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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4927538 No.4927538 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/, I am making a thread about a potential business venture that the enterprising young Anon may be interested in. I am sharing it because I am a no life loser NEET degenerate and no one takes me seriously.

Pic related is a motivating mock up; what follows ITT will be a superficial discussion of the basic business plan and relevant technology.

>> No.4927557
File: 78 KB, 1176x527, AlphaSKP_frontview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mining Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is highly profitable - besides the capital cost of the mining equipment, the only significant operating cost is electricity. By producing electricity on site, the effective operating cost can in theory be brought to nearly negligible.

Producing renewable electricity on site has the further advantage of creating a substantial tax credit, which can be used to offset income from mining or capital gains from trading. In particular, solar electricity investments have a 30% federal “solar investment tax credit”, meaning 30% of the total investment in solar electricity producing assets can be credited against the same value in federal tax liability.

Secondly, a business with near negligible operating costs is ideal for using multi-level marketing to generate capital investment. By offering investors 40% net return on investment over 140 working days, and offering investors 10% commission for recruiting new investors, the company can quickly generate capital to fund rapid expansion, and will still earn residual income after paying off investors, as well as keeping the investment tax credit.

For example, a single S9 antminer is rated at 1350 watts, and produces approximately $11,000 USD per year worth of bitcoin. 1400 watts of solar panels at approximately $100 USD per 100 watts is $1400, plus the cost of the S9 antminer of approximately $5000 USD. For $6400 USD, the company is able to generate $11,000 per year at zero cost. If we assume all $6400 came from investors, $8960 would be due over the course of 140 days, meaning the company walks away with $2000 in profit for the year, as well as the residual value of the miner and solar panels (approximately $11,000 USD per year, discounted at the long-term cost of capital).

Pic related is solar panel assembly, 24 100 watt solar panels arranged as depicted, totalling 2.4kW of DC power will be delivered to an on-site deep cycle battery bank.

>> No.4927585
File: 14 KB, 569x380, powervstemp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because investors are investing Bitcoin and not USD, even if the price of bitcoin falls, the company will not bear the risk because all payable debt is in Bitcoin, not USD. In addition, the introduction of the lightning network will allow the company to earn interest on its holdings of Bitcoin, regardless if they are mined or on deposit from investors.

Uniquely, the company will also be able to “recycle” electricity by using an Organic Rankine Cycle generator. Heat generated from the miners, as well as solar thermal collectors, will heat a refrigerant working fluid such as R-245fa. The heated working fluid will then drive a Tesla turbine, be cooled back to room temperature, and begin the cycle again. The Tesla turbine will drive a DC generator, and the electricity will be delivered to a battery bank to be fed back into the grid and power the mining operation. While non-essential, recycling waste heat significantly improves the electrical efficiency of the mining operation, and in turn increases the total return on investment.

Pic related is effective GPU efficiency vs temperature; similar effect exists for solar panels.

>> No.4927606
File: 100 KB, 876x599, alpha_SKP_sideview1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is Parabolic reflector troughs concentrate solar heat onto the working fluid. Also depicted are 6 deep-cycle batteries, each storing 100 AH, as well as two 1200 watt grid-tie inverters to deliver power back to the grid, consequently reducing billable electricity consumption.

>> No.4927626
File: 97 KB, 883x692, alphaSKP_minercloseup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 S9 antminers, each rated at 13500 GH/s and 1350 watts, sit in a mineral oil bath. The mineral oil is pumped from the bath to a radiator which pre-heats the working fluid before going to the solar reflectors. This also cools the mineral oil down to target temperature of 35C.

>> No.4927651
File: 45 KB, 494x458, alpha_SKP_backview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is Tesla turbine is used to extract work from the working fluid temperature differential; the working fluid is heated using mineral oil from the mining operation and from solar parabolic troughs to ~95C, spins the Tesla turbine, and then is cooled using a radiator connected to a large water reservoir. The condensed working fluid is then pumped back to the pre-heating mineral oil radiator and the cycle begins again. The rotation tesla turbine turns a re-purposed DC motor, producing DC electricity to go to the battery bank and then back into the grid.

Working ORC System (Organic Rankine Cycle)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTMWkdhhMLM [Embed]
(Use CC, audio is in russian)

Tesla Turbine Millwork & Assembly

>> No.4927765
File: 31 KB, 331x331, pleaserespond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post business idea to /biz/
>get zero replies
Is it really that fucking bad?

>> No.4927851

Massive upfront cost
I dunno, go ahead and try it out faggot

>> No.4927882


>> No.4927911


Wtf. Nuclear poweplants use cheap refrigerant?

>> No.4927996
File: 33 KB, 640x640, 1512722665481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds cool op, hope this goes well for you

>> No.4928045

It's a mock diagram using the same scheme as nuclear reactors only at much lower temperatures

>> No.4928076

>no 30 scond pitch
>starts with neet complaining and whining
>doesn’t expect zero replies
You literally slit your own throat. Think on what you did and try again l8r

>> No.4928104

No it's only here now; if you don't want to copy it or discuss it won't ever be here again. I'm not trying to give away money for free here.

>> No.4928110

The problem with miners is that they become obsolete rather quickly. Let's say you pay $5k per 15GH/s today. In a year, 15GH/s will only cost $500 and will drive up the difficulty as the global hashrate increases exponentially. Suddenly the profitable S9 becomes unprofitable: its hashrate isn't good enough to warrant the electricity it consumes. The S10 (or whatever) is released and does 50GH/s for the same $5k, increasing the entry bar. And it's not like the S9 is junk. It's not like you broke it. It's just a disposable tool in a pyramid scheme where a miner's profitability is only valid so long as the underlying technology is considered unobtainable for most people. The moment that level of tech becomes the "norm" is the moment it becomes unprofitable.

This is why I'd never, ever invest in mining hardware. It's basically a race to get your money back before the hardware is obsolete

>> No.4928195

Sell Tea on the waves of the Atlantic Ocean.

>> No.4928218

>warrant the electricity it consumes
It's fucking free because you generate it yourself.
>race to get your money back before the hardware is obsolete
I got my S9's about a year ago and both have paid themselves off about 3 times each; and that's without generating my own power.

>> No.4928287

wrong. Say you buy eth mining equipment, currently with my cheap Chinese hydro electricity (0.0816 usd per kwh) I can literally go buy 6 rx 580s some fans, pcie extension cables, and a 1000w psu and make my money back in 7 months. In fact I could do a few other coins and do it in 5-6 monthd even when prices don't rise. I can make it back quicker if that crypto rises.

Only issue is POS coming to ethereum, thank god though thst POS is coming.

>> No.4928484

i definitely am looking into it
setting up a small mining operation at home, will look into renewables for power in the near future after doing proof of concept
ive done designs for solar plants before and worked in the hydroelectric industry.

god speed and good luck in your journey, you're going to do great

>> No.4928502

Anon you have an email you can drop so we can talk? I've had the same plan but with things changed here and there

How long have you been looking at mining? They don't get replaced that fast lmao and even if they did they'd still make you enough money to buy newer hardware in 5months from the day you set it all up. The key is to reinvest to keep making mad money

>> No.4928568
File: 33 KB, 544x491, 1512792065040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was smart enough to understand what you wrote

Godspeed anon

>> No.4928738
