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49261776 No.49261776 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.49261814
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>high intensity exercise
>running OUTSIDE in nature
>pretend to be chasing wild bison
>eat big juicy steak with your hands
>vitamin d supplements
>dont jack off until your balls are full

>> No.49261815

I spend more time playing Cometh Battle. It is an interesting PvP battle game and the rewards are great.

>> No.49261826

>Cometh Battle
fuck off shill

>> No.49261830
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A family.

>> No.49261849

Sun exposure, 1 hour daily

Exercise, 1 hour daily

Limit screen time, 1 hour max

>> No.49261863
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You can try things like weed, mushrooms, and jazz fusion.


>> No.49261865

virgin cope.

>> No.49261874

Midwit cope

>> No.49261877

No porn, drugs, caffeine. Eat healthy and exercise 5x a week and I guarantee you your life will be worth living.

>> No.49261883


>> No.49261890

tobacco and energy drinks

>> No.49261910

Last one is good. Used to be a huge nofap apologist. “Made it” and am married and I realize that sometimes you gotta release. Don’t do it more than one day in a row tho. Full is the key word.

>> No.49261913

with more depression

>> No.49261914
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Unironically this. It's insane how people are ignoring tcds.

>> No.49261933

You can also listen to polish pop music from the 80s.


>> No.49261940

go to the gym. no more depression for the rest of the day

>> No.49261944
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Talking to people. Learning a valuable skill from a master.
If only I ever knew how to make friends.

>> No.49261961


>> No.49261972

Dude, stop suggesting eletrostimulation to others.

We're already there, at Meta's hell. While Mark and his friend Marcelo are trying to demolish everyone's home to build more expensive buildings for the elite.

We're already there. Can you feel the needle?

>> No.49261973

just stop being gay. in simpler terms, just tell the voice in your head to STFU. laugh at it when insecure/paranoid thoughts arise. tell it to suck your dick. the cure is to literally stop thinking so much and start viewing yourself more compassionately but easier said than done

>> No.49261981
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S3e attached

>> No.49262014
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Pic rel
If you're not willing to do that, just accept your fate eat concrete.

>> No.49262032

Prozac and CBD oil and start going outside for walks

>> No.49262034

>>dont jack off until your balls are full
very rare to see a middle-road fap take. I agree like maybe twice a week is the sweet spot for me but I think a lot depends on your hormones and your dopamine levels. 1x/day might work for some really turned-on people. I doubt more than 1x/day is healthy for really anyone, generates too much prolactin which antagonizes dopamine levels, it'll give you depression.

>> No.49262039

Suicide or cope

>> No.49262059

Literally just go outside and get some sun. Wtf is wrong with u cunts

>> No.49262063

I learned a new skill from a knowledgeable person but they were just a fucking asshole the whole time.

>> No.49262071

1. Touch grass
2. ????

>> No.49262079

idk about microdosing but me and my friend were taking shrooms every week for the entire summer last year and i never felt so happy in my life. it made me want to change my life. but then i had to move to a shithole and i stopped taking shrooms because of too many distractions and i fell back into it

>> No.49262093

As someone with PTSD and serious mental broblems, the best immediate cure is a few cramberry vodka premixes on the beach in the summer with doggobreh at your side. You alternate for a few hours between sunbathing, walking the beach and swimming with doggobreh.

>> No.49262102
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No, forget about microdosing.

Just take the regular dose. Then you can microdose to "find that place".

>> No.49262119

Driking only works if you need a downer.

>> No.49262138

been solo hiking the last two days for 5+ hours each day

Don't get me wrong, it's still there but feel at least 65% better

Just saying, leave your room/computer for a bit, we are not meant to be sitting in front a screen for hours on end. Our ancestors were hunting/gathering apes, they didn't have time to be depressed.

>> No.49262179

Can't hike 24/7

>> No.49262186

fuck off retard

>> No.49262212

by curing your environment of all non whites (NWs)

>> No.49262287

how the fuck do people masterbate >1x/day? Sounds fucking tiring. Even 1/day seems overkill if done consistently.

>> No.49262319


But it can't hurt to try. You will feel the positive effects much longer.

>> No.49262510

On the immediate level? Interact with people.
People are generally pretty complex, even if their personalities are boring.
Interacting with them is difficult and it flips your brain from a predictive(planning/worrying) mode to a reactive mode where you're not thinking about your responsibilities or the future, but you're just trying to interpret and deal with the current moment.

Long term.
Build value in your life.
This doesn't mean tackle some huge problem, it means incremental improvement everyday.
Target: Mind. Body. Soul.
Learn something small everyday, even reading a wikipedia article.
Personally I learn a bit of Japanese everyday on Duolingo.
Also picked up a bit of guitar during the pandemic.
Just go outside for 15 minutes. Take a walk. Get a little bit of sun.
If you're fat, ignore all of the dietary bullshittery if that stresses you.
Count calories. It always works. Your body is not magically immune to the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.
You can eat total trash, as long as the calorie count is below your basal metabolic rate and still lose weight.
I lost 100 pounds eating pizza and chicken mcnuggets for a year.
Weigh yourself everyday, and watch the numbers go down. It triggers the monkey brain cellphone game addiction.
Spend time with family and friends.
Be sociable.
If you don't have friends or dont know how to talk to people, being sociable is about carrying around a story and trading it with other people.
Think of a new amusing story everyday.
Share it with people.
It doesn't have to be totally true, maybe exaggerate.
>I saw a hobo doing kungfu in the middle of the intersection today.
Listen to their story they give you back.
If you have no friends, find an empty local bar at happy hour.
Go sit there for an hour or an hour and a half, sip your beer, observe how other people socialize, and then when the bartender isn't busy, share with him your story.
This is practice for interacting with new friends or strangers.

>> No.49262543

TDCS literally never failed to work for me lmao...It's the equivalent of jumpstarting your cars batrery, depression will literally stop parts of your brain from functioning so you have to manually stimulate it

>> No.49262594

I can tell you really had to sit down and troubleshoot your problems, thanks for this post

>> No.49262617

This post is off-topic

>> No.49262623


>> No.49262634

this board is suicidal literally every other day because of day-trading

>> No.49262653

Parasite cleanse regularly.

Test for the 5 biotypes of depression in Dr William Walsh book called Nutrient Power.

Look up pyrrole disorder.

Look up undermethylation and overmethylation.

Most importantly parasite cleanse! Take the wormpill

>> No.49262809

Set goals for yourself and a schedule. Start with something small and easy and build up the progress for bigger overarching goals.

>> No.49263143

Undeniably based carnivore chad