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File: 554 KB, 967x954, 1504796854202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4919131 No.4919131 [Reply] [Original]

>50 BTC
>a magic penny that doubled every 24 hours

Pick one.

>> No.4919145

how long can we keep the penny?
also, 1,000,000 in pennies would be fucking retarded

>> No.4919157


>> No.4919161

Does the penny let you cash out?

>> No.4919169


>> No.4919176

I'd go for the penny dude!
100% every 24h = ultimate WIN!

>> No.4919178

New pennies also doubling, or just the original?

>> No.4919181
File: 49 KB, 500x501, 1456797344070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50 BTC has more liquidity than infinite pennies u fuggin fag

>> No.4919185

The penny asexaully reproduces for 31 days; there is no hope in successfully researching how it reproduces in such a short time span.

>> No.4919186

>day one your magic penny doubles into two pennies
>day two your magic penny doubles so you have three


>> No.4919198

it would take 26 days to get to current btc value. after that though it would be absolutely insane and destroy it even if bitcoin keeps up the magic pace

>> No.4919200

Obviously the penny. It would only take a few months and you would be fucking RICH. And it would just keep doubling. What kind of question is that

>> No.4919204

50btc = 750,000
after 26 days you'll break even

After 45 days, you'll have tens of billions
after 60 days, you'll have more money than all the value in issued USD and stocks combined
After 63 days, you'll have more money than all financial instruments and property traded in the entire world

>> No.4919205
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50btc since the penny would kill everything

>> No.4919212

probably the 50BTC because otherwise i'm going to destroy the earth with that many pennies

>> No.4919215

Can i make crystal meth with the penny?

>> No.4919223

You could make an entire new form of bitcoin around the doubling penny.
Pimp that penny and be rich i guess?

>> No.4919234
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>> No.4919235

Duh, why would a magic penny double into a magic penny and a regular penny? they are completely different things and it wouldnt be doubling otherwise

>> No.4919243

50btc, because the penny would eventually destroy the planet.

>> No.4919252

Day 30: $5,368,709.12

stupid question OP fuck you

>> No.4919278

>few months
In 30 days you would already have over 10 million dollars in pennies. The tough part would be store then all and deposit to your account.
That is, of course, assuming the cloned pennies duplicate as well.

>> No.4919284

These brainless don't realize that a penny doubling every day would lead to insane inflation and subsequently destroy its value

>> No.4919309

make a shell of the hardest material on earth.
encase the penny. 24 hours later. Free energy by expansion. Profit.

>> No.4919318

only if you dumped them every day faggot

melt them for copper

>> No.4919330

Are you retarded? Do you understand how inflation works? Are you splitting the value of stash equally among the rest of your countrymen? Holy fuck, brainlet.

>> No.4919336
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You realize after a year the magic penny (in that case) would be worth far more than the bitcoins, right? Who wouldn't go with a magic penny exponentially growing.

30 days of having the penny you'd have $10,737,418.24 right? And that's going to double the next day, until you have so many fucking pennies and money that the IRS is going to be hunting you down and NASA is gonna be trying to shoot the copper off world to avoid it destroying the Earth.

>> No.4919346
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off by one brainlet

>> No.4919352

>tfw you become the Federal Reserve because of your magic pennies

>> No.4919357

sure then bro. how about you use the money you make from pennies to buy bitcoin and other cryptos. i win ya cunt

>> No.4919359

day 56
>dear diary, i am now worth $360,287,970,189,640. WWIII has begun and over 400,000 of my fellow citizens have been killed. These bunkers are not going to protect me for much longer. I should have taken the bitcoin.

>> No.4919364
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Off by one yet again.

>> No.4919367

Where would you store the doubling penny? It would keep doubling and start killing everything. You know how much mass that would be?

>> No.4919370

Dude, just destroy it after you made enough... wait, I just realized this, but if you buy something with that penny, it still won’t stop replicating, right? Just will be in another’s hands. Damn, you’re right. It would lose all value, you would need to spend it all before anyone finds out about it’s power.
BTC would be much less of a hassle.

>> No.4919371

also this>>4919284
inflation doesnt reall matter if youre the only one who holds it all

>> No.4919389

BTC if it was for 5 years

>> No.4919396
File: 25 KB, 600x400, good job retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

def magicPenny():
penny = 1
count = 30
while count > 0:
penny = penny * 2
count = count - 1
final = penny / 100
return final

maybe i am but my point is still proven.

>> No.4919400

50 BTC. The penny would destroy the world/universe

>> No.4919407

>not making a literal copper fortress

can your chinese internet coins do that?

>> No.4919418
File: 37 KB, 586x578, 1512782688556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he has to write a program and not simply do the ez pz maths 2^29/100.

>> No.4919428

one of the problems i can see with this is infaltion, once someone else gets hold on your shitpenny they get their double value too, so it just crashes everything and new currency would be needed

>> No.4919433

Only takes 27 days to become a millionaire off of a doubling penny.

>> No.4919466
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>posting brainlet memes
>projecting this hard
>still failing to do the math properly

>> No.4919474

Magic penny, you would have over $4m in one week

>> No.4919487
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you sound like a pretty cool person that people enjoy hanging out with

>> No.4919491
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28 fucking brainlet
Why so many brainlets on this board :think:

>> No.4919496

>picks magic penny
>cashes out on day 2

>> No.4919510

>Fake Money
>Real Money

That's a hard one OP

>> No.4919512

Obviously the penny with compound interest.

>> No.4919526
File: 87 KB, 800x764, 1511540061522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the correct maths brainlet kek
Fucking brainlets man, when will they learn ?

>> No.4919527
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>penny replicates itself so many times the gravity of the earth increases enough that the moon collides with the earth and drives it into the sun

I'll take the bitcoin

>> No.4919532

So what happens when the mass of the pennies puncture the crust of the earth?

>> No.4919553
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>> No.4919560

Holy shit I could afford a whole McDonald's meal in two years.

>> No.4919568
File: 87 KB, 598x676, 1512794807805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you wouldn't brainlet.You'd have 64 cents in a week (7th day). KEK

>> No.4919617
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Show me your secrets penny!

>> No.4919622
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The ABSOLUTE STATE of this brainlet

>> No.4919655
File: 331 KB, 1000x626, now u listen to me faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually 128 cents, first day doubles 1 cent, so day 1 you have 2 cents. Christ stop posting your wrong math and trying to act smarter than everyone when you're so off. You're doubling down like a goddamn retard. Let me give you every fucking day's payoff which my program was able to calculate unlike ur retarded ass calculation which is clearly wrong.

Day 1: 2
Day 2: 4
Day 3: 8
Day 4: 16
Day 5: 32
Day 6: 64
Day 7: 128
Day 8: 256
Day 9: 512
Day 10: 1024
Day 11: 2048
Day 12: 4096
Day 13: 8192
Day 14: 16384
Day 15: 32768
Day 16: 65536
Day 17: 131072
Day 18: 262144
Day 19: 524288
Day 20: 1048576
Day 21: 2097152
Day 22: 4194304
Day 23: 8388608
Day 24: 16777216
Day 25: 33554432
Day 26: 67108864
Day 27: 134217728
Day 28: 268435456
Day 29: 536870912
Day 30: 1073741824

now kill yourself

>> No.4919657

>pick penny
>wait a month
>start smelting pennies into copper ingots, sell for $$$
>smelt half your pennies every day so they don't multiply so hard that they destroy the universe
>when you have enough money start a copper smelting company and keep the origin of your copper supply a secret for as long as possible
>copper starts becoming worth less and less but you sell your stake in the company after a while after liquidating the rest of your pennies and selling the company
>retire comfortably

>> No.4919669

Can I request that the magic penny be minted before 1982? Pennies made pre 82 are mostly copper and the ones after are mostly zinc. I could control the world copper supply and strike a blow against US currency

>> No.4919688

>what is 2^n
Try going back to algebra.

>> No.4919690

>takes 24 hours to reproduce

Exponents are off by one.


>> No.4919693

Day 58
>realize pennies are made of zinc, not copper

>> No.4919695
File: 19 KB, 136x102, 1466366224-risitas35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so day 1 you have 2 cents.
>a magic penny that doubled every 24 hours
My god, brainlets, can they even learn at this point ?
ANd dude no need to write it down lmfao, (2^n-1)/100 where n is the number of the day works.

>> No.4919701

best bet is finding the optimal number of pennies left unsmelted, so you get a fat profit, w/o crashing the market
eventually, with enough to retire, smelt the last pennies to prevent the world from dying

>> No.4919717
File: 1.20 MB, 1197x679, money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tough question, assuming you can't just trade the fiat from the penny to bitcoin.

On one hand the penny will eventually give more USD than 50 BTC is worth now, on the other hand USD will continue to deflate.

So the answer is determining the limit of 2^x * y as x approaches infinity and y approaches 0, and whether than is higher than 50BTC.

>> No.4919721
File: 322 KB, 632x377, 2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you stop the penny from doubling?
Cuz it would turn the earth into a copper sun in under year
and a black hole soon after.

>> No.4919722

well, you can still sell zinc, it goes about $1 per pound

not like zinc is worthless

>> No.4919724


Just produce zinc for paints, rubber, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, plastics, inks, soaps, batteries, textiles and electrical equipment. You'd have a huge cost advantage and a front to launder your penny revenues.

>> No.4919733

>97.5% Zinc
>Smelting currency is illegal
>Get sent to federal prison for making garbage ingots

>> No.4919750

what if copper ignots would be multiplying too?

>> No.4919756
File: 20 KB, 136x102, 1466366224-risitas58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7th day = 2^6 cents brainlet

>> No.4919760
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>brainlets have to code and use excel to solve the eqn: $ (@ day T) = [2^(day T)]/100

lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo WE LAFFIN M8


>> No.4919777

Clearly the penny is a doomsday scenario. However, could it prevent the heat death of the universe? It might be the ultimate long term investment.

>> No.4919789

>you have 1 cent on zero day

nice try

>> No.4919796

This. The total mass of pennies would become dangerous really fast.
Mass of 1 penny is around 3 grams. After about 100 days the mass would be almost equal to that of the sun:
3 x (2^100) = ~4x10^30 grams
The sun is 10^30 kg. Less than 10 more days and you'd have the last 3 zeroes to reach (surpass) the kg equivalent.

>> No.4919802

it's only illegal in the U.S.

>> No.4919806

def magicPenny(day):
return 2**(day)

>> No.4919808

>Clearly the penny is a doomsday scenario.
This is a very good point.

1st penny doubles for 31 days.
Does second penny last 31 days or 30 days?
Does third and fourth penny last 31 days or 29 days?

If the count resets every double then it will destroy the Earth and eventually the universe.

>> No.4919810
File: 17 KB, 136x102, 1466366197-risitas10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2^0=1 cent, fist day. Oh my goodness brainlets maaaaaaaaan
How do you even live kek ?

>> No.4919815
File: 46 KB, 540x491, 23067407._SX540_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is literally a pajeet story, you realize

>> No.4919818

my calculations are after a full day of having the penny, it's not wrong...
>Let me give you every fucking day's payoff
>day's payoff
christ almighty the autism

>> No.4919833

yeah but i dont wanna wait that long

>> No.4919843

Found the high school math dropout


>> No.4919848

>10 years later
>earth is non-inhabitable due to pennies covering the surface of the earth and beyond

I choose the internet monopoly money to save the planet

>> No.4919849

bit older than that

>> No.4919857

Having unlimited copper would make me one of the most powerful people in he world

>> No.4919861

who the fuck counts that many grains of rice?

>> No.4919878

Penny. $1,000,000 in a month.

>> No.4919901

this is best criticism on my code, i wanted to see an output stream of each day and just quickly threw it together

>> No.4919903

Maybe that mentality is the reason you won't have $5.369 mil after 30 days.

>> No.4919913

You two are the real brainlets. Due to the phrasing of OP only the initial magic penny doubles every 24 hours. The other pennies that you get are not magic and therefore >>4919186 's math is correct.

>> No.4919918

in 10 years the whole universe would be pennies

>> No.4919944


That's not "A PENNY" doubling every day. That's "A QUANTITY OF PENNIES" doubling every day.

If I give you a carton with eggs and say the CARTON doubles every day, you can't tell me the eggs doubled as well, can you??

>> No.4919958

So basically the penny would be like a cell right?
It would split and for two and those would split and form 4 etc.
Now would it convert automatically into the right thing so that after 7 days it would become a dollar bill or would it stay as pennies?

After like 2 months there would be 1152921504606846976 pennies which would be more than the money in the world.

OP you're fucking retarded obviously 50 BTC

>> No.4919966

The phrasing was "a magic penny that doubled." Since the magic penny is duplicated, the new pennies would also be magic.

>> No.4919967

if the penny copied itself every day, the copies would be magic too

>> No.4919974 [DELETED] 


or just keep guessing

>> No.4919990


Doubled =/= Duplication.

Doubling in value, which is the context of this question, could be done by Replicating it instead of Duplicating.

>> No.4920022

how does penny work? does it multiply itself or whole sum?

>> No.4920025

Nigger if it just replicates then you fuckers only get 1 penny a day why the fuck would that even be worth choosing compared to 50 BTC.

>> No.4920032
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>in 10 years the whole universe would be pennies

What happens when the pennies meet the paperclips?

>> No.4920056

the penny would destroy the universe in 6 months

so i take the btc

>> No.4920062
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>> No.4920065

What if I want to kill it all?

>> No.4920087

start with yourself by ingesting it

>> No.4920103
File: 34 KB, 573x705, 1512838125189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you take the penny

>> No.4920105

Wouldn't I poop it out before it could divide enough to kill me?

>> No.4920108

A penny that doubles every day, and the amount at the end of the day is what the penny's standard is set at. Then the 'doubled penny' thing makes sense.

>> No.4920127

ingest the poop :^)

>> No.4920137


your ALL retarted.
>a magic penny that doubled every 24 hours



1 penny that 24 hours later creates 1 penny then 24 hours later creates 1 penny so you have 3 pennys.
28-31c a month.

Its written in the devils text of OP statement that you get A magic penny, that doubles.. but the penny created does not hold the same properties AS the magic penny that created it.

>You guys are fucking retarted

>> No.4920138
File: 38 KB, 640x479, 21686118_132229070743300_4242849034911600287_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I give you a single penny on day 0, and from that day onwards THAT penny's value will double every day


>I give you a single penny on day 0, and from that day onwards the QUANTITY of penny's you have will double every day

>> No.4920243

The BTC. Two ways to read this, both BTC wins.

1. Penny just produces 1 penny a day that itself doesn't double, so useless.

2. penny expands at a rate of 2^n where n is number of days a penny has a mass of 2.5g and after 80 days the pennies would have more mass than the earth which kills everyone.

>> No.4920411

copper quickly becomes worthless when it's as abundant as dirt, assuming you can deactivate pennies.

>> No.4920478

>>a magic penny that doubled every 24 hours

You'd control price point of 2 essential metal markets with only the cost of a fairly basic extraction. It wouldn't be worthless if you controlled supply.

>> No.4920563

the penny...

anyone that says bitcoin is a brainlet

>> No.4920601
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The bitcoin because that's still only 1 extra penny every 24 hours unless the pennies 'offspring' doubled too. If they do then still the Bitcoin because eventually, the pennies will collapse the fabric of space-time under their mass. Even if I somehow survived that the black hole they formed would surely finish me off.
>Lurk more reeeeeeeeeetard

>> No.4920654
File: 63 KB, 600x800, received_669006629159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you cash out the penny, as soon as you bought something said person would also have a doubling penny.

It would turn fiat worthless!!

>> No.4920655

You guys are morons
After 24hr you'll have 2 magic pennies
So 1> 2> 4> 8> 16> 32> 64 and so on
After a year 365^2 magic pennies so

365^2 = 133225
50×15000= 750000

>> No.4920694

Learn 2 math retard

>> No.4920700
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>> No.4920712


“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it ... he who doesn't ... pays it.”

― Albert Einstein

>> No.4920807
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weak bait.

>> No.4920817

people who think shitting on the side of the road is better than shitting in a toiet

>> No.4920855

>kike shills for usury
Wow, this is very surprising, why would a Jewish person ever advocate for usury?

>> No.4920911

>Doubling in value
He didn't say that, he said it doubles. That suggests duplication.

>> No.4921001

>activate an almond
>toss is into your deactivated penny pile
>watch as the world becomes pennies

>> No.4921011

>50 BTC

A magic penny that doubles every 24 hours would, within a month, either crash the USD entirely or force the Feds to ban the penny. Then it becomes worthless.

>> No.4921315

at one point the entire fucking world would be crushed under pennies

>> No.4921370
File: 175 KB, 499x648, avaricious-semite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>choose magic penny
>wait until it produces 51 magic pennies
>sell 1 penny to scientists and researchers for 1 bitcoin each
>mfw I end up with 50 bitcoin and 1 magic penny that'll both earn me passive income for life

>> No.4921425

Its called magic you dumb faggot.

>> No.4921448

You are gonna make it anon. These brainlets are the kind of people that don't actually read whitepapers.

>> No.4921499
File: 500 KB, 540x720, 24898921_10155009816242466_621759571_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50 BTC, you are all fucking retarded the magic penny doubles, it doesn't at all say that every penny as a result of that doubles so you'd have a fucking penny that shits out another penny every 24 hours great fucking choice retards.

>> No.4921803

Clearly that means day 2 it's a two cent piece, day 3 it's a 4 cent piece. Day 31 it's a 1073741824 cent piece.

Trying to bring that shit to a bank might be hard though unless it also converts upon doubling to a collection of the largest bills/coins that can actually hold its value.

>> No.4922349

heres your doubling penny sir

>> No.4922510

A penny obviously
Even if it only makes a normal penny it still would be a miracle.

>> No.4922580

At least the penny can be spent on something :^)

>> No.4923269

After a single month there will be 1073741824 pennies, which is 2958 tons of copper, which amounts to 19317307.74 dollars

Give me the penny, assuming it actually works

>> No.4923325

kek only if you send op a pic with you ID and a timestamp

>> No.4923623

Depends on what you mean by "doubles".

a) If it creates an identical copy of itself, which also duplicates, it would mean you'd have 2^30 USD in a month, aka 10 million. But you wouldn't be able to use it as a currency because if you use it to pay for things other people would gain possession of the magical pennies. This would mean the value of all physical currency is 0 as we can have infinite of them, and even better we now have infinite metal seeing how pennies are useless and can be melted down.
tl;dr the world gets economically rekt and crypto currencies take over. If pennies cannot be stopped from duplicating that would kill our planet.

b) The penny just makes ordinary, non-magic pennies. Following a "f(x)=1*x" equation. This would mean you'd get less than a dollar every 3 months. In this case 50 BTC would be a better choice.

>> No.4923803

The value of copper is nullified because there'd be infinite copper, just like the value of a dollar.

>> No.4923816

could probably sell tickets to people to view the magic penny though

>> No.4923855

you guys are retarded. the penny doubles. so you have 2 MAGIC pennys. each of them doubles and so on.
i wouldnt chose the penny because it would destroy the universe sooner or later

>> No.4923917

Choosing the penny will pretty much destroy the world in a very short amount of time. By the 1 month mark you'll have almost 3 million pounds of copper to deal with

>> No.4924132

Not if I control the supply

>> No.4924186

50 btc, doubling penny would amount too too much money and way too much physical shit too carry around

>> No.4924431

You can't. In less than 3 months the volume of your pennies/copper would be larger than earth, which means you killed the planet. But the environment would be destroyed much sooner than that. You weren't given an infinitely deep wallet in the 4th dimension where you could keep all your pennies and pull them out any time. But if you were, or if melted pennies would lose the magical properties, then picking the penny would be a superior choice.

>> No.4924477

Personally, I would take the 50 BTC. After a few hundred days the pennies would more than likely start weighing more than the earth. The only way to avoid this would to run to NASA in the first few weeks and beg them to take your "magic pennies" and shoot them as far into space as possible. They more than likely would laugh at you but if by some miracle it works you'd still be fucked because you'd have this massive object in space changing the balance of our solar system.
Take the fucking Bitcoins.

>> No.4924656

Penny multiplication stops at day 31

>> No.4924917

i always accept magical items without hesitation.

>> No.4924962

Nowhere does it say that in OP so it's not a condition.

>> No.4924967

does this penny double forever? because very quickly the whole universe will be filled with pennies

>> No.4925141

Read: >>4919185

>> No.4925165

bitcoin is a magic penny that doubles every 24 hours

>> No.4925200

in that case ill take the bitcoin. yes it's 10x less value, but I'm not dealing with all those fucking pennies.

>> No.4925276

nigga i aint carting all those fucken pennies to the bank, keep that shit

>> No.4925610

>10 mil in a month
Obviously the magic penny

>> No.4925696

Why is there a limit there