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4905601 No.4905601 [Reply] [Original]

Nightly reminder that even if you make billions of dollars, you can never make anime real

>> No.4905616
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>implying I won't invest my gains into VR

>> No.4905633
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I believe

>> No.4905645

There has never been a billionaire who tried to make anime real. We could see some major breakthroughs when more weebs get filthy rich

>> No.4905652

>muh VR
>muh larp
delusional fuck. It will never be like the real thing you experience in your deepest fantasies. That is the problem

>> No.4905657

with enough nuclear detonations mutating people to no end anything is possible

>> No.4906078

>implying that with enough money you can't fund a helmet that will combine VR with tapping into the neurons that control the sensation in your brain simulating the feeling of anime being while simultaneously visually experiencing it as real as welll.

>> No.4906113

NO! You're WRONG!

>> No.4906158

kek. I think the closest we could get is some sort of dream control device/lucid dream device.I mean think about it you don't ""really"" know you're dreaming when you are. You can tell the difference when you're awake but not when dreaming. I think that's our best bet.

>> No.4906171
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you cant just create things that arent possible just because you have more money

>> No.4906206

Yes you can

>> No.4906244

no, you cant

>> No.4906290

Anime is going to be real. I'm crying right now. You can't just say things like this. Anime is GOING to be real.

>> No.4906323
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its just simply nopt possible. First of all, even if it was real, the characters in the shows are just actors so they wouldnt even have good personalities in real life

>> No.4906471

You're saying these things to hurt me. I know you're lying just to make me cry. You're trying to push me away. You're trying to make me hate anime. But anime will be real. Anime WILL be real. I can't stop crying.

>> No.4906516


Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

t. Arthur C. Clarke

>> No.4906569
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If it is possible, it would be here already

>> No.4906588


This is a lot less cool once you realize this is two dudes

>> No.4906622
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it wouldn't be the same if it was real anyway.

>> No.4906627

Just leave me alone right now.

>> No.4906632

i'm not an anime fan, but i'm pretty sure that shit will be more real than reality in ~20 years, that's just economics.

>> No.4906699
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it wouldn't be the same if it was real anyway.

>> No.4906703

Ok but Im just saying its mathematically impossible even at the quantum level for anime to be real

>> No.4906728
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you can say that again

>> No.4906762

why? explain it to me, in math.

>> No.4906777
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it wouldn't be the same if it was real anyway.

>> No.4906797
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Oh, you wouldnt understand, its complicated stuff. involves linear topology and whatnot

>> No.4906916
File: 80 KB, 700x701, 1dfe064164081818d73cdf98987e2fcb--why-bother-cartoon-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy MANA. I already have some staked for the Red Light District. VR waifu's soon fren

>> No.4907004
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Nice digits.

>> No.4907168
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You'll only get one thing thats for sure

>> No.4907240
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>> No.4907340

fucking lmao

>> No.4907366
File: 114 KB, 500x640, teal'c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasnt even learned how to lucid dream
>he hasnt even realized that he can fuck anime girls to his desire in said lucid dreaming
>he doesnt realize this is free

>> No.4907429
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I'll invest 100% of my earnings into blockchain fueled algorythmic genotyping to produce a 1 to 1 3D repleca of my waifu.
Hundreds, nay millions, nay BILLIONS of 3DPD genetic freaks will have to be exterminated in my experiments, but that's not really my problem.

>> No.4907433
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win win in my books

>> No.4907447



>> No.4907477

MY waifu, not yours.
I'd crush your skull to lubricate my baby grinding machines with your 1x1 brain in an instant, peasant.

>> No.4907481
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>virtual anime gf
>has butter face, lopsided tits and muffin top

>> No.4907486
File: 41 KB, 725x483, 725_Ly9jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy85NDQ=.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satoshi is a billionaire nip, he will make anime real

>> No.4907826
File: 153 KB, 1116x1250, 171D6B2F-225C-4196-AEC5-80394FBDD898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monacoin will

>> No.4907855

just like teleportation

20 years max, cuz economics

>> No.4908857
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Devil may cry

>> No.4908884

No that's even cooler

>> No.4908964
File: 704 KB, 790x1472, 1511632204527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now thats a feel i didn't want to be reminded off

tbqh i'd trade all my gains for a qt gf anyday

at this point, i just use crypto trading as an outlet, video games and anime doesn't do it for me anymore

>> No.4909083

Who is your waifu? Maybe your waifu is my waifu.

>> No.4909099

liking this googly eyed same faced shit is truly a terrible mental illness

>> No.4909118

Now thats what I call a win/win situation.

>> No.4909123
File: 432 KB, 1600x1200, 1030449-nitori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

liking third dimensional meatbags filled with feces and diseases, that smells like shit and ages like milk

wew lad

>> No.4909485
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>> No.4909522

>have a billion dollars
>fund dozens of moe-shit loli shows
fuck you, that's real to me

>> No.4909563


>implying I won't be able to hire an expensive hooker and fuck her while I'm watching my waifu in VR.

>> No.4909567

No matter what they think, most anime-loving autists don't want a real woman. They want something that looks female, but their opinion of how it should act is a distinctively masculine perspective. Honestly, men with girl's bodies is the best outcome for betas.

>> No.4909588

why do people even browse boards that are not /biz/

>> No.4909637


because they are subhuman retards.
heres looking at you /pol/ you nazi faggots