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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4914205 No.4914205 [Reply] [Original]

>/biz/ still thinks the "normies" aren't all in crypto
Holy shit. You'd have to be living under a fucking rock not to see it by now.

On a side note, does anyone else think this isn't as fun as it used to be? It feels too predictable now and normies just don't trade the same way as earlier investors and it shows.

>> No.4914297


Almost no one I know has crypto holdings.

>> No.4914334

Literally every dumb blonde bitch in the receptionist office I manage told me their boyfriends told them to buy some Bitcoin the other day. My wife's family says Bitcoin is all over the news and has been asking me to help invest.

Literally everybody has Bitcoin now.

You not knowing anybody that has it is because you haven't asked.

>> No.4914340

You are an idiot. Most normies are still trying to figure out how to get in on this. And the ones that have figured it out are just dipping their toes in with small $100 purchases.

>> No.4914354


>> No.4914396

You're fucking blind. That was weeks ago, and last week for the laggards.

Literally everybody is in the market right now and a lot of older people are betting big money.

This is why /biz/ is so retarded. The "normies" are 100% in crypto these days and /biz/ STILL lives in denial about it.

>> No.4914406

They're attracted to the insane BTC pump but they still don't trust the whole crypto system.

>> No.4914454

Normalfags aren't in monero yet.

>> No.4914487

Until LTC and ETH flew to the fucking moon.
You are correct about this.

Most of your altcoins are fine, but the normies have 100% taken over everything on Gdax.

For fuck's sake if you don't believe me, try to trade ETH and LTC on Gdax and look at how the market reacts compared to how it did 6 months ago. It's a completely different market right now.

>> No.4914497
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Morons I work with at work don't even know what bitcoin is. I have a the most middle class Job you can have in America. These idiots don't even watch CNBC or Fox business. It's almost as if they tune out once hosts talk about money and investing. Trust me when I say the normies are not even in this yet. The people that are rushing to it right now are nerds who knew about bitcoin but never really paid attention to it because they were too busy trying to be a wage cucks by going to school and doing the college to work ponzi. When this thing goes around 120k plus that's when the normies are in it. Never underestimate the ignorance of the public. It is fucking mind boggling.

>> No.4914584

Ok retard you found some people who don't invest, at all.

Congrats. Those people will never invest their money. Plenty of people are like that.

Among people who DO invest their money in some way or another, all of them know about Bitcoin. This was not the case a few months ago. That's all I'm saying.

>> No.4914697
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If you invest and know about bitcoin how are you a normie? Maybe there is no consensus on the definition of normie here? The majority of Americans don't invest at all wtf?? You have the audacity to call me a retard?

>> No.4914699

Do you realize that the giant swings and selloffs for LTC and ETH happening over the last 12 hours are because normies have no concept of holding through dips and will panic sell the first chance I get, while Wall Street institutional traders rely on this to make money?

Those markets are practically stocks now.

>> No.4914777

>The majority of Americans don't invest at all wtf?
Nobody fucking said that you fucking nigger.
>You have the audacity to call me a retard?
Is this your first month on 4chan?

We know what a fucking normie is.
For fuck's sake the Wall Street Journal made an article about Bitcoin the other day you fucks. It's over.

>> No.4914873
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You need to calm the fuck down first of all ok. Have some fucking faith and vision about the future here. Normies are not in this shit at all! I specifically told you that NORMIES are and still are too busy worrying about work and college and stupid politics. Normies have absolutely no idea what blockchain is period. NORMIES are comfortable being sheep. NORMIES are 85 percent of this retarded ass country.

>> No.4914956

Blind and deluded.

>> No.4914997
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we will talk in January 2019 because clearly you lack vision. In the meantime for your own sake I hope you are invested, nothing worse than regrets.

>> No.4915008

>Literally every dumb blonde bitch in the receptionist office I manage told me their boyfriends told them to buy some Bitcoin the other day. My wife's family says Bitcoin is all over the news and has been asking me to help invest.
So none of them have any and they just want to buy them, but:
90% of them will never ever actively try
8% will get scared by having to upload personal info on exchanges
1,999% will see a dip/crash and remove all their money from crypto forever
The rest are probably in and may un-normiefy themselves eventually.
This is pretty much the same pattern as people wanting to emigrate to tax havens. Everybody says they will, nobody actually does.

>> No.4915033

Nah I fucking trade and I'm trying to warn you that it's going down as we speak but you're too stupid to listen.
They all do own them and claim that their fathers are investing big money in them too, all without really understanding the space.

It really is a bubble now you dumb fucks.

>> No.4915064

Opposite for me. Even my fucking sister thinks she’s a day trader now for owning BTC and a couple alts

>> No.4915132
File: 37 KB, 640x640, 20066721_1354192294634116_6885032089603801088_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, this is fucking retarded. People in here honestly believe that normies are sophisticated enough to buy bitcoins and go through all the process and hurdles. When buying and investing in crypto becomes as streamlined as buying shit on amazon that is when I would worry. Not to mention the caps and the wating periods exchanges like coinbase put on you. The crashes the wait time. Normies are not in it period so stfu.

>> No.4915150

This is what's happening right now.
It's so fucking easy to spot. I mean for fuck's sake the volume on coins like ETH and LTC is over 10 times what it was just a few weeks ago.

Do you fucking morons think that money is coming out of nowhere? That all the whales have just decided to start trading more instead of holding? There's a fuckload of new money entering the markets. These are the normies.

>> No.4915173

You retarded fuck it already is. You're the only deluded one here and you keep posting leddit meme shit.

>> No.4915232

If the volume is 10x then who is cashing out? The wales aren't moving their coins.

>> No.4915272
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These are not normies, these are nerds and sophisticated wage cucks who are in FOMO mode. Smart money was first, FOMO sophisticated investors and institutions are next, Normie retards who buy at the top and will get raped are going to flood the market by the end of 2018 going into 2019.

>> No.4915383

>who is cashing out
Normies are buying in and panic selling at the slighteest dip 10-fold.
Hence the HUGE swings.

>> No.4915413

How fucking new are you?

>> No.4915465

I don't know anyone who has bitcoins.
And it's including my millionaire uncle who laughed at me for buying at 350$.

Now he said he wanted to buy at 1.8k but all his banker and millionaire friends said to not buy this shit.

They'll come for the next pump when the world sees how quick it'll recover from the lows we're going to see the next days.

>> No.4915501

That already fucking happened when we recovered the last pump you fuck.

You idiots are beyond saving.

>> No.4915577

Dude the normies (those over 35) who actually have money to spend can't even buy stocks on their own and you think they can buy crypto? lmao

>> No.4915581

>99% of buyers will see this dip or crash and remove their money from crypto forever
>we'll recover from this dip in just a few days


>> No.4915931

Most normies are trading options thinking that's them buying btc

>> No.4916647

Nigger if it's that predictable, you should be bathing in bitcoin by now.

>> No.4916711

he's right. you are the one who is new and wrong.