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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 114 KB, 993x640, Bitcoin Shuttle to 100K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4922959 No.4922959 [Reply] [Original]

Buyback Happening.

>> No.4922976

nah not yet

>> No.4922982

Who here all in alts, all in btc or diversified?

>> No.4923039
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Red Lips standing by.

>> No.4923049

% wise
50 btc
40 alts
10 Link

>> No.4923060


>> No.4923080

Better check bithumb, friend. Habbending confirmed.

>> No.4923081
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I honestly feel sad for anyone that holds Link at this point

>> No.4923108

buy back alts on Monday night after everyone realizes futures don't do anything to bitcoins price.

>> No.4923127

LTC is gonna slowly bleed a little if The Buyback gets wild. especially after my LTC pump to $159 yesterday.

>> No.4923144

>decals on wing backwards
Is this so they look right in rear view mirrors?

>> No.4923159

We have main engine ignition.

>> No.4923180
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also redrum standing by! Although the futures action or inaction isn't for another 24 hours

>> No.4923189

Very observant. It does mean something, but only to certain individuals.

>> No.4923226

A Contact in Sork said they want a big pump before then. Don't have info yet on how high, or if there will be another dip at the top. Will keep you posted as I get it.

>> No.4923311

Opaque is the future at the edge, my friend. What;s second most important is dry powder. And a towel

>> No.4923328

Getting from them 16K is the target, they will decide if they want to go further on the way.

>> No.4923366

Buyback will be around high 1300s, unless there is a panic sell and a comfy buy bounce. .

>> No.4923376
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Dry powder, always. And the modern marvel of Tampex with which to plug your bullet wounds. There was a time we had to use gun cleaning plugs.

>> No.4923393


TG - reporting for duty.

>> No.4923440

Ummm, Might wanna check bithumb like the Red Lipped Lady said. It just shot up 1K in a matter of minutes.

>> No.4923445
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>my ltc pump

>> No.4923449

ofbt: where is the battlefield? currently overwatching at bitstamp. Over.

>> No.4923461

Question OP, if Bitcoin were to shoot up due to futures, what would be fastest way to cash out and lock in those gains? I’m thinking buy litecoin and sell on coinbase, but there’s a decent chance coinbase will be down. So what to do?

>> No.4923478

Greetings TG. Sorry I didn't get back with you last night via email as promised. I got caught up with an LTC pump. My whiskers just started twitching over the coin, so I knew the brush of a butterflys wing could send it parabolic. So I brushed it.

>> No.4923491

I am pretty new to cryptos. Does this mean that the BTC will fall soon and people will buy back once it reaches bottom price, and afterwards it goes up again?

>> No.4923512

Yeah, you started it, I kicked it in the ass, congratulations. But you gotta admit, it was kinda bouncing hard on the landing gear on the takeoff.

>> No.4923529

Buy physical gold with bitcoin.

>> No.4923564

That makes the next strongest support line at 13585. People are selling right now and it will continue to dip. When it hits that lower support line, people will panic and sell off. Since the buyers are still in the market, they will pick it up when its cheaper. Unless some schlomo decides to up the ante and stay a massive buying right now, it will dip.

>> No.4923574

Bitstamp action heavy. Enemy in the wire. Communication garbled. Fog of War. Bithumb has better Command and Control atm.

>> No.4923598


Hello, I'm Sclomo, how are you?

>> No.4923610

Thats what my coworker does

>> No.4923612


Thanks for that. I rode that wave a bit last night and it turned out well.

But I've been waiting for this BTC pump to kick in. Where the real money is

>> No.4923807

Yeah, Koreans promised 16K so far. But stay by your keyboard. They helped me pump BTG 50% one night, and flipped on me the next a couple of weeks ago. I warned everyone to bail in time to only be down 4% in something we made 50% on the night before. win some, lose some.

>> No.4923892


I remember. You pulled the plug after minimal loss, warned everyone. They didn't listen. And afterwards called you a fraud when they lost way more than 4%

>> No.4923901

The Koreans are under attack, do we help?

>> No.4923922

Big dump on Bitfinex. Is this part of the plan?

>> No.4923993


>> No.4924011

Fuck this nigger im going back to alts
fucking fraudulent tripfag
hope they all get banned this is an anonymous board

>> No.4924044

it takes literally 3 minutes to dodge a ban

>> No.4924047

Operation Brown Pants in effect at bitfinex
Centre will hodl

>> No.4924052


>> No.4924090

Can anyone confirm blue moon status ?

>> No.4924102

Yup. Koreans did a double top and dumped. I'm staying in through the dip. I'll see if they deliver. I can afford it.

>> No.4924172


It's not a double top - the Koreans are simply trying to draw a cat.

>> No.4924208

if this is the real oldfag, can you provide proof of life please?

>> No.4924226

Following you down sir

>> No.4924242


>> No.4924253


Reply - not need. Tripcode matches PoI from way back.

Unless you don't trust the tripcode. Or the person using it.

>> No.4924255

>it just went down $300
Thanks for making me look lol

>> No.4924258
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tfw the Order of Battle is Kawaii

>> No.4924259

He’s legit

>> No.4924285

That's orange you cunt

>> No.4924302
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Tfw I've made hundreds in doge coin

>> No.4924311
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>no fucking idea what coin to hold
>BTC being an enigma, ETH won't fucking bull and might collapse when this hold runs out of steam, LTC already bulled and could tumble if nudged
>meanwhile all the altcoins are either bearish or on the peaks of bull runs

>> No.4924323
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50% BTC
25% ETH
15% IOTA
10% LTC + XMR + other alts

>> No.4924328

Xmr is stable

>> No.4924453

Koreans just wanted to rattle my cage a little. Along with a couple of other bizreali's. Off by a half a percent or 15 minutes on movement, and the Salty Alties get pretty vicious pretty quick. Very amused atm.

>> No.4924525

Korea still on the decline

>> No.4924616

Korea level on the average since the first "cats ear". Trading sideways atm. Waiting to see if they pump. Was supposed to happen 30 min. ago.

>> No.4924640

shut the fuck up you dumb fuck, your predictions are 100% wrong all the time and you're a broke boy. kys

>> No.4924667

Hello, Jimmy Russell

>> No.4924769


> on 4chan
> complaining trading predictions are wrong
> telling oldfagbiztard to shut up

> mfw forgetting to call him a tripfag, even though it's Standard Brainlet Procedure


>> No.4924792

>being this much of a retarded boomer

>> No.4924927

liftoff any minute xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.4924975



It's actually very clever.

You must be one of dem "literally can't cash out" faggots.

>> No.4924998


>> No.4925022

I'll hold my bags until death, because at this point if it ever takes off and i'm not holding I will seriously kill myself, as should anyone here.

>> No.4925073


>> No.4925083

Same. I'd rather lose everything than miss out on something that's been shilled here for so long.

>> No.4925110

thats what you get for accepting a shitpost for face value you stupid fucking sheep

>> No.4925131

It's only talked about here though. I get your point, but if you see one specific item talked about only in one place, why invest?

>> No.4925142

thats fair. However, I am no sheep. I should of trusted my gut and sold at 15600 even tho OPfag called for 16k

>> No.4925192
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>> No.4925203
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>$500,000 sell wall for ETH on Binance at 33000 sats

>> No.4925258

why dont u just hold and accumulate. why are u so skittish to sell at the slightest rumor

>> No.4925370

this isnt going to be pretty, koreans still going, markets trailing them

>> No.4925394


>> No.4925414

If only there was some way to short ...

>> No.4925416

totoro is not a fucking kitty you shit

>> No.4925419

is there a site i can see the btc/usd on bithumb live?

>> No.4925439

no, just using https://cryptowat.ch/bithumb/btckrw/1m

to watch it in wong

>> No.4925459

use the cog near log in at bithumb - it allows you to recast KRW as USD

>> No.4925502

sort of works but it also'converts' all the USD ones, so only bitthumb is accurate now

>> No.4925504



Yes, something is very wong with this chart.

>> No.4925562

Go incognito/ Use a separate browser

>> No.4925937

so looks like there was sine bad intel, unless the sokr's want to shake out some weak hands before the pump

>> No.4925989
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things do not look so bad when you use the log scale

>> No.4926021

yeah, but i doubt the normies use it - thus the panic

>> No.4926092


A LOT of weak hands.

Everything with any resemblance of a market cap is pretty much red, except:

- decentraland
- steem dollars

It's like everyone got out of alts into btc, then they got out of btc.

>> No.4926144

Thats what I'm seeing. Bitcoin went up and people sold to sell their btc. I wonder if that's what the big fish want?

>> No.4926155

It's going back up now

>> No.4926377



> pump btc so alts crash - people buy btc
> scare with futures + crash btc - people go to fiat
> now buy everything except fiat
> profit

>> No.4926404

Started exactly an hour after ofbt was told it would

damn sokr and their daylight saving

>> No.4926420


I'd make the crash lasts at least 2 days. Two days of serious doubts and even most strong hands will let go...

>> No.4926502
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Somebody just sold a bunch of bitcoin for $470 on GADX

>> No.4926514
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>> No.4926519

It's been 3 hours since the OP...

>> No.4926520

im like 95% in BTC right now. sold my eth and LTC before their pump to buy BTC at 17k

>> No.4926523

Piss off LARPing loser

>> No.4926545

look at it carefully, and tell me: is it really going up?

>> No.4926547


>> No.4926564

oops forgot the 14 lol

>> No.4926575

thats not showing on mine

>> No.4926576


>> No.4926579

I would have thought if you put in a ridiculously low sell order it would still just sell to the highest orders in the buy book until all the BTC was sold.

>> No.4926603
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>> No.4926604
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>> No.4926610

this is what happens where I trade, I don't know bout GDAX

>> No.4926627

Damn triple daylight savings


>> No.4926667


lmao this guy is wrong literally 90% of the time and you fucking faggots fall for his bullshit every time

>> No.4926670
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>> No.4926838

hmmm how about now?

>> No.4926957

Fuck, the guys pumping and dumping BTC are making a killing.

They're flinging it up and down as if it was chainl.. never mind.

How much more fucking money do they need already?

>> No.4927025

We're up since 9 hours ago. We're down since 24 hours ago. We're sideways since 72 hours ago. Whats your point?

>> No.4927052

You know what my point is buddy. All you have to do is say that the OP was wrong, and I was wrong, and you were right. It's not that hard, anon.

>> No.4927138

Wrong? He called for 16000 when it was at 15775, I even asked him which exchange that was - bithumb. It hit 16200 within an hour. Fuck off out it with your "wrong"

>> No.4927224

We appreciate anon who can be our Korean ambassador.

>> No.4927275
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>> No.4927304

Hes a troll he always calls shit wrong on purpose to make people lose money
Someone will eventually find his ass and kill him

>> No.4927324

done, i fuckign slit his throat

>> No.4927421

>making investment decisions based on a random comments in a website dedicated to japanese animemes

>> No.4927658

30% BTC 70% Random shitcoins, sadly. Wish I had more in BTC but i won't fucking sell my shitcoin bags at a loss

>> No.4927720

It gets filled at current market rate. I guess the average price was higher than $470

>> No.4927741

Actually, the advice he gives is wise and cautious:

> Buy physical gold with bitcoin.

> Yeah, Koreans promised 16K so far. But stay by your keyboard. They helped me pump BTG 50% one night, and flipped on me the next a couple of weeks ago. I warned everyone to bail in time to only be down 4% in something we made 50% on the night before. win some, lose some.

> Yup. Koreans did a double top and dumped. I'm staying in through the dip. I'll see if they deliver. I can afford it.

> Korea level on the average since the first "cats ear". Trading sideways atm. Waiting to see if they pump. Was supposed to happen 30 min. ago.

I respect the guy for this. And he made a few spooky-good calls. And he's fun.

He's also repeated to never invest more than you can lose.

I'm 80% in BTC since $15000. And I'll sleep like a baby, because I'm not selling even if it all goes to hell.

Goodnight my dear anons!

>> No.4927764


This is why Korea is dumping. Korea government planning to introduce regulation to curb the growth in crypto trading

>> No.4927801

EOY = 8500
Screencap this

>> No.4927857
File: 386 KB, 498x258, sanji2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look here

>> No.4927865

I have 0% in BTC how fucking stupid am I lol.

Permanently Joosted

>> No.4927872


Do the math, anon - to make sure. The actual number can shock.

It's not that shocking Chad BTC hodlers often make a lot more than traders.

Holding a bag that isn't recovering costs time. The only "exception" is probably BTC, especially if it's tanked hard.

BTC is most likely to rise out of the red. Rarely will anything else stop drowning until BTC recovers first.

Again - do the math to make sure those bags are worth it. At some point holding shitcoins costs lost moons worth many times more than the shitcoins just recovering.

E.g. Chainlink would probably have to go up 10000000% to make up for months of hodling it - very unlikely to moon *that* hard.

>> No.4928295

Google translated

As the price of virtual coins rises, the government is reviewing regulations on virtual currency trading.

The government is reviewing the strong regulation of the ban on virtual currency trading, which is a crisis that domestic virtual money market can be transformed into speculative version of virtual currency.

Ministry of Justice officials on the 8th, "has been overheated gambling speculative trading for virtual money, crime using a virtual currency also constantly increasing in" and "there is a possibility it grows from good public damage Exchange We are reviewing the regulations including the total stoppage of transactions. "

Judging from the fact that the Ministry of Justice is reviewing the regulation, it is not inherent in virtual currency. The idea was to make investors aware that there is no country or institution that guarantees the value and acceptance of virtual money. Anyone can publish it and worry that if the investment flow moves to another virtual currency, the virtual currency price that is being formed may collapse at any time. Investors' 'bombing' behavior is a dangerous level.

"I sent a bit coin to Korea in China," The increase in illegal activities, such as restraint in the yuan, may be the cause of market intervention." An official from the Korea Customs Service said, "We have started to analyze the transaction structure by recognizing that there is a problem with the virtual currency such as the bit coin, and that it is punishable by the violation of the Foreign Exchange Transaction Act. "He explained.

However, consultations with related ministries such as the Ministry of Strategy and Finance and the Financial Services Commission remain to be finalized. An official of the Ministry of Finance and Economy said, "Prohibition of trading is prohibited because it is too restrictive." He said, "We are focusing on finding ways to minimize adverse effects on the financial market."