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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4908674 No.4908674 [Reply] [Original]

I fucked up and boight at $180

I want to HODL so badly

>> No.4908689

Pretty sure it'll get to 200 eventually

>> No.4908698

Then hodl

>> No.4908759

If bcash can be 1600 there's no reason LTC can't be at least 400.

>> No.4908818

Buy more now it's at 154, slow and steady. Jeb Bush approved coin.

>> No.4908828

buy the dip boys

>> No.4908854


LTC is goein back to 02 LTC BTC whats approx a USD value of 360$ - 400$

>> No.4908862

bch had drama which caused a lot of free advertising and hype
people were actually fearing a flippening

litecoin is the smart and cute little brother who does well at school but will always stay behind his alpha big brother getting all the girls and social success despite being drunk and useless

>> No.4908878

We went trhough this yeasterday
Faggots bought at 117 USD to dump at 122, and now chase back the pump
It may correct, but demand aint going nowhere. Cryptos will be in demand for the next year. If you HODL. LTC target price : 800 USD then maybe think about cashing out some.

>> No.4908906

DESU OP, I've never held LTC, but I always use it when I need to make a quick deposit to another exchange. There are FAR worse coisn to be holding.

Also think logically, normies use coinbase. Coinbase has btc, eth, and ltc. THey know about eth. THey wont give their IDS to chink exchanges. NExt step in their eyes is LTC because it's cheaper. They are that dumb seriously.

Far worse to be holding. I'll be buying back in aroudn 125 if it his there.

>> No.4908966

Bought at 97 sold at 100, bought at 125 sold at 128, bought again at 127 and sold at 133
Now I just bought at 157

I feel like a king

>> No.4908988

>I fucked up and bought at $180
That sort of mentality fundamental goes against "HODL". Just forget about it for a few years.

>> No.4909024

its only just beginning

>> No.4909043
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The party is just getting started buys.

Soon people will regret not getting in under $200.

>> No.4909046

You sound autistic.

>> No.4909058

>litecoin is the smart and cute little brother who does well at school but will always stay behind his alpha big brother getting all the girls and social success despite being drunk and useless
It's not his fault bro, forget the past and help yourself by helping him.

>> No.4909078

So you underperformed extremely the market and spent time and fees just to get a few percents when a holder got 50% in the same time ?

And you're actually proud of it ?
You know 1 big profit is better than 3 tiny ones right ?

>the state of /biz/

>> No.4909255

>Mined a few LTC back in the day
>Lost my wallet
Any way to recover it? I assume not, but may as well try.

>> No.4909263

Not unless you have it on an old hard disk or the mnemonic.

>> No.4909305

That was attempted sarcasm
Of course I feel like shit

>> No.4909331

I do have an old HDD that might have something. I'll report back later.

>> No.4909361

Oh sorry then.
That's actually a good profit for a few quick trades, of course could have been better but that's near 10%.

>> No.4909542

>tfw 42 bitcoins on old hard drive but have 40 key encryption key that I wrote back in 2010 and have no idea wtf it is

>> No.4909888

I sold all my BTC for a loss just to buy this at 160, went all in and now it's down

a-anons are we getting to 200 soon?

>> No.4910029


>> No.4910173

>sold at 130
>felt like a genius
>second moon mission commences
>kill me now

>> No.4910251

>had 5 LTC back in 2014
>sold them for shitcoins on cryptsy
>some fucker siphoned those shitcoins from me, probably using the api
>cryptsy does a gox anyways
At least i bought those 5 LTC back at 80

>> No.4910261

Are you serious?You better stop playing and get that shit out

>> No.4910368


Will LTC correct at all when BTC pumps? LTC swings so hard sometimes, it's hard to know what it's gonna do.

>> No.4910385

ive got a feeling it'll pump to 200-350 then go down to 180ish again.

buy now ez profits.

screencap this.

>> No.4910414
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>it's hard to know what it's gonna do.
It's going up kid

>> No.4910422
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>chasing pumps
it'll be over $200 by EOY, no worries my guy

>> No.4910447

It's true. I bought in September at 48 bucks for that very reason. Woe is me :^)

>> No.4910478

People are flooding into it because of unconfirmed transactions on Bitcoin


>> No.4910497

Y'all niggers need to stop being so antsy and learn to hodl.

>> No.4910511

this shit is going to. 700 end of the month.

Where do you think the money is coming from? Whales??
Whales only manipulate the market to make us poorer, the real money comes from normies and zho s gonna buy litecoins? Normies

>> No.4910586

I had a hard drive with like 50 bitcoins, I don't remember exactly how many, mined when it was under 1$. The drive got corrupted long time ago and I can't recover it.

>tfw I learned to live with that loss

Always backup your data anons.

>> No.4910619

It had practically the same amount a month ago.

>> No.4910694
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already back up at 180$ and about to cross 200$

>> No.4910716

Why do feel the need to lie?

>> No.4910817

I sold at 144 and forced myself to buy back at 160. I should've fucking sold before bed but I was expecting to wake up to $200-300 and then I would've been pissed. Glad I bought in again but I lost 5 fucking coins.

>> No.4910844

It's going to go back up.

>> No.4910937
File: 1.04 MB, 640x1136, IMG_1854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for your loss anon
>mfw bought in at 168
>mfw I thought LTC was a shitcoin when it was $50 and never bought in

>> No.4911112

I mean it's okay because I'm above where I was when I sold anyway so who cares. I'll try to catch a peak and buy back the dip at a later date and make those coins back.

I'm determined.

>> No.4911178

I sold one of my 4 litecoin yesterday when it was 110 and turned it into btc, I fucked up didn't I

>> No.4911223

im seeing a return to .02 ratio on the horizon. which means 300 dollars per litecoin

>> No.4911229

ATH imminent

>> No.4911269

.05 and ATH

>> No.4911281

I'm at loss here, is there a problem if I hold on litecoins until it goes back up or do I have to sell sooner or later?

I'm just starting into crypto investing and I don't know when it's going to drop back so I can sell.

>> No.4911310

Capped. That's the most retarded thing I've ever read

>> No.4911329
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>> No.4911351

No just find the support floor and make easy-free money

>> No.4911362

why is binance priced $20 cheaper?

>> No.4911393

Guy from yesterday who made 100k. Cashing out to buy a house. It's been really fun guys but I'm not destined to be a millionaire. I couldn't take losing all the funds. I'll still visit though. I have one bitcoin

>> No.4911396

people dumping btc adn moving to ltc until this wall street business is settled. It's a big uncertainty.

>> No.4911420

Answer the question asshole

>> No.4911431


I bought 5 when it was $25. Sold them this week to buy btc during its moon mission. Btc now back where I bought it and ltc on the climb. Why didn't I hodl...

>> No.4911444

Sell immediately and go all in MUS

>> No.4911481

Ahhhh I can't tell what this coin is trying to do right now. Fuck this graph.

>> No.4911520

If you're serious, which I hope you're not, then you want to sell them at a higher price than you bought for a profit. You can hold coins as long as you want/long as they're around.

>> No.4911527

People are playing it way too safe and selling as soon as it goes up a few bucks and then even more are panic selling as soon as it starts to dip. Faggots need to learn to HODL.

>> No.4911707

LTC will moon
I already know of websites that accept only LTC and reject BTC

>> No.4911807

$1200 in December

>> No.4911857
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>I feel like a king

>> No.4911907

Kek, all you need is some patience and you'll practically automatically make it unless you buy the highest of highs or invest in the Pajeetest of coins.

>> No.4911918

I've been doing silly things like that too. If I just HODLd I would have made much more.

>> No.4911950


>> No.4911964

at least you didn't sell at 100 RIGHT before it started pumping to ATH.

>> No.4911983


>> No.4912472

Thank you for donating to the coinbase jew bank

>> No.4913009

I actually made a profit from buying at around 100, then selling at around 180, then again bought because I thought we were still heading to the moon

>> No.4913042

this is how you lose all your money
don't lose all your money anon

>> No.4913054

Anything other than ETH and LTC is a mistake. Buy now.

>> No.4913102

So should I buy it now? It genuinely feels like it will pop soon.

>> No.4913106


>> No.4913150

Your good bro

>> No.4913305

Low ballin it imo. This is a legit contender to bitcoin cash as the bitcoin alternative.
Ether, Ripple and IOTA are quite different, dash is a bit offsetting due to the premine.
But IMO it should get close to the Bitcoin Cash Mcap, which would take Litecoin to 450. Giving Bitcoin Cash a bit of growth as well we could see up to 1k for LTC.

>> No.4913745


I bought at 100, feels alright. The people who bought over a month ago must feel really good.

>> No.4913811

I think you didn't understand my question.

>> No.4914049

This is what the normie influx does.

They put in 50 dollars and cash out a 5 dollar gain

>> No.4914315

But this is what half of /biz/ has always done, which is why the catalogue is plastered with pink wojaks after as soon as there's a >3% dip on any particular coin.

>> No.4914590

gonna be 350 by christmas when bitcoins blows past 38k.

Merry Christmas.

>> No.4915224

>past 38k
Lmao just stop. Bitcoin bubble has popped. It's going down very slowly.

>> No.4915299

Like from a strategic standpoint? Or literally just if it's possible...?

>> No.4915377

>used to mine in 2012
>had 100's of litecoins just from a 7970
>spent it on steam games
kill me

>> No.4915442


>> No.4915504

I just sent my LTC from Coinbase to Quadriga and it hasn't shown up in the pending transactions even though I checked my wallet address and it showed the balance correctly. However, now my wallet has another transaction listed where all the contents were moved to some wallet I've never seen.

Has Coinbase stolen my LTC, or was my wallet compromised? Clarification, I'm sending from exchange to exchange, not an offline wallet.

>> No.4915527

>expecting jewbase to let you cash anything out during a crash

>> No.4915545
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> mfw bought at 60$

Im a normie mutt just getting used to cryptokiking!

>> No.4915559

Coinbase is more like a bank than a wallet. Just because you buy some coins from them doesn't mean you can use them right away. Give it some time.

>> No.4915594


>tfw didn't surf /biz/ for months
>last I saw LTC was still $30

What the fucking fuck is going on, and BTC is 14k now??? WHAT THE FUCK ARE THE NORMALS FINALLY HERE?

>> No.4915618

>buy more at 154
>posted 6 hours
>checks now

>> No.4915646

Yep. Now they're correcting sharply because normies bought at ATH and are now panic selling.

>> No.4915648

BTC almost reached 20k.

>> No.4915658

It's just the gooks selling before bed

>> No.4915800

This is exactly why I wanted to move away from jewbase, thanks lads.