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4919656 No.4919656 [Reply] [Original]

Old time BTC whales have sucked so much of circulating BCH into their personal stores over the last months that when BCH fomo reaches normies, the skyrocketing of BTC now will seem like peanuts.


Bloomberg loves this guy. Japan is starting to love this guy.

USA libertarian "muh gubermints" will love this guy.

Now... the trick is just to know when to get in before the rocket ship takes off. It will probably stand still until shit suddenly gets massively real and the whales keep accumulating meanwhile.

Reminder that 600 000 BCH sold by Xapo and ?????? amounts sold by BitMex over the last weeks barely moved the price.



The normies are already afraid that BTC is a big bubble due to what MSM says. The "the currency has to be backed by being used for trading and by vendors and buyers" argument for BCH will make a lot of sense to them because its easy to follow.

Oh and by the way, pic related.

Roger Flip It.

>> No.4919718

I'll wait until it crashes after normiebase gives it's users access to it's forked coins.

>> No.4919732

hi, wall street doesn't give a shit about Roger.
I understand his wrath against core and blockstream because he can't fulfil his millionaire's dream (using bitcoin instead of fiat). But for us NEETs and normalfag that is not sustainable atm. sry Roger won't happen any time soon

>> No.4919762

Using BCH is sustainable.

>> No.4919771

that might be a good plan. depends on if BTC flash crashes before then or after then.

Bitfinex & tether situation blowing up (minigox) Old money who might have bought BTC en masse in order to short it with orders of magnitude more in cash settled derivates and then dump it
Bitconnect pyramid scheme not having exited yet.
There area so many potential swords of damocles hanging over it

>> No.4919804

so it's like bitcoin, but different, in ways i only vaguely comprehend. and serves no other purpose beyond what bitcoin and thousands of other coins are also trying to do, while being better allegedly in ways i don't care enough to understand... why will i be investing in this? only if i see the line go up far enough that i think it will keep going but not so far that i think it will stop, whenever that happens let me know. so i can try to sell it when i think its as high as it'll go in a while because i dont even know what it is or why i should want to hold it unless its somehow making me money.

>> No.4919811

no it's not even for bch, it's actually more profitable to hodl and spend your fiat wage for daily usage instead.
We are frar from crypto daily use like roger is claiming. For that to happen crypto has to coopt a lot more of the world's wealth.

>> No.4919837

bch is a millionaire caprice atm

>> No.4919847

have 40 bch. patiently waiting for this shit to explode. everyone thinks it'll dump after coinbase, we'll just have to see

>> No.4919881

I was very heavily leaning towards BCH in the scaling debate initially. I read into both sides, watched lectures, etc to decide where I stand.

Long term, I see the issue with consistantly increasing block size, and how this could hypothetically lead to increased centralization, while smaller blocks may lead the other way, as more hardware is able to effectively participate.

However, it's important to weigh the short and long term effectiveness of your solutions, and the plan does not have to be the same for both (short and long term). I see no reason why BTC didn't decide to expand the blocksize until their shit was figured out, and disagree heavily with centralized offchain solutions.

However, all of that aside, after I met Rodger (figuratively, by watching his vids and such) I NOPE'd tf out of BCH. This guy is a joke and can't even argue his own stance well, gets BTFO by dumb trolls and is highly emotional. I'd be behind "bcash" if it wasn't lead by one derranged man.

>> No.4919900
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BitBean is the best big blocks coin, i'm not buying that bcash scam.

>> No.4919909

>why will i be investing in this?
If you never do research you can ask that about anything. Just don't buy anything if you want to be lazy about knowing what you're buying into.

>> No.4919937

Shut up Roger. Nobody wants your shitcoin. Do keep pumping it though.

>> No.4919943

well you'd have to be emotional to put all ur money in bitcoin when it was worthless

this guy is extremely lucky and maybe a little smarter than average and likes economics

>> No.4919972

hi, ideologically bch was made :
by miners in order to continue benefiting from asic boost.
by roger, because he hates gvt and fiat and want to buy shit with crypto.

if you aren't one of them there is a high probability you're gonna get fucked holding this coin.

>> No.4920012
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Great arguments. We all know that we must hate the Bitcoin miners for some reason because it's totally not like they deserve any reward for upholding the network. Now lets all gloat over how great Blockstream is.

>> No.4920031
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>so charlotte i saw on the telly something about those computercoins. actually as it turns out bitecoin isn't the original, bitecoin cash is.
>ooh ooh i saw that too! and the founder Mr. Ver, such a dashing young man. I had my grandson buy 10 shares for me and now its worth a whole million! isn't it terrific?

>> No.4920039

>well you'd have to be emotional to put all ur money in bitcoin when it was worthless

Passionate, perhaps. But not emotional to the point melting down in casual interviews and flipping off the camera because you get triggered when people mispronounce your favorite crypto.

>this guy is extremely lucky and maybe a little smarter than average and likes economics

I don't doubt that he's intelligent, and I think he's probably smarter than his oration abilities would indicate. I just dislike that BCH is led by one person, and an unstable one at that. I wouldn't mind so much if it was just that Rodger was the loudest voice for increased blocksize, but feel uncomfortable buying into something that a crazy man can effect so much.

>> No.4920094

>asic boost
What are you talking about? You mean difficulty adjustments? And the post below yours has a nice response imo.

>by roger
Everyone in crypto hates govt other than get-rich-quick normies, and is there anything wrong with wanting your CURRENCY to be able to spent efficiently?

Your points are shit m8.

This, the network health is literally determined by miner favoritism.

>> No.4920171
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ohhh ahh, you rike ah beet corn?

>> No.4920247

No, I like the idealogy that cryptocurrency was intended to represent, beyond the utility of the tech. I also enjoy a good arguement/debate and consider myself very open to being persuaded.

>> No.4920273
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Tick tock, Roger

>> No.4920285

Why do you resort to fake quotes? I am actually really curious.

>> No.4920287

>casual interviews
He should have kept his cool, but, the interviewer intentionally kept trying to bait him into rage. Every time they discussed the actual subject the interviewer had shit arguments, mostly circular convoluted varieties of "bitcoin is bitcoin because its bitcoin so its best". He didn't want the interview to be about anything of substance, he just wanted to piss off roger so he could claim "victory by umad".

Was a loss for BCH side of propaganda war though. Most people can't really follow arguments or understand the motivations behind what people say (like how obvious it was what the interviewer tried to do) and only have opinions based on shallow judgments of the personalities supporting something.

>> No.4920292

profit>ideology, all the time, always. you're just along for the ride on the crypto train.

>> No.4920311

Btw BCH is not "led by one person". Idk how you got that impression, but that's easy to know is bullshit if you think about it and do some simple searches. He's just the most influential shill for BCH.

>> No.4920328
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>> No.4920367

He literally never says that, I think you are trying to trick people into listening to a 2 hour podcast for no reason.

>> No.4920410
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>> No.4920436

It is his project. he literally said this out loud just before he gave everyone the finger when the interviewer called it bcash. "Calling MY projects names".

The quote is at 42:10

>> No.4920442

Of course, but I mean profit aside. I'm not letting my beliefs dictate my investments, but that doesn't mean discussing the idealogies is useless.

Ver's responses were equally circular, he kept avoiding questions to circle back to what he wanted to answer. I completely agree the interviewer was shit though, but that should've made Roger's life easier, not harder.

I felt I was wrong here. Typing out my thoughts is great because it lets me explore my own weaknesses in what I know, and if I spew bullshit I get called out on it. I'll look into the leadership of BCH, thx. I had planned to after I posted that but now I will for real.

>> No.4920461

Just post a timestamp on that 2 hour podcast or I'm done with you. I don't care about a picture of him having wine with random people who I have no idea about.

>> No.4920470

Yeah I'm unclear how much of an influence he has on BCH. At any rate, I feel it's too much, but I will look into it.

>> No.4920497

great argument sure you fucking desperate retard
you missed something here, bitcoin will be a currency, it needs to manage the volatility first, for that it needs to GROW, like rly grows. not gonna happen soon sry

>> No.4920555
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21:25 on you complete faggot.

>> No.4920558

>great argument sure you fucking desperate retard
The only retard here is you for directing your anger at me instead of those corecucks just flat out calling it a scam.

>it needs to manage the volatility first,
No it fucking doesn't. You are probably one of those people who think deflation is bad because the fed says so. It was a currency long ago even when it would go from 10 to 1$ now it is just a useless digital piece of paper.

>> No.4920579

I didn't miss anything, the retard I was replying to was implying it shouldn't be used for transactions.

Oh wait, on second glance you are that retard, and this makes this reply that much more retarded.

>> No.4920580

And lets not forget the outright lying too. The Richard Heart interview for just one example. The list is endless if you dig around. Just look at the main characters involved with bcash and add up all the numbers. It's not rocket science to see what their intention is/was and that intention wasn't for the good of Bitcoin.

>> No.4920590

It's basically bitcoin except with faster transaction times and cheaper fees.

So we can rephrase that as, it's basically bitcoin except objectively superior. Even a braindead normie can comprehend something this simple.

>> No.4920602
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>It is his project.
OK so tell me, what are the mechanics by which he has control of it?

Him saying "calling my projects names" isn't him saying "the project is mine I'm the king of it". And even if he did say that, which he didn't, he would be incorrect.

>> No.4920606

Bcash is led by an unstable lunatic scammer. Wall Street likes their sociopaths to be stable and able to control their emotions.

>> No.4920628

>Outright lying too
List one off of that endless list of yours.

>> No.4920636

You are seriously dumb as fuck my man. The bottleneck for transaction adoption is the slow confirmation times and high transaction fees, and BCH addressed both of these immediately without leading to centralized off chain solutions.

I'm not advocating or shilling for BCH, but think BTC should've, short term, gone with an increased block size until a suitable, decentralized solution was found.

Your own arguement is full of contradictions and idiocy, and I'm not insulting your precious core-cuck nature, because I don't give a fuck either way. Go read until you can formulate a better arguement, anon

>> No.4920653

No. It's Bitcoin without the Segwit upgrade which, as well as offering long term scaleability options, counters the use of ASICBOOST, which gives Bitmain, the mining company, an unfair advantage. And don't forget that with the "superior" features you mention comes a reduction in security and more centralisation of nodes, making it easier to co-opt and control, ignorant n00b.

>> No.4920696

>it wasn't for the good of bitcoin

Why would it be? BCH is a direct competitor and it's followers believe it to be superior, there is nor eason for it to be anything but hostile, economically and technologically. And please do list the lies.

>> No.4920707
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ITT; millennials pretend this isn't a dead cat bounce as everyone divests in BTC and buys LTE, link, etc.

>> No.4920735

Does segwit offer any advantages to a chain that's expanded it's block size? And how does increased blocksize reduce secuirty?

>> No.4920744


You can see some niptip on 3.

>> No.4920753

> as well as offering long term scaleability options

This is Core's problem though, BCH improves the network massively in terms of speed and fees, and it does so RIGHT NOW. This simple fact alone overrides everything you have said.

Also you can lie about it being less secure all you want, it doesn't make it true. And it's laughable to talk about centralization of nodes when you support LN.

>> No.4920797

This. I don't care about the plans 1-2 weeks/months/years away, there is no reason BTC shouldn't have adopted increased block size, even if it just as a very short term solution.

>> No.4920812

Yeah so much dumb money in /biz/ the last few days. Idiots going into alts and bragging about "muh 10% moon".

They have no idea they are about to get rekd as we hit 100k bitcoin next year. Bankers are SCARED of bitcoin. Seriously. They tried to block the futures next week. They are talking about a "system risk" Bitcoin poses.

Bitcoin is about to go absolutely ballistic.

>> No.4920859

>muh moon
I think it's especially funny cuz most are still below previous sat value.

You arguement presents some contradicitons though, why would it go ballistic if the big money hates it, accoridng to you?

>> No.4920993

You think they will win and manipulate the market to the point they can beat Bitcoin.

In that case the price would go down. But in this battle, they will lose (at least at first, until they officially come to accept and endorse Bitcoin and crpyto - cos it sure as fuck aint going anywhere anytime soon).

>> No.4921067

you are a fool to underestimate the Jew bankers, not to mention every government on earth which is getting MASSIVELY shorted on taxes. you'll find out eventually. i'm not surprised its gotten this high, and i wouldn't be that amazed if it gets considerably higher (50k) but what goes up must come down son. if you think the USD is a fiat currency, lol, you will learn the hard way what the term REALLY means.

>> No.4921095

You are an idiot. I didn't state any of my beliefs, only extrapolated from your statememts. My "beleifs" were the logical extensions of what you just said. You are literally arguing against yourself here, and it says a lot that you didn't realize this.

Why would the endorse Bitcoin, ever? Cryptocurrency undermines the global hierarchy structure, and could quickly dissolve thier position in the world. If it's a real threat, they will do their absolute best to exterminate, and they pull the political strings as wel.

>> No.4921289

>Why would the endorse Bitcoin, ever?
Because eventually they will have no choice. They are fighting it now sure. But eventually they will have no choice but to accept it and play the crpyto game when it gets too massive to ignore.

The flipping will be when JP Morgan comes out shilling crypto. Seriously, it will happen but there will be a new CEO by then.

>> No.4921325

They'll go down fighting tooth and nail before endorising it. No banking institution will ever endorse, but individuals will.

Do you not understand that a JP Morgan CEO "shilling" crypto is shilling himself out of business?

>> No.4921467

Come on man you don't get my post.

They are fighting it now and are against it but they WILL have no choice but to bow down and endorse it when they realize they are losing and missing out on money but not getting involved.

The fact Bitcoin futures are going live tomorrow is fucking massive. It's a historical event. Crypto has been legitimatized already by the bankers.

The only thing dumb misconception here is that the bankers will short it and win and crpyto and bitcoin will die and fade to obscurity and it will be "back to normal". It's only going to get bigger from here lads.

>> No.4921519

Pleast stop shilling this shitcoin and let it die in peace as the rotten scam it is.

>> No.4921569

>The only thing dumb misconception here is that the bankers will short it and win and crpyto and bitcoin will die and fade to obscurity and it will be "back to normal". It's only going to get bigger from here lads.

So you don't think (((they))) are going to manipulate the price of BTC with buys and sells of it while holding orders of magnitude more in short/long bets in cash settled derivatives to cheat money out of the derivatives market?

That's very bluepilled. Bitcoin derivatives was the worst thing that could happen to bitcoin before bitcoin became useful and in-use as a currency for everyday trade. It's 100% a speculative asset right now that isn't backed by any real use and its thus very easy to manipulate up and down.

Expect major dump and pump action before new year.

>> No.4921798

you will fomo into BCH when its time to. you're buying the tech not the techies personalities. presidents have been elected after doing far worse in public.

>> No.4921897

FakeBitcoin/ASICBOOSTCoin/BCash bag getting heavy OP?

>> No.4921972


It's Bitcoin+Narcissists

>> No.4922276

I believe it is YOU who doesn't get your own post, and reasoning, fucktard.

They will NEVER endorse it, as an instutition. As an example, why would a horse drawn chariot manufacturer endorse Henry Ford and his automobiles? He fucking wouldn't, and he'd spread mad FUD about it until he was bankrupt.

I agree that it's only getting bigger long term, but you're being a dummy, and as the other poster said, blue pilled.

I already made a killing of BCH before the fake flippening, and I watch it closely for round 2. I hope you followed what I had to say in this thread, because I'm agnostic towards both ultimately, from an investment perspective.

>> No.4922316

Additionally, to continue the example, while spreading mad FUD, he would likely know his demise is near , attempt to pass legislation to make automobiles illegal on the grounds of it being dangerous (similar to BTC) and load the fuck up Ford stocks (similar to what banks may do as a last resort).

>> No.4922377

God damn I've encountered a few retards during my time at 4chan, but you take the biscuit.

>> No.4922441
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Pic related, and nice non existant arguement mate. We are pretty explicitly spelling it out for you, why you're arguement is wrong (based on your own claims and opinions), but you don't seem to get it.

>> No.4922522
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>you're arguement is wrong

>> No.4922738

Ok, I see you have no further refutations and are actually as dumb as you let on. That's fine, I just wanted to make sure, as I gave you ample opportunity to prove otherwise.