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49252786 No.49252786 [Reply] [Original]

Why is ruble so strong?

>> No.49252802

Russia has stopped accepting Euro for gas payments.

>> No.49252844
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domestic russian propaganda is cringe af.

>> No.49252845

He pumpin' (pun intended).

>> No.49252910

>literally worth less than a US zinc penny
US toilet paper is worth more than rubles

>> No.49252927

The entire civilized world is laughing at Shartmerica.

>> No.49252930

capital controls like russian businesses are forced by the government to convert their profits in rubles. and restrictions on foreign investors selling. plus forcing europe to prepay for gas in rubles, and russian imports being stopped, so less ruble outflowing. so in the short term it has fake retard-stength

>> No.49253042

because russia is "invading" ukraine on western orders to drive up commodity prices and you give rewards to people that do what you want, not punishment.

>> No.49253422

technically no, practically no. The russians seem to rebuild their currency reserve that were frozen and effective stolen by the west

>> No.49253453

Hes using a weapon and attacked an unarmed currency? What a douch.

>> No.49253891

How much money was actually seized/frozen? Any estimates?
If Russia "defaults", who will then try to win the money in court?

>> No.49253991
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imagine getting mogged by ruskies lmao america is so cucked

>> No.49254979

300 Billion. 30 Billion by the europeans.
US and European pension funds and other institutional investors currently suing the government for damages

>> No.49255344

It's cringe when people call this shit "propaganda". If you saw the same thing in NYC, would you call it American Propaganda? Its just some randos having fun

>> No.49255432
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because there is a strong leader behind it

>> No.49255491
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>Nancy Pelosi's asswipe
>Worth anything

Lmao, no. I'll take a currency backed by commodities, materials, gold, oil and a government with almost no debt over that ZOG shit.

>> No.49255654

based, this is why I keep coming here.

>> No.49255700

It's all whale games, didn't you get the memo?

>> No.49255735

seethe nato cuck

>> No.49255750
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Go to bed vladmir

>> No.49255772

Toilet paper is worth more than the dollar as well

>> No.49255785

I feel like USA is the laughing stock of the world right now

>> No.49255810

>are forced by the government to convert their profits in rubles
What the fuck is this retarded take

>> No.49255812

>If you saw the same thing in NYC, would you call it American Propaganda
yes. but it's hard to imagine that this would happen on a government controlled tv channel.

>> No.49255843

Check the volume

>> No.49255862
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>government controlled tv channel
>In the corner it says "Bandit Center EKB"

I swear to fuck Americans are losing their mind
They don't even know what straws to grasp at anymore

>> No.49255916

putin controls every narrative in your shithole, ivan. enjoy poverty and isolation and don't forget to suck every chinese cock you're gonna see in future.

>> No.49255960

Do you know what "capital controls" are?
In this case Russians were banned from moving money abroad, so for Russian companies to continue to operate they have to ignore currency shock risks and report all their income in rubles.

>> No.49256015
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>Putin controls every narrative in your shithole
The Russian government literally encourages pirating software, I have more access to information than you do

>> No.49256100
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>In this case Russians were banned from moving money abroad
No they weren't?

It's hard to move money abroad because everything uses Swift and western companies simply refuse to work with anybody who use Russian Ip's, like even Amazon considers anyone from the DPR a person-nongrata like they're from North Korea
I can take any amount of rubles I want and trade it for yuan at any point, fuck I can ever trade it in dollars, I get paid in dollars in anyways

>so for Russian companies to continue to operate they have to ignore currency shock risks and report all their income in rubles.
You're just making shit up now
Half of Russia's economy can't even be accounted for
Most Russians don't even pay taxes

>> No.49256178

>when the only official ally against mutts and kikes is a bunch of controlled opposition retarded sandniggers

>> No.49256559
File: 68 KB, 1080x1296, RDT_20220530_1400121403224692895325038~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Decline of the US neoliberal oil hegemony. Years of severe over-extensions of the US military and financial machine in order to protect this hegemony have weakened the USAs flexibility in the current geopolitical situation.

2. The rise of peer or neer-peer economic and military rivals disrupting the unipolarity of the last 30 years. China and Russia tightening in relations has particularly tipped the scale of power in the direction of the East.

3. Emergence of new technologies and multipolar trade deals disrupting the financial instruments used to maintain American dominance. As the U.S. dollar is removed from foreign reserves, inflation will worsen, and other currencies will strengthen. Perhaps we will even see movements towards new trade systems where "weak" and "strong" currencies are no longer factored (the recent rupees for roubles trade deal between India and Russia is a sneak preview of this future).

4. Neoliberal ideologues severely underestimated the size, diversity, and geopolitical importance of the Russian economy. The sanctions have spectacularly backfired on the West as a result, since Russian oil, gas, fertilizer and wheat are still critical for much of the world.

5. The de-industrialization of the West since the 1970s is finally coming back to haunt them. The West quite literally moved their means of production overseas, and are now shaping up to be a paper tiger in real economic terms. All of the economic might of the West comes from trade arrangements and financial systems now. As climate change worsens this paper power will become completely meaningless, especially as the East develops their own alternatives to systems such as SWIFT.

The rouble is strong because we're experiencing a global re-alignment, we are entering a multipolar world where there will be multiple great powers (China, India, Russia, Brazil, Turkey, and others) with their own political interests that may conflict or coincide with one another.

The world has changed.

>> No.49256595


>> No.49256612

Well since it worked so well for Russia why don't we sanction every country in this world? Then we all can make big profit

>> No.49256613
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Uhmmmm... Why are those people smiling? Did they forget we banned hollywood movies and pornhub from reaching their country? What a silly propaganda piece.

>> No.49258575

Russia looks so much better than the average life in America under biden it's not even funny.

>> No.49258592

shut up idiot
>We have so many narratives in America!

>> No.49258600
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>> No.49258602

Any book recommendations?

>> No.49258614

Yes because in russia randos dont just have fun dancing around as a USD mascot because that would get you imprisoned regardless of context.

>> No.49258615


>> No.49258634

Kek, Russia looks comfy as fuck