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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4920089 No.4920089 [Reply] [Original]

>be wageslave
>wake up at 7am, shower and eat quickly in zombified state
>commute to work in 45 mins if lucky, 1hr 15mins if not (unpaid time)
>work all day for a wage that has remained flat since 1978 despite company turning record profits almost every quarter for the past two decades consecutively
>commute home during rush hour, more time wasted and unpaid
>go to kids' soccer/football/baseball/basketball/track/hockey game/match/meet/practice
>by the time you're home and have eaten dinner you maybe have 30 mins - 1hr free time for yourself before you have to go to bed so you can wake up and do it all again tomorrow
>you have to do the same thing every week day for the rest of your life until you retire
>not only are you expected to be happy with this arrangement, you're expected to grovel on your knees and be thankful to your wageslave master for allowing you the opportunity to work most of your life away just to survive

this will happen to you if you dont have at least 10k links now.

>> No.4920123
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17.5k reporting in. and looking to get more

feels good

>> No.4920136

i only have 6.1k, will i make it?

>> No.4920186

>own LINK
>sergey runs off with 9/10s of your money
yeah, I think I'll be alright

>> No.4920190

5k LINK but it's only 20% of my portfolio and I'm content with retiring in southeast asia

>> No.4920203

how the fuck do i buy link i see it being shilled all the time and want to buy but i still don't understand

>> No.4920212
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remember the sign of the master, he will show it again when the time is right

>> No.4920229

fucking dumbass

>> No.4920235
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if you cant do your own research, let alone find the exchanges its listed on, youre not going to make it.

>> No.4920309

if you can't tell that 6 is smaller than 10 then no, anon, you will not.

Jk, if you hold long enough you might make it. and even you don't, you will have the money to invest so on your next moon mission you will, if you don't fuck up

>> No.4920331

I am about 400 short of that figure.

>> No.4920339

how can you be this retarded? enjoy being a fucking poorfag wagecuck all your life faggot

>> No.4920375
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is 10k confirmed the amount needed to run a node?

>> No.4920409

Break your chains and buy skycoin

>> No.4920433

Newfag friendly guide:
>Make account on Coinbase
>Buy Bitcoin or Ethereum
>Make an account on Binance
>Send said Coinbase Bitcoin or Ethereum to Binance wallet
>Find Link on Binance's exchange

>> No.4920434

I broke my 10k goal last week. Feels fucking good. Didn't think I'd ever break 5k LINKS pre-SIBOS. The dip was a blessing in disguise boys.

>> No.4920456

19k here, 40% of my portfolio is link thinking about selling my 30k req for link. No way I'm touching my car tho :/

<wat to dear friends

>> No.4920503

God I hope so. I've been asking this for days. I know it's on the website, but I need to be spoonfed

>> No.4920506

You can run a node with any amount, even 0. However the more you have the higher priority your node has.

In same boat here with 18.5k. Sold my most of my Vidya few weeks ago.

>> No.4920522

Sitting on 220K Link. If it fails my wojacks will be legendary.

>> No.4920549

Hold REQ, imo. I believe in both to an extreme extent, but disaster can strike and we are depending on mortals ultimately. I know the Sergey is dead meme is stale, but it has a ring of truth to it in regards to exercizing caution.

I'm working up to having 30k REQ and 10k LINK. There's one more project I'm extremely interested that I was gonna another $1.5k in as well (Zen Protocol).

>> No.4920589

can you tell me what is so special about LINK?

>> No.4920644

you done acquiring anon? also, all in or you holding other shitcoins? 220k is no joke

i did most my link buying pre sibos
>lord take the wheel

still buying tho and really, any price link is at before it takes off is a good deal

>> No.4920692

im still trying to figure out why this is getting shilled so hard

>> No.4920724

Thanks, you’d think /biz/ would be happy to share this info since 90% of topics are “buy this penny coin that no ones heard of!”
I know /biz/ gets annoyed having influx of newfags but holy crap, easy profit off our newbishness

>> No.4920762


if you cant look into it for yourself and make your own decision, youre not going to make it

>> No.4920773

the memes are the best. I don't like spoonfeeding, dyor. excellent videos are always posted here, or you can look them up yourself on youtube. It solves the oracle problem, whihc y ou cna look into further faggot

>> No.4920809

the special thing about LINK is that it's not about making money, it continuously loses sat value, so it has become kind of a mind game. can you manage to hold your LINK all the way to 0 sats? if so, you win.

>> No.4920811

Use ltc for transferring funds to binance - low transaction fees and much much faster

>> No.4920826


all u have to do is park your dumb ass in front of a screen and sergey will enlighten you on YouTube, it's not hard faggot

>> No.4920827


i did. all i keep seeing is smart contract bullshit. Sounds like another gimmick for some guy to take my money. They even have "experts" posted on their site to make the scam seem more credible. You faggots are on here every day ranting about it and when i ask you tell me to google instead.

>> No.4920885

I don't even know how to address this type of stupidity. I guess it really does take a high IQ to appreciate LINK, for better or worse.

>> No.4920903
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>Sounds like another gimmick

lol then,


any link holder could give a shit less what you think. i think some of us actually feel bad for people who dont understand.

gl tho, anon

>> No.4920918

>wants people to buy into another coin so the price goes up
>doesnt want to sell it

good luck

>> No.4920920
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mmhmm. it ain't for the dummies. minimum IQ needed to wrap your head around what LINK does and why it's so revolutionary. I say it's for the best. can't have everybody gettin' rich now.

>> No.4920974

I'm using my wageslave funds to catapult me to the cryptomoon for the next year, or until I get fired. I hope I make it.

>> No.4920975

>implying his $20 will make a difference


I don't give a shit about your chump change retard, fucking SWIFT banking and it's team of the fatest fucking cats in the world are looming right around the corner.

>> No.4920979

I only have 5.5k of link tokens but I will still make it. I will have strong hands, I have a plan. Hodl till link hits $100 and then I will take about 1200 tokens, I'll use $80 000 for a nice house deposit and then I'll use $30 000 to start working for myself instead of my wagecuck master, then I'll use the other $10 000 for a bit of a holiday. Then I will leave my link to grow to $200, then I take 600 tokens, and use another $80 000 to put on the house and the other $40 000 to invest in my business and a bit in a few moon missions. Then just leave my link till it hits $300+ then I'll have my million, will pay of the rest of the house then and then slowly live off my link, also with my business I would stop working and have other work for me

>> No.4921017



>> No.4921028

lol bro, im not trying to be a dick, but youre showing you looked at the website once and calling it scammy. youve done zero real research

I dont "need" others to buy it. the market may or may not find value in it, and if it does, im in a winning trade. if not, thats fine too. but guess what, im holding link regardless because if you actually research it, you would give a shit what the short term price is

>> No.4921040

Will 500 LINK be enough to give me playground money? I have never ever literally had more than 1,000 USD on my favor.

>> No.4921045

>can't have everybody gettin' rich now
True. It's a zero sum game and LINK holders will be the winners.

>> No.4921052

**you wouldnt give a shit

>> No.4921105


>he filled out capthca this many instead of just giving me a rundown.

>> No.4921166

>he thinks it's not fun to insult literal retards who are missing the best financial opportunity in their lives because they're too stupid to research and need to be spoonfed

>> No.4921206

make sure you newfags buy ETH and not BTC to buy $LINK with

>> No.4921213

you have to go to the oracle and solve her problem first before you are allowed to buy

>> No.4921215
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>holding 10k link on a ledger wallet and daytrading with 1k to try and increase the stack
is there a comfier feeling?

>> No.4921238


>Remember the tremendous emptiness betokened by someone's total devotion to trolling. -Sergey

>> No.4921252


>holding a 26k stack and slowly turning over all your coins into link become one with the master

>> No.4921409
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The accumulation going on with LINK is a little nuts. As the gap widens between the have and the have-nots, it's only a matter of time before we take off. The plebs are going to be holding less and less LINK and the disparity grows.

>> No.4921480

If you just have a stack of 3000 link you will make it, just depends how strong those hands are

>> No.4921522
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I need 2 more weeks to accumulate, please

>> No.4921568

5k enough? I just want to retire next to a costco

>> No.4921576

Going to be funny watching them trying to decide to jump in when link is $5

>> No.4921589

that sounds like the dream desu costco is the shit

>> No.4921601

Be smart and it will be enough

>> No.4921612
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How much LINK should I buy to make at least 10 mil?

>> No.4921650

because it's going all the way past the moon and right up into Uranus if you don't buy now

>> No.4921656

100k tokens, so about $10 000, $12 000 dollars

>> No.4921663

20k tokens here, will i make it?

>> No.4921666

How long you want to wait?

>> No.4921684

How do I break out of wageslavery, /biz/? ;_;

>> No.4921691

Also long as you have a stack of link your ahead and on your way to making it

>> No.4921709
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simple life is the best life

>> No.4921738

Buy link, sit on it for 3 to 5 years. Once your stack is big money don't be an idiot and be wise, you can you will never have to be a wagecuck again

>> No.4921808

Willing to wait for as long as I need to, fellow marine!

>> No.4921825
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All these people who can't even find out how to buy it wouldn't even be able to hold it until February anyway, never mind 2 years

>> No.4921864

Why eth instead of btc?

>> No.4921868

Only 8k :/

>> No.4921911
File: 3 KB, 211x239, images (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry you don't understand. I'll try to make it easy. Smart contracts are the future because it's essentially a gauranteed contract. If we trade, a smart contract is a magic box that only opens when we both put what the other wants into it. Without ChainLink you don't know how to put real shit in the box, only digital who givesashits. ChainLink connects things like banks and companies to actual smart contracts(insert smart contract coin). Smart contract X coin might beat Y coin. Doesn't matter they both need ChainLink. Why? Oracles. What's that? A server. Banks and companies like security. All coins use centralizes oracles, only chainlink decentralizes. If a company doesn't use chainlink but has smart contracts if I take a literal piss on their server(oracle) I fuck their shit. Magic box don't open. If there are thousands of oracles(only available through chainlink) I don't possibly have dnough piss for them all, i.e. secure.

Summary: if smart contracts are the future(they are) chainlink is the future(it is).

Unless I r retarded brainlet, but that was my take away.

>> No.4921912

stop spoonfeeding this people, they haven't read the WP, they dont understand the tech, they dont even understand why use ETH instead of BTC for transferring funds, this is the people that end up selling and making the coin fall to new ATLs

>> No.4922082

>sit on it for 3 to 5 years

i remember linkies saying that they already had a working product. this was MONTHS ago, LOL.

>> No.4922123

so i just looked into this shit. seems interesting. They are not the only players though. aeternity seems like its doing the same thing

>> No.4922172

aeternity also has a twisted penis for a logo

>> No.4922196

Still holding 40k Not selling them. This project is either going do deliver on promises and make us rich-ish or it's going to go down. Got my link on the cheap with ether that I also got on the cheap. So I'm holding on. Do the same you wont lose that much.

>> No.4922200

theres another player trying to do the same thing

aeternity. to say that chain link is going to take off is stupid

>> No.4922213

Aeternity a shit vaporware, they give half of one page in their whitepaper to explain their tech and its all buzz wordy slight of hand. ChainLink's white paper is 40 pages of heavy tech detail. Also Sergey has been working on this for years, I once heard it phrased that it would take an army of 1000 pajeets a decade to catch up to their tech.

>> No.4922269

There might be a working product, but I doubt that people and corporations are into crypto that much. Yeah there is "partnerships" and so on. But I haven't noticed being able to pay for stuff only in crypto all over the place. The crypto scene is too young and immature for that. Some fucking kitties clogged up the eth network so badly that I had to wait 12 hours for transfer because some douche was tending to his fucking virtual pet. Chainlink is a part of the future ( maybe ) and that future is still away from us . So hodl or sell - whatever.

>> No.4922311

My boss hates my fucking guts.
>constantly tries to bait me into working late/over the weekend
>says shit like, yeah I'll be working on such and such over the weekend
>I know he's not doing jack shit over the fucking weekend
>give him a stone cold dead eye stare
>I get more shit done than anyone else in the office
>never spend more than exactly 40 hours a week in that hell hole
>this causes my boss to hate me even more
I'm ready for this wagecuck shit to be over.

>> No.4922328

Also thanks for reading my blog please like and subscribe.

>> No.4922344

Oh and the pay is shit too.

>> No.4922438

just put your wagecuck salary into chainlink and try to not get fired until the moon mission starts, then you can buy your boss' company and give him extra work on the weekend

>> No.4922567

Bahahahahaha even if I had 200k LINK that would be a stretch but I like that idea.

>> No.4922654

Apply for better jobs, friends.

>> No.4922677

>tfw only can afford 1300 link atm

better than nothing, right?

>> No.4922705

How do you know another job is really better though until you start there? For all you know it might be worse.

>> No.4922760

Buddy you just bragged to everyone about how terrible your job is, how your boss hates you, how the pay is shit.

You can do anything in the world, and you have chosen a hell realm, and you are refusing to do anything to change it. You have accepted that it is the only thing, how long have you been there? When was the last time you went on Indeed.com and even looked for a better job? Find your resume, dust it off, and do yourself a favor.

>> No.4922785

You are too afraid to succeed.

>> No.4922805

>be self-employed
>tards constantly shortening deadlines on the fly
>tards who referred one client to me 5 years ago still getting 40% of the invoices for all the work I do for that client, even though I have been doing literally everything since then

Other than that, not much to complain.

>> No.4922870

I'm coming up on my one year anniversary and I actually have a second interview lined up this week for a job where I'd get close to double my current salary. But it might be a monkey's paw situation.

>> No.4922955

>I once heard it phrased that it would take an army of 1000 pajeets a decade to catch up to their tech.
I think that was Bill Gates who said that

>> No.4922977
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Anyway, this thread got off track. Let's just say at that point I wouldn't have anymore excuse not to put in the fabled 60-80 hours a week. And I value my time very highly. So... Go LINK!

>> No.4922999


I can't believe the first shitcoin I ever bought was Chainlink.

>> No.4923038

Will 13k be enough to run a successful node?

>> No.4923100
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>Believing ChainLink is revolutionary
The absolute state of /biz/. Typical shitcoin that will go NOWHERE.

>> No.4923109

Good luck. Meme a better dream.

>> No.4923120


Forgot the most important part:
> make MEW account
> send link to MEW

This way your coins will be more secure and have an additional layer to prevent you from selling to early.

>> No.4923137
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Captain reporting in
If Charles Bukowski was still alive he would own a shitload of LINK right now

>> No.4923195


This but save some eth and also send it to MEW so you can send your link back one day.

>> No.4923212

Why is no one fulfilling my order on binance when I am trying to buy LINK for the market price. How long is it supposed to take?

>> No.4923216

Anything big happening with ChainLink soon?

>> No.4923247

so why chainlink over aeternity?

>> No.4923341

1. Eth and smartcontracts. We all know smartcontracts are revolutoinary, but their use cases are limited. Smartcontracts are awesome, but they are confined within the blockchain and data on the blockchain. In otherwords, right now smartcontracts are "you send 1 eth and I'll send back 1000 McTokens", and this contract is verifiable/trustless/amazing but its stuck within the universe of Ethereum and the data Ethereum understands

2. It is possible to use external data to inform these contracts, but right now that process is centralized. This is a problem. Lets say the external data is a transaction of Dollars for ETH. So you send 300$ to bank account X, and then I send one Eth to your address. Right now you either do that through a third party (CoinBase), OTC (LocalBitcoins) or whatever else centrlized system you want to use.

Knocking out that centralization, where you have to trust someone, is THE key to SmartContracts having a real world use case. But how do you get that information -- the fact that the $300 has been sent -- onto the blockchain using data that the smartcontract understands?

3. Oracles. Right now the answer is "hey we can hire Oracle X to do the translation to represent this bank dollar transaction on the blockchain." The "oracle problem" with this is that you are 100% TRUSTING that oracle to act prudently. That they don't tamper with the data. So we can kill coinbase but now we have to trust the oracle instead of coinbase .This is a HUGE problem for Banks who want to get into blockchain but have to trust a centralized oracle to translate data. This Oracle can be hacked, falsified or defrauded.


>> No.4923355

4. ChainLink - this service DECENTRALIZES that translation process of the Oracle. Now, the translation is trustless, and you have a trustless data feed that informs the trustless smart contract.

Multibillion dollar institutions can rely on distributed blockchain technology and know the data that informs their smart contracts is tamperproof.

So Thats what ChainLink does. ChainLink is the first decentralized Oracle that allows anyone to securely provide smart contracts with access to external data, off-chain payments, and really literally any other API you can dream up. Confirmation of delivery of an items (RFID, like Walton), confirmation of a wire being sent or received, interest rates from any central bank, sports scores, product/machine uptime, price of Eth/BTC in real time, weather patterns etc. Right now smart contracts are simple if/then functions where you go and manually do the if so the then comes back. Now with Oracles smartcontracts can automatically confirm or deny if then statements without any human interaction. Transactional automation for agreed upon terms on steroids.

Anyone can now engrain off-chain data directly onto the blockchain in an actually decentralized way and use that data to directly inform trustless smart contracts, and since the Oracle is decentralized you know the data feed is secure and you’re not concerned with tampering on the Oracle’s part. This is like a skeleton key to actualize the data on the blockchain and apply that data to real world use cases.


>> No.4923395

These are the kind of responses that will get you helpful replies. It reflects you've actually tried somewhat to answer your questions, and congrats on finding aeternity on your own.

Aeternity is shit though, and I believed it's centralized iirc.

Audio captchas are impossible to solve, and the stupid ones where you have to cliick until there are none left take about a decade. h8 this shit

>> No.4923434

So how will the price be increase based on this usage?... the chain can work as a standalone why are people expecting the price to increase?

>> No.4923481

Is /biz/ telling people to go all in for chainlink the equivalent of telling them to install gentoo on /g/?

>> No.4923542

If we interpret this the same, then yes. Installing gentoo is unironically agreat move and rapidly accelerates your linux understanding. Similarly, ChainLink will rapidly accelerate you market awareness, tech understanding, and satoshis.

but if you mean just in the meme sense, then no. It used to be

>> No.4923548

you need 25-50k LINK to ensure max comfy-ness.

>> No.4923775

the chainlink token will be the currency used to pay node operators. they can also stake them to become a prioritized node.

>> No.4923805
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fuck that was a long time ago wasn't it. I have some General Moly bags that refuse to fucking budge. Not the same bags as back then I've successfully managed to flip them a few times but this last time at 29 cents jesus christ nobody trades this shit stock anymore.

>> No.4923818

This. Imagine when chainlink goes up just like iota did. People are fomoing and buying link at 10$ when you are looking for lambos.

>> No.4923831

it wont faggot dont buy

>> No.4923851

Yeah many of the people here don't quite remember those days. I miss the hearty keks during the frugal threads too.

>General Moly
kek, don't even remember that one, sorry m8. must be painful unless you've written it off as a total loss.

>> No.4923870

problem with Aeternity is...you have to USE it. The decentralised oracle is claims to eventually have will be exclusive to it. With ChainLink almost any blockchain can get onto the decentralised oracle NETWORK. See the difference?

>> No.4923877

except chainlink isn't going to be founded upon fake news in an imaginary market, this will be 4d existential FOMO

what the fuck was PRAN anyway lol? I never looked into it since it always followed DOGE

>> No.4923885

Sergey is also not a Dev

>> No.4923920

he has a track record as a solid dev, he worked on NXT back in the day, this fud is weak it's pointless to even bother typing it out

>> No.4923942


I have no idea, it was just a meme by late 2013 that nobody took seriously anymore I think. I never bothered looking into it.

>> No.4923945

I seriously hope you guys aren't storing on an exchange

>> No.4924023

What is his major?

>> No.4924061

Aside from the kids part this is my life. Make it stop senpai.

>> No.4924086

What was Vitalik's? There's a long list of these examples, moreso in programming than in any other academic endeavor. Don't be a retard anon.

>> No.4924089


>> No.4924203

This desu, there are always more than a few non-traditional backgrounds working in software engineering in big tech companies.

>> No.4924329


go balls deep you nigger. listen to what the last anon said, if you're already in hell then you can only improve your situation.

>> No.4924592

> tfw you are x3 on REQ
> but LINK keeps eating your gains
I wish I flipped REQ/LINK ratio in my portfolio

>> No.4925095

Dang. I got out of LINK with a slight loss a week ago when it hit 25 cents. You know why? Because I don't care how much potential a coin has if the developers have ZERO communication with the community/investors. Literally zero updates, shit website that hasn't been updated, Rory being vague as usual, Sergay totally MIA. Why the fuck hasn't this shit totally gotten dusted like Confido?
>but muh oracle
>but muh missing link
>but muh swift

fuck all that. if any of you Linkies have any more brain power left it's time to move on to something that won't get blown out of the water once a legitimate company takes on what Chain Link TRIED to do.

good luck anons.

>> No.4925255

why do you hate money anon?

>> No.4925297

Actually I don't. I love money so much I sold all my LINK at a loss and 2x'd within a week of jumping into a coin WITH: communication, real developers, real roadmap, PROGRESS. I won't even mention the coin since I'll just be called a shiller.

>> No.4925336

Can someone explain all of the link hype? What is so great about it.

>> No.4925352


>> No.4925363

Why would Sergey stick his rod out to catch some guppy's while busy reeling in Moby Dick?

>> No.4925371

Philosophy majors have high as fuck IQs

>> No.4925382

I dont have time to read this right now give me the TL;DR

>> No.4925426

tldr read it

>> No.4925473

>exchange bitcoins for LINK
>never even get your initial investment back

that about sums it up

>> No.4925506

It allows real world data to execute smart contracts in the most efficient and practical way so far proposed

>> No.4925551

because the majority of people here went all in on it when it wash shilled here. Now they want to get their money back while they sit watching other coins soar. They say dyor making it out like it's some special thing.

>> No.4925623

Will you explain to me what happened with IOTA? I wasn't really following until the panic and brainlet issues.

>> No.4925664

Good on you anon.
I'm also jumping ship as soon as it hits 2200 sats again, that's my presale price and I'll leave with 0 gains and I was bagholding this since August.
Good luck to all of my linklets, I'll probably double/triple my BTC stack instead of bagholding this shit for who knows how long the team decides to post something about the progress.

Because as much as you want to believe that product will speak for itself, that doesn't happen in crypto and I'd rather put my money into a project that is close with their community and shows signs of actual progress.

>> No.4925814

"The main innovation behind IOTA is the Tangle, a revolutionary new blockless distributed ledger which is scalable, lightweight and for the first time ever makes it possible to transfer value without any fees. Contrary to today’s Blockchains, consensus is no-longer decoupled but instead an intrinsic part of the system, leading to decentralized and self-regulating peer-to-peer network"

microsoft announced partnership with iota at the same moment btc hit 10k and normies flooded to it

>> No.4926126

>microsoft announced
Far as I know Microsoft has never announced anything and this rumor only came from the devs stupid tweet.

>> No.4926346
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Im just gonna leave this here...

>> No.4926591

So, we should buy more?

>> No.4927477

Sometimes less is more.

>> No.4927627

Still only private 125 link reporting in

>> No.4927814
File: 19 KB, 466x732, 1504763754001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought 10000 Link on the COSS.io exchange.

>> No.4927848
File: 204 KB, 900x657, 1511153931726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Soooo... How do you mine Link?

If it's impossible for me to do on my own, then there is a problem with the Coin.

>> No.4927972

If the coin never makes it, the ranks will reverse in importance.

>> No.4928158

Retard detected

>> No.4928275


Can you or can you not just mine Chain Link with your own hardware?

If you cannot then its a scam.

>> No.4928316

Sorry about all these asshole anons being mean to you.
Buying link is actually really easy:

1. Sign up on coinbase, add a credit/debit card
2. Buy Ethereum, it's faster to buy with than Bitcoin
3. Make an account on Binance
4. On coinbase, send your Ethereum to the Binance trading address: 0x1392F9f0Edd7F0514F81A60494BF5069dDE70463
5. Use your Ethereum to buy link

Anyone telling you differently is lying, anon.

>> No.4928317

If you have a stack of link, do you have to run nodes?

>> No.4928371


That’s what I’ve been saying since a few weeks ago. People need to just think a little bit.

>> No.4928413

Thank you!

>> No.4928445


I mean. Hell... I'd be willing to throw a few hundred dollars of electricity at it, but I have no interest in buying a shit coin so it can be pumped.

>> No.4928513

I only bought 400. I lurk ybis board everyday and the anxiety would kill me if I had a large stake in the game. I'll settle for helping pay for a trip to vegas.

>> No.4928726

BAHAHAHHAHAH. Well done. This will probably work.

>> No.4929087

This sounds a lot like my life, minus the kids and girlfriend part.