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File: 968 KB, 1440x2259, Screenshot_20220601-071525_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49292992 No.49292992 [Reply] [Original]

Even our lifeguards out earn their highest paid professionals.


>> No.49293011

>this is sustainable

>> No.49293029

If even ONE life is saved, it's worth it, bigot

>> No.49293202
File: 29 KB, 473x347, 1644251068439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lifeguard is saving one tranny from drowning
>The tranny ends up hanging himself two weeks later in his room.
Worth it.

>> No.49293222

You’re a retard

>> No.49293236

>t. fatty mcfatfat

>> No.49293242

it's because the lifeguard was transphobic

>> No.49293256
File: 74 KB, 466x512, 6FE81C17-2D22-4C12-BEE1-D416E025BB92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worth it

>> No.49293276

Is that Sergey in pic?

>> No.49293309

How come amerisharts become like that holy shit

>> No.49293528

>some dude sitting on a chair all day makes twice the salary of a surgeon

>> No.49293533

Fast food is poisonous and addictive. I ate fast food like every day for 5+ years in college and although I didn’t get fat because I exercise, my insides are still totally fucked even though I never eat that shit anymore.

>> No.49293547
File: 19 KB, 428x368, fc137b1534d9f16acd85edf4075a5353--memes-humor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>up to

>> No.49293639

Niggers get paid millions to run shoot and steal
this is where you find out one did promotional materials, photoshoots and advertisements

>> No.49293751

You mean Americans?
Yeah we are all unironically jealous of how incredibly rich you are because most of it isn't really earned. You can take the average European and put them in America and they will do fine, well even, but even poor Americans live middle class lifestyles when compared to the rest of the world.

>> No.49293763

>my insides are still totally fucked
How so anon?

>> No.49293771

The America taxpayer paid for this via the state bailout package under Biden and the dems in 2021

>> No.49293887

They probably need lifeguards so they release this fake news piece in hopes of the goyim running for their lifeguard job, when the reality the average lifeguard makes probably like 30k.

>> No.49294363

imagine being $500k a year to sit in a hut staring at the ocean all day

>> No.49294376

being *paid*

>> No.49294389

Schlomo goldstein lifeguard at your service

>> No.49294438

Only the Jews get these benefits

>> No.49294474

Imagine having to rescue pic related and not getting paid 500k

>> No.49294685

Farmers save millions of life by providing food for people to survive off of. Power plant workers save millions of lives by giving people the electricity they are reliant on and construction workers provide the shelter. These people are saving people via their work, without them they’d die. Where is their half a milli a year?

>> No.49294779

>Chad drinks cocktails on the beach and performs "CPR" on the bimbos in distress
>gets paid half a million while you wage for minimum

>> No.49294795

Read the article, m'lord. He's not the only one. $200k isn't atypical

>> No.49294852

Yeah but imagine what you have to put up with. The shitty winter weather at a beach. The retard who can't swim that you have to risk your life to save. Giving CPR to a landwhale. I'd wanna be well compensated for that too.

>> No.49294912

>working for the municipal govt pays better than most private sector jobs
This is how you know you're in a socialist country.

>> No.49296070

>be lifeguard
>live in uhaul for 4 years
>make stacks
>move away

>> No.49296094

These guys are saving lives? Show me a single Euromutt that does anything half as useful?

>> No.49296185

earn a lot doing something no one needs saviong retards and hippies from drowning then consoom like a king draining the world
Do coastal amerifart numales really?

>> No.49296775

What am I looking at here?

>> No.49297292

A stranded landwhale.

>> No.49299094

This isn't their normal salary, its time card fraud.

>> No.49299807

Half a million though? Doctor's don't make that.

>> No.49299848

I mean I would expect that lifeguards should be paid half a million when they have to risk drowning themselves to save the average landwhale who cant swim. Shit is damn near as dangerous as underwater welding when certain people are at the beach.

>> No.49299924

Can you imagine having to physically drag or carry landwhales and giving them CPR up to 20 times a day at some of the most busy beaches? It's hell. Lifeguarding isn't like Baywatch in 2022.

>> No.49299937

He’s a hypochondriac

>> No.49301217

>be chad
>spend highschool playing sports and fucking sluts
>not that good to go pro
>grades are shit
>apply to the easiest and comfiest sounding job in your area
>literally staying in the beach and ogling half-naked teens, occasionally rescuing some fat kid
>get paid $500k anyway lol
Why does the world love chads so much?

>> No.49302414

You would imagine he could get a good diet with all that crypto wealth.

>> No.49302454

Worth it because the Tranny's death will add to the suicide stats instead of being counted as an accident.

>> No.49302557

If you live in California and pay taxes to these frauds, you're a fucking KEK.

>> No.49302887
File: 19 KB, 306x306, 1514732434882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rescuing a whale from the sea

>> No.49303791

>20 times a day?
Really? I have never seen a lifeguard do anything other than blow a whistle, but I have spent very limited time at public beaches.

>> No.49304995

She'll float 10 inches above the water anyway, what does she need a lifeguard for