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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49266396 No.49266396 [Reply] [Original]

8/10 qt in college group keep making eyes contact with me whenever the group has to get together for a project. yesterday morning i swear there was at least 5 times when our eyes met. is there a way to be sure if shes into me or she just find me repulsive? (im fat short and balding early but i bath regularly and dress ok)

oh and she probably already have a boyfriend because theres this faggot in another college group paying her extra attention, checking up on her regularly, getting all touchy touchy with her but i dont know for sure because i dont want to interact with other college people to ask about stuffs unless absolutely neccesary

>> No.49266424

buy a big salami and tape it to the inside of your leg like its a giant cock and tell her you own 42 bitcoins.

>> No.49266454


>> No.49266478

Just another autist

>> No.49266481

>fat short and balding
You're probably reading into it too much. Some girls are just like that with everyone.

>> No.49266539

>meet with really pretty girl
>I'm just supposed to take her around the city as a favor for a distant family friend
>She ends up laughing a lot and playing with her hair
>Ends up asking about my past relationships
So I'm sitting there, with this normalfaggot pretty girl from a well off family and suddenly it dawns on me that I have to make up a lie for the fact that I was an insane 4chan virgin sitting on the internet for 12 hours a day and all my female experience was with tattooed degenerste escorts for $300 a pop.
Kek why is my life so fucked up.

>> No.49266563

>im fat short and balding early
Bad news: she is most likely not flirting with you. Good news: you can lose weight, get fit, get on fin/minox/have a transplant. Also consider lifts. Good luck, anon.

>> No.49266581

in this situation you have two options
>A talk to her, feel out the vibe and go for the bang
>B bitch out, dont do anything until she loses interest and then open incel threads on a business & finance board
sadly you have chosen option B

>> No.49266617


Feel is known fren

I feel like the 40 year old virgin when having to make shit up about my "past relationships"

>> No.49266638

I feel like a wolf in sheep's clothing because I'm tall, fit, and very good looking + wealthy. Women always play and want to chill but I'm a true internet degen subhuman freak at heart.

>> No.49266648

Just tell her to stop and move on with your life bro

>> No.49266772

clean it up, janjan

>> No.49267693
File: 134 KB, 978x1094, 1643527599781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sue school for allowing this sexual harassment and bullying.

>> No.49268507
File: 4 KB, 300x168, aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This isn't /biz material and a thread died in vain
>Not today

>> No.49268610

Nobody has a reason to be fat.

>> No.49268639

Sometimes people can't take their eyes off from repulsive stuff, like looking at a train accident

>> No.49268709

Maybe she wants to get fucked by a short bald fat autist only one way to find out

>> No.49268727
File: 15 KB, 339x385, peter star.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes college women look at me like they're sizing me up, but I can't tell if they're eyefucking me or looking at me because I almost never wear a covid cuckmask outside unless I'm getting takeout so the workers think I like them or some shit.

>> No.49269179

Jannies do your job and clean up the blogposter

>> No.49269275


It doesnt really matter what you do op. You can ask her to get a drink with you if you want to find out if she is interested. But dont expect anything really. Its probably nothing

>> No.49269341

Why you so short and bald though, fatty?

>> No.49269543

hearty keked

>> No.49269600

Probabaly because youre staring at her like a creep.

>> No.49269820

She probably likes you.
She probably wants you to sweep her off her feet.
She probably wants you to return to monke and shoo away that annoying faggot.
Goddamn zoomers are pathetic topkek.
t. 30yo boomer

>> No.49271834
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>> No.49271968
File: 154 KB, 1242x1372, 1625991655621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's probably scared and wondering why that weirdo is looking at her.

>> No.49272032

Ask her for a favour, something small that anyone would pretty much do. See how she reacts.

>> No.49272072

>pog id

you're probably just autistic and regularly avoid eye contact but since are mistaking normal eye contact for something special

>> No.49272074

>h h h hhello huhuuu hhhi i mean hello ho shit ho well
>huuh can i have a pen? mine is kind of slow
*breathes heavily, sweat profusely*
no anon, that's how you get a restraining order

>> No.49272086

simple, smile and keep eye contact for 2 secs (no more than 4 secs or you're a creep).

if she smiles back then you know she's into you. if not then move on with your live lmao

>> No.49272088

Let's assume she's really flirting with you. Imagine if you get your shit together like start losing weight? "Oh anon you're looking good tee hee"

>> No.49272197

I mean if you act like that then yeh don't. Fuck I'm on 4chan of course 98% of you act like that

>> No.49272362

i did good and i did bad trying to approach girls. Bad hurts for a long time kek