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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 246 KB, 1126x552, dealer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49275252 No.49275252 [Reply] [Original]

What do I need to know to not get completely fucked by a car dealership? It's time to trade in my 15 year old SUV and buy something comparable. I've never bought a new car at a dealership before.

>> No.49275278

>5 miles
the jews did this

>> No.49275312

You always pay cash never finance. Also ask them what their best pussy magnet is so you can get women easier. I literally drove my grandads range rover to a bar last weekend and a random drunken roastie just got into the car as i was leaving and asked for a ride home. She literally sucked my cock to completion in a parking lot before we got back to her place. Get a new range rover. Also sorry grandad. My seed sprayed all over the bottom of your dash

>> No.49275322

If you're buying a Toyota like a 4runner or RAV4 then you aren't going to haggle anything on its price because they sell like hotcakes. Generally, just sell your current car via private party because they will absolutely grift you at a dealer. However you can see what they'll offer first...as you only pay purchase tax on the price of your vehicle less your trade-in, so it might actually still be worth it sometimes to get a little ripped off for the tax advantage.

>> No.49275357

She didn't even catch it in her mouth?
I mean this is obviously a larp but come on

>> No.49275419

yeah I'll likely just trade it in because it's a beat to shit 2007 FJ cruiser with 180k miles and a lot of stuff wrong with it. Looking to get into a 4runner because I need the room

>> No.49275423

I kid you fucking not. I walked out of the bar, got in the 2021 range rover and as I was shutting my door this roastie knocks on the window and opens the door asks me for a ride home. I say get in as she is wasted. Litterally puts her head on my lap while im driving and laughing, I pulled into a parking lot, unzipped and the rest is history. I will be buying my own range rover soon enough. I will pay 100k for it

>> No.49275460

I did look her up on facebook and found out that shes engaged. kek

>> No.49275474

that car looks like a diaper

>> No.49275485

FJ cruisers are worth a deceptive amount because they've become sort of cult classics. You're actually even better off selling it private party or at an enthusiast site.

>> No.49275535

>pay cash never finance
how come? a bunch of dealerships around me are offering new car loans below 2.0% apr. if you're able to find a loan with an apr lower than inflation, isn't it best to get it for as many years as possible? you're just paying them back with money that is worth less and less every year, instead of just paying everything today with today's value of money (which will keep getting less valuable as time goes on)

>> No.49275543

There are lots of cars that will get you laid that aren't complete shit mechanically.

>> No.49275544

i bought that car a few years ago, got a confirmation that the price online was the selling price, then when i went into the dealership ready to buy immediately, the sales rep tried to pretend there was a paperwork error and it should be ~1k higher. just call them on that obvious bullshit.but haggling too hard is a boomer meme

>> No.49275557
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This is the range rover my grandad has that I got a random bj in. Not the same car but identical pic

>> No.49275560

>You always pay cash never finance.
Yeah it definitely makes sense to pay cash for one of the fastest depreciating assets in existence...

>> No.49275587

such as? Range rovers seem to be the hot car that all the ladies want or are jealous of. Lots of celebs have them. Its all about popularity and range rovers are popular with women

>> No.49275622

It's a mash of parroted boomer advice and American consumerism "buying things you can't afford". If you can make it worth for you, then do it... Just be sure you get GAP insurance so one little oopsie doesn't brick your entire life after your $50k loan's collateral turns into 35k off the lot then gets totalled in an accident.

>> No.49275662

You can't get a basic jeep for half that price plus then you won't look like a faggot in a rice burner.

You're Ann just research the avg price that car is sold for in your area and shoot for the bottom end of it tell the salesfag if they won't sell it to you for x their competition will.

>> No.49275688
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lol that won't work here

>> No.49275703

That typically does not apply to dealerships. Local car lots will usually work with all cash offers.

Let’s be honest, you are walking into a sellers market. Just lube up real good and keep your credit score good enough for better lending rates. If your credit sucks, apply for a loan with a local credit union or something beforehand

>> No.49275706

They dont disclose a bunch of bullshit fees till the set the contract in front of you. They all have add on deluxe no lube allowed dealership packages that are nothing more than spray products wiped on and maybe a spoiler and floor mats. They even charge you for plastic wrap removal. None of this is negotiable. If you dont like it there is some other dumb fuck ready to roll it all in to a seven year no money down loan with a smile.

People will guilt you into this shit to because apparently it makes you look poor. Yet no other sells industry pulls this shit.

>> No.49275731
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SUV's and trucks are designed to get $10-20k extra out of normies

buy 3 years old (when leases expire) do NOT buy new

imagine seriously buying the vehicle in your OP when you could buy one of these

buy an atv or dirtbike and throw it in the back to get your "trail" fix dude

>> No.49275769

>why yes i did take advantage of a blackout drunk chick

weak flex

>> No.49275775

© 2022 Jaguar Land Rover North America, LLC

>> No.49275777
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buy an old reliable suv or get fucked
there is no middle option

>> No.49275802
File: 11 KB, 207x244, 381390A6-0A15-4E49-AD9A-7857B8A9FB78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Land Rover has the worst depreciation rate of any car brand

>> No.49275827


Might be a LARP, but it's entirely possible. I used to organize road trips with my friends and would rent current model SUV's in the 40-50k range for the added comfort. The sheer number of compliments that you get from (presumably) sober strangers was very noticable. If a (presumably) sober stranger will go "Damn, nice car" at the gas station/grocery store it's not a stretch that a plastered skag would swallow your hog for a chance to ride in it.

There's a reason people will pay these kind of prices. There's just some kind of metaphysical aura. I wouldn't have believed it either had I not personally seen people's demeanor shift once they saw what I was driving.

Might not work if you're older, but if you're driving a $50,000+ SUV in your early 20's you definitely appear like you've got your shit together or are some sort of lesser nobility.

>> No.49275836

doesn't matter you fucking incel. What matters is that women love them. Range rovers get roasties wet.

>> No.49275879

I think its funny that people think I made it up. Its a true story. I literally want to go buy a range rover now kek. They are pussy magnets but you wouldn't know unless you got to drive around a new one in a college town or a city area where lots of women gather and go out.

>> No.49275910

Eh early 20's people think its your mommies car. Get one in your late 20's- early 40's and it will most definitely help you pull pussy

>> No.49275931

If a woman tried to get in my car in a bar parking lot in my city I'd assume she was a crackhead and about to pull a gun on me.

>> No.49275969

reminder that americans will spend $43k on a car with a household income of $75k and then cry bloody murder when gas goes from $2.50/gallon to $5.00/gallon

>> No.49275985

land rover is owned by a jeet family. the brand is literally under a parent jeet owned company. Ranjeet Rovers LLC

>> No.49275999

If you think about it thats nothing new. Royalty used to ride around in carriages carried by people and important men whluld ride horses adorned in versus valuables. Flexing with your transportation has been going on as long as recorded history.

>> No.49276041

there’s dozens of people that work in dealerships that are solely dedicated to fucking you over, you can’t win

>> No.49276102
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> I kid you fucking not. I walked out of the bar, got in the 2021 range rover and as I was shutting my door this roastie knocks on the window and opens the door asks me for a ride home. I say get in as she is wasted. Litterally puts her head on my lap while im driving and laughing, I pulled into a parking lot, unzipped and the rest is history. I will be buying my own range rover soon enough. I will pay 100k for it

Nice larp faggot.

>> No.49276109
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>> No.49276167

Holy shit you're not joking. Just looked them up and used ones aren't actually that bad.

>> No.49276174

cool, that's actually considered rape in some places. please post your address so i can call the police and rat you out

>> No.49276190

post face
car helped, but you must be at least a semi-chad

>> No.49276205
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i like my roasties like i like my pot roast, in the oven marinating in dog semen and precious metals

>> No.49276246
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I need the actual rear doors for transporting my kid's carseat, need the back for my (hunting) dog. And the long cabin for fishing rods. 4x4 for boat ramps and hunting innawoods

>> No.49276271


It's totally rational for them to think that way. It just sounds so unbelievable. I was the exact same way until I experienced it for myself. It literally has magnetic properties; they see it and are drawn to it, it's not something you have to put in front of their face or call attention to. Didn't matter that we'd unload 10 people like a goddamn clown car, I had the keys and it made me look cool.

Everything about it is entirely irrational but it still works the way you said it did.

>> No.49276278
File: 106 KB, 960x540, 1654018198594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that europoors will pay 70k for the exact same car because of taxes, with a household income of 30k (taxed at 60%) and then NOT complain when gas goes from $6 a gallon to $12 a gallon
pic related is the average europoor

>> No.49276292
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>drove by a stealership a few days ago
>tacos were 90k
> at first it thought it was the mileage
> kept seeing it


>> No.49276308
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2021 TRD off-road 4runners selling used in my area for >60k

>> No.49276314
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>yet no other sells industry pulls this shit
Profit margins are higher in almost every other retail industry but you bitch and whine this much about a car dealerships who average a ~10% margin because you are emotionally attached to the price.

You don't demand to negotiate over a bullshit itemized list of costs in shipping and packing and warranty when you buy a TV at costco because it's only a few hundred bucks... yet you are getting raped way harder than when you buy your CPO honda... just like you are for everything else, it all adds up.

OP Just get a pig, it's cheaper and more fuel efficient.

>> No.49276316

toyotas a shit. go honda

>> No.49276319

Range Rover is a 135k € car here. I can't imagine owning any amount of money that would justify spending that much on a car.
Even if you're lower upper class, say 5-7m net worth, there is simply no way you're gonna pay that much on a car that you will have to get a new one in 5 years max anyway. It's like 10% down payment of a house in a highly popular area or a mansion anywhere else.

>> No.49276363
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>Profit margins are higher in almost every other retail industry but you bitch and whine this much about a car dealerships who average a ~10% margin because you are emotionally attached to the price.

>> No.49276397


Perhaps. My data sample range was from age 22-26 and I look older than my age would indicate. My buddies all got girlfriends after that and weren't up for the clown car antics like the old days, so I don't have data beyond that age. I have no data from any other point, but I don't see why it would be different. Maybe it's because those kinds of cars aren't nearly as rare in the income bracket I currently occupy, which colors my biases.

>> No.49276407

Your financial intuition is correct. APRs at 2% or lower are essentially free money. The people who say cash only are assuming they are talking to fellow retards who cannot manage debt.

>> No.49276468


You know, that makes perfect sense. If a carriage has been a sign of nobility for 20+ generations then it makes perfect sense for that preference to have genetic roots. (And therefore a magnetic, primal attractive quality)

>> No.49276494

You pay up in the end so why cry about it? It's futile lmao.

>> No.49276503

I never understood this line of thought. Interest on a loan isn’t meant to offset inflation, it’s to provide a margin of income for the lender proportional to the amount of risk. You’re not stealing money from them or getting the asset at a discount. 30k all at once or 30k over 10 years is still 30k gone. You’re not getting the car any “cheaper”.

>> No.49276562

the idea is that rather than spend $30k at once you spend a few hundred dollars a month at once, and leave the difference between $30k and your cumulative monthly payments in an investment account earning returns that exceed the amount of interest you're paying on the loan.

in reality no one does this.

>> No.49276568

unless its a Defender

>> No.49276592

reminder that propaganda is so effective that normies view toyota 4runners as a "sign of nobility"

>> No.49276597
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>> No.49276637

Take that further men care more about the utility of a vhecle. Like how men used to ride horse back or in chariots. Woman seem to be more concerned with the value and appearance of the transportation. Its an interesting dichotomy.

>> No.49276685

wow dude you managed to get a blowjob from a drunk girl and you think your hot shit

>> No.49276774

Actually you can, and it’s something I like to do quite often to just absolutely devastate the wagie salesmen. First thing is to go to the dealership around 4 pm on a Friday afternoon close to closing time. Pick out some car. Take it on a test drive whatever. Act like you want to purchase it. Wait for the wagie to draft all the paperwork. By this time the dealership should be pretty empty except for the staff waiting to fuck your asshole. Then right before they get you to sign anything, have a change of heart and decide you can’t afford the vehicle. You will watch in the wagie’s eyes as a piece of him dies inside. Then get up and leave.

>> No.49276827
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>> No.49276835


That much is true. I only rented those because I needed at least 7 seats and it was cheaper than renting a passenger van.

>> No.49276851

Buy a used car under market value from a boomer who maintained it well.

Buying a new car from the ((dealership)) is not /biz/

>> No.49276925

>men care about the utility
>90% of men in the south buy lifted pickup trucks to carry a vacuum cleaner once a year

if men really cared they would buy vans which are used by actual tradesmen and businessmen

all most people care about is how the car looks, period

>> No.49276964


You get federal EV subsidies this way. If your state offers them too it can be the best play.

Otherwise, yes.

>> No.49276974

I believe you 100%. Rosaries are dumb as fuck. All of them.

>> No.49276990

Unless it an original defender

>> No.49277279

You need buddy that has sold cars before to wingman with you so you can feed the sales rep and manager a shit sandwich. I'd help you, but we aren't pals. One of many key tactics is to haggle the price down based on financing the thing, then changing to a cash deal in the finance office insisting on the price from the financed write-up or getting a load with no early-payback penalty and fucking the bank out of three years of interest payments. There are some good Jewtube channels to help train you. Just set a price and stick to it. They can either meet it or you walk. That simple. Tell them to call you back at end of quarter when they are serious about getting their volume numbers.

>> No.49277398

Like the other anon said, ONLY PAY CASH. It's not just about interest rate. When you finance a car, the car is not technically yours until it's fully paid off. Which means you have to have full coverage insurance on it until it's paid off. You save so much money every year by having just basic insurance. Now if you're a brainlet shitty driver that anticipates you might be at fault for an accident in the future, then yeah do whatever you want because you'll need that full coverage regardless

>> No.49277478

This would work in normal circumstances, but they barely can hold onto new inventory. They don't give a fuck if you walk because you have no leverages. Tried to play two dealers off each other, showed one a better offer and told him I'd be happy to give him my business if he can beat their offer but he basically said to go with the other deal some other retard will just buy whatever they put in front of them.

>> No.49277508 [DELETED] 

Lol! They still try to shill that nonsense trash. Nah, if u wanna have a stable earning with no risk, you'd better use Streeth.

>Mints & auctions iconic Street Art NFTs
>Audit by CoinScope
>Full-stack Ecosystem with video game, marketplace, yield generator etc

>> No.49278300

>in reality no one does this
I did exactly that. Bought my wife a new Toyota. Financed at 1.49% APR. Took the cash I would have spent and got $20k worth of series I bonds and the rest put into VOO.

Think of it another way. If you have $30-40k lying around in cash, that's a waste. If you can finance at 5+ years and low rates, that let's you put your money to work instead.

>> No.49278333

There's different requirements in each state.

>> No.49278357
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>> No.49278402

Buy a Cummins, an old one.

>> No.49278411

I've been hit on by soccer moms at bars too. After about 11pm they're totally fucked and want to rape your youthful ass

>> No.49278467

Reread what the fuck inflation is. If car prices increase faster than the loan Apr it most definitely is the wise option. By the time anon saves thale amount needed train would have left the station so to speak

>> No.49278480

Find a mechanic who's quick on his feet and pay him to go in for you to buy the car, those Fulkerson will eat you alive. You're not going to get a deal, you're going to get a degree of pain on how hard they kick you in the balls.

>> No.49278704

He didn't say pay cash for brand new car. Nice strawman tho retard.

>> No.49278791

kek when real rates are negative you actually get free money if you get a loan. Why do they do it? Banks get even more free money. That's central banks and fractional reserve banking.

>> No.49279142
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>One of many key tactics is to haggle the price down based on financing the thing, then changing to a cash deal in the finance office insisting on the price from the financed write-up or getting a load with no early-payback penalty and fucking the bank out of three years of interest payments.
These customers are good eating bro. Sign them up on term and payment with inflated rate quote and a bunch of profit stuffed in then when they swap to cash in the back office you lower the price a bit and act like it's raping your commission, the customer thinks it's all going to plan and leaves with a smile thinking they won and beat you up when they very well could have ended up paying the same or even less by just negotiating the cash price up front. The only place it works is buy here pay here and even then it's not going to get you a "deal" just keep you front getting totally assraped.

We know all the games, you buy a car once every 3-5 years... we get up in the morning and stand around arguing with people about this exact shit for 10hrs a day, 6 days a week.

>> No.49279291

lol this is why real chads go in early and prey on the retired boomers who are getting their cars serviced at the crack of dawn. I've already made 800 bucks and eaten lunch by the time poorcels and fuckheads even wake up for their wagie shifts, which means I'm at home chilling with a blunt when they finally have the time to roll in and shit up the showroom after they get off work.

>> No.49279298
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how do I get a fair deal, car jew?

>> No.49279589

Buy from old people pretend to be a veteran.

>> No.49279697

First and only time I bought a car from a dealership was about a year ago. Used 2014 SUV, I brought a combination of cash and checks to pay their asking price. Researched local mechanics in the area first and cross referenced them with Google street view (important). My gf was bitching about some noise from her wheels during the ride over to the dealership so I made their service department look it over while I test drove the car I came to buy. Took it to the good old boy mechanic 6 miles down the road and told them to find everything wrong with it for $60 and a 12-pack. The guy was covered in grease and true to form crawled under every inch of it and hooked up his computer to find error codes. Sure enough they had tried to clear a code indicating a problem with the battery. Saw that new batteries for this car ran up to $800. Took it back and told them they had wasted my time and I was leaving. "Well how bout we knock off $100??" I kept walking until they offered to replace the battery with a new one. Sat around for that, paid for it, left. Driving home I realized they got me on some sort of sunroof gasket leak that only makes audible noise when driving at or over 80mph. Car salesmen should be genocided along with their families

>> No.49279778

Because they have issues out the ass

>> No.49279805

Aim for 10% above upper end of kelly blue book valuation for vehicles under 40k and ~5-7% for cars 40k+ for the vehicle you want to buy. Be polite and firm, be very sincere and let the sales staff know that you 100% intend to purchase the vehicle but you have a strict budget and you just want a fair deal. Explain that you will only sign a commitment to buy contingent upon an agreed sales price for the vehicle and nothing else. Explain to the salesman that you want your vehicle covered but understand that extended warranty is separate and you want to see your options before making any concrete decisions. Then when they pitch warranty you can just politely decline.

Reasons why I advocate this.
>an out the door price (everything included, ttl etc.) of 10% above kbb is about the minimum that a dealer will easily agree to, any lower is met pretty dismissively and their motivation to negotiate with you drops
>Salespeople respect sincerity, and will almost always take a quick and easy deal if offered.
>The warranty conversation is similar bait and switch as the finance to cash suggestion that other anon mentioned but this way there is already a bit of profit in the deal already and the warranty presentation is always at the end of the sale. The sales managers have already counted your car as a sale by the time you're hearing the warranty pitch and the last thing they want is for you to walk out right then, they won't blow profit they've already made on you to try and squeeze a bit more out.

>> No.49279811

dont buy any vehicles made after like 2008 and only buy japanese ones. one or 2 of those with low miles should last your whole life

>> No.49279818

Don’t trade in your suv, sell it private party

>> No.49279861

thanks for the notes.
I fucking hated the warranty guy when my wife bought her used car a few years ago.
>"just to let you know, this room is being recorded"
so many stupid scare tactics and condescending
>let me show you this diagram for things that will go wrong with this car on a timeline

>> No.49279888

lol pass

>> No.49279920

Just use on there and you can get any deal you want.

>> No.49280048


>> No.49280090

Easiest way around this is to just tell basic lies that strip the value out of their pitch.
For example: "My brother in law is a mechanic, he has this big scan tool and a lift in his garage, we can handle any preventative maintenance or repairs for the vehicle, as for the paint and interior, this is already a big purchase for me and prefer to invest a bit of my own time and elbow grease to keep this car in good shape so I am not interested blah blah blah"

>> No.49280162

I know what inflation is. The purchasing power of the dollar doesn't matter since you're paying the same amount of dollars. If the value of the car goes up then you gain the same amount regardless of if you own the car outright or if it's financed. You don't magically gain more dollars for holding a liability. So unless you plan on investing the outstanding amount like the other anon pointed out or if you can't afford to pay cash, then there's no benefit to financing.

Loans are never free money. You owe the amount you borrow plus interest. Real rates don't change that.

>> No.49280221

unironically ran into a customer like this, was like the script got flipped and he was in control of the sales guy. his phrase was : "can't dig it G"

>See if you get those scratches out and get me to 300 otherwise I can't dig it G
>you're trying to charge me a house payment and I can't dig it G
>was in the store for three days straight
>somehow got him 6% at 72mo with a sub 600 credit score, no cosigner, and like 500 bucks down...

>> No.49280318

>let me show you this diagram for things that will go wrong with this car on a timeline
Oh it's going to break? I don't want it then

>> No.49280347
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if your vehicle doesn't have truck nuts than you're a faggot.

>> No.49280373

Nick are you drinking again? Ill buy a car from you but only if abuse the fuck out my deep gaping wallet

>> No.49280847

I uh... I dont think it was smart to post this on a pseudoanonymous mongolian lean hogs futures discussion forum that is hosted and monitored by three letter agencies.

>> No.49281018

>Interest on a loan isn’t meant to offset inflation,
Which is why you can commit arbitrage against the larger market and get the car for "cheaper". If you invest the cash you dont pay into the car upfront, your cashflow in should exceed the cashflow out over the life of the loan and the entire trade should work in your favor. Again, this only applies if you invest the money. Its a wash if you drink it, vacation, or otherwise waste it instead of trying to beat the interest rate.

>> No.49282857

Don't even wanna say what I did yesterday. Paid $21k for a 2015 honda civic with 50k miles on it. Now yes, there is hyperinflation, but had I shopped around I could've gotten it for $15k. Nobody to blame except myself. At least I own it and it came from crypto gains...

C-Can someone please reassure me lmfao

>> No.49282946

what the fuck do you think always means you dickhead

>> No.49283139

Maybe they're only a magnet for that particular slag. You'll just keep pulling her night after night. Eventually you'll marry her.

>> No.49283152

Looks like an old person's shoe.

>> No.49283169
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if you know it wasn't the best thing to do, why did you do it?

>> No.49283181

idk anon. idk. like i said. at least it was crypto money...

>> No.49283209

some people have friends and need more than 2 seats, retard. a fucking cargo van....its the same fucking price anyways

>> No.49283210
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was it at least a special color or trim package you particularly wanted? Or you didn't know at the time you were "overpaying" or whatever you wanna call it by 6k?

>> No.49283217

>he doesn't insist she swallows before unlocking the door

>> No.49283251

Nope :( It honestly should've been like $10k in a normal market.

>> No.49283253


Imagine having to get a 60k+ car that can't drive 5 miles without an engine replacement to pick up drunk roasties.


>> No.49283264

21k for a used Honda civic lmao christ

>> No.49283302

Honestly. I'm coping by saying I don't mind, but in all honesty, I kind of don't. I was going to kill myself earlier this year. Getting scammed isn't nearly as bad as ending my life.

>> No.49283388

Based, people overestimate the time they'll actually need 4x4. Outside of the seating, you'd get much more use out of a van because of storage.

>> No.49283398

You're retarded, central banking is an infinite money glitch and you need to get assets now and pay as late as possible.

>> No.49283437

>bought used car for 10k
>didn't completely trust the guy who sold it to me but I was in a bind
>6 months later want to get rid of it and get a new one
>looked up the KBB before I went to the dealership
>they offered me the a price 1k over sticker on the new car and 11k for my used car
>tell them the KBB value and say I won't sell for anything less
>they bump the trade-in to 12k
>tell them I'll take it if they give me the new one for MSRP
>they say no
>walk out
>go to another dealership the next day
>let them spit out their numbers
>they're offering MSRP and 10k for my car
>tell them the dealership next door is giving me 12k
>they offer me 12.5k and MSRP
>tell them I'll consider it
>go to another dealership the next day
>let them spit out their numbers
>2k over MSRP and 11k for my car
>tell them the dealship next door is giving me 12.5k
>they offer 12.5k and 2k over MSRP
>they give me a pen and I sit there holding it pretending I might actually sign
>tell them I'll think about it
>just before I get up they offer MSRP and 12.5k for my car
>take it with 0% interest for 36 months

>> No.49283799

>Go to car dealership
>they don't give me a deal
what's the deal with car dealerships fellas?

>> No.49283878

So? put a couch in the back they'll love it

seriously how often are you transporting more than two people around lmfao


>> No.49283885

How tall are you?

>> No.49285211


based and zero-APR-pilled.

>> No.49285313


This entire channel is dedicated to outjewing car dealerships and has some great info/roleplay scenarios

>> No.49285317

4runners are all ugly pieces of trash, do you live in some third world shithole that thinks they are some kind of luxury vehicle?

>> No.49285410

>take advantage of
if OP was 585lbs and smelled like dead lobster, do you think she still would have sucked his dick? OP obv normie or chad lite tier.

>> No.49285456

you're an idiot

>> No.49285575

I know. Oh well. I deserve it. I've always been dumb.

>> No.49285674

Excellent ID. See what your bank/credit union offers if you’re going the finance route.

>> No.49285703

During inflation assets balloon as money seeks shelter. So you're assets will also inflate in value and you only need to pay back the principal and whatever interest

Like imagine if I took out a home loan 25 or 15 years ago compared to value now. Do you think I got jewed?

>> No.49285938

I'm trading my truck for a 2020 lexus rx460

Don't buy anything after 2020 all the electronics are substandard.

>> No.49285961


>> No.49287088

Definitely buy a Toyota. Good pick

>> No.49287164


Dumb as shit. In the pre-covid car market that made sense, but nowadays you might as well lease a dumb depreciating asset like a car unless you have a nigger credit score.

>> No.49287260


no offense but you both sound like youre in some sort of rural shithole where its impressive someone makes 60k/yr. i live in a city where people drive around 100k+ cars literally all day every day and theres thousands of them. a fucking land rover is not impressing anyone here. sure, if i want to go to bumfuck nowhere and drive a car that tells people i don't work for my dads electric company that he runs out of a trailer down by city hall sure, but that's not the kind of roasties i'm looking for anywhere. more sad than anything. y'all should go somewhere where people actually have money and see how you get dunked on in that shit ass car

>> No.49287311

> Don't buy anything after 2020 all the electronics are substandard

>> No.49287355

car dealerships HATE THIS MAN

>> No.49287371


what the fuck does this post even mean? 'use on there'? what?

>> No.49287450

I used to be a state trooper in rhode island, on there, not gonna lie I saw some pretty gnarly action in my time, on there. So basically what we have going now, on there, is a situation where the car you're looking at is going to be just outside your budget no matter where you look, on there.

>> No.49287486


so its literally some weird ass verbal tick shit where you're trying to psyop the person into thinking you have a mental illness and they need to get rid of you asap?

>> No.49287523

Don't get the extended warranty. Also don't listen to indebted coping poorfags on /biz/ trying to convince you to take out tens of thousands of dollars on a loan because "you'll totally make more gambling on my shitcoin rugpull bruh".
You're right, it makes way more sense to take on debt for that same depreciating asset. Retard.

>> No.49287543

>so its literally some weird ass verbal tick shit where you're trying to psyop the person
Exactly. It's a dumb car sales anecdote from Sam Hyde about one of his old coworkers. He talks about it in one of the old hydewars episodes with Nick Rochefort.

>> No.49288033

If real rates are negative then yes it is literally cheaper money. Not free, but cheaper.

What costs more, $1k now or $1k fifty years ago? You're making the novice mistake of thinking inflation isn't real. Paying off the same amount of money over a decade vs all up front is cheaper because every year the amount you pay is worth less.

>> No.49288051

Some manufacturers offer a cash discount. I recently bought a Subaru that I could have financed at 2%. However, if I paid cash, the price was discounted by $1000 bucks or something. So really the financing rate was around 7%. I just sold some QQQ and paid cash. Fuck that.

I tend to agree with posters saying not to finance a car, even if its a good rate. Yeah, you can invest the difference and try to outpace the interest, but this sounds like some boomer bullshit to me that few people actually do. It also ignores the risk associated with investing in anything worthwhile. Don't buy a car you can't immediately afford. Haggling over decimal places on a $30k vehicle is some legendary poorfag shit that implies you should not be buying new.

>> No.49288675

camry still good, selling never ever. it will probably outlive you and i both so there is nothing to worry about


>> No.49288697

hunting is cool. do you ever eat any of the game?

>> No.49288721

Why is that thing so hideous looking

>> No.49288939

Schedule and take a test drive. If you're still interested after the test drive, politely tell them that you'll go home and negotiate via email or on the phone. If you just want to get it over and walk into the dealership they'll put the screws to you and you'll end up paying more. Patience and calling around are what it takes to secure a reasonable deal. Or just go to carmax if you don't mind a used car.

>> No.49288982

Any more tips? My budget is around 10k unironcally looking at range rovers

>> No.49291194

The fact you've trashed a Toyota before hitting 200k miles speaks volumes about your car ownership. Hope you take better care of the 4Runner.
T. 4Runner owner.

>> No.49291224

based debt maxer

>> No.49291240

>Bought my wife a new Toyota.
I'm sure she and Tyrone love it, cuckfuck.

>> No.49291246
File: 90 KB, 1080x1122, 1653438121541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw blew away this amount of money on options last year

Doesn't feel so good

>> No.49291384

Been in autosales for a few months now, the supply chain issues have basically reformed the industry. There's no inventory anywhere. You don't get to haggle, you don't get to bargain, either you buy the car for the asking price or you don't get a car. It's the same for basically any brand, wait times between 3 months to 2 years across the range.

Want to not get fucked by a dealership? Sell your old car privately rather than trading in, don't finance the deal, and don't touch anything aftermarket. Those are the only areas in which they make proper money and therefore where you lose money. Otherwise, buy used.

>> No.49291572

is 24 too old for me to get hit on by soccer moms?

>> No.49291732

Kek what car company was this

>> No.49292801

Before you trade your car in to a dealership go to CarMax and get a free appraisal. They will give you a sheet of paper w/ their offer on it, it will also have a date. The car dealership is going to low ball you hard on your trade in so pull that out and tell them that's what it's worth so that's what you'll take.
The next area they will try to fuck you on is financing. Get pre-approved from a local credit union and bring a copy of that document to show them. Tell them they can either beat it or you're going with them.
Don't pay above MSRP. The new thing right now is DAM (dealer adjusted markups). This has been going on for years and assuming you're buying new if the manufacturer thought prices needed to go up they'd have increased the MSRP.

>> No.49292827

>Paying $100k to get your dick sucked by a drunk roastoid

>> No.49293405
File: 1.25 MB, 1125x1437, 8FBC97EC-1A72-4700-94DC-C5DC4977E5FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

expose the thot
Expose the thot

>> No.49295202
File: 121 KB, 990x788, nick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49296581
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I just financed a 2021 Toyota Camry yesterday

>> No.49296805

Retard. You'll get raped on the trade in. Other retards and Karens love the FJ Cruiser and you can sell it for way more than the stealerahip will give you. Also expect to pay a 10k minimum market adjustment on an Land Cruiser. Retards and Karens love their dumb fucking SUVs

>> No.49297549

anybody fuck w salvage titles?

>> No.49297853

I get women to do the same thing to me in my Nissan(though they aren’t drunk), getting women isn’t as hard as some make it to be on here