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49276744 No.49276744 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.49276818

this is great advertising, where can i buy tesla stock?

>> No.49276845

Back to pol retard, violence against lgbt folk is no joke.

>> No.49276848

i mean i dont dislike elon but do we rly need to post every faggot twitter post here?

>> No.49276889

Have you tried the NYSE? I think they still have a few

>> No.49276900

I look forwards to another month of people defending "kink at pride" as if getting bummed wearing a dog mask in the street is some kind of important human right.

>> No.49276908 [DELETED] 
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>> No.49276950
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Go back whence you came.

>> No.49277006

>falling for 2/10 bait

>> No.49277009

Go back

>> No.49277117

Why do they have pride that they put their dick in another man's asshole and get shit of that said man on their dick?
I don't understand how you can be proud of that. It's like rubbing dogshit on your dick and then say that you are dogsexual.
Next thing you know, people are tweeting how it's beautiful..

>> No.49277175
File: 47 KB, 720x685, so much pride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49277199

monkey-pox month...going to be fun

>> No.49277322
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>> No.49277349

Capitilism won, unequivocally. Even gayness is a commodity to sell. The idea of being a commie is in of itself a trendy brand now. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't in awe.

>> No.49277377

lmfao is this real?

>> No.49277443

Straight men are the ones who more commits suicide, really makes you think

>> No.49277481

yeah. up until a few months ago you could buy fag pride socks in their e-store. kek.

>> No.49277509
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sorry that was lockheed martin. kek.

>> No.49277523

>violence against lgbt folk is no joke.
how can it not be a joke when it makes me laugh everytime?

>> No.49277528

>What is Per Capita

>> No.49277543
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>not posting pictures because he wants to
0/10, would not hang

>> No.49277601

theyre so mentally ill they cant understand simple statistic ratios, very sad

>> No.49277690

Probably. The majority of suppliers for the US military are ran by women now so it's progressive when the USA drops a J-DAM on poor brown people.

>> No.49277979

Go through the comments and count the number of "Based", or look through comments on the offended people's comments. Bros, are we literally twitter?

>> No.49278018

4chan has a lot of twitter and reddit rapefugees, yes

>> No.49278094

every turd worlder is unironically browsing /pol/ right now
we're not special for hating niggers and kikes now bros :(

>> No.49278105

I've never given a fuck about musk but since he got twitter he's been hilariously based

>> No.49278117

The entire internet has been like that for 5 years, at least.

>> No.49278143

who is joking i want to beat all of them to death
they are holding humanity hostage with their bs

>> No.49278187

>i dont dislike elon
Amd that's where you're in the wrong

>> No.49278196
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>> No.49278204

>a bunch of mentally ill tweens on social media are holding the world hostage
zoomers are such retarded fragile faggots lol

>> No.49278258

Kek modern science says sticking your dick in another mans asshole is good despite all the evidence that say it isn't. Fuck this gay planet.

>> No.49278293

literally all his companies celebrate pride month

>> No.49278329

Why does it have no heel?

>> No.49278338
File: 50 KB, 800x450, Bethesda_Pride_Month_Logos_Banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but this is

>> No.49278457

You dont want to deface the rainbow with your dirty heel anon

>> No.49278479

Zoomers will twist your head off nocap

>> No.49278514

He's trying to appeal to conservatives

>> No.49278564

Wtf I took the jab, will it turn me gay?

>> No.49278688


I did 3 tours in the sandbox killing people who literally zerg rushed our position with no fear in their eyes. Zoomers aren't a problem.

>> No.49278701

and the far left wing

>> No.49278790

this is bullish. the normies are mimicking thoughts, opinions, and culture of 4chan above and beyond passing around stale memes. Is this what hope feels like? if it's just you faggots i'm cool with that as well, doing the lord's work boys.

>> No.49278941

Ya think?

>> No.49279480

he's trying too hard

>> No.49279525
File: 1.88 MB, 1180x880, musk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder Musk plays both sides.

>> No.49279623

Welcome to America. The rich control what the plebs think and desire.

>> No.49279823

a lot has changed in 4 years since those pics were taken

>> No.49279863

Oh yeah? https://twitter.com/tesla/status/1356308401790328834

>> No.49280252
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Ywnbaw nigger sethe boil

>> No.49280267
File: 88 KB, 1000x1000, Tr0g3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T R 0 G E, launched on the Binance Chain, will be the KING of meme coins for so many reasons.

Not only does T R 0G E combine the 2 most popular faces ever to exist in internet culture, Trollface and Doge, but also rewards T r 0g e Senpai in DOGE with 3% on every transaction for truly Diamond Hands.

A true community token, the contract ownership has been renounced, and the LP has been locked for 6 months, with an extension to 69420 years once reaching $200k market cap.

2% for LP and solid price floor,
2% to marketing wallet for maximum exposure and reach, and unique utilities are being developed to drive volume and growth for our T r 0 g e Family

See the website and roadmap for more details at t r 0 g e io

We’re bringing the funny memes back to memecoins!

Join our Telegram family
t r 0 g e _portal

>> No.49280334 [DELETED] 

T R 0 G E, launched on the Binance Chain, will be the KING of meme coins for so many reasons.

Not only does T R 0G E combine the 2 most popular faces ever to exist in internet culture, Trollface and Doge, but also rewards T r 0g e Senpai in DOGE with 3% on every transaction for truly Diamond Hands.

A true community token, the contract ownership has been renounced, and the LP has been locked for 6 months, with an extension to 69420 years once reaching $200k market cap.

2% for LP and solid price floor,
2% to marketing wallet for maximum exposure and reach, and unique utilities are being developed to drive volume and growth for our T r 0 g e Family

See the website and roadmap for more details at t r 0 g e io

We’re bringing the funny memes back to memecoins!

Join our Telegram family
t r 0 g e _portal

>> No.49280364


>> No.49280482

violence against everyone is no joke, the gays aren't special you faggot

>> No.49280566

I wonder how many retards will take this as an attack on gays rather than an attack on virtue signalling?

>> No.49280748

Bro that's how it's always been, why do you think the frog is all over the place now.
It's always why I tend to believe the schizos when they say that this place is astrosurfed as fuck, I mean just look at /pol/, most of the threads are bait.

>> No.49280810

It didn’t have to

>> No.49280843

no, because lgbt folk usually off themselves eventually anyway

>> No.49280866

>this shit doesn’t spill into reality
They’re going after your bank accounts now and you’re laughing

>> No.49280906

Idiots believe musk is an autist and not a psychopath

>> No.49280910

Cuz gays are either on their knees or back

>> No.49280922

Wrong. Violence is the only thing that makes me laugh anymore

>> No.49280964

aka a high functioning autist

>> No.49281059

No retard, psychopaths are not spergs. Psychos have no values except for personal power hence they’re the root of most evil in the society.

>> No.49281120


>> No.49281882
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>> No.49282033

Pretty much, psychopaths are a menace to themselves, cause in the end there is no meaning in life for them

Autists just get meaning off jacking off to Fluttershy or some shit

>> No.49282688

Then why is it so funny?

>> No.49282920

He's both

>> No.49283009

useful idiot detected

>> No.49283131


>> No.49283796

lol has anybody replied to Musk with this?

>> No.49284837

where is that in the tweet exactly?

>> No.49284882

everyone has

>> No.49284945

/tv/ has also turned weird over the last few days. The whole board feels astroturfed

>> No.49284965


t. bagholding neckbeard nascar enthusiast

>> No.49285752

It looks like he's saying it's a tornado.

>> No.49285829

Still funny nonetheless.

>> No.49287402

What do these companies even gain from this and why do faggots willingly eat up these shill campaigns?

>> No.49287768


>> No.49288019

The calculation is that these things cost them essentially 0 dollars (because they don't play employees for participating) and if there's 1 lgbt person that decides to buy the product as a result then it's a net win. You could say "Well, I won't buy their products because of this." and that may be true but they bank on there being fewer people like that than lgbt people that will buy in.

That said if you spend any time with a LGBT person you know they don't care about this one bit.

>> No.49288064
File: 27 KB, 623x474, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sandbox reminds me, what's your thoughts on crypto P2Es like SAND and MUST, anon. Some spaceship NFT shit going on with the latter.

>> No.49288082

Thanks for the link watching it atm
Had a company suffered from these shill campaigns, like actually get hurt in sales etc? I know some companies have been losing more by catering to these freaks however like cinema and video games especially the ones catering to blacks that don’t want any of this shit. Makes you wonder how many lgbt people are employed by top companies just to fill quotas for internet points

>> No.49288102


>> No.49288402

>Had a company suffered from these shill campaigns, like actually get hurt in sales etc?
It's always hard to say since people like to select data that suggests their side is more popular. I don't know of any solid example where it hurt the company in a significant way. But at the same time, I don't know of any instance where such a campaign was a resounding success either.

that said there's been cases where movies will assume they have a built-in audience because they think people will just act like lemmings and go see whatever and some of those have flopped. But that's because the "This is a ____ for your identity group." Is like the entire line of the product. And since like I said people generally don't care about that it doesn't work and it flops. But I attribute that more to the lack of an actual product being produced than the marketing.

>> No.49289163

Hang yourself

>> No.49289423

go back to >>>/lgbt/ faggot femboy ywnbaw

>> No.49289646

his tweet didnt imply he is against lbgt though

>> No.49290088

It's about boosting their ESG score ie Pozz Points. This affects funding.