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File: 14 KB, 400x400, Optimism-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49273454 No.49273454 [Reply] [Original]

What's the gameplan for the airdrop today. Leave it or keep it? What will the price be?

>> No.49273747
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>> No.49273764

It's goin' down, I'm yellin' timber

>> No.49273829

People are starting to claim. Looks like it's happening any minute now https://twitter.com/0xmillie_eth/status/1531670448043343873

>> No.49273876

didn't get it, fuck this scam

>> No.49274278
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Should be like ens and dydx with a day 1 binance listing announcement. Coinbase also appears to have prepped for it. I'll be waiting on at least binance to do something and then selling, preferably over 5 usd

>> No.49275734

trading at $0.66 right now according to uniswap.

>> No.49275816

So are you buying now?

>> No.49275962

I got about 1k tokens from the airdrop. Was going to dump it but the price is way lower than I thought it would be. I'm assuming it'll be higher once it starts trading on major CEXs like the other anon mentioned.

>> No.49276039

where will it be listed on optimism? whats the dex

>> No.49276064


>> No.49276073


>> No.49276148
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Its not dropped yet

>> No.49276223

yes it has, check the airdrop page.

>> No.49276229
File: 32 KB, 607x341, 1624223145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine puting your dick inside her socks and dumping your big fat load inside them

>> No.49276324

Uh yeah its weird, you get these questions aswell ?

>> No.49276402

it's similar to the ENS airdrop where you have to choose a delegate etc. Although it looks like the optimism network is fucked right now so might not be working. Probably why they haven't announced it on their twitter yet

>> No.49276414

OP is gay

>> No.49276427

yep its slow as hell. absolute blunder

>> No.49276438

Optimism is slow as fuck
>claim has an unexpected eception aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.49276455

I missed the ENS

>> No.49276534

Anyone has a good rpc?

>> No.49276535

What were the other 2?

>> No.49276565

Here, still struggling to cash them out kek.
Airdrops but cant use the

>> No.49276588

how does the chain not working affect the airdrop price. im expecting everyone to dump immediately now but ill be there to slurp in due time

>> No.49276723

Yeah, I knew about evmos but too lazy to perform these lame tasks and the other one costs more than gas but anyway
This might help

>> No.49276770

People are claiming RIGHT NOW using this contract address

anybody know how to evoke a claim manually using this?

I'm too retarded to know what any of this actually means

>> No.49276886

lol what a shit show this is

>> No.49276892

Thanks, might do but for now i wait

>> No.49276989

Ok it worked

>> No.49277094

I cant trade on uniswap or 1inch lol
Reminds me of fees.wtf

>> No.49277168

Looks like too much effort for this shit but:

>> No.49277238

The chain is fine, it's the rpc endpoint. Set up your own with alchemy

>> No.49277266

>Yeah, I knew about evmos but too lazy to perform these lame tasks and the other one costs more than gas but anyway
Its 100 dollar per task kek you must be rich

>> No.49277573
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>> No.49277589


>> No.49277625

Just wait until coinbase and binance you dumb anxious piece of shit, stop being a retarded

>> No.49277632

If you still hold, this shit might pump back in the next ~24 hours, at least that's how usually airdrops work.

>> No.49277674

I know... i planned to sell half instantly and then buy back the stack if it dips which would be now.
But now i at least want to sell 1/4 to get something

>> No.49277745

my hope and optimism.. gone...

>> No.49277932

Biggest crypto happening in weeks and there's only this one lonely thread with not even 50 posts. Fucking retarded dead board lmao.
Guess we need to save catalog space for the millionth GMEXRPshitandpiss general

>> No.49278027
File: 57 KB, 976x850, wgtw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true, and thats why i missed it for so long even tho i was chilling here
ffs it wont let me sell and i refuse to make an account for another rpc at this point
But twatter banned me because i called child vaxxers satanists

>> No.49278087

true fuck those npcs.

>> No.49278180 [DELETED] 

Ok where to provide liquidity best?
Uniswap v3 pools seem to not even exist yet according to what i se e

>> No.49278190

Becoming more convinced that now is a shit time to sell. Retail can't really ape in yet because no one is going to spend the time/money to bridge to optimism just to trade 1 coin. Kucoin trades it but 90% of people probably have $0 money to spare because of the bear market. A coinbase listing during a strong BTC rally would be optimal

It's pretty sad. Thread would have died if i hadn't bumped it. Same thing happened when I was the first to post about the ENS airdrop when that happened. Biz was clueless.

>> No.49278193

Biggest crypto happening that turned out the biggest fucking disappointment. I got like 800 tokens and they're already worth shit. This was my first airdrop fuck my life

>> No.49278202 [DELETED] 

nvm im retarded

>> No.49278223

don't mind the link I didn't mean to include that lol

>> No.49278232


>> No.49278251

you have like 12yo mental age, just chill and learn how to deal with frustration

look for other big airdrops price action

>> No.49278264

Lately they were shit tho

>> No.49278359

Yeah that's why I didn't sell. I don't care about <1k of profit and at least it still has some potential to do something

>> No.49278394 [DELETED] 

I still fail to add liquidity on uniswap tho, it says 1% v3 doesnt exist even tho it clearly does

>> No.49278600

Take part in Arbitrum's odyssey event in a few weeks if you want a real airdrop. They've been hinting at a token recently

>> No.49278663

Yeah I've been getting ready for arbitrum and I'm guessing too that the odyssey will be a big part of it. Also ZKsync could be decent. But arbitrum should be the biggest one considering market share

>> No.49278771

Isn't it just for an NFT? Will there be an ERC20 token too you think? NFT alone would sucks

>> No.49278833

They could contribute to a multiplier on their airdrop similar to Optimism's multiple criteria. Would help sybil filtering too. Nothing confirmed of course, only hints of a token recently. Before they would deny any chance of a token

>> No.49278890

i solded
i know it has a future (with the sequencer), but we're in bear market and it's only a governance token. if the ecosystem grows big, I'd estimate it at 10% of eth by mcap.

>> No.49278918

what are the hints?
how would a token work with chainlink's fss?

>> No.49278993

Looks like this does a gasdao thing.
I know i know eventually it will rally aswell since it has real fundamentals

>> No.49279066

How do I buy this shit? I normally only use BSC.

>> No.49279152


May as well hold on the small chance market goes fill retard bullish again

>> No.49279207
File: 166 KB, 1412x1188, Capture d’écran 2022-05-31 à 22.25.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn gay shit. I withdrew some ETH to the Optimism mainnet from Binance, shouldn't that be enough?

>> No.49279427
File: 227 KB, 317x451, 1553137758244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're late sweetie. Why would they give everyone free money for bridging now? This is for people who qualified before the drop was announced

>> No.49279559

>tranime picture
I will find you and kill you.

>> No.49279616
File: 55 KB, 875x708, ENS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This it the ENS price action, I believe (or I hope at least) we'll see something like that with binance and coinbase listing

>> No.49279644

there was an extra $1.5trn in the market then

>> No.49279712

op op op oppa gangnam style

>> No.49279795

Still, i'm talking about price action, it could be relatively cheaper but with the same dynamic

>> No.49279813
File: 77 KB, 690x720, 1551593857501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe and cope normie loser. try using a blockchain next time LMAO

>> No.49280058

Rollups are a retarded idea.

>> No.49280088


>> No.49280780
File: 889 KB, 1111x597, wz35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah if only i was able to sell half at 2 dollar

>> No.49280821

Where can I short this thing?

>> No.49280893

Bros is this bearish for ETH? I know the community had a lot of hope for this

>> No.49280988 [DELETED] 

A shitcoins failing does not mean the tech failing
Ok the tech failed aswell

>> No.49280997

A shitcoin failing does not mean the tech failing
Ok the tech failed aswell

>> No.49281005
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>> No.49281032

yeah but ethereum is planning on scaling through L2s and this is a pretty bad look

>> No.49281114


>> No.49281143

It went fom 77c to 1.20c in five minutes, it's too early anons, just chill. If you are confident you can make good trades, I suck at swing trading so i'll just hold until binance/coinbase announcements, but I hope that crazy green candle shows you guys that anything can happen, holding is a good bet

>> No.49281163

Make sure to delegate some amount of tokens, you'll qualify for future airdrops. Pick someone that sounds not completely retarded off of DAO or infrastructure imo and delegate like 10 tokens even.

>> No.49281202

I bought 3K OP and I'm already down $400. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.49281369

Yeah sorry i corrected
Its a bad look but its not done

>> No.49281397

This, and dont choose jews or woman obviously.
The one adress i got less i delegated and hold.
Im sure this will be rewarded, i also provide liquiditY

>> No.49281406


>> No.49281977

how much was the airdrop? if you did one swap or bridge how much did you receive?

>> No.49282007

It really varied. It ranged from 700 - 2000 or more OP depending on what you did.

>> No.49282168

I got 1237 for doing a few things

>> No.49282187

Wtf I only got 271

>> No.49282377

Lowest I have ever heard. Did you get HOP tokens?

>> No.49282553
File: 36 KB, 452x678, images (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kept getting spam bcs from these pussy suckers, it makes the project an automatic scam.....When you buy NFT art, you’re buying into the story of a person. What they’ve experienced and how they’ve grown—the reason they’re who they are today. Perfect misfit is building a community where healthy mental condition is prior. This is a social good project.

Perfect misfit is all over social platforms

>> No.49282697

I opened this thread and read this post and fucked around for about an hour and got $400 from the Evmos Rektdrop that I never even heard of. pain in the fucking ass getting it off the evmos chain though still haven't figured it out yet.. I wonder what other airdrops I haven't seen that I am eligible for this year??

>> No.49282792

I've never used op in my life. I don't qualify right?

>> No.49282872

Fellow 270s bro, sold so either I made like 0.2 eth or I can buy more if it dumps hard

>> No.49282908

You might, go ahead and check their site. There were qualifications for the drop that didn't require you to use OP.

>> No.49282923

Like woah dude totally cool I am down with this like barely legal sweet underage token Optimism it's like so cool and would totally rock a pizza night with you and other cool devs in an EPIC exposed RED BRICK barcade and we all play MARIO KART BING BING WAHOO


It is a period of Civil War between the reigning Layer Two solutions. The Trans Rebel Alliance, working in secret from within the MEV mafia, has sided with the totally cool and awesome Optimism Devs to peacefully extract the maximum amount of MEV from users to safely deliver HRT to children all over the galaxy and defeat the evil CIS Empire

>> No.49283055

Nice, checked and I got $400 from that too. Thanks fren

>> No.49283204

yee boi. good fuckin' luck gettin it off of there. the way i ended up doing it was swapping the evmos for weth then bridging that thru nomad. almost done now. also i could only do 3/4 of the tasks so i didn't get the whole airdrop. was hung up on the 3rd task for some reason

>> No.49283243

Hey friend use NOMAD to get it off, I swapped for WETH on spaceswap and then bridged the weth via nomad, just waiting on gas to settle to claim mainnet side

>> No.49283267

>was hung up on the 3rd task for some reason
lel smoothbrain

>> No.49283294

Took forever but I'm transferring on Nomad now. I didn't bother with the "Execute an IBC Transfer" task either, not worth the effort. Can always do it later if I feel like it. Converted it to USDC on diffusion before bridging.

>> No.49283308

This is excellent

>> No.49283337

>"Execute an IBC Transfer" task
Was easier than trying to find a swap with liquidity

>> No.49284525

>Did you get HOP tokens?
What are those

>> No.49284526

look at what happened to the price of UNI in the weeks and months after it was dropped. number go up, then way down, then way up.

>> No.49284737

yeah in a bull market with idiots who used uniswap all the time and thought that the token actually did something

>> No.49284760

uni dropped around the end of the bear

>> No.49284810

who the fuck still uses optimism? kek
it will soon fade out into obscurity as ethereum slowly moves towards zk

this isnt FUD this is just how it is. dont believe me? look at all the development happening in the zk space compared to optimistic space
Zksync alone received a $200 million grant from BitDAO to develop ZkDAO

>> No.49284835

man i hate this place now so many retards
look at the chart
it's a useless governance token and will keep dumping
know what else is a useless governance token?

>> No.49284949

? okay. i was talking about the timing of it's release dipshit

>> No.49284955

dude how do we connect multiple wallets on this? Every time I clear cache and reconnect it reconnects the previous wallet even though I had switched metamask to a new wallet?

>> No.49284997

the point retard is that it was released in late sept 20 and dumped, from dec 21, jan 22 when we went into a proper bull it started pumping way up
the guy i was replying to said "look what happened in the weeks and months after!! it went down and then way up!!"
well no shit it got massively pulled up by the bull market aided by retards using uniswap and thinking that the token must actualyl have any value

>> No.49285012

err dec 20, jan 21*

>> No.49285134
File: 16 KB, 320x320, 1597463395149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u sound mad, i wonder why

>> No.49285213

i'm retired

>> No.49285235

didn't even know people used optimism

>> No.49285295

Uni has been going down with the rest of defi since summer 2020 you dumb fucking nigger faggot retard. Have sex.

>> No.49285609
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The plan is you bag hold to zero

>> No.49285637
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i delegated it because it asked me to, but how do i sell it?

>> No.49285668
File: 295 KB, 600x583, e76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive never used optimism before so I did not qualify for this airdrop.

how can i qualify for future ones?

>> No.49285758

it 4xed in eth from oct 20 to march 21
and 10xed in usd
read the charts
the point is that it pumped due to the bull not any fundamentals like the first guy said

>> No.49285886


>> No.49286505

Why did I get such a shit airdrop for EVMOS? It was like 3.5 tokens.

>> No.49286933

OP is going straight to $50 fuck you biz

>> No.49287107

it has a higher fdv than polygon atm, which is probably the better L2

>> No.49287305
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>higher fdv

>> No.49287312

nice response ecks dee

>> No.49287341

volume based

>the better L2
uhm AKSHUALLY polygon is a sidechain. also, fdv is a meme.

>> No.49287352

Three OP threads and they're all pretty dead. Damn this shitcoin really is going to zero.

>> No.49287375
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>> No.49287496
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omg i am down with you optimism


hrt for children


>> No.49287627

how and where do i swap? uniswap always fails

>> No.49288268


>> No.49288568

Imagine needing L2s and sidechains to operate an L1. FUCKING KEK

fuck Optimism and in fact fuck Ethereum altogether

Why the fuck use any of this when theres a chain like Hedera thats way more efficient and sustainable especially now with HBAR foundation funding sustainable development teams building on Hedera

>> No.49288572

1inch worked for me
I also swaped for eth on the optimism network for lower gas.

>> No.49289337


>> No.49289372

exactly. now let's watch it go to 25.

hop was completely fucked, no liquidity and they posted in discord that it will take 3 hours to get some liquidity back lol fucking shitshow.

>> No.49290122

so what was billed as an ETH scaling solution, now has its own coin and people wake up to the fact that its just a centralised independent chain with a bridge to ETH?


>> No.49290158

people haven't woken up to anything, they just got a free coin and either dump it to lock in quick profits or hope it pulls something similar to ens. very few people do research in crypto any longer.

>> No.49290164

but bro think about the mev and governance

>> No.49290544
File: 190 KB, 2160x2160, E-YHbS5XIB8c0if.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the gameplan for the airdrop today. Leave it or keep it? What will the price be?
I dumped for ETH at $1.45, it's up now but I think give it a year and it will act like ENS.

There isn't much revenue yet on L2s, OP might do well next cycle I guess.

>> No.49290953

What research have you gathered, good sir? Kind to tell us why the token is even needed?

CAPTCHA: dyx20

>> No.49291727

the game plan is not be a newfag and read the news article next time:

"Optimism is using multiple rounds of airdrops to encourage people to use or contribute to the protocol even if they failed to qualify for the first drop. Fourteen percent of OP’s initial token supply will be airdropped in total, with eligibility for future drops being determined by the Optimism Collective."

>> No.49292557

The problem is you need this shit for hype.
But if it gets listed a lot it has a good use as bridge from exchanges to optimism

>> No.49292573

Thats why i just delegated and kept all on the wallet i got less.
Should be enought for the next round.

>> No.49292639

How many nodes does Optimism have? Are they all run by Infura in AWS?

>> No.49292702

biggest crypto happening in weeks was terra luna dumbass.
aint nobody give a shit about your random shitcoin.

>> No.49292821

Binance deposits are not working yet, holy shit

>> No.49293264

>Sorry, you are not eligible for this airdrop round.
Fuck you too.

>> No.49293778

It's not going any higher. DYDX was high because there was a utility to the token. OP is just a governance token, so it's being insta-dumped. Also, they're doing a series of airdrops after this one. Take your free money.

>> No.49293800

at the very least swap it out for Ethereum which has a much better chance of doing a 5x this year

>> No.49293825

I will, i'm just trying to find the best momentum based on previous airdrops price action

>> No.49293859

Hope you do well, but I think it's a losing game. People are still waking up and finding out about this airdrop for the first time.

>> No.49294148

There are also a TON of retards who weren't able to figure out how to claim, or tried to transfer their tokens to goybase (?!!) to sell and didn't get them at the other end.

>> No.49294204
File: 25 KB, 599x187, binance OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, imagine the price going to 10 usd or 10c and your tokens stuck

>> No.49294243

sold everything at ~$1.7 yesterday after the coinbase announcement. seems like I made the right choice

also apparently the community is deciding if they should blacklist anyone who sold the airdrop from future airdrops. what a bunch of cucks https://twitter.com/bantg/status/1531987787804721152

>> No.49294386
File: 3 KB, 164x74, 420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The price will reach, in all seriousness, $4.20 in the coming days.

>> No.49295283

why the fuck would they not swap to a stable on L2 first? retards

>> No.49295625

Going down faster than you can say 7 day withdrawal basedcuck sidechain

>> No.49296182

Reminder that these are all people who want to sell their tokens.