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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 509 KB, 1080x1611, Screenshot_2022-05-30_152725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49256478 No.49256478 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto bros I don't feel so good...

>> No.49256537

Women belong in the kitchen

>> No.49256552


>> No.49256554

whats with women and blogs

>> No.49256555

I don't know who this is and her first piece was on the alt right lmao, why should I care?

>> No.49256572

Built for bbc

>> No.49256645

this is why I don't hate onlyfans whores and actual prostitutes, they tend to their needs and stay away from important subjects and leave it to men. Roastie in pic related is dedicating her shitty life for ruining things men enjoy. I hope she dies horribly.

>> No.49256672

Her hairline is worse than mine

>> No.49256674

retarded woman, if she understood crypto she would see the good it can cause, but instead she is just another jewish puppet.
She definitely drinks starbucks and only uses apple products.

>> No.49256679

>A hole's point of view on anything ever
sheiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit nigger where's the trash can WHO THE FUCK PUT IT IN ANOTHER PLACE

>> No.49256684

>apple products
of fucking course lol, look the OP pic

>> No.49256690

Massive bull signal, holy fuck.

>> No.49256702

i hate women

>> No.49256705

yep, bottom's in

>> No.49256716

Her thing is literally just cataloging scams, rugpulls, bugs, etc. She doesn't add any flavor or opinions, just literally writes what happens.

>> No.49256731

>much love from kazakhstan

>> No.49256734

>scams, rugpulls, bugs
>failure of cryptocurrency industry
Oh so I guess because there a lot of pajeets that must mean that the industry is a failure, nice logic there

>> No.49256735

that's a man, anon.

>> No.49256737

It's the bear. Relax. I hear the market is recovering. Just try to save up to buy into your gems before they pump just as I am trying to add up on my PINK holdings here

>> No.49256739

>referring to yourself in the third person while sitting in an empty room
I may have lost 150k in unrealized gains in the last few months but somehow it looks like my mental health is holding up better than hers

>> No.49256752
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>"software engineer"

I guarantee she's never coded a line in her life.

>> No.49256753

leftist piece of shit

>> No.49256762

Classic women.
Women: Crypto is stupid and terrible.
Men: Okay, how do you suggest we fix it?
Women: ... You need to figure it out.

>> No.49256766


>> No.49256771

back to /pol/ racist

>> No.49256777

She at no point claims that crypto is "le epic evil bad guy just like thanos", all she does is report the facts on the ground, if you think that makes crypto looks bad then that's a crypto problem.

>> No.49256779

>catalogs all the bad
>she doesn't write opinions bro
passive aggressive bias is the same thing

>> No.49256794

its a niggerjeet problem lad

>> No.49256796
File: 172 KB, 1282x686, ftfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women are griefers and not visionaries big surprise

>> No.49256805

sorry bud, nobody is your bro
that's the whole point of ditching trust

>> No.49256810

Is she really referring to herself in the 3rd person?

>> No.49256818

She literally writes "failure of crypto industry" in her twit, and I dont care if thats part of the article fucking nigger

>> No.49256824

you might be making jokes but normies don't like crypto and they will not like crypto till next time they decide to buy the top. same thing happened in 2018. It's literally over pack it up

>> No.49256826

I want to see what software she has engineered lately

>> No.49256838

also see >>49256779

>> No.49256842

that's a man with plastic boobs anon.

>> No.49256861

Yeah and the state auditor's job is to produce report on how fucked agency's are, that doesn't mean they're anti-government or whatever the fuck

There's a difference between this is a failure of the industry and the industry is a failure, look at the example above

>> No.49256870

Fitting room and Apple product for a equally soulless roastie.

>> No.49256871

>There's a difference between this is a failure of the industry and the industry is a failure, look at the example above
okay, youre right, Im retarded and I cant read lol

>> No.49256879
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>28 year old
White women were a mistake

>> No.49256894
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How can you even refute this? It's common knowledge that crypto is full of scams, pump and dumps, and bad faith actors. She's just showing the world the dangers of it, /biz/ can't even refute it aside from personal attacks. Pretty pathetic desu.

>> No.49256913

It's funny because she's not a technically skilled webdev at all lol this is all super simple shit you could learn how to do in months. I don't think shes qualified at all to diss crypto, but thats not really what shes doing, she's just bringing attention to the scams and failures of crypto

>> No.49256935


>wants someday

>> No.49256939

>Highly passive aggressive "web3isgreat" name
I think this shows the maturity level and desired effect she's going for. Another vanity project.

>> No.49256978
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She's 28 and we're supposed to be celebrating her "achievements"

>> No.49257019

Nobody gives a shit what womyn thing

>> No.49257079

software engineer
probably pasting frontend html templates, omg lol look at her username

>> No.49257447

Mutts law

>> No.49257471

>leftie white woman
unironically less likely to date black guys than conservative white women

>> No.49257473

Does she have an onlyfans?

>> No.49257481

you sure about that

>> No.49257488

on no not the tranny's criticisms

>> No.49257513

this thread is a good example of why feminism is still desperately needed

>> No.49257527
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>Software engineer
>known for blogging about the alt right and now crypto
Sounds like an amazing and successful software engineer.

>> No.49257557

where do you think you are?

>> No.49257598

That's it. Crypto is finished

>> No.49257605

Not this FUD from this literal nobody again

>> No.49257607

Now now lets give credit where credit is due. She did just enough to get that peace of paper framed in mahogany that now hangs on her home office wall.

>> No.49257609


>> No.49257610

Opinion discarded

>> No.49257612

>talks about herself in 3rd person
Mental illness detected , opinion discarded

>> No.49257643

women are self-righteous and think they are more interesting then they are. couple this with simps acting very interested in whatever they have to say in the hopes of getting easy pussy and this creates a habit of women thinking they're valuable. it then seems logical that a blog would attract heaps of attention.

if you're curious, google women going into horrible debt over trying to become instagram famous and then being shocked at how no one is following them.

>> No.49257652

All women belong to me

>> No.49257655

Women hate coding. They get the software engineering degree because they want a stem degree, after that they ditch science. I feel bad for making my sister study computer science, she often insults me whenever we discuss her career.

>> No.49257670
File: 342 KB, 828x1232, 21DE5896-AD51-494C-B359-1071F0AAAC9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smelly cunt or frothy virgin?

>> No.49257700
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>peace of paper
uh oh, looks like someone doesn't have that framed sheet of paper

>> No.49257713


Never saw a liberal/leftist white woman with a black bf. When they date outside of whites, they tend to go for Asian guys. I know a few Christian couples who are BMWF, and one even had a Trump flag on their house back in the last election. I think they care more about religion than race.

>> No.49257736

>like omg I’m like shocked like seriously
I can imagine
then again, men are to blame ultimately

>> No.49257747

What’s her name? I forgot

>> No.49257761

>couple this with simps acting very interested in whatever they have to say in the hopes of getting easy pussy and this creates a habit of women thinking they're valuable.

But that also makes them incredibly easy to manipulate if they find you attractive and you act like your not really interested in them. Or you can get them to find you attractive and do the same. Most woman that want a particular guy have no idea how to handle that guy that acts like he doesn't need her. It drives them crazy.

>> No.49257778

right and that’s because those anecdotal “Christian” couples are actually just perverted normies
liberal women literally give up their bodies for (((diversity))) it’s a sacrament of their religion

>> No.49257780
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>> No.49257838

remember that chick that they held up for coding shit to take a photo of a blackhole, then it came out she did fuck all compared to her peers

same team

>> No.49257864
File: 309 KB, 1360x1191, 1610594277924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol is that way ----------->

>> No.49257927

Chill desu, most white women regardless of politics are with white guys. All I am saying is that in my observation the only BMWF couples I see have been conservative ones.

>> No.49257930
File: 125 KB, 510x1024, 8B36E8CF-70F0-40FB-A39F-8AA6D41C93AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oy vey there can’t be nominal Christian people who are just culturally Christian but in secret are perverted / homo / morally wicked
you should be familiar with this concept, kike, as I’m sure you are
>le muh /pool/ calling card
kek you have no power here

Short women.

>> No.49257947

I’ve only ever seen the opposite by a huge margin fren

>> No.49257989

Most webdevs and a large proportion of "software engineeers" are a similar joke just with the amount of garbage output multiplied by a few times.

>> No.49258045

I'm a nocoiner Wikipedian aligned with like all of her values myself but goddamn do I hate this whore. I guess I'm just jealous. GW, if you're reading this, I'm sorry, but I hope you get raped and die.

>> No.49258263

>woman simply documents all of the scams and exploits in crypto
>makes /biz/ seethe for some reason

I don't get it. None of her articles seem to be untrue, and it's not even wrong to assume that crypto is prevalent with a lot of scams and inexperienced compsci dropouts in charge of billions of TVL. Why are you guys so mad?

>> No.49258289

I use apple products because they are for chads
>imagine using a Samsung

>> No.49258340

All these fucks are going to hell for bullying and ruining her redemption arc.

>> No.49258363


>highly partisan, STEM fraud & Jewess is paid money to blog about men, white people and crypto being responsible for the world's ills.

Did you even read the thread?

>> No.49258368

That’s not a white woman

>> No.49258389

She wouldn't be half as successful if crypto wasn't the laughing stock of fintech.

>> No.49258463

anon that’s a witch…

>> No.49258504

midwit syndrome
can't make it as a programmer or writer
so they become "journalist" or blogger

like these "artist" who end drawing animal porn on internet

>> No.49258688 [DELETED] 

Web3 is the future and Utrust is the web3 crypto payment solution. Having more than 10k merchants atm.

>> No.49258698

can we get a cum tribute, dudes?

>> No.49258726

she's cute

>> No.49258762

his cuck fantasies

>> No.49258764


>> No.49258785

huh, what, who?

>> No.49258797


>> No.49258828
File: 436 KB, 975x573, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sides are in orbit

>> No.49258839

i learned to program in 2 years, fuck that cunt

>> No.49258888

she is boring as fuck.

>> No.49258932

this but unironically

>> No.49258951

I p much agree, see a few in church

>> No.49258956
File: 18 KB, 400x400, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't stacy fuck chad and leave us alone, bros?

>> No.49259008

It’s an easy way for them to gain power, influence and attention without any credible skills , crypto nerds(mostly men)/ tech companies in general fear a woman writing bad things about them for multiple reasons. A lot due to their crippled self esteem, crypto in general will get alot more of these women coming in to leech value while providing none, it’s mostly men so even this 5 will stand out

>> No.49259034

>This is what itoddlers unironically believe.

>> No.49259065


>> No.49259093

The furry porn is at least an income stream, nobodys paying this woman to blog about anything.

>> No.49259099

Only when cooking otherwise they should be stored in a cage

>> No.49259175
File: 176 KB, 736x962, 1650913356264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a faggot, go back.

>> No.49259199

>no short hair

>> No.49259213

is basically the people who make models for the metaverse

>> No.49259272

who the fuck is still interested in that? literally any NFT that exists there is still not profitable

>> No.49259328

>refers to themself in the third person
>only piece of furniture is a rolling stool
weird flex but okay, shit thread btw

>> No.49259341

women are NFTS, they are to be admired or sold.

>> No.49259400

Ok anons I'm going to buy web2 is going great. Topics will include
>Twitter crashing and burning
>Meta trying to pivot into VR and horrifically failing
>Dropbox recruiters not hiring white males
And many more

>> No.49259437
File: 26 KB, 512x512, 1652132659264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women are NFTS
>second life
or to play with them, imagine being able to fuck a nft woman in the metaverse, Lovelace I think it helps with that kind of thing, especially if it's in the metaverse

I just need a vr headset and a cock squeezer

>> No.49259452

Then see to it that you play Cometh just for fun and get paid for it also

>> No.49259523

Whitebros, I don't feel so good. This mastermind just eviscerated us.

>> No.49259542

What sort of game is that good that would really be played for fun sake

>> No.49259566

Because the industry is growing to the point where banks are working on tools to access the industry and governments and other financial institutions are looking to integrate the innovations in their work flow.

Those kinds of sites that only laserfocus on scams condition Normies to think crypto is purely a scam and is overall not healthy for the industry.

>> No.49259604

Cometh a battleship game that involves the use of ships alongside cards. It is quite entertaining to play

>> No.49259606

>> 49256752

Based Carmack

>> No.49259609

You should see how much they seethe when females get into crypto.

>> No.49260050


Spent 5 years getting a CS degree and now using java to pick up this bit of data here n put it over der because dey sed so. When she's not talking to a HTML/CSS UI layout frontend designer about the new christmas theme snow theme sprite should look she's opening tickets to SQL engineers asking why nothing she seems to do works the way it should and if they could look into it for her that'd be great. Or she is chasin up her desktop support tickets about when they plan on integrating her Mac into Active Directory and plan on giving her mac access to the network fileshares because she needs the mac for her disability and refuses to accept a company ideapad.

Most of the time these days she is tasked with creating powerpoints that explain to their end user (some customer service callcentre agent who deals with throwaway fashion and homeware returns) how to search the return postage shipping in the website backend and create a label without having a nervous breakdown and causing unneccessary helpdesk tickets or accidentally creating a shipping label 100 times and getting the company billed $1k for processing a single return of someone trying to return a pack of x100 pumpkin spice tealight candles... But most of the time her handywork is simply pulled into a network folder no one looks at and maybe 8pdfs of the 400 documents she's produced the past 2 years are regularly used as attachments into template emails for pajeet on helpdesk to repeatedly email out as part of a new starter pack to every new callcentre agent in a job with a 8 month employee burn rate.

>> No.49260588

Found the city slicker

>> No.49260780

kek nice daytime emmy speech faggot

>> No.49260995

literal useless whore.

>> No.49262150
File: 7 KB, 310x162, Skejfdjvev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't know everything about crypto like a boomer finding their way to cope up with this shit. Web3 is ain't much to her but DEX aggregators like 1inch and upcoming one Dot Finance are standing on top soon bruh.

>> No.49262541

Hodl to earn is rising mofo, this bitch ain't nothing about crypto at all. She just spits garbage not knowing that Teneo governance model is about to launch and could add up tokens like AVAX DOT and possibly SOL. Kek.

>> No.49262756
File: 29 KB, 650x366, 2ce06844e438ab9b3466004adc9e5db1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she was on four corners last night, which is investigation journalism funded by the australian government

i cant remember where abouts she is properly introduced in the episode, but she is throughout it spamming lots of FUD


>> No.49262759

It's a shitty, shitty resume, unreadable. I tried going to linked in to see if it looked any better there and it really doesn't (other than how her text gets cut off which is an improvement). I can't read two sentences of it without falling asleep. You'd think someone who has no actual skills other than being a whore and writing shitty articles would at least have the sense and incredibly basic ability to get her resume readable and some way respectable. .

>> No.49263400

why do white women age like dog shit?

>> No.49264071

why is crypto the new political buzzword like "alt-right"? It has nothing to do with these people but they want to like, fight it or something.

All her blog is doing is making sure people stay poor by thinking markets are evil but I wouldn't expect some oppertunistic cunt with a posh software engineer job to care

>> No.49264157

post the original of that pic please

>> No.49264253

Gotta love how everyone is an "engineer" now, like how everyone was a "manager" in the 90s.
We renamed the trashman to waste disposal manager.
So pick up a caliper or a torque wrench and show me your engineering skills, bitch.

>> No.49264490

link to that comment section pls

>> No.49264796
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>> No.49264805

Does Ezra Levant fund her too?

>> No.49264812

Because women don't control it.

Women are the real kikes

>> No.49264832
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She's so qt bros...

>> No.49264867
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>left-wing moralism/ethicism will defeat financial schemes
WEFaggotry if anything. I'm sure if she went after the Federal Reserve, the SEC, every major private American banking institution, she'd be marginalized as an antagonizing bitch. So safe, so XYZ.

>> No.49264880

she can document my dick, lmao

>> No.49264907

kek this
i think she might be autistic? how does she now understand the basic rule of keeping a resume brief? it is full of lengthy meaningless words and after reading half of it i still have no idea what she does.

>> No.49265144

Lul the video is already taken off YouTube and her channel disappeared, she couldn't handle the trolling. Poor woman won't ever be able to be taken seriously after that foul video, I cri evry tiem

>> No.49265302

Because trading crypto and paying with crypto means peer-to-peer trading where no middlemen are involved (banks), and purely thinking about trading freely without paying fees to banks is an evil thought in the eyes of the (((system))) and must be eliminated.
If you use crypto and bypass banking fees, you are an evil individual who shall burn on the stake for heresy.

>> No.49265381

i skimmed through this, well produced documentary
but you can tell if this is what the mainstream are being told about crypto, then we are still very early.
crypto is still being portrayed extremely negatively.

>> No.49265447

Every feminist has a blog to vent about how much white men are evil for not letting her dress like a whore.

Last time i checked their definition od "redpill" it was "a conspiracy made up by white males about women controlling the world".

>> No.49265514

>Women ride the wave (cock) while somethings on the way up and bash it while on the way down
Gee what else is new? Water is wet??? Never!

>> No.49265519

Birds can fly.

>> No.49265537

Built for BTC

>> No.49265586

The battle mode is actually the best of it all. Cometh has a series of card decks and this deck is just a great part of the fun

>> No.49265711

>I guess I'm just jealous
Jealous of what exactly. You need to get a rape too.

>> No.49265773


>> No.49265847
File: 205 KB, 681x1265, moll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What do you mean anon? she makes html pages and a python program that replaces words in a string with paired zany words to make funny lolsorandom headlines.


>> No.49265903

Chudcels obliterated by the power of female engineering.
I will never recover from this bro...

>> No.49265936

This is it, mane.

>> No.49265956

Also these. If you guys are zoomers I'm proud of you all. Zoomers are the single most red pilled generation when it comes to women regardless of all of the other shit you guys gets from Millennials and Boomers

>> No.49266027
File: 324 KB, 1024x768, E4F7AC13-66D8-40D1-B780-60F39C7FB091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49266068

hey man keep blogs out of it ok

>> No.49266078

You definitely just hate wanked to the OP pic.

>> No.49266102

Low IQ and delusion

>> No.49266370

her program would turn the string "witnesses say the car driver was using his cellphone" into "these dudes i know say the cat driver was using his Pokedex". holy shit, its genius. make her tech lead immediately.

>> No.49266437

This is actually based, it's calling shitcoins and rugpulls for what they are, cancer in crypto space

Web3 bullshit is what ACTUALLY killed this bullrun, 85 IQ niggers were pumping billions into random drawings leaving promising projects and ideas in the back seat.
Web3 is a jewish scam to kill crypto.

>> No.49266487

THAT'S a jew

>> No.49266495

What APY do you get staking Pink in Dot finance? I get 79% APY running liquidity mining and staking program on uniswap for Sylo.

>> No.49266499

Obviously you needed a female to tell you this after years of rugpulls. Tell me more, do we need wymen telling us how water is wet?

>> No.49266535

I don't need anyone to tell me this, for me it's been clear from the start. But there's retards still pouring money into these scams to this day, so yeah good luck

>> No.49266555

>third person self promotion
i hate wom*n

>> No.49266615

>Web3 is going just great
...and is definitely not an enormous grift that's pouring lighter fluid on our already-smoldering planet.

I'm willing to bet that the server farms for dating apps and hair dryers use more power than crypto

>> No.49266636

Molly White grew up on the Internet. As a preteen, she began writing and editing Wikipedia pages, first for bands she liked, and then to document unsung women scientists. During the Trump presidency, her interests shifted to right-wing Internet movements and domestic extremism: She edited articles on the brutal online attacks on women gamers and journalists, which came to be known as “GamerGate,” and the “boogaloo" militia movement. In the past 15 years, White’s racked up more than 100,000 edits and served on the organization’s arbitration committee, the high court that settles disputes on the site

>> No.49267211


>> No.49267519

if you write an opinion well enough it can seem like truth to your followers.

>> No.49267589

Yeah, it's a jew.

>> No.49267598

Nothing wrong with that

>> No.49267679
File: 285 KB, 1024x683, The Collapse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unsung women scientists

>> No.49267713

>she's coming for crypto
she's just rephrasing what men have said before her

>> No.49267775

women mentality
>nuh uh you're the responsible one im a princess
Can't both sexes just take responsibility for their own shit and stop blaming each other like children
This is very true, my gf gets mad constantly because she'll relay utter drivvle and expect me to be "oh wowzers!" any kind of criticism or analysis is abusive misogynistic behaviour. Looking forward to single life
But fuck it, people put way too much emphasis on one another, everyone is a stupid cunt somehow

>> No.49268102

Is she literally referring to herself in 3rd person to appear more important?

>> No.49268161

Women are children and will never take responsibility for anything

>> No.49268318

actually a good blog, thanks anon

>> No.49268330


>> No.49268380

Wow... and they say women can't code

>> No.49268423

Kys misogynist POS

>> No.49268521


>> No.49268706

Months? Could make all of that in 1 week lol

>> No.49268707

>First she documented the alt-right
Oh ffs

>> No.49268758

blogs are ancient history
if this bitch wants attention she'd best be on insta or tiktok

>> No.49268892

we have Rekt news for that, no need for stupid woman

>> No.49268992

>whats with women and blogs
excuse me sir! how dare you. "software dev"

my relatives wife is like this, claims to have been working from early teen and to have studied comp. sci. producing digital content. what that translates to is she wrote a game review for a blog in her teens. emphasis on A, as in, one. this is literally what girls consider "digital skills".

for anyone that's curious, it appears molly is from surrey. which is quite a posh rich area near london that is being whyt flighted to from london. the jeets have also noticed that and began moving there instead.

>> No.49269017

>She doesn't add any flavor or opinions, just literally writes what happens.
Welcome to journalism

>> No.49269086

>I want to see what software she has engineered lately
fuck that, ill take -any- actual code effort, ever. since she's referring to herself as 'software dev'. let's set the bar realistically low and see if she can even pass that.

>> No.49269133


>> No.49269387

There are still people falling for robodialling, nigerian princes, roof repair and sweepstakes scams you faggot.
There always will be too because society selects for dysgenic retards.

>> No.49271051

If I ever met her, I'd remind her of that little spat she had with daddy. No one should ever let her live it down. Ever.

>> No.49271434

This is why scammers have a social function; removing retards from society. Unfortunately mommy State has to protect these low-IQ faggots.

>> No.49271563

>Pretend to be woman
>Create travel blog and cope blog for women past 30 who are single
>Get paid $2800 a month kind of passively

It really is that easy.

>> No.49272194

How are you going to monetize it?

>> No.49272211

Isn't Web3 on crypto, Molly? I'm sure you haven't seen projects like Deip networks which allows bloggers tokenize their IPs on blockchain and mr4822arket them as well.

>> No.49272270

Very easy through Web3 creator economy protocols. Especially those that specializes on tokenization/monetization of intangibles...

>> No.49272290

shalom moshe

>> No.49272315


>> No.49272636

Why do these articles focus on her age?
She's 28 ... an adult by any measure.
It's not like she's a child or a teenager accomplishing something remarkable or above expectations.

It's like they expect me to be impressed:
>Wow, and she's ONLY 28 years old and ALREADY writing unpublished op-ed "articles" on her website? AMAZING!

>> No.49272786


>> No.49273112 [DELETED] 

>I think they care more about religion than race.

>> No.49273177


That’s a man

>> No.49273379
File: 1.94 MB, 480x300, 1650451604312.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49273409

I think that some people just make up their mind on it, and do anything to defend their stance that it's bad and will fail or that it's a godsend and the future of fintech. Whatever you think of all this, there is a lot of confirmation bias all over the internet for everyone to avoid thinking critically about something that is new.

>> No.49273579

>that pic
Never thought I'd feel nostalgia for crt screens and nin. Even the horrible cables and the cruddy carpet are right on.