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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 586x187, manlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4911015 No.4911015 [Reply] [Original]

holy fuck, this guy is pathetic. does he think he is the god of twitter or what?

>> No.4911056

>hitting a wife is normal if she does something wrong
god i miss the old days

>> No.4911086


>> No.4911125


>> No.4911213
File: 267 KB, 800x600, ecf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a multi millionaire, you're just some random faggot on the internet, probably a shitskin too.

He win.

>> No.4911244

multi millionaire but still lives at his grandmas
and his money can never change the fact that he's a manlet

>> No.4911280

hi pajeet

>> No.4911297

he's probably gonna hold his crypto in BTC until the con artists propping it up crash it down to 0.

>> No.4911372

My point still stand, you're just some random nobody. The dude literally have autism and anti-social that's probably why still living off parents.

>> No.4911383

fuck off romano

>> No.4911506

Romano is the typical Dutch cuck. Fuck the Netherlands, I hope Islam destroys them so that they'd stop being smug cunts on the internet 24/7.

>> No.4911528

>hitting your wife isnt normal

>> No.4911585

go back to /pol/ you pathetic faggot.

>> No.4911592

>you have to be /pol/ to want dutchcucks destroyed
Greetings from Switzerland.

>> No.4911624

>a mere 5% muslims
>zero terrorist attacks
Stay jelly fag. Switzerland is boring as fuck

>> No.4911653

>0 likes, retweets
>still manages to find outrage

>> No.4911669

dutch are the worst

>> No.4911735
File: 61 KB, 616x596, pep2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kid is an autistic cunt from Holland. He pretty much spent his last 6 years posting shit on crypto twitter, reading /biz/, fapping to hentai and writing lines of code.

Why does it come as a surprise that this guy is a fucking beta?

Anyway, he speaks his mind, he bashes attention whores and he probably spends most of his time on 4chan. Why would you virgins hate on him, hes one of you!

>> No.4911799

>from Holland


t. american that just visited de Neder

>> No.4911888

this. if yer going to shit on someone for being an autistic shitposter, you probably shouldnt do it on 4chinz

>> No.4911934

>you're just some random nobody
the OP faggot is worse: a random complete nobody with unwarranted self importance. please kys

>> No.4912085

Suck Romano's cock some more, bitches.

>> No.4912191


Manlets run the world, sorry you had to find out this way lanklet.

>> No.4912370

I love you Swissbro.

>> No.4912398

Thanks brah

>> No.4912425

Who is this narcissistic cunt?

>> No.4912434

Reddit spacing