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49260597 No.49260597 [Reply] [Original]

If I have passive online income is there any reason to NOT live in Thailand?

>> No.49260616

High cost of living compared to some of its neighbors.

>> No.49260727

The whole region is a pump and dump ground for chinese mining equipment or australian pedos.

>> No.49260797

Cambodia/ Vietnam is right next door and they are way better. As a foreigner you will get fucked in Thailand eventually.

>> No.49260885

What are the pros of Thailand? The food is good but my understanding is it's a third world country

>> No.49260917

You have to like seafood and rice it's all they eat

>> No.49260921
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Absolutely no reason at all. Just go.

>> No.49260942

>it's a third world country
So it should be cheap

>> No.49260953
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its definitely not third world dude lol

>> No.49260978

>You will get fucked eventually
Isn't that the point anon

>> No.49261026

>no giant billboards (not worth money advertising to the poor)
>cars are decades old
>pajeet carts

>> No.49261050

im staking $100,000 wMatic<>MaticX on Balancer for 60% APY
is this enough for me to live in Thailand?

>> No.49261325

I stay in Campulung and I stake MATIC-MUST on cometh swap for 27% APY

>> No.49261378

I miss Bangkok. Despite all the traffic and pollution, it was still oddly comfy.

>> No.49261389

As long as he's not a child who cares about aussie pedos.

>> No.49261395

I want to be Marc Faber's neighbour in Thailand


>> No.49261413

3rd world doesn't mean it has to be a shithole, just that the infrastructure and economy aren't at na/eu levels.

>> No.49261436

that seems like the kind of place where the locals will try to fuck you over because they think you're rich

>> No.49261540
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yes but it is still cheap compared to USA and EU.

Thais do not like the Chinese.

Slightly true. You have more rights as a foreigner in Viet.

Wrong. Pork & Chicken.
I know you have never been there.

Based. You know.


Notes: Your going to want to have a Thai with you to arbitrate.
When it comes to buying things ( non retail store purchases), they will always try to fuck a Foreigner.
It is cheap, except for electronics. Somehow the prices are the same as if they were in USA/UK.

The food alone is worth relocating.

>> No.49261897

Honestly primary reason I’m considering Thailand over Vietnam and others is because Thailand has basically already legalized weed. Even if I show up tomorrow it’ll be legal by the end of next month.

Food sounds better than Vietnam and others too.
Phuket looks cozy

>> No.49261932

Is there any reason TO live in an overpriced tranny country.

>> No.49261990

I'm regularly considering leaving the US

>> No.49262085

Yeah but there are probably better places than Sickdick in sweaterland.

>> No.49262104

>Even if I show up tomorrow it’ll be legal by the end of next month.
How do you know?

>> No.49262140
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Yeah, nothing lasts forever. Get a college degree anon.

>> No.49262159

Never move to a place with a town called bang cock.

What are ya, tarded??

>> No.49262166

It is easier to get permanent residence in Vietnam.
But Thailand can also be pretty good for living long-term if you stay in the Expat zones (i.e Pattaya), the medical/dental is far cheaper than in the states.

The Philippines is cheaper and the women are easier.

>> No.49262224

Women so repulsive that the trannies are a more viable option.

>> No.49262699
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Yes on the weed too.
Never been to Phuket.
Not crazy about the ocean ( or the British tourists) I prefer the jungle. T
ake the Golden Triangle Pill.
Get a Thai go go / village girl/ Enjoy the country living for a while.
See the Sea of Green.

All SEAmonkey food good.

Forgot about the medical/dental. Cheap as fuck compared to us. Doxtors are mostly 1st world trained.
But watch out for hospitals in the villages. Sheer Dark Ages and shit.


If you know you know.

Funny how people think.
You mention Thighland and the first thing that comes to these peoples minds is pedophilic tranny cock.
Makes you wonder what daemons these people see when they look in the mirror.

>> No.49263103

Lmao all you have to do is walk 100m from Siam square and youve entered the 3rd world

>> No.49263151

This is the most cherry picked photo I've ever seen on this site.
Also every one agreeing is a faggot, Bangkok is the dirtiest, scummiest place in Thailand.
At least go to koh samui or pai, somewhere half decent.
Only anon in here who makes sense

>> No.49263307

Yes, the reason being that Dubai is better, esp if you’re making 250k+

>> No.49263638

>wanting to live in a nouveau riche desert surrounded by pajeet slaves
Pretty soulless tbqh.

>> No.49263659

SexPat Tourist Detected.
Bet you never left Soi Cowboy Or Kaosan Road.

Dubai is a mirage. If you're not Mussy, YNGMI

>> No.49263702

There is nothing wrong with pedophilia

>> No.49263754

less than $1000 US for typical american middle class lifestyle

>> No.49263779

i just checked the average living cost there and looks like i can do that unironically. HBAR has 45% APY on Stader so i should be living there comfortably
this also isnt taking into consideration that DeFi on Hedera will only get juicier with HBAR foundation’s $155 million DeFi development fund

>> No.49263959
File: 118 KB, 814x630, PERFECT SMILE at 50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UK detected.

per month. yes. you'd be HiSo.

And you can own monke
pic unrel

>> No.49264065

I was going to move there but phuket

>> No.49264248

I was considering SEA up until the plandemic. They dropped the mask and went full psycho tyrannical. LatAm did a little better, especially Mexico and EE was the only region to this day that really did not get tricked and/or go ape shit, probably because they just came out of communism and are the highest IQ and most huwhite-like out of the three, so I'm probably going there now.

>> No.49264351

kys vitalik

>> No.49264369

You just want to fuck trannies with extra steps

>> No.49264401

At least they are cute and feminine

It's just the ugly leftist trannies that we hate

>> No.49264429


>> No.49265124

>they have lights and a few cars so its not a shithole

>> No.49265131

Yeah, you are not a jungle monkey.

>> No.49265145

it's really hot and humid. I hate having sweaty balls desu

>> No.49265150

Kys you fucking tranny pedo freak

>> No.49265181

I'm literally going next month

>> No.49265350

would rather earn passively on decent gems like Sylo and live in the west.

>> No.49265486

Hot as fuck and asian girls are ugly.

>> No.49265492

The native girls will clean them orally

>> No.49265573

Thai women are ugly as sin

Koreans and northern Chinese are pretty hot