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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49260218 No.49260218 [Reply] [Original]

>inb4 source
>inb4 fake and gay

>> No.49260232
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fake and gay

>> No.49260275

t. senior executive here
like to scroll /biz/ to get a feel of what the retards and retail goy are doing

>> No.49260282

huge if true

>> No.49260300

So buy gold?

>> No.49260338

nothing will survive this nuke

>> No.49260371

i never do this stuff but

if dubs it's real

>> No.49260396

The government has been mining asteroids and dumping on your ass for years. Military and NASA tech is ahead of consumer tech by decades thanks to AI.

>> No.49260407

meds. now.

>> No.49260416


Profit billions every year.
Own the markets.
Fed and central bank backing bailouts.
Stop larping Raj

>> No.49260439

Ok OP, how can I profit from this?

>> No.49260520

buy yuan and ruble

>> No.49260567

>nothing will survive
>yuan and ruble

>> No.49260579

It takes 10 seconds to look up JPM's Q1 results to see that they had over $8 billion in profit.

>> No.49260586

Theres no fucking way. Its literally way too big to fail.

>> No.49260629
File: 41 KB, 1280x720, nasaairforce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok just ignore what they are openly showing off to the world their capabilities. Don't question what this could do for space mining it's not happening even though they've been spotted descending and ascending over and over like they are transporting something. And the precious metals has been suppressed by some inisible market force like there's more supply than we are mining. Weird how they are so much fudding of crypto too. Don't think about it you fucking retard slave.

>> No.49260651

Not saying op isn't a larping faggot, but why would that make a difference. They just collude w/ us gov and 'oops we lost all that somewhere mumble mumble, nothing left'.

>> No.49260677

Who's this Al guy I keep reading about? Seems like he's some kind of genius contributing to all kinds of things

>> No.49260710

Shineburg stumbles into the room, out of breath
>"Why the fuck did you activate the FED siren, boss? Why are you phoning Bloomberg?"
Bernstine looks at Shineburg with a hollow trillion dollar stare
>"Somebody created an unsolicited, unsourced 4chan thread about the bankruptcy tomorrow. We're trying to figure out who the FUCK leaked!"
Shineburg's face instantly shrivels; too fast for the skindisguise to adjust to the repile's realization.
His foam-like nose splits down the middle, revealing shimmering dark-green scales underneath with no blood or sign of a wound.
>"But our plan was foolproof... nobody could of known except the..."
The realization dawns on their faces.
The senior executive.
Tomorrow, he would suffer an unfortunate family murder-suicide.

Somewhere tomorrow, a random shitposter completely making shit up on /biz/ with no rhyme or reason will watch the news and witness the complete and utter unraveling of JP Morgan, thinking to himself

>> No.49260773

shoulda let those fuckers, goldman, and the rest go down the first time instead of hatchetting Lehman brothers as a sacrifice to the money gods.

>> No.49260834
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My dad works for Nintendo, and he said BTC will be $69k tomorrow too.

>> No.49260881


Why the fuck would mining asteroids be a need of any type?

That’s like inviting 100 hookers over and only ever seeing 50 of them and 50 are just somewhere in your mansion and you didn’t even know they came over.

Just absurd.

>> No.49260959

Precious minerals that are otherwise rare on earth. Asteroids are full of gold, platinum, and other metals that make them worth the cost to mine. Those precious metals have practical usages in technology.

>> No.49260973


Al Borland

>> No.49261052


If they can fly with such a craft, then they can replicate… hence can replicate those metals.

Otherwise your comment is formally declaring the technology somewhat exists to fly anti grav but isn’t yet powerful enough or AI/ML isn’t good/fast enough to position molecules for replication via frequency.

So it’s either or.

>> No.49261685

Kek I really hope this happens

>> No.49261750
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>> No.49261813

Hmmm probably why that picture a year ago JP Morgan on it.

Maybe real

>> No.49262196

I've seen it on the moon rover, they use a baseball glove to just fucking catch asteroids bro and when it swings in recoil the force erects an American flag which blows in the wind.

>> No.49262245


Fake. Precious metals would skyrocket and we can't have that, can we?

>> No.49262264

>what is another bailout
Fuck off op