49308468
File: 68 KB, 750x1000, cute_cheems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Justin is a colossal sperg faggot that doesn't get anything beyond 0s and 1s.

>> No.49308482

Bullish imo

>> No.49308528

Seems like a huge miscommunication issue because justin refuses to communicate or be active in pushing d0b0. he just gives short responses like we are suppose to read his mind.

unfortunate. everyone is throwing shots at justin so i wouldnt be surprised if he pulls the rug on his other 3 wallets with 4-5T on it.

>> No.49308587

The dobros fear the BGC Big Goose Cock

>> No.49308641

Cope d0b0tard

>> No.49308680


go away you g0h0 dingle berry


not selling

>> No.49308715
File: 1.18 MB, 798x932, AYO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49308765

Honestly fuck it let the faggot rug already this shitcoin is cursed

>> No.49308768

Some damn transparency woudlve been appreciated
Not all of us sold and are comfy holding busd

>> No.49308775

max is that you? is max in this thread? they fear the BGC, Big greek cock

>> No.49308801
File: 925 KB, 1125x1774, D4CE2508-2B4A-4CE7-8B97-96E5DEC9E2FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not fake

>> No.49308803
File: 130 KB, 816x538, Surf_Bonked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no no

>> No.49308896

Why is autism and memecoins so closely linked?

>> No.49308997

>people who cannot communicate verbally in a normal manner but however like funney may-mays
>being into coding and other tech-stuff
yeah, dunno

>> No.49309104
File: 399 KB, 1280x1878, 1642043532000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still never selling niggers no cap frfr

>> No.49309213

So how exactly are you supposed to sell this to people outside the sperg spectrum. When everyone involved comes off as weirdo losers?
>Oh yeah that looks like a safe bet for my money

>> No.49309265

You need to stop posting shit from bonksquad. It's fake and full of bots impersonating the d0b0 devs.

>1 post by this ID

You moron. Your tg group is a scam, full of CINU holders impersonating d0b0 devs in order to spread fud here. Fucking off yourself.

>> No.49309292

You're actually a fucking retarded faggot. I bought this dogshit coin earlier and like a retard i married my bags. Lesson learned. This shit is never taking off again and no amount of coping will change that. It's over. For you and for me. IT IS OVER

>> No.49309312

You didn't buy shit, CINU tranny.

>> No.49309342

I don't even know what the fuck CINU is you delusional cocksucker.

>> No.49309350

Most normies have no inner monologue of their own, let alone judgement or decision making skills. They see hype, they buy into hype. They literally delegate their decision making to the crowd. Psychopaths at the higher echelons of society take advantage of this all the time. Why shouldn't a small group of internet autists do the same to get rich?

>> No.49309363
File: 205 KB, 1256x943, 1647018890495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Traitors like you make me sick. Have you forgotten the prophecy? Why do you turn your back on what you know to be true?

>> No.49309396

Because I am retarded and had 200k+ at the top and seethe daily that I didn't cash out that's why nigga

>> No.49309413

I regret holding this goddamn coin for so long

>> No.49309457

That tg is what comes up in main when you do the /shill filter. Stop being a lying faggot, that is Ghostbro and you need to stop lying to people just to benefit yourself.

>> No.49309474

Yes you do. The fud this coin gets is because groonrich and CINU are butthurt that d0b0 secured memetools before they could - and exposed CINU as a scam on their own twitter page lmao. Take a look at the lengths they're going to, to run d0b0 into the ground. Accusations of criminal activity, called the devs 'pedos' and nazis. Creating fake tg groups and then screenshotting alleged 'secret conversations' between the devs to "leak" here.

>> No.49309494

You never held this coin. Lie harder

kys you gullible cunt

>> No.49309498

yeah okay you delusional fucking moron. You can only can people trannies and deflect. Assholes like you convinced me to hold this piece of shit cursed coin and fucked me out of a better livelihood for my family. Suck my massive smelly cock

>> No.49309544


wait, you gambled your family's future on this coin and yet you're blaming others for your misfortune? You are a fucking retard and a paper handed little bitch. Oh and what other coin exactly would have granted you a fortune for your family? the whole market is down you mouth breathing idiot.

>> No.49309546

>with a heavy heart
Do you think he could suppress the laughter while he was typing this, or did he just laugh like a maniac while typing?

>> No.49309606


>1 post by this ID

>> No.49309610

retard alert. big goose cock (goho) is gonna pillage ur ass

>> No.49309611

You are a dumbass faggot. I'm not the sole provider for my family only put in 1k into this fucking dogshit and could have gotten a quarter million out of it. I blame retarded delusional faggots like you for lulling me into this false sense of security and assuredness that all I had to do was "HODL BRO" and that I would be fine. If I had sold and cashed out I would be fine right now. But again you constant lying faggots knew this and continued to cash out while leaving clueless gullible fucks like me holding the bag. I hope you get fucked in your asshole by satans burning hot lava cock

>> No.49309637


lmaoing at their life

>> No.49309638

Suck my fucking dick nigger

>> No.49309646


biggest, seething moron I've ever seen on this site. Stop blaming others for your stupidity, nobody held a gun to your head. All this anger from you because of a thousand dollars? Maybe you should just kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.49309670


>> No.49309707



>> No.49309725

Yep. Kay.

Trying too hard, anon. You should have ceased the larp a few posts ago. Would have been more convincing.

>> No.49309731

THEY WERE MY GAINS TO TAKE I COULD HAVE TAKEN THEM AND SHOULD HAVE. Eat my fucking massive cock you dumbass faggot. Hope someone Doxxes that beta fuckhead Justin and tears him a new asshole

>> No.49309758


You have nobody to blame but yourself, i hope at least you're just a fudder because that would be less embarrassing for you.

>> No.49309781

Im almost break even
I had about 10k at ath and i watched it bleed to almost my initial
Was i a good holdler justin?

>> No.49309812

I wish I was just a fudder anon. It never fucking began for me

>> No.49309813

You didn't hold shit. When memetech, by the way?

>> No.49309888

Do you also tell yourself that?
Would've been nice to cash out at 200 mill mc instead of desperately bumping fud threads trying to find exit liquidity

>> No.49309920

>Antagonizing your bagholders
Bad optics d0b0shill

>> No.49309974

More like antagonizing CINU holders pretending to be concerned and angry d0b0 holders, or the d0b0 devs themselves.

>> No.49310042
File: 30 KB, 1051x250, India_advert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every concerned and angry d0b0 holder is a CINU holder
I don't know what to say other than expect more bleeding

>> No.49310069

>>Every concerned and angry d0b0 holder is a CINU holder

Nothing wrong with advertising in India either.

>> No.49310094

Sorry faggot but that post was real. Ghostbro is done.

>> No.49310124
File: 80 KB, 198x375, shak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't believe tranny discord members they want to fud you out of your precious first crypto in space bags

>> No.49310134

>ItS tHe ReAl GhOsTbRo, BrO
>JuSt TrUsT mE, bRo


>> No.49310143
File: 81 KB, 500x334, 1623320325507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing wrong with advertising in India either.

>> No.49310184
File: 289 KB, 796x646, 4364363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it also not wrong to dm people like Jeet marketers? kek

>> No.49310187

Arguing with this homo is such a waste of time. How can anyone be this fucking dumb? I’m fucking selling this shit.

>> No.49310198

hodling still' no fucks given. when the market goes back up, so will we.

>> No.49310200


>> No.49310207

Cinu is a scammy shitcoin but you are unironically mentally ill. And not just a little bit. 50 years ago you’d be locked up in an asylum and they’d have thrown away the key

>> No.49310232

Stop joining fake d0b0 tgs and you won't be a target for scammers

Didn't read.

>> No.49310264

b0nkye is ghostbro btw

>> No.49310319

This was Justin's plan >>49310184
Buying back a bit to be on cmc trending and sliding into people's dm like a Jeet

>> No.49310370
File: 53 KB, 834x488, Dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The message was to alert people of Justin's pathetic pump hoping for people to buyback in
How did that work out

>> No.49310391

Is this "Justin" in the room right now?

>> No.49310399

Friendly reminder for new people in the thread

>> No.49310417

Get the fuck out of here are you fr? So Ghostbro is that lunatic? Bahahaha

>> No.49310449


You two know each other. What TG are you from?

>> No.49310478

Why do people fud this coin so fucking hard? It is it just some angry jeets?


Post hand please

>> No.49310505

Justin slowrugging 200k is a fact
Anyone denying that is a paid shill

>> No.49310624
File: 46 KB, 1124x223, 87A25DDD-FA6E-4119-8278-8F78B8F1640D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo wtf are you talking about? I reply to some post and now I know that person? You want to know where I know anyone? D0b0, you schizo. Stop acting like this is made up, I’m trying to understand what actually happened and you’re in every post. You sound like bonkye. Which is why you got all weirdly paranoid. No one likes you, you need to just fuck off to another project.

>> No.49310626


>19 posts by this id

I know who you are. You are the same seething and lying faggot in every single dogbat thread. Spreading the same stupid ass lies again and again. I wonder what your goal is.

>> No.49310864

Might want to carefully look at those 19 posts
The blockchain does not lie
Unless you think i can magically send bnb to a wallet from the d0b0 deployer wallet

>> No.49311086

just make a new coin at this point, memetools is just a way for justin to syphon money off of d0bo's shitcoin fame and the community wallet never amounted to anything before seto stole it.

>> No.49311125

I regret not selling my dogbat when I sold my btc. Btc sell was a good call, but I would have saved 18k more if I sold dogbat in the same time. FUCK. I now only have like 18k when could have been double atm. That and didn't sell btc nor dogbat when I saw btc was going to crash mostly because I wasn't convinced btc would end so anti-climatically

>> No.49311336

that's some mentally ill levels of cope you got there man, it's rugged and will rug more and the guy is totally untrustworthy about it and beyond that doesn't even care and views the coin as a waste of time

do you have down's syndrome or an agenda

>> No.49311365

classic shill behaviour, this is a good example of one in the wild

>> No.49311411

Why the FUCK would someone make a new coin when there is friendly goho next door?

>> No.49311489

Why are people emotional over a shitcoin

>> No.49311504

cause some of us are down 6 figs from the ath

>> No.49311513

lmao this shit is sad but not as sad as these goose fuckers trying to derail every d0bo thread

>> No.49311518
File: 117 KB, 994x943, B395D363-02A1-4233-9377-A026D1C8556A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately this sounds like the case. Oh well. Almost bought more and I held off.

>> No.49311550

Damn bro that is rough, I’m down from 5 figures and I am pretty pissed about that.

>> No.49311628

Nah we're just a bunch of CINU holders according to this schizo >>49310069

>> No.49311646

Seriously fuck that faggot schizophrenic freak. DURR CINU DURRRRR. Drooling fucktard

>> No.49311727
File: 11 KB, 300x329, A879FFF9-3A13-4FA9-A8A0-9FA34B4DF018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baggie are you okay, are you okay, are you okay baggie

>> No.49311831

No I am not

>> No.49311931

youre a fucking liar, bonksquad was created for the 4d psyop shillers - best of the d0b0 cult, passionate community members back in '21. not in relation to this edrama. it is just being repurposed

>> No.49311958

seto never stole the marketing wallet funds that was fake fud retard.

>> No.49312142

I regret not selling when that billboard was posted and everyone was hyping it up. I can't believe I have to read this gay shit every week, it's just so tiring. I just want it to jump up enough to sell for half of what I put in.

>> No.49312329

You keep saying it's Justin but provide no proof. lmao

>I reply to some post and now I know that person?
Especially when they make an unfounded claim and you literally go all basedjak over it.

When's memetech coming out? What happened to CPAD?

Nope. Bonksquad is a scam TG set up to create "leaked secret dev chats" to post here as fud. KYS.

>> No.49312339

>1 post by this ID

>> No.49312349

I have no idea what any of that is and I don't need to to see you're in bad faith

>> No.49312407

Ok groonrich

>> No.49312423

I don't know what that is either, are you legitimately the creator trying to get exit liquidity?

>> No.49312501

Justin is a faggot so much for posting that “we will survive the bear market” on the 1 year birthday of the coin launch. This token is dead and the fact I bagheld it so long makes me physically sick. I sold a month ago for 4x more than current price. This shit could get listed on Binance for all I care and Im not touching it. That anon who used to post 80 times in a thread fudding the coin was actually telling the truth. I was just too blind to see it.

>> No.49312581

>1 post by this ID
Don't you get tired of clearing site settings and resetting your modem?

>> No.49312600
File: 3.84 MB, 540x304, Breath_it_in.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>T-That's not proof!

>> No.49312624

It's not proof. Sorry, bud.

>> No.49312652

>multiple people fudding this coin is actually bullish because it’s secretly all the same person.

You need a slap in the face anon. This coin is dead.

>> No.49312682

>29 posts by this ID
holy shit this has to be Justin posting isn't it kek

>> No.49312702

>double the holders compared to ATH

Please kill yourself.

Nah, just an average d0b0 holder
Fudders are hella obsessed with whoever this "Justin" is.

>> No.49312739

>the holder count growing is bullish
The bullshit lie is causing people to bag hold to zero. Have you noticed that weeks ago a top 1000 wallet was $3000 then it was $2500, then $2000, then $1500 now it’s $500????? People aren’t buying this coin anon. Look at the price. If you sell d0b0 and the pancake swap router leaves dust in your wallet worth $0.20 you’re counted as a “holder”

>> No.49312766

>>the holder count growing is bullish
This. But unironically. Didn't read the rest.

>> No.49312798

Literally brain dead.

>> No.49312878

why are you accusing people of things you yourself are doing

>> No.49313046
File: 166 KB, 1379x356, biz can do better.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why shouldn't a small group of internet autists do the same to get rich?
There are too many egotistical tards that don't understand how to make anything happen

>> No.49313078

Yes, you are.
I have 31 posts moron (now 32)


>> No.49313212

you unironically need to get professional help

>> No.49313250

I'm not the one who creates fake TG channels, and impersonates d0b0 devs so they can screencap "secret chats" to post here as fud, all because a dog holding a bat rustles their jimmies so much.
Look in the mirror, anon.

>> No.49313262

Fuck this coin. I had over 200 BNB and it went down to 5 BNB because of this bullshit

>> No.49313322


>200 bnb

Yeah sure thing, buddy

>> No.49313335

You sound like you’re having a mental breakdown. And I’m not even kidding. You’re literally the only person defending this bs. And you have been flooding the thread nonstop. Get help. You’re off your rocker. That’s not FUD. You need help.

>> No.49313396


I would be angry too if jeet after jeet fudded my coin over and over again.

>> No.49313403

just popping into this random thread to say your family cares for you. please wake up. we've been trying to reach you for 3 years. please wake up anon.

>> No.49313436
File: 47 KB, 498x371, 50B8EDC1-C149-4F72-9D34-08469DEEA773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a top 10 holder and sank HUNDREDS of BNB into this. I’m down like 90% from my initial. Sucks but I’m just gonna ride it out

>> No.49314043

Are you the person who did the last pump buying 2.17bnb every 2 minutes?

>> No.49314082

fuck this pedo he was sending lolli memes

>> No.49314109
File: 129 KB, 630x945, soysuper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>With a heavy heart

goddamn retarded niggers this is a bnb jeet scamcoin lmao what are they even pretending

>> No.49314155

do you actually think these people care? They have a BNB SCAMCOIN






>> No.49314519

No, I bought early on up until about 80-100 million market cap. Made an overall 3x at peak on average. Not much and I held all the way through like an idiot, but the price is correlated to BTC now and this will come back next bull run. Lots of people forget D0b0 was created early 2021 and was abandoned until the Fall when it got pumped again

>> No.49314566

Yea I don’t know why /pol/ doesn’t understand this. You guys aren’t regarded third worlders or normies who just got into the market last week. You should know how this works by now.

>> No.49314574

You’re got more optimism then me anon. I put in way more than I could afford to lose. I had a 10x on my initial buys but as it dumped I just kept buying and buying like a fucking retard as it dumped. I finally capitulated a few weeks ago. I’m completely out and don’t want anything to do with it anymore. I’m done being a part of this “community” it’s clear that the group running this coin have fallen apart. Literally everyday I think to myself about how much I lost.

>> No.49314585

>Everything has gone to hell
>No im not selling let me tell you why this coin is so great
Textbook mental illness.

>> No.49314656

That's the game anon. Falling for this "community" bullshit is exactly how these shitcoins get suckers to hold while devs and insiders slowly drain every last drip of liquidity out of you. That goes for any coin, really. These people aren't your friends, they aren't your bros. They are strangers on the internet you are entrusting your money in. L

When the hype is gone, you should be too.

>> No.49314717

Yeah, it was the first time I ever managed to get into a shitcoin early like that. All this bullshit about people saying “I’m not selling before 1 billion mc” and shit is all a fucking lie and I should have seen through it. Every coin like this (especially one BSC) is a pump and dump and the HODL meme just tricks people into being bagholders. Look at the “community” now, the telegram is just jeets and bag holders arguing.

>> No.49314960

Got to always ask yourself 'If I had the equivalent amount of cash now, would I buy my current position?' Rarely, anyone asks themselves that. I've made that mistake before though brother. Here's to not making it next time.

>> No.49315365

Was created in Oct. For the og dobros to strategize marketing potential

>> No.49315790

Told ya it was a scam

>> No.49315862
File: 41 KB, 506x248, 12168821-D261-4CD6-8EF8-4591340FB1BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it’s so obvious looking back. Greed is a hell of a drug. I’m kinda done with BSC for the time being. I’ve migrated to ETH where there’s better volume and coins actually pump. I’m already on my way to getting my money back.

>> No.49316036

Music stopped. Party's over. All dogcoins are pulling up camp and you're the last one to hold the bag, OP.

>> No.49317124

It was over months ago

>> No.49317235

Some people unironically still believe you're the one coping.

>> No.49317420

>this will come back next bull run
+80% of alts from 2013 never recovered for the 2017 run. +80% of alts from 2017 never recovered for the 2021 run. In 2025 when there are thousands of new projects and shitcoins, chances are pretty high that nobody is going to give a shit about this or the majority of other dead shitcoins

>> No.49318001

They spend too much of their limited brain power on useless shit

>> No.49318887

Are people actually still holding this and getting mad at """devs""" for not pumping it. How much of a massive pajeet do you have to be holy fuck.

>> No.49319598
File: 368 KB, 700x389, 1643913734559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't the end yet. Never selling.