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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4910002 No.4910002 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4910170

Lmao there is no way these normies on Facebook talking about bitcoin are part of the ‘early investors’ most of them are completely technology illiterate outside of what they can download on their iPhone

We are well into the late majority now

>> No.4910189

Early majority I think. It still difficult to buy and understand crypto for many people. Open your mind.
Market Cap: $423 770 228 767
lmao. It's nothing

>> No.4910190

I would say early majority. 1/2 a percent of the global population has adopted about digital currencies.

>> No.4910211
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>> No.4910233

>Lmao there is no way these normies on Facebook talking about bitcoin are part of the ‘early investors’ most of them are completely technology illiterate outside of what they can download on their iPhone
>We are well into the late majority now
Most of them just talk about it for now. Buying 10 Dollars worth of Bitcoin doesn't really count

>> No.4910339

>Market Cap: $423 770 228 767

indeed, bitcoin will be at 1 million

>> No.4910355

nah bro, we're early majority, now

>> No.4910360
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>> No.4910370

why give a shit about slowcoin? Litecoin is the future. It's got low fees, it's lightning fast, and it actually has an appealing sounding name.

Bitcoin is like the Atari 2600. Litecoin is the NES. Get with it, kids.

>> No.4910378
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>> No.4910397

Surely nobody is that stupid right?

>> No.4910415

>it's kind of like stocks you have to buy in and hope it's stays up and you make money
Wow, it's official. Normalfags officially understand crypto better than the majority of /biz/
Also, you can't even block out names and is a phoneposter. You're a normalfag by definition, stop complaining about yourself faggot

>> No.4910433
File: 371 KB, 1242x2208, A928973D-36D2-45EE-B66B-C021DBE2C510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my fucking screenshot faggot just a good example.. here’s another

>> No.4910479

>just a good example
A good example that Normalfags officially understand crypto better than the majority of /biz/?

>> No.4910480
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keep dream you cuck we are late majority! even my dad is in fucking crypto!

>> No.4910502
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aww sheeeeeeeet das rite white boi we is in crypto nao boiiiiii

what u gona do whyte boi?


>> No.4910577
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>smart money

>> No.4910763

If you didn't get in before $4k you are early majority at best.

$10k+ is fucking normie adoption price. If you are buying now, you are literally paying the same price as fucking any normie chad would.

>> No.4911043

t. normalfag who got in at 3000$ literally a few months ago

>> No.4911075
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>> No.4911104


my god normies are fucking deplorable..

do they deserve to live?

hell, they dont deserve crypto thats for sure

we need to PND DIGIBYTE to normies

>> No.4911144
File: 25 KB, 618x434, rogerver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol i think near the peak we would see EVERYBODY using crypto and crypto apps, your grandpa would decide between 3 different tokens to pay his parking ticket and he would tell you which one he finds cooler

and we´re not anywhere near that

>> No.4911162

We're late majority at BEST

>> No.4911208
File: 35 KB, 1209x448, meme_picture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"durrrr we r de erlie adoptirs dur hurrr"
someone post the meme pic with denial and capitulation

>> No.4911271
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>> No.4911328
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>> No.4911350

Not sure.. but I think we just gone trough the phase where normies buy this, so if anything we're at the peak. But it could be that those old financial models don't apply to this.

>> No.4911381

Philosophers on WorldStarHipHop are talking about bitcoin. Give me a break

>> No.4911391
File: 262 KB, 1680x910, crasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uhhhhh durrrr bwahhh huurrr

yeah because the crash cycle only happens once and then its down to 0 forever

pic related look familiar? after this crash cycle is completed we enter a even bigger one

>> No.4911575
File: 29 KB, 1200x720, if i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying BTC will keep going through crash/moon cycles
>being this retarded in 2017 with 8 years of data
Good luck, buddy. Buy some BTC along with tyrone, stacy, and their moms. I'm sure there's a lot more people that will buy after them.

>> No.4911598


I am ashamed to admit I sold my stack of bitcoins at $25 years ago and rebought in the $2000s.

>> No.4911634


Holy shit, was there really a dip to 100 back to > 600 in a couple days?

That would sweet if I could throw in 10 or 20k if it dips back to $2000.

>> No.4911995
File: 3.20 MB, 2951x9999, nocoiners dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normies will panic sell along the way

in the long term only us NEETs will hold the million dollar BTC


>> No.4912031

damn i love these heated discussions on 4chan

okay then here i go

have fun buying the remaining btc for 1 million usd each from me!

>> No.4912044

yes, thats why i wont be surprised if a dip to 7k or 3k happens in a flash crash manner

>> No.4912167

SLIGHTLY before this stage IMO DESU

>> No.4912741

they're just talking about it for the most part, calling it a scam or a ponzi scheme, it's similar to the chatter that happened about btc when it hit 1k

>> No.4912906
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>> No.4913026

Maybe look up sometime how many people live under a dollar/ day and will never contribute to this bubble

>> No.4913514

Similar to internet brah
US - Early majority
70% of US definitely does NOT have hodlings
Worldwide - Early adopters
3rd world - laggards, not their fault but still