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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 698 KB, 740x727, IOTA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4922229 No.4922229 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, so I see nobody is actually interested in searching for this info.

Here it is, all you need to see to fucking get it.

IOTA is not a scam, its really that big, this is really happening, sorry for those that own like 99% bitcoin, its over. Bitcoin will stay strong on 2nd place.




>> No.4922294
File: 23 KB, 480x360, 1511915412289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>excel spreadsheet coin

Its over for Bitcoin

>> No.4922322

>data is worthless
>google facebook and twitter finance on data and data based ad targeting alone
ok mate, stay poor

>> No.4922337
File: 115 KB, 450x300, Amazing[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat reuters article

>> No.4922372

It's incredible what a few days of pumping will do to bring out the shills.

>> No.4922388
File: 553 KB, 2048x2732, IMG_1702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Iota is a complete scam, heres a comment from the creator after he got btfo on reddit for lying about their partnership with microsoft

>> No.4922421

Lol look at the Reddit post "confirmed partnerships" literally none of these are official partnerships lmao

Scam confirmed

Also team owns 60% of supply. They are worth 5b collectively

>> No.4922443


There is no official microsoft source confirming a partnership.

The only 'source' is a sales guy with a fake linkedin account saying he works at microsoft

Its all bullshit, sell or get fucked hard

Shits gunna tank once the normies find out

>> No.4922453
File: 10 KB, 395x196, Cap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry If you guys are still accumulating

>> No.4922489
File: 126 KB, 600x412, slow-and-poo-poo-pee-pee-dinosaur-coin-always-wins-the-race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHHAHAHAHA sure thing, altboy

>> No.4922496

Nice inspect element

>no source

>> No.4922502


Lol that is fake as fuck, post the link faggot

>> No.4922531


>> No.4922553

You didn‘t provide any for your claims either.

>> No.4922563




>> No.4922570


Just look at the first link I posted, you need to scroll a bit if thats not too hard.

>> No.4922597


Funny how the first link I posted is just that

>> No.4922618

i only have 1.2 giota and i feel bad

>> No.4922636



None of that shit is from microsoft you shill faggot

>> No.4922668

No that's from iota. I'm talking words from ANY of these "30 partnerships" literally none have expressed interest in iota

>> No.4922676

Was talking to the guy claiming that the devs own 60%...

But to answer: I was following them for a while and they literally say on their Data Market page that those companies are participants, they never called them partners. Only on Reddit and other Media it was hyped up as solid partnerships.

>> No.4922698

Still waiting.

>> No.4922722
File: 221 KB, 568x479, 1511048533840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4922731


>"beyond blockchain that will foster innovation real world solutions"
>"innovation real world solutions"

Lol, next time double check your grammer iota shill

Saving a screencap of this for when you guys get sued and investigated for fraud

>> No.4922771

iota mooned pretty hard recently. it only has one place to go now, and it ain't up.

>> No.4922792


I'm not interested in day trading. Not for now.

>> No.4922866

Check tangle explorer idiot

I am not gonna go find the post just because a redditor jerks off to IOTA fantasy shit

Like the internet of things alliance (iota) and you think it's scam crypto iota lmao

>> No.4922889

oh I'm not talking about day trading, short term stuff. take a look at NEO dude. that is your future.

>> No.4922940


>Creator of iota
>some redditor


>> No.4922944

Pointing out another poster for not providing a source and then not providing one yourself... yeah.
Nice FUD.

>> No.4923014

Are you gonna bring something concrete here or jyst argue shit like a couple?

"Honey did you do the dishes today?"
*this is you: "me? You never do the dishes. You can't tell me to do it when you dont"

>> No.4923076

faggot, at least make sure your grammar is correct when you create fake posts

kill yourself

>> No.4923198

Dump this fakeass sjw faggot coin before you get burned lads

>> No.4923210

On the same side of the token, if Microsoft was not involved in the IOTA marketplace, don’t you think they’d release a statement saying so? This FUD is getting lazy now... IOTA is starting a marketplace. 30+ companies are involved. Only one mentioned that they weren’t “partnered” with IOTA (as one reporting got wrong - not IOTA), that that they did freaking help launch the damn marketplace. If you want information, it’s actually out there. Do you guys generally read Forbes and CNBC assuming they are lying to you?

>> No.4923222

No need to, there‘s nothing you provide to start a real discussion on, just some bullshit claims.

>> No.4923285

Do the opposite of what /biz/ says. Remember this place when ETH was skyrocketing. Now THAT was good fud. This is just lazy...

>> No.4923305


This, fucking dumbass faggot

Hope you get fired

>> No.4923367


Not calling you a faggot btw, calling the iota shill one

>> No.4923400

Shilling because I want to see sources in this fucking echo chamber. LOL.

>> No.4923619

He was agreeing with you iodiot.

But IOTA is a dogshit scam and you guys are becoming obnoxiously desperate.

>> No.4923776

>owning a coin that can be confiscated by the foundation at any time
top fuckin kek

>> No.4923812

They are too delusional too care. They've been sucked in and are emotionally invested at this point. It's sad, yet deserved because this shit was so easily FUD'd with no solid responses, even from the devs.