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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4929521 No.4929521 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4929578

>normies getting rekt
exactly as anticipated. thanks for the cash

>> No.4929603

>niggers understanding anything
top jej

>> No.4929606

What really happened here though?
Some normie send BTC to the wrong wallet and is blaming GDAX?

>> No.4929612

niggers are so stupid

>> No.4929615
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>> No.4929628

I really wish I was more computer literate and I could scam normies.

>> No.4929644
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top kek

>> No.4929656

I read it twice and all i can think is she had btc but didnt realize its value plummeting =/= hax0r

>> No.4929670
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Bitcoin is making niggers poorer and making NEET's that hold and buy the dips richer, it's working.

>> No.4929679


An inside job implies it was a bunch of employees are the whole comany itself is in on it

>> No.4929683

Normies cant handle a currency that's their property and responsibility.

>> No.4929689

>tfw normies on /biz/ actually believe the "store of value" meme and think Bitcoin = preservation of value

>> No.4929696

it's like I'm getting reparations for all the welfare I've paid out

>> No.4929702
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Bitcoin is a thinking mans game

>> No.4929712
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by 2022 every btc will be worth somewhere around $4914286 USD.

Gentlemen, we are currently seeing the largest relocation of wealth in history. Owning even a single btc and holding it until at least 2025 will allow you to retire.
If you can take out a loan to acquire a entire btc I HIGHLY suggest you do so.

If you want to cash out of btc, leave at LEAST 1 btc until it reaches a 5 million USD per coin cost.

By that time btc cost will only grow with the growth gross world product.



>> No.4929755

But this is pretty true. I doubt widespread adoption of blockchain over something quicker like DAG, but fully expect BTC to be treated like a "savings" and more quick currencies like the DAG based ones to be "debit", to put it in normie terms that might make it easier for you.

This volatility will just be tiny little bumps in 2050.

>> No.4929760

That's all I can infer, but can't tell.

>Buy Bitcoin
>See price drop
>Try to cancel
>Complain you can't go back on your commitment

Makes sense though, niggers love gambling. literally always one in a gas station or grocery store scratching away

>> No.4929765

>I got an email from GDAX support, who apparently thinks I am stupid.
I can't tell if this is satire or not.

>> No.4929789

Since you hopped threads to shill, so will I to unshill.

Money talks. We'll see how long you can sustan your 20$ transaction outdated tech on pure hype while other coins have the same functionality for 0.001$
>but muh magic ligthning granted by Zeus. This time for totes realsies™, guys

>> No.4929792
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>> No.4929806

She clicked on a google ad that was a phishing site and signed up with hackerman who promptly stole her shit.

>> No.4929820
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Le'ts ride the waves, someone propose a class action against Coinbase.

>> No.4929866
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one would think people is smart enough to not fall for shit like that, but here we are.

>> No.4929910


>> No.4929918

IT here, can confirm they are not.

>> No.4929920

A massive crash that fucks these Normies so hard it scares them away for a long time is the best way for many of us to get rich. BTC will bounce back, but the longer it stays down the more they will flee and the more we accumulate. And watching them panic is fucking awesome

>> No.4929947
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>> No.4929953


> tfw secretly want it to be gox 2.0

>> No.4929964
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>a reliable source

>> No.4930018

Best thing of all is that in 3 years the previously scammed normans would be wagecuking like idiots and out of normiebook, while a brand new generation of idiot kids with a credit card will eat up watever shilling comes their way and will buy our x100 bags because in their eyes the previously scammed normans are "too old to understand the future of money".

Life is good, anons.

>> No.4930029
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>> No.4930128
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Can confirm, I received her $5

>> No.4930207
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Retards using bank accounts to buy bitcoin instead of their credit card which can do charge backs.

>> No.4930241

What would coin base do in this situation?

>> No.4930280

mtgox 2.0

>> No.4930491
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You probaly couldn't get a refund from you CC company if you bought BTC and transferred it somewhere on purpose without getting hacked.

But if there really was a hack and CB wouldn't do a refund on your stolen coins due to their own incompetence, then its more likely you can get a charge back from your CC company.

Your bank company would just laugh at you if you used cash to buy BTC.

>> No.4930513


As you could report it as Coinbase committed fraud in their security protocol and you have grounds on getting a charge back as you could just tell the credit card customer service just to google the current news headlines.

Like when Target got hacked.

>> No.4930564

have fun destroying your credit and getting annoyed by a debt collection agency over a minuscule amount of money

>> No.4930607

Hahahaha FUCK ME
I read the first paragraph and couldnt stop laughing

>> No.4930668
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Oh no, normies getting wrekt.

>> No.4930765

As funny as this shit is, don't you guys feel like all this stupidity going on is going to prevent bitcoin from becoming a widely used currency in the future? I mean it's not like normies will ever learn....

>> No.4930818

>prevent bitcoin from becoming a widely used currency in the future?

>> No.4930832
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>> No.4930872

I feel ya. Lots of normies wont be able to get over the learning curve. Ive seen normies put in their paypal email address instead of bitcoin address, lose coins without the secondary wallet address (ripple, stellar, monero). Ive also seen them constantly get their wallets and accounts compromised having to hope to a new address for their coins.

The learning curve for crypto is steep, most normies have no clue the extent hackers go to nowadays or that they need to be using long passwords and changing them often. They also have no clue what 2FA is as an acronym or a concept.

Maybe itll just be an underlying tech thing or the next crypto company can try dumbing everything down more.

If normies could buy bitcoin like on their banking website and their bank holds the coins, they might do that. Or on a stock exchange maybe. Itd need to make it hard or impossible to send coins though.