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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 47 KB, 821x513, The-IOTA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4910214 No.4910214 [Reply] [Original]

first shitcoin I'll drop because of ideology behind it. not gonna support leftist germans no matter how high it'll go

>> No.4910249

go back to /pol/ retard you're obv not here to make money. stay poor faggot.

>> No.4910282

> overhyped shit product
> no actual working use case
> literally two years old
> Tangle concept is entirely new and could drop dead for a shitload of reasons
> worst: full of technical flaws, shitty coded, kids team of some mid 20yo‘s

It got some hype because of big names throwing in their hat early when they heard „market dataplace“ (yeah thats eventually the only underlying reason). Let me tell you, im a big shot and know these kind of startups: Just don‘t invest there.

>> No.4910283


> Chosing money over values

Your soul is a cuck-soul

>> No.4910313

LOL, what values?
we're here to make money, fuck you anon and your self righteous bullshit. you get goyed everyday by the banking system and you're here to talking shit about us? go fuck yourself

this is coming from a jew who started out broke as fuck and my family addicted to drugs, i'm up 3k from a $500 investment and i'm doing things for myself, suck me sideways,

>> No.4910316

IOTA has made me a rich man and I want to give back to the community in the form of advice.
Invest in Electroneum and you also will be a rich man.

>> No.4910319
File: 115 KB, 786x630, 1512767532825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my values are not yours you dumb basement dweller.

>> No.4910321

I consider myself leaning left, and I laugh at faggots like you who put "muh political ideology" over money. This is why you'll never make it in life.

>> No.4910334

>im a big shot
kys pls

>> No.4910348

Most developers are smart enough to know not to involve politics in it in the first place, these retarded devs went full spastic.

Iota devs are braindead morons and their coin isn't even working which is further proof of that.

>> No.4910362

I made 2m$ of my initial investment.
I couldn't care less about whom they choose to support or work with

>> No.4910374

what the fuck do you mean with involving politics?
how salty are you that you missed out on the easy buy

>> No.4910402

I bet the fact that Vitalik hates Drumpf triggers you so much you won't touch ETH with a ten foot pole you cum guzzling faggot

>> No.4910423

Selling ETH right now...

>> No.4910430

i'm not even into IOTA, but all those muh white genocide over a crpto bullshit is just plain boring.

>Most developers are smart enough to know not to involve politics in it in the first place.

but you guys are dumb enough to come here and mix up everything and FUD. go back to /pol/ if you're about those "not white enough" Thread, you'll find plenty over there.

>> No.4910451

No I hate Americans, but also brown people. I actually stayed away from it because it had cartoons of niggers (apes) when I first saw it.

>> No.4910477

you're retarded
I bet you buy high and sell low because you have no common sense at all

>> No.4910492
File: 86 KB, 604x604, 1473849384959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I'm already a millionaire so I could care less about missing some shitcoin pump

>> No.4910534

Ideology? What ideology?

>> No.4910557

>first shitcoin I'll drop because of ideology behind it.
Fucking KKK is swearing by BTC, never underestimate human greed.

>> No.4910570

50% Democratic socialist norwegian coin. The one country in the world where its easiest per capita in the world to become ultra rich.

-Social security net makes it less risky to start up companies
- Less of wage gap, actually possible to build up capital from entry level positions.
- Highest social trust in the world
- Highest social mobility in the world

Norway is the only country that has gotten ideology right, a fair share for everyone with the possibility of the everydayman to become rich. All young people in norway basically think like the IOTA guys. Humanitarianism and economic growth works in a positive feedback loop. Do you think they are gonna sell solutions to developing countries and refugee camps for free. Fools.

>> No.4910572
File: 200 KB, 1774x734, IOTA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Main dev is talking about increasing migrant flow from the Middle East and Africa to Europe

>> No.4910584

The only values in business are the values of currencies.

>> No.4910587


You have to go back

>> No.4910592

SJW here, bought then sold at ~$0.93 because devs are the biggest LIARS i've seen in cryptosphere.

>> No.4910600
File: 99 KB, 566x943, 1512495832070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4910633

what fucking activates my almonds is
dominik schiener a fucking kraut his whole country is getting enriched left and right by the merkelgold
plowing through christmas markets and doing other stuff
yet he has his head stuck so deep in his sjw ass he cant even see it
guess thats what happens when a rich kiddo gets to LARP on twitter 24/7

>> No.4910636

Ah, what a fag.
That kind of talk makes money these days though.

>> No.4910736
File: 1.86 MB, 1084x724, crying_2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didnt realise they were this gay. Thats pretty gay.
idk about that. It might ostensibly appear so but trump won the election, all the radical parties in europe are on the rise and secretly everyone hates these ultra political types (on either side) even they wont admit to it openly. I mean, if the people behind it really are massive gaylords then who knows what they might do to fuck up their currency for the sake of dildoification.

>> No.4910786

Shut the fuck up u american piece of trash, your country is a pile of shit with no history. You re german yourself I bet, american fucks have no history, just european people who stole land from other people. Go to pol you racist piece of shit and play some dildo games with your incest mom

>> No.4910826
File: 156 KB, 1090x906, white_people_stay_colonizing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4910864

nowhere in that text does it say increase, you're naive and dumb go kys

>> No.4910869

This, America is a country that fucks up everything that is given to them, largest wealth grab in history and they cant even manage to become top superpower in the world.

>> No.4910880

/pol/ is just as bad for the free markets as are the leftards

>> No.4910911

They want to build "refugee cities" rather than temporary camps. What do you think that means?

>> No.4910938

u mad

>> No.4910952

There are refugee cities already. If your scope wasn't limited to whatever backwater shitstate you live in, you'd know.

>> No.4910969

I don't think you have the mental capacity to understand.

They want to "upgrade" the camps to "cities" communication wise, they are not looking to make the fucking camps wider or it's own fucking city. You have to realize iota is about DATA and not fucking soil. I'm probably politically the same way as you, but being this stupid and not being able to see the difference is just so triggering

>> No.4911012

I don't care if these people want a 2nd holocaust, I'm just here for my shekels. ideology over money? go to /pol/ they'll applaud your bravery.

>> No.4911071

Quoting from the post
>a lot of this is about creating smart refugee cities, as in future refugee camps will be cities, not temporary settlements.
It's not really a temporary relief if you're talking about building a permanent infrastructure is it? If I'm wrong explain what he's actually proposing.

>> No.4911109

Im german and thats not bc of Twitter
Its bc of leftist manipulation from childhood age

>> No.4911129

Yeah, the good devs talk about heroin and child porn.

>> No.4911562

Dumping it once it reaches $10

>> No.4911656
File: 145 KB, 912x642, 1494867752472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> emotional trading

>> No.4911660

I don't see companies flocking to the right though. Sure, the public is, but I believe most companies will still flock to the cuck narrative points for PR purposes at least for a couple of years.

>> No.4911686

>I dont care if my daughter gets blacked and my nation is destroyed as long as I make a profit, look how edgy I am everyone
Back to reditt, underage b&

>> No.4911770

its a fucking shitcoin, lighten up

>> No.4911810

wow what a liberal

>> No.4911893

>i dont care if my daughter gets blacked and my nation is destroyed as long as i make a profit, buy my own peice of land, and live a simple life
such edge

>> No.4912069


>> No.4912087

Alt-righters sound as emotional as the liberals they mock so much

>> No.4912179

What's wrong with caring about the future of your country? Just because there's an emotional component to that doesn't make it worthless or illogical it's just a matter of what you choose to give value to.

>> No.4912222


>> No.4913167


Americans are just a bunch of overweight european outlaws who killed the REAL natives to build some fucking Mc Donald's.

>> No.4913643

But racists don't have values.