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49302727 No.49302727 [Reply] [Original]

What did the WEF mean by this?

>> No.49302776


>> No.49302782

We've always been at war with Eastasia

>> No.49302795

The US govt will own nothing and be happy.

>> No.49302802

>America's dominance is over
Thank god, an end to the turbomarxist agenda

>> No.49302819
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yeah right... i wish it was true

>> No.49302821

The world will basically be ran by a few Chainlink schizos

>> No.49302828


US Government will be unemployed. Their jobs are no longer safe either.

Like Klaus said. We will own nothing and we will be happy.

>> No.49302830

Basically this
America is in decline, China is next but kind of sucks, will probably be BRICS dominating the next global financial system and the Eastern powers (US, UK, EUROPE, CAN, AUS) drown in their debts.

>> No.49302834

We can't keep up with the game of whackamole. If we suppress russia then china rises, suppress china then india rises, suppress india then south america rises etc.

>> No.49302864

Brics is filled with countries of every race. American race, white race, yellow race, indian race, black race. That would be funny and actually representative

>> No.49302867

Decsen-tranized wurld gubment.

>> No.49302966

Hardly news. BRIC numba 1.

>> No.49302998

You all realize WEF is just a shitty think tank full of dudeweed clowns, right? They're not transmitting the protocols of the elders of zion to you, they're not leaking the masterplan of the soros/lizard people alliance to you. They're just a bunch of larping retards who nobody takes seriously (except, ironically, larping polcels and bizchuds - truly you two were made for each other)

>> No.49303079

We'll own nothing and be happy

>> No.49303201

Which one are you, a polcel or a bizchud?

>> No.49303240
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>W-we said it so it must be true!

>> No.49303711

You're a fucking moron, did your gerbal brain miss the part were all the western elites get together in davos? Who do you think is larping here retard? They are the CEOs, the financiers, the bureaucrats, the media, the politicians, the celebrities, etc.

>> No.49303803
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For your consideration

>> No.49303812

Surely that is the green light for the CIA to take all those scheming rich motherfuckers the fuck out?

>> No.49303851

If you read Klaus's articles, you can see he loves the Chinese model. Considers it efficient and controlled. He wants the rest of the world to follow their example.

>> No.49303878
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Theyre giving a shoutout to linkmarines

>> No.49303879


>> No.49303912
File: 259 KB, 1610x1042, Screenshot 2022-06-01 at 21.32.21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means the WEF itself will essentially become the government. We've all known about emerging "corporatism". Well now they have gained so much de-facto power, they are seizing it officially, practically.
This article explains it well, what the WEF wants.


"In the 2010 WEF report titled “Global Redesign”, Schwab postulates that a globalized world is best managed by a “self-selected coalition of multinational corporations, governments (including through the UN system), and select civil society organizations (CSOs)”. This is the exact opposite of a democracy."

>> No.49303980

The corps will buy all the assets so that we will own nothing. I just hope they'll keep the rent low.

>> No.49304051

It would be their excuse to bring the US into their dream of a united open borders western utopia.

>> No.49304080

What they unironically mean is that orange man scared the bankers so much that they want to move money out of the USA to other countries and make CANSUCK and the EU viable counterweights in the 'free' world to the USA. Ironically this means someone more aggressive than orange man will take power.

>> No.49304141

>What did the WEF mean by this?
this means, the USA will remain the global power. Always think the opposite of what the WEF tells you. The WEF is just a propaganda corp.

>> No.49304192

Bullish for Hbar

>> No.49304313
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Agree. They haven't done shit to effect the world lately.

>> No.49304318

Not that unlikely.. if a recession doesn't cure inflation, and unemployment rate begins to surge as well as corporations going under at an increasing rate.
The FED will obviously abandon the attempt to curb inflation with higher interest rates.

Run away inflation is not an option either, so how are the fuckers gonna pull it off? restrict the ability of the consumer to borrow money, while allowing corporations to borrow at a lower rate. I imagine they are gonna find a really cool abbreviate for it, but at the essence this seems to be the most likely outcome.

Decentralized Finance is a legit alternative, and it could become the only real way for individuals of the non-incorporated kind to borrow money.
Chainlink price correlate strongly with defi adoption. It could blow up.

>> No.49304375

So basically the fat cats will hoard all the wealth and will decide who lives and dies in the new world.
Say what you want, but Marx was spot on in some regards.

>> No.49304435

Israel capital of the world screencap this

>> No.49304622
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they are saying pic related.

(((wef))) are neobolsheviks and must be destroyed or the entire west will be enslaved by the scum of the earth.

for biz, communism makes all markets go to 0

>> No.49304662
File: 3.62 MB, 640x359, nsgrav.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hyperinflation sucks at first but it had a happy ending last time.

>> No.49304692

>What did the WEF mean by this?
that the usa is not a super power anymore

>> No.49304709

Based Orwellian doomthinker

>> No.49304755

He's half right. While the true western elites do meat for the WEF in Davos, Klaus Schwab himself is a nobody. He's a mere servant of the .001%, not an actual decision maker.

>> No.49304858
File: 87 KB, 1280x853, BN-LQ114_nevill_M_20151209123213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Herro, We Number One Nao, Suck it America!

>> No.49305003

>Implying those scheming rich motherfuckers don't own the CIA