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File: 96 KB, 1066x916, light.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4914813 No.4914813 [Reply] [Original]

Lightning is so cool fuck all the naysayers. Bitcoin cash is dead.

>> No.4914843

but wont lightning network be subject to the equivalent of bank runs and also lead to eventual centralization via super nodes

>> No.4914856

>Lightning is so cool fuck all the naysayers. Bitcoin cash is dead.
t. doesn't understand lightning network

Raiden is a better version of lightning and even that isn't really taken seriously as a long term solution by the ethereum community.

>> No.4914889

nobody's gonna use it. sorry bro.

>> No.4914955

Pure vapor wave.

>> No.4915001
File: 54 KB, 825x510, DNUdxmAXkAADPcU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly Reminder:

>> No.4915029

Agree. Some people like OP don't do research and understand wtf is going on behind the scenes. OP listens to mainstream media.

>> No.4915068

It's literally free space.

>> No.4915069

why did roger ver chose such a shitty name for the fork

>> No.4915070

OP's pic is propaganda spread by LN and the r/bitcoin mod.

>> No.4915087

Komodo Platform will use it for one of its assets called CHIPS. I already bought the CHIPS dip, but it has been suggested that under 2k sats is a good investment.

Basically CHIPS will implement LN micro transactions, the Whitepaper is being written by some PhD Mathematician autist. The CHIPS framework will allow advanced gambling games. I’m talking 7 player Texas Hold ‘em crypto. Advanced games like that will soon be possible!

>> No.4915088

>Core develops an entire layer for fast payments, contracts and low fees so that Bitcoin becomes mainstream.
>bcash increases the blocksize, literally changing a number. First wallet called electron cash is full of bugs.

This is not even a competition.

>> No.4915117
File: 34 KB, 694x530, 964564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4915143

Satoshi whitepaper says. Peer to Peer electronic cash. That's probably where he got the "cash" from.

>> No.4915146

>full of bugs
[citation needed]

>> No.4915145

Wow let's pretend we didn't have that 300 post thread and try to confuse retards again!

>> No.4915158

fucking go back

>> No.4915194

It didn't even work on macOs for weeks.

>> No.4915199

No that's a real 4chan image see look how much of an oldfag he is

>> No.4915226

who the fuck in their right mind uses macos

>> No.4915290

wowzers this lightning network is so fast and super good if i so myself wubba lubba dub m'lady
(this comment was paid by blockstream)

>> No.4915300

>can't code a wallet
>hurr durr macos is shit.
Great argument.

>> No.4915345

If someone gives me their address I will send them testnet coins

>> No.4915400
File: 578 KB, 747x1168, corecuck bot army.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this citation is false. how low blockstreamers will go with propaganda?

>> No.4915424



its perfect

>> No.4915580

you will be using it, even if you dont know you are using it.


it is real. As a matter of fact, you can hear him saying it here:


/r/btc autists btfo again.

>> No.4915609

Give a timestamp, nobody is going to listen to an hour long borecast.

>> No.4915719


Hi. I just got some testnet coins crypto currency. Which exchanges can I sell these on, preferably with low fees. thanks

>> No.4915749

Also that shill account of yours posted a comment at a timestamp where they are talking about something completely irrelevant. I have to believe that this is just reverse-psychology FUD

>> No.4916361

What is this can't tell if you're serious