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4909400 No.4909400 [Reply] [Original]

Memes and jokes aside, I just put $36k (AUD) into this. Will I regret it?

>> No.4909420
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Dubs confirms you’ll make it. Iron hands through Q2 of 2018.

>> No.4909422

You'll be a part of history

>> No.4909427

highly likely no.. u did good u managed to pick one of the only few promising projects out of all the shit other ppl buy into

>> No.4909428

So how much linkies did you buy?

Even 10k will already turn poorfags wealthy but they will need to wait 3-4 years

>> No.4909448

Congrats anon, you made it. I only have $21k in this shitcoin. Now we just have to wait. I'm not selling until $20+.

>> No.4909452

Yes, often.
But ultimately you won't

>> No.4909476

Give it a week

>> No.4909498

You'll know for sure eoy 2018. You have enough LINK to make it.

>> No.4909499

Buying Russian bride in 2019? Asian?

>> No.4909508

Anyone got a realistic prediction for it?

>> No.4909517

Yes you should sell while you're even.
Buy xmr and iota with that and you'll be set for life in a year or two.
Link is mainly in the hands of whales and they can manipulate the price to death.
Link will never go anywhere.
Partnerships will fall through.
Sergey will continue to be silent.
Updates will be a let down.
And then suddenly, something will go wrong. Swift will reveal another partner.
Why do you rhink Serg got so fat? Because of the stress of all his work going to shit and investors breathing down his neck

>> No.4909526

You will regret it for a whole year and probably sell just before it exploded welcome to crypto

>> No.4909738

This actually happened to me with OMG. This time I'm holding LINK until 2019 no matter what happens. It's not a bad idea to diversify into xmr and maybe iota. 50k link is all you need to be a whale

>> No.4909864

I had no idea I was a whale. I don't feel like one.

>> No.4909886

rest in peace to your money

>> No.4909902

literally me with xmr

>> No.4909927

That's how eth whales felt too. "I only have 5000-10000 ETH" they said. Today I think 1000 eth makes you a whale.

50k at $20-90 is a lot of money anon

>> No.4909985

how do I even get into this shit? Who trades those?

>> No.4910000

ChainLink 2017
> $87 million marketcap
Ripple 2017
> $10 billion marketcap

2018, everything goes up exponentially. Let's pretend Ripple now has a marketcap of $20 billion. Sergey and Swift has confirmed their partnerships and Bittrex has started trading LINK as well. Let's pretend this happens in Q4 2018. LINK shoots up to a top 5 position. I'll add another hypothetical: 400 million LINKs are diluted into the total circulating supply for node operators. They are "never" actually in circulation, because the node operators are getting paid to "keep" their LINKs, so we technically have a smaller circulating supply than it seems. I will use conservative numbers, but it'll make sense.

ChainLink Q4 2018
> $15 billion marketcap
> "750m/1b" circulating supply, (again-- with node operators the circulating supply is actually lower if that makes sense)
> $15 billion marketcap / 750m tokens in circulation = $20 (conservative number, since it's hard to account for the LINKs being used by node operators which are not in circulation)

Now this is just a hypothetical with random dates and years, but you get the gist of it if everything ever materializes (it will).

> check my digits

>> No.4910008

Since I'm in for the long haul, I never actually think about price predictions. I know the price is in the low cents and imagining it going to 10$ or more...does not compute.

If it ever happens, I won't know what to do with my life and that much money.

>> No.4910014

You won't regret it.

>> No.4910044


But yeah $20 is way to conservative.

>> No.4910076
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quads of TRUTH

>> No.4910149

fugggg praise kek

>> No.4910156

Praise the newborn King

Dubs will confirm

>> No.4910157
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Dubba dubb dub

>> No.4910177

Wonder what 2020 will look like.
I'm contemplating somehow restricting my access to my link stack until my birthday 2019

>> No.4910373

The future is too bright anon, we already made it.

>> No.4910476

well most important thing: DON'T FUCKING SELL EVERYTHING
2nd: either look up link stacking and how much you could earn on it, or cash out a good portion to reinvest into something else that will surely give you returns after a good time
OR if link seems to be still growing just keep it in link longer. the ultimate goal is to live for the rest of your life on that capital you gain from holding link from now till then. making money's easy when you have money anon

>> No.4910563

Solid advice Anon. First, I'll still accumulate some more.

If/when that day comes though, I'll try do do as you said. It's a lot of money but as a lump sum, not enough until I die. I'll have to reinvest to keep it growing and then, I can say I made it.

Hope the future is bright for us.

>> No.4910567


>> No.4910608

yeah but let's be honest if LINK is actually a giant success and link pooling is a thing you'll be able to live just off the dividens you're gonna get so no need to trouble yourself with anything else

>> No.4910623

I don't know about link pooling. What's that?

>> No.4910674
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As you know nodes need as much link as possible to appear trustworthy to clients, so what you do is "lend" your link to a node pool and get a cut of the link they earn based on how much link you're contributing.

>> No.4910778


Thanks for the reply anon.

Nice but how would we "lend" our LINK to those pools? Will it be like ARK where you vote for them or do we need to actually send our LINK to the pool? Isn't that a risk to never get them back?

>> No.4910814

you send it through an audited smart contract so there's no risk of losing your shit

>> No.4910824
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It's gonna go up, I swear

>> No.4910862

What should i change for link? Have 50% eth 20% xmr 10% edg 10% ark 5% ioc 5% bat

>> No.4910884

Good stuff.

When is this pooling supposed to start?

>> No.4910904

Fuck off, we're full

>> No.4910964
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>> No.4910999
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Reminder that WEF projects global blockchain GDP to be 10% of global GDP by 2027. If link can only capture a small % of that, = MOON


>> No.4911004

when the mainnet goes live my man

>> No.4911064


See you on the moon brother.

>> No.4911085

>LINK shoots up to a top 5 position
As much as I see LINK potentially worth billions by the end of 2018, top 5 is never going to happen.
Top 10 on the other hand, maybe.

>> No.4911092

Its been 3 months of shilling

I still don't know what the Oracle problem is.

>> No.4911107

Checked, praise him

>> No.4911130
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Solved, anon. It's solved.

>> No.4911131

Read the whitepaper you uneducated monkey

>> No.4911909
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>> No.4911927


Name one coin that has more technical use-cases/potential.

MC will follow adoption, Cap this.

>> No.4912092

Still using uneducated monkey as a term.
fucking learn something knew you uneducated monkey.

>> No.4912165

For anyone actually reading that shit you can absolutely lose your shit.

The way Link staking works is you stake your Link on a node and if it gives bad information penalty Link is taken and given to other nodes.

Even if you stake through a smart contract you can still lose your Link because it's part of how the node functions. You can be exit scammed very easily.

>Anon sets up Linkpool node
>Hey guys stake your shit here and get a percentage
>He then sets up several 0 Link nodes and has them serve up the same information as the Linkstaked node
>He creates a smart contract which executes using all of the nodes he owns but feeds incorrect information to the Linkstaked nodes
>The Linkstake node is penalized and Link is sent to the other nodes
>Wojacks abound

>> No.4912276

So i went and read the whitepaper.

I see literally no place where Ethereum couldn't fit.

>Chainlink says it does the same as Ethereum
(Note: bitcoin has more than one use)

>> No.4912296

>I see literally no place where Ethereum couldn't fit.

>> No.4912395

anywhere link can go ethereum can go...
This is where i ask have you read ethereums whitepaper?

>> No.4912419

steve is playing with cryptokitties. this project is over

>> No.4912432

take 25% eth into link, keep xmr, I don't know too much about the rest of that stuff tho

>> No.4912436

Technically anyone could replicate any crypto in existence.

>> No.4912505

Sure but then what's the point of having apple and microsoft and linux. Everything does indeed work fine with just microsoft

>> No.4912512

sorry man but you're a brainlet, seriously I'm not even trying to be mean or edgy, if you read the WP then you didnt understand shit

>> No.4912574

>Pot calling kettle black.

Come on Link marine. What rank are you at and how much have you lost

>> No.4912579

I think you are either trolling or a no joke actual retard.

>> No.4912748

>Sure but then what's the point of having apple and microsoft and linux. Everything does indeed work fine with just microsoft
Those aren't networks though.

>> No.4912783


Cripple = Myspace
Link = Facebook

Link will steal Cripple's market cap, and then we're going on a mission to Jupiter

>> No.4912803
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