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File: 469 KB, 1170x1504, B8CBD3A0-D86E-43FB-BD3D-16E154575622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49288247 No.49288247 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize that Elon Musk is a charlatan??

>> No.49288259

He's right though

>> No.49288297

Assembly is the only correct answer to everything code related.

>> No.49288310


>> No.49288322

He has always been full of shit when talking about the details of the technical implementations

>> No.49288323

>He doesn't program in binary

>> No.49288328

I knew all along, but started to hate past year when he touched my precious crypto.

>> No.49288343
File: 106 KB, 1200x1202, 1200px-Vimlogo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's VIM.

>> No.49288349

Only took 3 seconds to google it.

>> No.49288357 [DELETED] 

Im just built different, I own all u slime slaves

>> No.49288367

The fact he got so butt blasted over a doge coin dev he had to make a twit trying to prove him wrong

>> No.49288387

like most CEOs really. Their jobs are basically saying the same 3 things to different audiences.

>> No.49288477

I knew Elon was a charlatan When he brought those gay cars to the market. 1) they don’t make economic sense 2)they’re worse for the environment than cars 3) they’re really gay (no exhaust or motor sound).

People who drive teslas are the lowest of the low.

>> No.49288512

You’re seething and I love it. It’s people like you that I leave in the dust in my Plaid

>> No.49288514


>> No.49288551

The paid oil shill has arrived

>> No.49288552
File: 118 KB, 602x666, 855F8A8E-81C0-424B-9ECF-B9C7917893F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incredibly based.
(just kidding, i have no idea what that is, nor do I know anything about coding. you just seem like a cool guy for inserting some kind of coding program that wasn’t mentioned in the OP)

>> No.49288645

Python is for midwits

>> No.49288678

He’s right in general. I prefer Julia to python, but my work is basically mathematical modeling which Julia excels in

>> No.49288696


>> No.49288704

Program to write code != programming language.

And the answer of course is vscode.

>> No.49288707

Like 2 years ago. Always be suspicious when the media holds someone up as 'look he is a wacky memelord, just like you! This billionaire is soooo relatable right? He posted that meme you like'

>> No.49288729


>> No.49288738

He wouldn't be allowed to participate in society if he was honest. Just like all of us.

>> No.49288756

artificial intelligence is an oxymoron
that which is artificial can't have intelligence because it's just been given a set of parameters to act out

>> No.49288762

>C/C++, spiced up with some assembly
Elon is an EOS maxi
a Larimer lover
a Blumer buttkisser
a B. Pierce, well...
you get the point

>> No.49288774

and sometimes it bugs out

>> No.49288849

(Vim fags need not apply)

>> No.49288868

Uh, from day one? You're pretty retarded if you were ever roped into the Cult of Mollusk. That said pic related is a nothingburger. Post one of the many stupid/grifting things he's said and you'd have more traction here.

>> No.49288890

my negro

>> No.49288900

“At this point I think I know more about manufacturing than anyone currently alive on Earth.”



>> No.49288938

vs without code, xcode, jetbrain's.
These are all vastly superior.

>> No.49288966

He has no idea what He's talking about.
He's a manchild like any other but with money.

>> No.49289041

Which is based

>> No.49289047

the guy throws shit at the metaverse and then praises memecoins, I don't think he's very smart

>> No.49289050

This. It's not like CEOs are still actively programming or engineering anything. Musk once famously claimed he knew how every part within a Tesla worked intricately and curiously never thought to demonstrate it. What does he do instead? He parrots internet memes that were being spread 10 years ago about how the universe is statistically most likely a simulation.

>> No.49289073

the answer is nvim

>> No.49289075

Is that nigger still buying Twitter? Why is it that the hysteria concerning his acquiring it all dried the fuck up?

>> No.49289110

if most of the nfts in there don't do shit beyond being decorations for a digital wall might be right

>> No.49289117

This is the most accurate take on the guy. I watched his entire Joe Rogan appearance and it seemed quite obvious that he is at best a midbrain and a total normie. It's actually possible that he's slightly dumber than average and has been carried through to act as a sort of figurehead/meat shield for the real brains behind the scenes, in a George W Bush kind of way.

>> No.49289132

C# mogs all other languages.

>> No.49289147

This is quite true. When you move out from the engineering side of things and move to engineering management, let alone becoming the fucking CEO, your technical knowledge of whatever you worked on even a year or two ago will quickly become obsolete.

>> No.49289189
File: 66 KB, 600x600, 8aba44a5c409216494aa24bd24de07202808621f83099ce5cd4753fcb95a5dfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew it all along, but his behaviour recently, particularly on twitter, has been particularly off the wall. He's getting more and more unhinged.

I don't know how this is going to turn out as we've never had a crazy person as one of the most powerful people in the world. We have had a crazy person as the president of the united states, but I'm talking about someone with power.

>> No.49289225
File: 7 KB, 241x209, pp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know how this is going to turn out as we've never had a crazy person as one of the most powerful people in the world.
you are retarded

>> No.49289260

you can try lovelace, the guys want to do something fun with nfts, I see them more like gamers wanting to make nfts into toys

>> No.49289263

When the cybertruck window broke. Twice.

>> No.49289303

I see you have failed to mention a single one. Remember we're talking pants-on-head crazy here, you won't catch someone like Bill Gates posting memes on twitter about the universe being a simulation or talking seriously about downloading the human brain into computers.

>> No.49289341

Shut the fuck up Donny

>> No.49289349

>I see you have failed to mention a single one.
Mao Zedong
>birds are eating some of our crops
>let's kill all birds
>insects take over
>XX millions dead because an insane retard gave some asinine order
I can name a thousands others if you really are that retarded

>> No.49289437

kek. when did people give up on notepad? even vim has color faggotry now. i used to code in dos m8eys

>> No.49289440

>artificial fruit is an oxymoron, fruit cannot by definition be artificial
The modern use of artificial is a synonym for “simulated”, it doesn’t mean a bona fide thing made by hand. Otherwise almost nothing artificial. When (smart) people talk about AI they mean creating an object that appears superficially to be intelligent. That is also why AI is dangerous because it can actually do very stupid things (turning the entire planet into a paperclip factory is the classic example) because it was designed to superficially appear intelligent wrt certain tasks, that makes second and third order behaviours wildly unpredictable.

>> No.49289459
File: 572 KB, 803x782, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't recognize the transparent coordinated attacks on him right now, you're an idiot. Every day there's a new article attacking him over whatever trivial shit they dig up. Like he predicted there coming down on him hard.

So even if you just think he's cringe, I think less of people attacking him right now because it feels like they're being played.

>> No.49289468

Elon has a sense of humor. Some retards can't "get it" when he's pulling their leg.

>> No.49289483

Most likely just another self made defamation lawsuit in the working

>> No.49289610
File: 197 KB, 1532x944, main.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49289640

im slowly moving towards JS for everyday stuff now
I see pythons only real use as pytorch shit

python code just seems too babyish compared to JS

>> No.49289654

1 barrel of cancer causing stinking oil was deposited on your doorstep, thank you for your support goy.

>> No.49289660

Jesus Christ what a mess. Every time I see a shit IDE like this I love Visual Studio (the real one) even more

>> No.49289661

>unix application
>why don't people use this windows application instead
gb2 nano, vimchads only

>> No.49289695

>they’re really gay (no exhaust or motor sound).
Just make a BBBRRRRRRRRMM sound with your mouth as you drive

>> No.49289705

No haskell? He's still living in 2002

>> No.49289718

I didn't realise you could write Julia from within Excel. That's pretty useful

>> No.49289939

Imagine simping for a billionaire because you are poor and stupid. No matter how far you shove his cock down your throat you aren’t going to get any of his money, you aren’t even going to get the Retweet you would sell your kidney for. KYS

>> No.49289952

For me, it's Visual Basic

>> No.49289960

kek, didn't even notice. cringe

>> No.49290025

Imagine thinking you're not a simp for billionaires because you hate the one other billionaires are psyopping you into hating. You no talent assclown.

>> No.49290060

>direct simping and gushing over this one reddit billionaire is BAD because....because....
>because the jewish billionaires in my head are astroturfpsyoping your niggerbrain into hating him!!

>> No.49290066

>is BAD
you get the point

>> No.49290072
File: 955 KB, 998x790, amazin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really can't see it. The media can manipulate people like you into believing anything.

I like Jews btw, so don't go there.

>> No.49290138

there's more credibility to collusion between Musk and other billionaires (BGates specifically) than whatever psyop you think is going on to discredit the reddit character that he plays on twitter because he's so "based" and the savior of western civilization lol
>I oppose current thing
as a personality can only get you so far without embarrassing yourself

>> No.49290144
File: 102 KB, 640x871, 1593720057790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rent free

>> No.49290154

I mean just reread the post he was responding to, it wasn't even "simping for Elon." Just stating the obvious that there's been a constant stream of articles attacking him over petty things ever since the twitter deal started.

>> No.49290197

it's not as egregious as other posters here but you're still defending Musk of all people at the end of the day
this press does him no harm and it's more you falling for clickbait rage than "figuring out" that people hate twitter drama, its instigators and contrarianism

>> No.49290230

>defending Musk of all people
Why is he such a controversial figure that saying something remotely positive about him sets you off?
>this press does him no harm and it's more you falling for clickbait rage than "figuring out" that people hate twitter drama, its instigators and contrarianism
The timing of it is transparent. I agree that it won't do him much harm, but it's still lame because that's how the media operates with everything. It's part of a broader trend, not just Musk.

>> No.49290267

>It's part of a broader trend, not just Musk.
it's called clickbait
topical issues with inflammatory headlines
it's not new and not any more political than the next vox article
people just need to disconnect from the internet if this faggot is really the FOTM political dead horse
my 2 cents

>> No.49290318

It's not just clickbait for profit though, there are narratives people want to push when they put out a bunch of articles like this. But you're right that it's nothing new. Anyway, I got to go to bed, later fren.

>> No.49291318

You’ve just given me an idea: an electric car that instead of pressing the accelerator and no noise, loud moaning female orgasm noises play back outside the car

>> No.49291659

midwits flood python because it is easy to use hard to understand so it creates that fud but in reality it's not that bad

>> No.49291686

He misread the question and thought he was being asked about the best programming languages

His answer to the question he thought he was being asked is about right. People don't like python, but it's used in for Boston Dynamics type robotics and AI training

>> No.49291767

C++ is better because libraries are more easily expanded, but to your point C is the best python is for niggers and Java is for sweatshop poojeets and retards who barely got through CS

>> No.49291795


>> No.49292033

*siiiiip* yup

>> No.49292040


>> No.49292144

When I bought Dogecoin at ATH and am now down 90%

>> No.49292231


>> No.49292412

>loud moaning male orgasm noises play back outside the car

>> No.49292578


>> No.49293018

i know the average biztard is ridiculously low iq but it always amazes me just how fucking retarded you subhumans are. you retards are incapable of even forming a single real argument, it’s always some obvious strawman.
Yes, „people“ like you are easily manipulated, I agree. But just because you are easily manipulated doesn’t mean the same applies to me. But go on keep worshiping musk, he WILL turn on you sooner or later when he believes it will earn him more money.

>> No.49293033

>Go routines

>> No.49294638

fpbp unless homey meant ide, which would be vscode and by a country mile.

>> No.49295814

That wasn't our lifetime you fucking moron. I'm talking about someone we personally saw in the past 10-20 years.

Also the fact that you say you could "name a thousand others" shows how extremely empty-brained you really are. At best you could name a few dozen cases like that. It's easy to fart out a number like that, try making an actual list of 30 first and see how you get on.

>> No.49296016

Does anyone know how exit vim besides kill(pid of vim)?

>> No.49296078

how much was he attacked (warranted), by the "programming" 'lents for his absolute retarded tweet?

>> No.49296170

I thought he's an autist?

No autist would read a question asking for a "best program to write code" as a question for what language is the best.
The intention of the Ukraine flag guy aren't sure, but the answer is def too straight

>> No.49296230

charlatan that built my sweet ass car

>> No.49296388

Doesn't matter, he's still right.

>> No.49296428

but metaverse is shit

>> No.49296485

MUH UTILITY. Lmao keep generating useless shitcoins with your gay pictures

>> No.49297437

I've found that smashing the motherboard with a hammer sometimes ends vim

>> No.49297562


I'm not a Elon fanboy, but the fact is you people think you know that "spiced up with some assembly" is him being ignorant, but the truth is for the highest performance applications we have ASM programmers tweaking the compiled assembler code for efficiency.

t. software company exec

>> No.49297645

When he started pushing Doge