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49261090 No.49261090 [Reply] [Original]

is this the easiest short of our generation?

this bitch is going down and going down hard

sub $300 easy by eoy

>> No.49261129

>random chart purposefully obscuring symbol
>is this x or y?
Like we know what the fuck you're taking about, retard. Consider suicide.

>> No.49261136

>opening a short on tesla
>when the manchilds that got rich off this stock will throw fits and turn anti EV and start hating the schwab agenda

dont do this

>> No.49261171

the market cap is $800B. If you cant figure it out, that's on you

>> No.49261207


>> No.49261222

>solve my riddle anon and I may grant you--
Nah, or you could just post it, gaylord.

>> No.49261280

>the global market leader in EVs is an easy short

>> No.49261442

It's Tesla since OP is being a retard

>> No.49261460
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LMAO shorting Tesla has to be the dumbest idea in all history.
People like Musk are winners, they never lose, and electrification of transport is on the right side of history.
Not to mention no one can catch them on autonomous driving or humanoid robots.
By all means, please go ahead and lose all your money. You won't be breeding with any hot girls after you go broke desperate for a macdonalds job to pay for your cardboard box; the faulty genes which formed your malfunctioning brain which generated your wrong opinions will die with you, and humanity gene pool will be improved and continue to make technological advances.
All's right with the world.

>> No.49261465
File: 164 KB, 811x1049, 1615112306205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is this the easiest short of our generation?
>this bitch is going down and going down hard
>sub $300 easy by eoy
>the market cap is $800B. If you cant figure it out, that's on you

>> No.49261700

Cheers, you the man.

>> No.49261781
File: 1.70 MB, 400x201, 1653443100499.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that shorting tesla is a dumb Idea but not for the same reasons you do. Tesla got lucky and weaseled his way into pay pal which allowed him to generate enough capital to start all these harebrained ideas that never work, ever. Such as the hyper loop which as literally just become "tesla tunnles(tm)" and robotics? Don't make me laugh. The fine people at MIT build real robots and elon faggot homosexual nigger whore musk pays retards to dress up in spandex and dance around like an idiot.

And retards like you believe it and due to the law of the majority most of you are idiots and this bubble will inflate indefinitely because Musk is like a religion to you and you can't actually exist with out him.

Die nigger,

>> No.49262414

kys nigger

>> No.49262429

It's tesla, tard

>> No.49262501


You have seen him land literal reusable rockets from space right?

>> No.49262568

TESLA is the Studebaker of EV vehicles. We haven't seen the Ford yet, whichever company figures out how to make EV cheap will conquer the market

>> No.49262721

>insert cope here about how Musk does not personally make all the rockets, and is just good at acquiring and organizing talent

>> No.49262855

You're a nigger.

>> No.49262924

Tesla and Musk are anti Schwab. Look how they get treated by your (((goverment)))