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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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49283642 No.49283642 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this dumping like hell ?

>> No.49283649

it will reach $1300 in Q3 and $700 in Q4. the charts never lie.

>> No.49283787

My TA says $300 bottom in early to mid 2023.

>> No.49283801

Stop I can only get so erect

>> No.49284592

Thanks. Setting my orders at 87

>> No.49284767
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Show me your memelines, faggot!

>> No.49286159

yes. and it's dumping because it went up a lot. let me know if you need to know anything else.

>> No.49286173
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What price we all shorting at?

>> No.49286186
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ETH will never ever make another ATH against BTC.

>> No.49286192

it's a shitcoin, it's not BTC.
BTC dominance will increase heavily over the next several months.
ETH will eventually pass it's ATH because it's still relevant but it'll likely be sub $1,000 by late this year.

>> No.49286201

Because it's shit.

>> No.49286204
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Alright, one last job...

>> No.49286221


>> No.49286240

I know you're all trying to fud to get in at lower price but we all know btc is old out of date and we don't even have a face for the creator. It's limited to send/receive while eth is the future. Anyone with 10 eth or more is going to be millionaires

>> No.49286280

it's not really FUD, I hold some ETH. This has happened the 2 prior cycles and it's playing out exactly the same now.
BTC dominance is heading upwards and ETH/BTC is falling.
Arthur Hayes' price target is $1200 for ETH until he buys.
Dude ETH was like $200 not that long ago....$1,000 per ETH is not exactly low, try and think bigger picture.

>> No.49286294

Do you idiots not realize the Merge is just months away? ETH is gonna pump once we get an actual date and then it'll pump even more once the Merge is a success.

>> No.49286315

Last cycle there was at least one big pump before things went even lower. Wouldn't surprise me at all if it goes to $2500-3000 first.
Also this should be interesting assuming it doesn't get delayed (big assumption I know)

>> No.49286434

the one big pump after the top happened in November 2021 this cycle, May 2021 was the real crypto bull run top.
obviously just a theory but pretty much every indicator supports 'the top' being May 2021. Nov 2021 was just a dead cat bounce that somehow hit ATH because of a few factors including
- high inflation
- stimulus money
- people saving money because of lockdowns
- economy looking bullish

>> No.49286454

It will, but only after the next halvening. It'll most probably go lower first.

>> No.49286504

You might be right. Honestly I'd prefer that, would rather get the dumping over with.

>> No.49286593

me too. people think you're a baseless fudder if you call a $1,000 ETH, forgetting that ETH was $100 in early 2020.
a $500-$700 ETH would be healthy and give you an incredible buying opportunity - I will start to buy more ETH when BTC is in the $23-$25k range.

>> No.49286998

Can it go below previous all-time high?

Also what is a long-term price prediction?.

>> No.49287020

>implying its not just gonna be delayed AGAIN

>> No.49287069

It can definitely go below $1350 even without a black swan. BTC has certain support levels that are pretty solid but ETH is ultimately an alt coin with less history so you can't read into too much.
I think $23k or so will be the BTC bottom (the 200 week SMA), and with that you'll probably get a $1200 ETH or so, so it wouldn't be a horrible idea to start scaling into ETH slowly when it starts to drop below say $1500.

long term price prediction, no idea. If it reaches anywhere near it's potential something like $20k per ETH is pretty likely. It hitting $10k next bull run in 2025 is very likely assuming the upcoming merge goes alright.

>> No.49287097

I’m old enough to remember when ETH 2.0 was gonna lead to ath. Now it’s muh merge. ETH is dead

>> No.49287103

So I was thinking about staking all ETH I have and keep buying every month from now on regardless of price. I have about 160 and trying to get to 200 from staking, and buying monthly. Going to stop the shitty 401k crap and redirect into this from now on. Don't want to wageslave till 65.

>> No.49287139

as long as you understand the risks and that you might see ETH halve in price from here, DCAing over the next few years is fine.
If you have 160 now honestly that might even be enough to pretty much make it over the next 5-10 years.

>> No.49287390

Yeah. Been in market since 2017. Lost 200k in shitcoins that went to zero. I can digest volatility. But ultimately, want to win long term. I think BTC and ETH as are the only ones that will survive multi year bear. ETH foundation also always sells the top . They sold 20k in kraken at $4900 . Pretty sure they have billions in reserves.

So you think 5-6 nodes ca get you the passive income needed to escape wageslaving? Also how do you spend the staking rewards after quitting day job ?
Can you buy gift cards ? Using bitrefill ?

>> No.49287605

>dumping like hell

It's up from where it was 72 hours ago you impatient fucking worthless nigger

>> No.49287655

>still down over 33% from literally less than a month ago
zoom out, but unironically

>> No.49287817

A big chunk of the community (miners) are leaving, with their skills and usage of that choked up chain created by a pedophile. Many will just leave their ETH in nodes and dump.

A slow death will occur and for some reason it will survive, kinda.

>> No.49287873

Basics are what we need.
Not a pedophile chain on another chains interlinked, sucking each other for yield.

People have forgotten about what crypto was, no middle men, now it’s middle men everywhere.

>> No.49289463

>why is this dumping like hell
why is literally everything else dumping like hell?
Ethereum is legitimately the only proper L1 that is reliable and decentralized
and dont you dare mention scalability cause thats what MATIC was created for you faggot

>> No.49290862

Cause it can't fucking scale

>> No.49291035

Gas fees. Eth is dead

>> No.49291113

Polygon killed it

Vitalic is an stupid fag

>> No.49291160

Most normies that invested in this only did so because of its name. "Ethereum", literally sounds like some slimy nerds wet fantasy of what a future currency should be called

>> No.49291189


eth is a meme shitcoin, failed testnet 2.0. it will never see ath prob sub 1k by end of year

>> No.49291201

What the fuck are you retards talking about? The charts are giga bullish.

>> No.49291521
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>polygon killed eth

>> No.49291580

>no use cases but scams
>founder and CEO agrees and regrets creating it

>> No.49291616

But the merge does nothing to improve the coin for users. It's literally just a consensus switch. It doesn't improve scalability or security or add any new features.

>> No.49291619

Could be simply dumping before the merge which keeps slipping. When merge actually fucking happens, moon.

>> No.49291636

because people realized no one will win the L1 war, in addition ETH is not even the best contender (outrageous gas fees) and IN ADDITION the whole importance of L1 itself is disappearing.

Next bullrun will be on interoperability, L0.

>> No.49292658 [DELETED] 

Why the fuck do you smoothbrains think the ETH triple halfing wont have any impact while the Bitcoin Halfing brings eth to ath?
>its always the same hahahah
Peak stupid, you are the same guys that waited for 100k 2021 because its always the same hahahaha

>> No.49292677

>Dude ETH was like $200 not that long ago....$1,000 per ETH is not exactly low, try and think bigger picture.
crypto price swings make people retarded about this. On march 12-15 eth was 110.00, so right now its nearly a 20x.
The thing is, we were all there, IF you were not retarded and you had some cash, you made it already.

>> No.49292678

Why the fuck do you smoothbrains think the ETH triple halfing wont have any impact while the Bitcoin Halfing brings eth to ath?
>its always the same hahahah
Peak stupid, you are the same guys that waited for 100k 2021 because its always the same hahaha

>> No.49292899

I invested because biz was cumming themselves talking about it around $5 saying shit like "programmable money". Now your faggot ass is here boohooing about normies and the name... go have sex dude

>> No.49293391

the devs will push the difficulty bomb out further because they can't into merge.

>> No.49293953

>turbo-autist figurehead whose platform is used exclusively to create and peddle scams
>waaaaah why is my shitcoin crashing

>> No.49293998
File: 33 KB, 963x288, Bildschirmfoto 2022-06-01 um 15.25.11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally can't stop accoomulating

>> No.49294164


>> No.49294527

nobody gives a fuck about your TA, nobody can predict the market, you're not some fucking all knowing crypto god. Hate that shit.

>> No.49295603

This is a double digit shitcoin. It's going back to $30.

>> No.49296112
File: 1 KB, 125x70, 1654059462172s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whether 4900 or 700, we will continue to be rich. Why kill yourself here when degens are busy packing funds from p2es especially the likes of Cometh Battle...

>> No.49296201

ETH is dead because of high gas. Polygon is taking the lead now.

>> No.49296374

Even some GameFi projects on polygon offer 0% marketplace fees ... SFL and MUST are far better than anything on ETH.

>> No.49296417

it literally makes security worse. ETH is going backwards.

>> No.49296680

Oof you're going to get btfo hard when Sergey plays the uno card

>> No.49297286


Says the pajeet.

>> No.49297672 [DELETED] 

kek time to let go linkie

>> No.49297749
File: 5 KB, 205x246, chainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek time to let it go linkie

>> No.49298028
File: 234 KB, 1501x837, minx-boxing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vitalik is a creep and a bad CEO

eth 2.0 is never going to happen, but when it happens it will cause so many problems that you'll wish it never did.

pic unrel but minx is my fighting sweetheart

>> No.49298066

>Why is this dumping like hell ?
Fed hike, whales taking profits, retail being little bitches, normies are scared of volatility.